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Hall’s WWE Raw Review 8.14.23

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 14, 2023
Location: Canada Life Center, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett
We are starting on the road to Payback and it is probably time to start getting towards the build to the show. If nothing else, we need some actual matches for the card and it wouldn’t surprise me to see that list built up a bit tonight. Other than that, the big showdown this week is Trish Stratus vs. Becky Lynch. Let’s get to it.
Here is Judgment Day, minus Finn Balor, to get things going. They agree that communication has been an issue, but as long as Damian Priest has the briefcase, they dictate what goes on around here. Priest isn’t happy with Balor not being here, so if they’re supposed to be a team, where is he? Cue JD McDonagh to interrupt and Priest immediately tells him to be careful.
McDonagh has a message from Balor: don’t worry about McDonagh, but rather Sami Zayn and Cody Rhodes. Rhea Ripley doesn’t want to take orders from anyone and Dominik is booed out of the building, despite it being part of NORTH AMERICA, meaning he is their champion. McDonagh goes to leave, but Ripley tells him to tell Balor that they need to talk. Cue Zayn to go after McDonagh, who posts Zayn’s bad arm to stop that cold.
Sami Zayn vs. JD McDonagh
Zayn is heavily favoring his arm, with that big bump on it from last week probably not helping things. A backdrop puts McDonagh down fast and a monkey flip sends him crashing into the ropes. McDonagh gets smart by going after the arm so Zayn tries to take it outside. The bad arm is sent into the announcers’ table and we take a break.
Back with McDonagh dropkicking him out of the air. Zayn hits a one armed Michinoku Driver but McDonagh is back with a Spanish Fly. The crossface goes on the bad arm but Zayn slips out and suplexes him into the corner. Cue Finn Balor for a distraction so McDonagh can roll him up for two, followed by a headbutt to drop Zayn. The raised boots block a moonsault though and, after kicking Balor down, Zayn finishes with a Helluva Kick at 11:43.
Rating: B-. This was even more impressive when you consider Sami wrestled the match with one good arm. That is a heck of a lot more than some could do and to top it off, they didn’t go with the distraction finish. This went pretty well and I could go with seeing it again when Sami is healthy. At the same time, that is a heck of a blow to McDonagh, who still doesn’t have his footing around here in the first place.
Adam Pearce seems ready to strip Chelsea Green of the Women’s Tag Team Titles but she cuts him off and threatens to call human resources. Green wants to hold talent auditions to find her new partner but Katana Chance and Kayden Carter come in. They want the first shot at the new champs, but here is Piper Niven to drop both of them. She says she is the new partner and takes one of the titles. Green agrees, seemingly out of fear.
Video on Imperium.
Cody Rhodes is ready for Finn Balor tonight and is ready to bring it in Winnipeg, as he hasn’t been here in a long time.
Here is Imperium, with Gunther standing on the announcers’ table, for a chat. Gunther talks about how hard he has to work to build the title, and says that as a European, he is always looking forward to come to Canada. Then he walked the streets of Winnipeg this morning and gets why no one likes it here.
For now though, he wants to address Chad Gable, who impressed him last week. In general, Gable has worked hard for years and is a former Olympian. But Gunther has achieved more in a year than gable has in his entire career. Cue the Alpha Academy, with Gable talking about how Gunther put him on the clock a few weeks ago. Well now he Gunther is on the clock because he is less than a month away from the longest Intercontinental Title reign ever.
Gable is chasing him down though and he has been looking for a chance for ten years now. Tonight though it’s Gable vs. Giovanni Vinci so get that big bald head in here. Before the match, Ludwig Kaiser promises that Gable will be embarrassed and then hits on Maxxine Dupri again. He is willing to rescue her from becoming an absolute embarrassment and gets slapped in the face for his efforts.
