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Himanshu’s TNA Impact Review 10.24.24

October 24, 2024 | Posted by Himanshu Doi
TNA Impact Nic Nemeth Joe Hendry Masha Slamovich Jordynne Grace 10-24-24 Image Credit: TNA
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Himanshu’s TNA Impact Review 10.24.24  

Hey there, TNA fans! It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another episode of TNA iMPACT! I’m Himanshu (you can follow me on Twitter @Himanshu_Doi) and you know how this works. Tonight on iMPACT, Nic Nemeth, Joe Hendry, Jordynne Grace, and Masha Slamovich sit down for a Double World Title Contract Signing ahead of Bound For Glory, Jonathan Gresham and Josh Alexander face off, Frankie Kazarian, AJ Francis (with KC Navarro), Sami Callihan, Laredo Kid, Jake Something, and Jason Hotch (with John Skyler) in a Scramble Match, ABC and The Hardys join forces to take on The System, Wendy Choo from NXT faces Jody Threat of Spitfire and more. So, let’s jump right in!

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.


Date: October 24th, 2024
Location: Skyway Studios in Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matt Rehwoldt

Match 1: Frankie Kazarian, AJ Francis (with KC Navarro), Sami Callihan, Laredo Kid, Jake Something, and Jason Hotch (with John Skyler) in a Scramble Match

Jake Something hits a Suicide Dive on the outside. Sami Callihan throws Laredo Kid onto everybody outside with a powerbomb. AJ Francis hits a big boot on Sami Callihan. Jake Something hits an assisted powerbomb on Francis. Laredo Kid hits a Missile Dropkick and a tilt-a-whirl DDT on Jake Something. Jason Hotch hits a DDT on Jake Something. Sami Callihan goes for a Cactus Driver 97 but Hotch hits and enzugiri. Kazarian hits a slingshot cutter for two. Kazarian goes for Fade To Black but Laredo Kid hits a superkick. Jake Something takes out Jason Hotch with a lariat. Sami Callihan hits a Stunner on Jake Something and goes for a Cactus Driver 97 but Kazarian goes for a chickenwing. Sami Callihan hits a Cactus Driver 97. He goes for the cover, but KC Navarro pushes him off and gets the pin on Kazarian.

Result: KC Navarro wins the Scramble match
Rating: ***½
Reaction: It seems like they’re setting up Kazarian to win after getting the #1 entry in the gauntlet. Good for KC Navarro too, as he’s done great as a part of First Class

By way of this loss, Kazarian will have to enter first in the Call Your Shot gauntlet.

Gia Miller is backstage with Jonathan Gresham and Gresham says that the last two years, the bad days have outnumbered the good days until he remembered who he is, the best professional wrestler in the world. He says all he cares about is two men stepping in the ring. He says everything starts with him and it is a comeback, and it is personal.

A vignette of Santana who says he’s going to show a different NYC. He says welcome to the lower East Side of the streets that birthed Santana. He says he learnt first-hand that the life of the streets will lead down to two paths, jail or death. He said he searched the streets for love and stability. He says there’s a lot he’s not proud of. He said you can’t take the streets out of the man and if Moose doesn’t know that, he will.

Ash by Elegance comes out with her Personal Concierge. The Personal Concierge says this is a night of transformation and they present their masterpiece. He said they have turned Heather Reckless into a sparkling diamond. He tells people people introduce beauty personified, Heather by Elegance. Heather by Elegance comes out and the fans chant “basic white girl”. The Personal Concierge shows her a mirror and Heather is surprised. They celebrate with champagne. Xia Brookside comes out and says this is a fabulous launch party. She says this is almost as fake as those two. She says they humiliated Brinley Reece last week. She says karma has a funny way of catching up to them. Brinley Reece dropkicks them from behind and Xia and Brinley throw their face into the bowl of punch. Xia and Brinley celebrate together and Ash by Elegance screams.
Reaction: I’m glad to see Brinley return here and I’d like to see more such instance with NXT talent being involved in storylines over weeks instead of one-off appearance.

Match 2: Jonathan Gresham vs. Josh Alexander

Jonathan Gresham goes for a German Suplex on Josh Alexander but Josh hangs on. Gresham hits four Suicide Dives on Josh followed by a moonsault. Gresham hits a cutter on Icarus on the outside. Back in the ring and Gresham kicks Josh’s arm and gets an Octopus Stretch. Travis Wiliams distracts the referee. Gresham hits a moonsault on Josh and takes out Travis Williams. Gresham slips from the top rope and Jonathan looks for a powerbomb but Gresham reverses into a pin for two. Gresham gets a headscissors into a pin for two. Gresham goes for a enzugiri but Josh reverses into a Ankle Lock which Gresham reverses. Josh pulls out something from his headgear which he hits on Gresham and hits the C4 Spike for the win.

Result: Josh Alexander def. Jonathan Gresham by pinfall
Rating: ***¾
Reaction: Josh was always going to get the win here before Bound For Glory. You can always count on Gresham to give you strong matches, but he is in need of some solid direction after dropping his mask.

