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Hall’s TNA Impact Review 9.5.24

September 6, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
JDC Moose TNA Impact 9-5-24 Image Credit: TNA
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Hall’s TNA Impact Review 9.5.24  

Impact Wrestling
Date: September 5, 2024
Location: Old Forester’s Paristown Hall, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re done with Emergence and on the way to Victory Road, which is less than two weeks away. Emergence saw Nic Nemeth retain the TNA World Title over Josh Alexander before being approached by JBL of all people. That could open up a variety of doors and we might get to find out where some of those doors lead this week. Let’s get to it.

Emergence recap, including a post show challenge from Nic Nemeth to Moose for a World Title match at Victory Road.

Here is the System, with JDC and Masha Slamovich, to get things going. Alisha Edwards (who was injured at Emergence and is sporting a neck brace) says the team has something to say, with the rest of the team saying they want their gold back. This includes a Tag Team Title match at Victory Road, and Moose accepting the World Title shot against Nic Nemeth.

As for tonight, it’s JDC’s night, as he’s in a tag match. If the team wins, JDC is officially in the System, but if they lose, he’s out. Alisha says she’s in concussion protocol and doesn’t have to defend the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Cue Spitfire to say they have a rematch at Victory Road, but if they don’t win the Knockouts Tag Team Titles, they are splitting up. That’s a lot of the Victory Road card set up in about ten minutes.

Eric Young is ready for Jake Something tonight.

We look at JBL showing up at Emergence and whispering something to Nic Nemeth.

Kushida vs. Laredo Kid

Kid flips out of a wristlock to start and it’s an early standoff. Kushida takes him down by the arm but gets sent outside….and here is Josh Alexander to jump Kid for the DQ at 2:18.

Post match Alexander wrecks both of them but Kushida wants to fight him right now.

Kushida vs. Josh Alexander

Kushida hammers away in the corner and we take a break fifteen seconds in. Back with Kushida suplexing him into a cross armbreaker, with Alexander bailing out to the floor to escape. Alexander takes over on the floor and hits a backbreaker back inside, setting up the chinlock. Kushida fights up and gets the Hoverboard Lock, only to be reversed into a brainbuster. A nasty German suplex drops Kushida on his head and Alexander gets the ankle lock. With that broken up, the C4 Spike finishes Kushida at 9:24.

Rating: C+. They didn’t have much time here with the break but Kushida is protected well enough by having Alexander jump him before the match. It’s still a nice enough win to give Alexander a boost back after the loss at Emergence and that’s what needed to happen. Alexander did not look great in that match and needs a nice rebuilding as a result.

Kushida is helped to the back and Joe Hendry comes in to ask Alexander if this is what we’re doing now. Sounds Victory Road matchish.

Here is Jordynne Grace for an open challenge and….NXT’s Arianna Grace (Santino Marella’s daughter, though that has never been acknowledged on either show) interrupts. She’s not wrestling, but rather to announce that she is the new liaison between NXT and TNA. In addition, she’s introducing the challenger.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Karmen Petrovic

Petrovic is a martial artist from NXT and is challenging. We get a handshake to start and Grace snaps off an early spinebuster as we take an early break. Back with Petrovic kicking away as Rosemary is watching from the balcony. Petrovic fires off kicks in the corner and hits a rolling kick to the face for two. A Juggernaut Driver attempt is blocked and Petrovic keeps on kicking, setting up a middle rope crossbody for two more. Grace shrugs it off and grabs the Juggernaut Driver for the fast pin at 7:35.

Rating: C+. Petrovic has come a long way in a short amount of time and feels like she could be a star in the near future. On the other hand you have Grace, who already is a star and is running over everyone in front of her. That is likely going to be the case for a good while to come and hopefully she gets a top level challenger in the near future.

Post match the lights go out and come back up to reveal Grace out cold and a pillow next to her, with Rosemary approving. That would likely be Wendy Choo, who is obsessed with sleep (no it doesn’t work in NXT either).

First Class interrupts ABC and gets another Tag Team Title shot next week.

A new woman, who carries a fan, is coming.