Giovanni Vinci vs. Chad Gable
Gable goes for the arm to start but a leapfrog is countered into a powerslam for two. A belly to back suplex puts Gable down and a backbreaker gets two more. Gable loses a chop off in the corner but comes back with some strikes of his own. Gable’s moonsault misses so Vinci hits one of his own for two. Not that it matters as Gable is right back with Chaos Theory for the pin at 5:04.
Rating: C+. This is all you need to do with Gable: give him a nice win and make him look like more and more of a threat to Gunther as the title match gets closer. It’s a very simple formula and even if Gable winning the title feels like a long shot at best, they’re setting it up in the right way. Good enough here and that’s all it needed to be.
Post match Gunther says he’s not done and wants Otis right now.
Otis vs. Gunther
Non-title. Otis starts with the giggling so Gunther powers him into the corner. A headlock slows Otis down and Gunther forearms him in the back to send it to the ropes. Gunther slowly pounds him down but the chops wake Otis up a bit. They trade big clotheslines until Otis grabs a fall away slam. The Caterpillar is broken up by a no great looking basement dropkick. Instead Gunther kicks him in the head and manages a powerbomb for the pin at 5:08.
Rating: C+. That powerbomb alone was worth a look and Gunther was selling the Otis goofiness well enough. The good thing here is that there wasn’t much of it to be seen, as Otis was wrestling a pretty straight power style (jiggling aside). Nice enough match here as Gunther got to show off, which is always nice to see.
Post match Gable comes in to after the villains but Gunther gets away.
Damian Priest and Finn Balor are annoyed at each other but Rhea Ripley yells at the to get their killer instinct back. JD McDonagh tries to come up but Priest scares him off. Balor is ready to get the instinct back tonight by beating Cody Rhodes.
We look at the Bloodline drama from Smackdown, with Jey Uso standing tall and then quitting.
Earlier today, Drew McIntyre was interrupted by Matt Riddle, who thinks they can be a great team. He has already accepted a match against the Viking Raiders and asks Drew about being his partner. Drew finally cuts him off and says he’ll consider it if no one else will.
Video on Indi Hartwell.
Drew McIntyre/Matt Riddle vs. Viking Raiders
Cole thinks they should be called the High Landers. Riddle starts for the team and is quickly sent outside, where the Raiders run him over. We take a break and come back with Riddle striking away but getting beaten down again. Riddle knees his way out of trouble and brings McIntyre back in to clean house, including a suplex and neckbreaker.
A Michinoku Driver gets two on Ivar The Claymore is cut off by a distraction and Erik punches McIntyre in the face. Riddle tags himself back in and the springboard clothesline/German suplex combination gives Ivar two. A belly to back suplex is broken up and it’s back to McIntyre as everything breaks down. Riddle’s Floating Bro hits Ivar, leaving McIntyre to Claymore Erik for the pin at 9:27.
Rating: B-. Nice stuff here, and they didn’t even have McIntyre turn on RIddle. While I could see that taking place down the road, I guess we might be getting them as a regular team for the time being. McIntyre needs something to do, though I’m really not sure if that is going to be a mostly goofy tag team. For now though, nice start at least and McIntyre got the pin.
Video on Rhea Ripley attacking Raquel Rodriguez.
Rodriguez gives Indi Hartwell a pep talk.
Matt Riddle and Drew McIntyre talk about wanting the Tag Team Titles but New Day cuts them of and says that’s not how it works. Xavier Woods goes on a rant about how everything is going nuts around here so a tag match is made for next week. New Day’s dancing almost cracks Drew up. Riddle: “The Glas Bro’s accept.”
Rhea Ripley vs. Indi Hartwell
Non-title and Dominik Mysterio/Candice LeRae are the seconds. Ripley throws her around to start but misses a charge into the corner. Hartwell’s spinebuster gets two and they go outside, with Ripley posting her as well. Ripley decks Candice and finishes with Riptide at 2:57.