After the match, The Northern Armory beat down on Jonathan Gresham and Maclin comes out. The numbers game gets the better of Maclin and Josh hits him across the back with a steel chair. Josh ties him against the ropes with a ziptie. Security comes out. Josh kicks Maclin and Maclin smiles. Josh gets the steel chair and Sami Callihan and Cody Deaner run out and The Northern Armory retreats.

A vignette for Santana and he talks about the Bronx. He says people here had to survive by an means. He says the abuse and the things he has been through, he shouldn’t be here. He says he decided to stay true to the people who made him who he is. He says at Bound For Glory, Moose will have no choice to go face to face with his fears. He says he will put Moose to rest.

Match 3: Wendy Choo vs. Jody Threat

Jody hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Choo. Choo sends Jody into the ring post. Back in the ring and Choo hits a headbutt followed by a kick in the corner for two. Jody goes to the top rope but Choo pulls her down for two. Choo sets up Jody in the corner and hits a dropkick for two. Wendy gets a headlock on Jody but Jody gets out of it. Jody hits her with forearms followed by a pump kick and double knees on Choo on the ropes followed by a German Suplex. Jody hits a clothesline for two. Wendy Choo gets a backslide for two. Jody hits a Swanton off the top. Rosemary throws Wendy’s pillow in the ring and Wendy gets the pin while the referee was distracted.

Result: Wendy Choo def. Jody Threat by pinfall
Rating: ***
Reaction: It’s cool to see the Wendy Choo-Rosemary partnership continue. I feel like TNA is just the place for Wendy if they’re looking to develop her as a creepy character.

Vignette with The System and Moose says there’s a difference between courage and stupidity. He says they’re from the streets, but Santana is still there while Moose made it out. He says he’s going to make Santana trust The System.

Match 4: ABC and The Hardys vs. The System

Ace Austin hits a Side Russian Leg Sweep on JDC followed by Click Click Boom. Ace takes out JDC and Eddie Edwards with a dropkick. Matt Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Moose. Jeff Hardy hits Whisper on the Wind. JDC looks for Falcon Arrow on Jeff Hardy but gets a Twist of Fate. JDC gets the Art of Finesse followed by The Fold and ABC and The Hardys win.

Result: ABC and The Hardys def. The System by pinfall
Rating: ***½

After the match, The System attack ABC and the Hardys. Mike Santana comes out from the crowd with a chain and faces Moose. Alisha hits him against the back with the kendo stick and Moose takes him down. Moose wraps Santana’s chain around his mouth. Eddie Edwards hits a Backpack Stunner on Jeff Hardy and Brian Myers drops down from the top rope with a steel chair.

Santino Marella introduces the competitors for the men’s and women’s world title matches. Santino asks if anyone has anything to say Masha Slamovich says three years ago, she signed her first contract with TNA, and today she will sign this contract for Bound For Glory where she will finally beat Jordynne. Jordynne says they both know how this plays out. She says nothing has changed and she’s sorry that she’s going to have to beat her again in order for her to have to understand that. Joe Hendry says this is a 11 year journey to get to this point. He said 2 years into his career, he saw a champion in Nic Nemeth and he played the role of a lawyer on TV. He said back then, no one knew his name, and now, they not only know his name, they believe in Joe Hendry, and what they believe is at Bound For Glory, there will be a new face of TNA and a new World Champion. Nic Nemeth says he needs Joe to focus only on Nic because he will be in the ring with the best and he doesn’t plan on losing. They all get their signatures in. Kazarian’s music hits. Kazarian tells them to shut the hell up because the real star of the show is here. He says they’re all overrated. He said he completed a full course at the Earl Hebner referee academy and obtained a certificate. He says he is a god and a king. He says the Anthem executives could not agree more that the referee should be Frankie Kazarian. He calls Santino a stooge and says at Bound For Glory, Santino is not the law, he is. He says he prides himself on being a very honest man. He says at Bound For Glory, he’s going to call it right down the middle. He says at Bound For Glory, the right man is going to walk out the TNA World Champion. Nic Nemeth takes out Kazarian. Jordynne grabs Kazarian and Santino pulls out the Cobra and hits it on Kazarian. They all pick up Kazarian and throw him through the table. The champions pose with the belts to end the show.

Reaction: That was a bit strange. I don’t get why they put so much of the focus on Kazarian here when it should have been on the competitors in the match. Even if the plan is for Kazarian to win the Call Your Shot trophy and go on to win the World Title, I still don’t think this segment should’ve been as much about him. Maybe they didn’t want to end the segment with a brawl because it has been played out so many times in segments like these, but it’s strange nonetheless.

The final score: review Good
The 411
A solid if unspectacular go-home edition of iMPACT. I'm not sure if it's because of a lack of trying, but it doesn't seem like they're building to their biggest show of the year this weekend. Not sure if that's because the hurricane spoiled their plans and they had to tape out of Skyway Studios or simply because they haven't been on top of their game creatively. But it's unfortunate that Bound For Glory once again doesn't seem like a bigger deal than it should be.

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TNA Impact, Himanshu Doi