wrestling / TV Reports
Hall’s AEW Rampage Review 8.11.23

Date: August 11, 2023
Location: Nationwide Arena, Columbus, Ohio
Commentators: Excalibur, Chris Jericho, Tony Schiavone
All In is almost just around the corner and thankfully things have started to come together. With so much left to be set up, there are still a few things that need to be done. That isn’t likely going to be the case here but at least we should be in for a bit of push towards some announced matches. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Brian Cage vs. Darby Allin
Prince Nana is here with Cage. Allin dropkicks him into the corner to start and hits the suicide dive on the floor. Cage is right back with a hard toss into the barricade and lifts him up in a suplex….while walking up the steps to toss Allin inside. Allin gets sent hard into the corner and then does it again for a bonus.
They go back to the floor, where Allin misses a charge into the steps. Allin grabs a choke but gets sent crashing through the ringside table for a nasty landing. Back in and Allin gets sent into the corner again as we take a break. We come back with Allin hits a reverse tornado DDT for two and the flipping Stunner rocks Cage again. A powerbomb into a sitout powerbomb gives Cage two but Allin puts him down on the apron.
The Coffin Drop onto Cage on the apron leaves both of them down on the floor, followed by a Code Red for two back inside. Cage knocks him off the top though and the F10 gives us an insane spinning crash from Allin. They go up top where Allin turns a super Samoan drop into a super crucifix bomb for two. Cage tries another F10 but Allin reverses into a small package for the pin at 10:46.
Rating: B. I was getting into this one at the end, with the best thing here being that Cage didn’t do a bunch of flying stuff. Instead Cage stuck with his power game, which worked well against an opponent like Allin. Rather good opener here, as Allin’s battle against the Mogul Embassy continues.
Post match Luchasaurus comes in to go after Allin with a reverse chokeslam (I miss Eli Cottonwood).
Britt Baker is ready to face Bunny next week, even though they’re friends. She wants the title back more though and it’s time to be a bully next week.
Eddie Kingston is still in the G1 Climax Tournament and the wrestlers involved are on a different level. He wants to defend his NJPW Strong Openweight Title in AEW. Why he would be allowed back after saying “yeah New Japan is better than AEW” isn’t clear.
International Title: Johnny TV vs. Orange Cassidy
TV is challenging and Harley Cameron sings him to the ring, along with the rest of QTV. Cassidy starts with an armdrag (with hands in pockets) and a dropkick out to the floor, leaving TV rather annoyed. Cameron offers a distraction but the referee catches the rest of QTV trying to interfere. That means they’re all gone (even Cassidy approves) but here is Wheeler Yuta for a distraction. TV scores with the Flying Chuck for two and we take a break.
Back with Yuta on commentary (who thankfully points out that Cassidy mentored Yuta) as TV hits a knee to tie Cassidy up in the ropes. A neckbreaker takes Cassidy down but TV misses the Superstation (Starship Pain) so they go up top, with a super Spanish Fly broken up. Cassidy hits the tornado DDT into the Orange Punch. The Beach Break retains the title at 9:34.
Rating: C+. This was a better title win for Cassidy, as he felt like he beat someone with more value. Beating a bunch of challengers is fine, but at some point you need to beat a more established name. TV might not be what he was before, but he’s a bigger star than some (not all) of the people Cassidy has retained against. Good match too and I liked it more than I was expecting.
Post match Yuta teases coming to the ring and Cassidy tells him to do it faster. Cue the Blackpool Combat Club to surround the ring, but Yuta says hold on. Yuta wants the International Title next week instead.
Video no the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles.
Aussie Open vs. Outrunners
The Aussies’ Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles aren’t on the line. House is cleaned before the bell and the Aussies ram them together on the floor. Back in and the double standing clothesline sets up Coriolis to finish Floyd at 2:11. Well that worked.
Post match the Aussies say they don’t like England but they’re in for the Zero Hour title defense against MJF/Adam Cole at All In.
Jeff Jarrett announces a cross promotional match on Dynamite between Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy….in a Texas Chainsaw Massacre deathmatch? I get that it’s a video game tie in, but that’s a weird pairing to choose.
Video on the Women’s Title four way at All In which is being set up with this rather unnecessary tournament.
Here’s what’s coming on various shows.
Women’s Title #1 Tournament First Round: Saraya vs. Skye Blue
The Outcasts are here with Saraya. They trade rollups to start until Blue hits a crossbody for two. Blue sends her outside and kicks Toni Storm in the chest but gets pulled down by Saraya. We take a break and come back with Blue trying to fight out of a chinlock and getting pulled back down by the hair.
Skyfall is broken up so Blue settles for a rollup for two. A superkick gives Saraya two and then ties up the legs. Blue finally makes the rope and grabs Code Blue but Storm has the referee. Ruby Soho gets in the spray paint and Saraya hits whatever she used to call the Rampaige (sounded like Excalibur called it Goodnight) for the pin at 9:22.
Rating: C. Not too bad here but the spray paint finish is getting old fast. Saraya going on to All In in England makes perfect sense but it was nice to have her facing Blue, who is someone you could see moving on as well. That’s a smart bonus to have and it worked well enough here. Just find a different way for Saraya, or any of the Outcasts, to win.
The beatdown on Blue ends the show.
Darby Allin b. Brain Cage – Small package
Orange Cassidy b. Johnny TV – Beach Break
Aussie Open b. Outrunners – Coriolis to Floyd
Saraya b. Skye Blue – Goodnight
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