Here is Shinsuke Nakamura to explain his attack on Seth Rollins last week. Nakamura speaks Japanese before switching to English to say he wants the title. Cue Rollins to say he didn’t like that but if Nakamura wants a title shot, all he has to do is ask. Rollins is a fighting champion and Nakamura can have the title shot whenever, so just name the date. They shake hands and Nakamura says something we can’t hear, which has Rollins confused. Rollins turns to face him again but Nakamura his him with Kinshasa and leaves.
Miz does not approve of the idea that LA Knight showed him up last week. He asks if Byron Saxton is an LA Knight guy now. Saxton: “Yeah.” Miz: “DON’T SAY YEAH!” Miz promises to beat someone next week on Raw.
Trish Stratus vs. Becky Lynch
Zoey Stark is banned from ringside. Becky hammers away to start but Trish uses the face mask for a weapon. Some chops in the corner rock Becky but she’s back with a Bexploder. They go to the floor and Becky strikes away before knocking the mask off back inside. Trish catches her on top but can’t quite get the Stratusphere. The second attempt works a bit better and Becky gets sent into the steps.
Stratus tries to use the mask again but Becky takes it away, only to get choked on the middle rope. We take a break and come back with Becky hitting the top rope legdrop as Trish is draped in the ropes. Trish hits a spear but it’s too early or Stratusfaction. A tornado DDT is blocked as well so Becky gets two off a superplex. They fight out into the crowd and that’s a double countout at 11:30.
Rating: C. Oh boy that’s quite the ending, as this feud has more or less died in recent weeks and now it’s going to continue until Payback (more than likely). I’m not sure how WWE sees that much heat in this thing as it’s already been going on for months. The match itself was ok enough, but I really don’t get this continuing.
Post match the brawl continues into the concourse, with Becky beating hr up at the merchandise stand. The Manhandle Slam is broken up by Zoey Stark, who leaves Trish hanging on a high five. Lynch gets dropped with the Chick Kick and the villains leave.
Gunther yells at Imperium for their screwups tonight and says he’ll defend the title against Chad Gable next week.
Adam Pearce yells at Trish Stratus and Zoey Stark. We’ll get Trish vs. Becky Lynch again, this time inside of a steel cage.
Cody Rhodes vs. Finn Balor
Balor goes to the arm to start and cranks away a bit to keep Rhode sin some early trouble. Back up and Balor chops him into the corner, where he throws in some shoulders to the ribs for a bonus. The chinlock goes on to keep Cody in trouble as this is mostly one sided to start. Cody fights up so here are Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley for a distraction. Balor gets in a dropkick through the ropes and we take a break.
Back with Cody fighting back and hitting a hard shot to the face, only to have Damian Priest come out as well. Cody kicks away from 1916 but gets caught with the Sling Blade. The shotgun dropkick sends Cody into the corner but the Coup de Grace misses. The Cody Cutter connects so Priest grabs the leg for a distraction. Cody’s dive hits Balor and Priest but Balor is back with a superplex. Dominik slides in a chair, which is cut off by the referee. Priest slides in the briefcase, which Cody cuts off and uses on Balor. The Cross Rhodes finishes Balor at 13:57.
Rating: B-. Another good enough but not quite great match here, as Cody using the briefcase is a bit more acceptable when he’s already down 4-1. The Judgment Day’s issues continue and now we get to see if their next step is fixing things or falling apart. For now though, Cody gets a win as he’s waiting for his next big opponent.
Post match the beatdown is on but Sami Zayn runs in for the save. JD McDonagh runs in to break that up and Cody is taken out with South of Heaven. The big beatdown keeps going to end the show with Judgment Day posing. Again: that only works so well when Balor just got beat.
Sami Zayn b. JD McDonagh – Helluva Kick
Chad Gable b. Giovanni Vinci – Chaos Theory
Gunther b. Otis – Powerbomb
Drew McIntyre/Matt Riddle b. Viking Raiders – Claymore to Erik
Rhea Ripley b. Indi Hartwell – Riptide
Becky Lynch vs. Trish Stratus went to a double countout
Cody Rhodes b. Finn Balor – Cross Rhodes
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