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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 5.21.24

Hello everyone, and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! Jeremy Thomas here as per the norm, and with NXT getting closer to Battleground, things are heating up. Tonight’s show will see a tag team grudge match as Karmen Petrovic and Natalya team up against Shayna Baszler and Lola Vice, while two more NXT Women’s North American Title Qualifiers take place in Thea Hail vs. Fallon Henley and Brinley Reece vs. Jaida Parker. We’ll also see a triple threat to determine Oba Femi’s next North American Championship defense as Wes Lee, Josh Briggs and Joe Coffey come to blows. Sounds like a fun show all in all, hopefully it can deliver.
Here at Thomas Central, I’ve had a busy week of movie and TV watching. Part of that is because I’m doing a rewatch of the MCU for no other reason than its been a while since I’ve seen the films so I got through Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, The Avengers, and Iron Man 3 thus far. Many of them still hold up; I still love Iron Man and Avengers, and the rest are solid to good with the exception of the disappointing Incredible Hulk and the just “okay” Iron Man 2.
Beyond those, I’ve also done a couple rewatches in the stellar Beatles jukebox musical Across the Universe and Alfred Hitchcock’s 1934 version of The Man Who Knew Too Much, which is still quite good. And I watched a couple of new 2024 films in Monkey Man, which was a blast, and IF which was cute but left me cold.
Meanwhile on TV, I finished out X-Men ’97 with the fantastic season finale and stayed caught up on We’re Here season four (a must-watch docuseries) and The Jinx season two. RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars is back with season 9 and I’m loving it (Team Gottmik here, but I love them all), and I began to watch the CBS/Netflix supernatural drama Evil ahead of season four’s premiere, and have made it through all of the first season. It’s wacky in parts and very solid on the whole.
Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.
* We get a recap of last week’s NXT when Noam Dar was attacked to start the show, leading to Je’Von Evans getting the win over Ora Mensah as well as Lola Vice and Shayna Baszler getting in a brawl with Natalya and Karmen Petrovic. We see the quest of Wes Lee, Josh Briggs and Ivar to become North American Champion being derailed by Gallus’ return as well as Tony D’Angelo winning the NXT Heritage Cup.
* We’re LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center and starting with Thea Hail vs. Fallon Henley!
NXT Women’s North American Title Match Qualifier
Thea Hail vs. Fallon Henley
They jaw at each other to start, Thea with a wristlock and she puts Fallon on her knees. Fallon tries to fight out of it and finally decks Thea, gets her on her shoulders but Thea slips off, kicks Fallon down and hits a moonsault for two. Back up, Thea in the corner and Fallon grabs her leg for a dragon screw, a kick to the head and a cover for two.
Fallon locks in an overhead chickenwing, Thea tries to fight out of it to no avail. Fallon has it locked in but Thea manages to power out, Fallon turns it into a wristlock but Thea flips out and hits a rana. Fallon taken down with an armdrag and a second, Fallon to the outside and Thea DIVES on her, then lays in mounted punches. Fallon manages to kick Thea away, she gets into the ring and Thea chases but Fallon out the other side and slides a chair into the ring. Ridge grabs it and the ref sees them, ejecting Chase U! And we’re on break.
We’re back as Fallon gets a nearfall on Thea after a bulldog. Thea whipped into her ropes but she dodges a charge, they trade reversals and both go down due to a double headbutt. Fallon up first and lays in a punch, Thea fires back and they’re trading strikes. Hail off the ropes to run Fallon over, she hits a Polish Hammer and a big slam, senton and a coffin drop off the bottom rope for two.
Thea charges in on Fallon in the corner but Fallon pushes her off. Up top, Thea follows and goes for a superplex but Fallon with a body shot to knock her off the rop. Fallon goes for a suplex but Thea counters into a Kimura, Fallon pulls them to the outside and slams Thea into the guardrail. Thea is enraged, they are both in the ring but Fallon hits a kick off the ropes for three.
Winner: Fallon Henley (10:29)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: Good match between these two. Unfortunate to see Thea lose yet again, but you need to put Fallon over to solidify her heel turn.
Post-match, Jazmyn Nyx attacks Thea and nails her with a Pele Kick.
* Earlier tonight, the D’Angelo Family was walking with the Heritage Cup when Axiom and Nathan Frazer walked up. Frazer congratulates Tony and they run down the previous champions, noting that Axiom isn’t there but A-Kid is. Tony says they have balls to take on all comers, Stacks says word on the street is they’re ducking The O.C. They deny it and say they’re giving chances to NXT talent, Stacks suggests they get a shot and Frazer and Axiom agree to it.
* We get a replay of Gallus taking out Wes, Briggs and Ivar and the update that Ivar is out indefinitely, while Wes Lee and Josh Briggs both wanted a shot at Coffey, which Ava agreed to.