Here is new X-Division Champion Zachary Wentz for a chat. Before he can say much though, Mike Bailey interrupts to say he’ll be using his rematch at Victory Road. Cue the Good Hands to jump Bailey and Wentz so let’s do that tag thing.

Good Hands vs. Mike Bailey/Zachary Wentz

Bailey kicks Hotch into the corner to start but Skyler comes in off a blind tag for a cheap shot. That doesn’t bother Bailey, who hits a middle rope missile dropkick, allowing Wentz to come in and pick up the pace. Bailey dives onto Hotch on the floor and a quick UFO gives Wentz the pin on Skyler at 3:59.

Rating: B-. It was fun while it lasted but they barely had enough time to do anything. That makes it better when they started flying around at the beginning and never really stopped until the finish. Wentz beating Bailey could be a good way to make him feel like a bigger star, but there is every chance that Bailey gets the title back.

Steph de Lander has to calm PCO own.

We look at Rosemary and Wendy Choo attacking Tatum Paxley on NXT until Lyra Valkyria made the save.

Rosemary is hearing them speak to her again and is rather pleased.

Here is Steph de Lander, who wants to talk to Matt Cardona. She wants to know why he has been screwing all these things up, with Cardona apologizing for not doing it earlier. Cardona whips out the contract they both signed which more or less says he owns her. Cardona yells a lot until PCO comes out to chase him off.

The Hardys are going to take out the System next week.

Eric Young vs. Jake Something

Something starts fast and powers him into the corner before running Young over for two. A sitout powerbomb gives Something two and he elbows his way out of a Death Valley Driver attempt. Young is right back with the Death Valley Driver though, followed by a piledriver for the pin at 3:49.

Rating: C. Well that was quick, as Young gets to pin someone else who feels like they could become a star if given the chance. I’m not sure why Young keeps getting wins like this, but it’s something you just kind of get used with him. They didn’t have time to do much here, but at least the piledriver looked good.

Post match respect is shown but then Something lays him out. Steve Maclin runs in for the save.

We look at Joe Hendry losing in the main event of NXT No Mercy, albeit thanks to a low blow.

Hendry is ready to keep going.

Heather Reckless has signed with the Knockouts division but Ash By Elegance interrupts. Ranting ensues but Gisele Shaw, facing Reckless next week, comes in and slaps Ash.

Joe Hendry/Mike Santana vs. Moose/JDC

Santana comes in from behind to clear the ring to start and Josh Alexander joins commentary. We take a break and come back with the match joined in progress Henry avoiding a charging Moose and fall away slamming JDC. A rather delayed suplex puts Moose down but Alisha Edwards comes down for a distraction, allowing Moose to send Hendry into the apron. Alexander: “Come on Joe! Believe in yourself!”

Hendry suplexes his way out of JDC’s front facelock and it’s Santana coming in to clean house. Everything breaks down and a rolling cutter plants Moose. Alexander hits Moose low but gets taken down by a dive from Santana. The distraction lets Moose hit a spear for the pin on Santana at 7:49.

Rating: C+. The System needed a nice win and thankfully it wasn’t Hendry taking another fall. At the same time, they didn’t make much out of this being JDC’s way to officially make it onto the team but I’ll take it over stretching things out for something that only changes so much. Other than that, Santana vs. Moose continues to feel likely for Bound For Glory, though I’m not sure what that leaves Hendry to do.

Nic Nemeth says Moose only had to say he wanted a shot but he’s going to win at Victory Road because it kills him that he hasn’t beaten Moose.


Laredo Kid b. Kushida via DQ when Josh Alexander interfered
Josh Alexander b. Kushida – C4 Spike
Jordynne Grace b. Karmen Petrovic – Juggernaut Driver
Mike Bailey/Zachary Wentz b. Good Hands – UFO to Skyler
Eric Young b. Jake Something – Piledriver
Moose/JDC b. Joe Hendry/Mike Santana – Spear to Santana



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Good
The 411
This show was in a tough place as it had to get things ready for Victory Road while also dealing with the fallout from Emergence. They managed to set up four title matches, plus a likely grudge match, in the span of two hours though, making this a rather efficiently used show. It might not have been a must see show, but it covered a lot of ground in a hurry.

article topics :

TNA Impact, Thomas Hall