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Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 9.26.18

September 26, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Lio Rush WWE 205 Live Image Credit: WWE
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Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 9.26.18  

Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 9.26.18

– Lio Rush defeated Noam Dar @ 8:05 via pin [***]
– Brian Kendrick defeated Hammond Edgar @ 0:11 via submission [NR]
– Hideo Itami vs. Mustafa Ali went to a double count out @ 16:24 [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– I did a column, “Where Are They Now, The Cruiserweight Classic Finals Performers” which you can check out at this link.

– You can check out my top 51 matches of AUGUST list at this link.

Lio Rush vs. Noam Dar: Rush cheap shots Dar and then picks up the pace until Dar cuts him off. Dar then slams Rush to the buckles, and then tosses Rush around enjoying a rare size advantage. Dar then cradles Rush for 2. Rush then kicks Dar to the floor and follows with a springboard moonsault. Back in and Rush covers for 2. Rush follows with chops, and hits a slam for 2. Rush now grounds the action, but Dar fires back and Rush attacks the previously injured knee of Dar. Dar cuts off the kick, they trade strikes and Rush misses a cross body and crashes into the ropes. Dar fires up with a flurry of strikes, hits an overhead toss and covers for 2. Dar looks for the running kick, countered, but gets the ankle lock. Rush rolls out but gets suplexed to the buckles and Dar covers for 2. Dar now sets for the super nova kick, but Rush rolls away but Dar lays in strikes and beats him down. Rush superkicks the knee, hits a spin kick, and finishes it with the frog splash. Lio Rush defeated Noam Dar @ 8:05 via pin [***] This was a good back and forth opener, with Rush being taken to the limit before overcoming to stay undefeated.

– Drake Maverick is with Champion Cedric Alexander & Buddy Murphy, hyping their upcoming title match at Super Show-Down. Alexander discusses the pride he has in being champion and carrying the brand. Murphy says Alexander has had everything given to him, and that he will beat the hell out of him and take the championship.

Brian Kendrick vs. Hammond Edgar: Gulak & Gallagher are at ringside. Kendrick attacks, Captain’s hook, and tap. Brian Kendrick defeated Hammond Edgar @ 0:11 via submission [NR] No fucking around for Kendrick tonight.

– Gulak kicks the shit out of Hammond Edgar post match.

– TJP cuts a promo, discussing taking off Dorado’s mask last week. He used to wear a mask and work in Mexico. He knows about the tradition behind the mask and didn’t care then and doesn’t care now.

Hideo Itami vs. Mustafa Ali: This is a rematch from over a month ago, when Itami took Ali out of action. Itami backs off and stalls to begin, rolling to the floor. Ali chases, and lays in chops on Itami. Back in and Ali picks up the pace and hits the dropkick. He follows with rights, and hits a RANA. The spin kick connects for 1. Itami to the floor, trips up Ali and slams Ali’s head to the post. Itami then slams him to the floor. Back in and Itami covers for 2. Itami now grounds the action, but Ali cradles him for 2. Itami cuts him off and follows with knee drops and kicks. Ali fires up with strikes, but Itami plants him with a DDT for 2. Itami grounds things, slamming Ali to the mat, and locks on a crab. Itami then stomps on Ali’s head, maintaining the half crab but Ali finally makes the ropes. Itami then kicks him to the floor. He follows and tosses Ali to the barricade. Itami follows with more kicks and a snap suplex on the floor. Itami back in and looks for a countout, but Ali makes it back in. Ali hits the enziguri and rolling x-factor. The sitout powerbomb connects for 2. Ali dumps Itami to the floor and follows with a tope. Back in and Ali heads up top but Itami rolls away and back to the floor. Ali follows and they brawl at ringside. Itami cuts him off, rolls him back in and covers for 2. Itami misses the corner dropkick and Ali hits the tornado DDT for 2. Ali heads up top and Itami pops up and crotches him. Itami follows him up and does the super deal with the falcon arrow for 2. Itami is pissed and lays in kicks. They work back up top and Ali shoves him off and follows with a splash for 2. Ali heads up top and Itami to the apron and Ali follows with vicious strikes. Ali up top and HITS AN APRON 450 on Itami! They spill to the floor and we end in a double countout. Hideo Itami vs. Mustafa Ali went to a double count out @ 16:24 [***½] This was very good stuff, with Itami looking to beat respect into Ali again, while Ali was willing to do anything to prove himself and get revenge. This feud will continue, likely in some sort of stipulation match, which I am completely ok with.

NEXT WEEK: TJP vs. Kalisto & Akira Tozawa vs. Jack Gallagher.

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Good
The 411
This week’s episode of WWE 205 Live was another good show, with good wrestling, matches set for next week, and some hype for Alexander vs. Murphy at Super Show-Down.