* Gallus is backstage and Joe Coffey says the only way you get noticed is make a bigger noise. He says no one was talking about Trick, D’Angelo and anyone else; it was all about Gallus. They say Ivar can enjoy their hospital stay and Wes and Briggs are tougher than they thought, but when Josh becomes #1 contender for the NA Title, Oba will find out how dangerous he is. Mark says NXT got comfortable with them gone, but that’s over.
NXT Tag Team Championship Match
Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs. Stacks & Luca Crusifino
Axiom and Luca start off, Luca puts Axiom on the mat but he’s back up, comes off the ropes and hits a dropkick. Frazer and Stacks tag in and Stacks wants to slow things down. Test of Strength, Stacks puts Frazer on the match and kicks him as he gets up, kick to the inside thigh. Frazer goes to the apron, he goes up and over and rolls Stacks up for one, Deep Cleaner for Stacks for two.
Stacks with a headlock but gets shot into the ropes, blind tag and tandem offense ends with a low dropkick to Stacks. Frazer back in, Axiom with an Octopus hold, Frazer builds up speed off the ropes and gets a kick to the head for two.
Stacks up and backs Frazer to the ropes and tags in Luca, Frazer on the apron and Stacks kicks him to the floor, then leaps off onto him as we go to break.
We’re back as Stacks gets a nearfall on Frazer and then pounds on him before tagging Luca in. Luca with a couple of shots, Stacks whips Frazer into his knees and he covers for two before going right into a bow-and-arrow submission.
Frazer manages to throw Luca off and goes for the tag but is caught and put in the hostile corner. Frazer knocks Stacks off the apron and runs into Luca, but he hits a sprinboard dragon sleeper and then makes the hot tag. Axiom takes it to both Stacks and Luca, off the ropes into a tilt-a-whirl rana. Luca catches him and Axiom with a clothesline that gets Stacks DDTd!
Axiom takes down Stacks and lays in kicks to the chest. Frazer tags in, brainbuster with a kick to the head, cover but Luca breaks it up. Luca takes out Frazer and hits Axiom with a lungblower, Stacks tags in and my feed gets a bit wonky.
Frazer is up on top but Stacks hits him with a fist and climbs up. SUPERPLEX! Luca comes off the top but Axiom with a superkick! Now the NQCC are out and attack the Family, that allows Frazer to get the pin.
Winner: Axiom & Nathan Frazer (10:33)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Technically savvy for the most part and fast-paced, just how it should have been. Good stuff with the right team coming out on top while advancing feuds.
The O.C. attack the champs after the bell and beat them down. Frazer is hit with the Magic Killer and Gallows & Anderson pose with the titles.
* Robert Stone is impressed with Layla Diggs. Lexis King walks in and everyone is already saying his name. He says Stone is stuck in a hole and needs to hitch his wagon to him. Stone says that will happen over his dead body and King says he’s virtually undefeated. Stone gets angry, Ava walks in and says Lexis is annoying and has a match tonight. He’ll find out his opponent when he gets in the ring. Lexis leaves, Stone wants to take King out but Ava says she’ll find the perfect opponent.
* Oba Femi is out here to observe the #1 Contenders match.
* Chase U is upset backstage and Riley says Ridge is a liability. Ridge says that he couldn’t do nothing and he had to step in and stop Fallon from using a chair. Riley is tired of excuses and Ridge says Riley cost them the match last week. Things get heated, Chase says they can settle it in the ring and Riley says that’s fine with him before storming off. Duke opens his mouth and Chase says “Not now, Duke!”
NXT North American Championship #1 Contenders Match
Wes Lee vs. Josh Briggs vs. Joe Coffey
They circle and both Briggs and Lee go after Joe, but Mark and Wolfgang to save him to no avail. They beat in Joe until Briggs shoves Wes away, Coffey and Lee take it to Briggs. Josh into the ropes, he catches Wes and hip tosses him into Joe. Briggs goes for a fallaway slam, Coffey kicks Wes and then takes it to Josh, knocking him down.
Lee is back up and puts Joe on the outside of the ring, then dives onto him. Ge goes to throw Joe in, Joe blocks it and Briggs charges in! Wes ducks and Briggs drops Joe with the boot, then takes out Wes as we go to PIP break.
We’re back and Briggs and Joe hit each other with repeated clotheslines. Briggs with a sidewalk slam and splash, he covers but Wes breaks it up by coming off the top. Wes ducks a shot by Briggs and lays in kicks and a double stomp to the back. He nails Joe, who screams but Lee goes up top as Briggs catches Joe for a DDT — Wes and takes out both out and gets a couple two-counts.
The action is now outside the ring, Coffey drops Wes onto the apron and gets back in with Briggs, Briggs off the ropes and hits a big boot. Briggs up top, Lee with an enzuigiri from the apron and climbs up. Coffey up to but gets knocked down, Briggs knocked to the mat, Lee leaps off INTO A GOOZLE by Briggs. Lee slammed into the corner, Coffee laid down and Briggs chokeslams Lee onto Coffey and covers for a nearfall.
