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Jazwares’ Jeremy Padawer Addresses Lack of Female AEW Figures, Reveals Unrivaled Series 5

February 3, 2021 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
AEW Unrivaled Action Figures

Last month, Jazwares partner Jeremy Padawer announced the AEW Unrivaled Series 4 action figure lineup. However, the latest lineup received criticism for the lack of women’s wrestlers. Thus far, the only female talents who have had AEW figure releases are Brandi Rhodes and inaugural AEW women’s champion, Riho. In a series of posts on Twitter, Padawer stated that the lack of women’s wrestlers in the line so far has “been a miss,” but explained the company will do better in the future with the new AEW Unmatched series and Unrivaled.

Padawer tweeted, “Pairing AEW Unrivaled with Unmatched will give us the opportunity to dive deeper into the roster. The key is balancing main event talent, mid-card talent and up and coming talent. 2 assortments will help tremendously.”

He added, “We will absolutely celebrate the incredible roster of women in AEW. It’s been a miss. No excuses. With Unmatched and Unrivaled, we will do better.”

He further explained, “The timeline of developing a line of action figures is approximately 9 months from concept to shelf… That includes all approvals. If you ever wondered why it takes time to address things – from avails, to factory changes, to talent in a roster – newbies and champions.”

Additionally, Padawer shared more figure sculpt reveals for Unrivaled Series 5, which features Jon Moxley, Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, Adam Hangman Page, Scorpio Sky, and Kazarian.



article topics :

AEW, AEW Unrivaled, Jeffrey Harris