Briggs goozles Coffey but Joe escapes and strikes his way out of it. He batters Josh and then charges into the corner for a couple avalanches, high crossbody from Joe and a cover but Lee breaks it up! Lee ducks knockout shots and comes off the ropes for a somersault kick to Joe. Everyone is out of the ring, Lee dives onto Joe as Gallus take out Briggs on the other side.
Lee off the top, he collides with Joe and they both fall onto Briggs. Douple count and it’s a double win!
Winner: Joe Coffey & Wes Lee (10:51)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Very good match, albeit with a bit contrived of an ending. Still dug the hell out of it though.
* Kelly is backstage with Karmen and Natalya and asks how they’ll turn things around. Karmen is a bit concerned but is confident with Natalya on her team. Natalya says they’ve really bonded and will be a well-oiled winning machine.
* Brinley is prepping for her match as Edris Enofe says he’s cooked between all the bad luck. Malik says they have to stay positive and that Brinley is a counter to that. Brinley asks if they’re coming out and Malik says no because Enofe is bad luck. Brinley says it’s not about luck and whatever they do, she’s fine with.
* Ava is backstage and Oba Femi approaches, asking who he’s facing at Battleground. Ava says she watched the tape several times and both men pinned Briggs so he’s defending against both Wes Lee and Joe Coffey.
* Sexyy Red is appearing on NXT next week.
NXT Women’s North American Title Match Qualifier
Brinley Reece vs. Jaida Parker
Brinley ducks a shot by Jaida and lays in strikes, then charges in for a shoulder to the gut in the corner. Jaida floats over a suplex but gets put on the mat by an armdrag. Jaida back up and backs Brinley into the corner, Brinley reverses but Jaida re-reverses.
Brinley fights her way out of the corner and goes for an Irish whip but Jaida grabs the hair and puts her in the corner. Brinley climbs and leaps but Jaida nails her in the cut and then beats on her on the corner. She sets Brinley on the second rope and springboards into a drop to Brinley.
Brinley fights back with a jawbreaker, but Jaida covers. Brinley powers out and backslides her for two, but Jaida powers out and hits a double underhook suplex for two. Jaida right into a bodyscissors, Brinley gets her shoulders back for two but Jaida escapes and lays in some shots to the back.
Brinley powers out of the hold and covers a couple times for two before getting forced into the corner. She hits a knee to the face and comes off the ropes with a clothesline. Bodyslam by Brinley, handspring lariat for two.
Brinley gets Jaida on her shoulders as Edris and Malik are out here and of course Jaida turns it around. She charges in with a Teardrop Hipcheck for three.
Winner: Jaida Parker (4:52)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: Fine for the time it got, but not exceptional. Their execution was decent but the timing was a touch off.
* Fallon walks backstage and Jazmyn walks up, saying it must be nice to finally get a win and go to Battleground. Nyx says with this attitude she can win, and that she knew she never needed any help which is why she waited until after the match to get revenge on Thea.
* In a vignette, Wendy Choo wakes up at last. So they’re definitely still going with that gimmick, eh?
* Roxy gets a vignette saying the NXT Women’s Champion has always been hers, and that’s why no one will get it. And as good as the girls in NXT are, she’s just better. And everyone can say what they want including the NXT Universe who love to post their useless opinions of her. They land at her feet and all she sees when she looks in the mirror is the prodigy, the two-time NXT Women’s Champion.
* Ava says that she’s spoken with Adam and Nick, everything is set and Roxy will find out who her opponent at Battleground is next week.
* Lexis King is out here for his match and gets the mic, saying that he’s been on a bit of a hot streak and whoever walks through the curtain will join a long list of gentlemen who have fallen to the King. He says he’s virtually undefeated in 2024–
And here’s Robert Stone! Stone points at the back and here comes…Dante Chen!
Lexis King vs. Dante Chen
Lock up to start, King with a headlock and gets shot into the ropes, running Chen over. Mounted punches by King and he showboats a bit, then whips Chen into the corner but Chen reverses. Dante charges in, eats a boot but hits a dropkick and a back bodydrop. Dante charges in for a splash, Lexis catches him and puts him on top but Chen knocks him back. He leaps, King catches him with a dropkick for two.
King with two elbowdrops to the head and then grabs Chen, but Chen nails him. King nails Chen back and hits a chop, Chen fires back but is put in the corner for a slap to the chest and boot choke for four. Wristlock by King and a short-arm clothesline, then kicks to the back and more to the head.
Chen catches a kick and hits a big short-arm clothesline. He lays in strikes, King fires back. They trade shots, Chen takes over and sends King into the ropes to knock him down. CHen with a big splash, inverted atomic drop and a pump kick off the ropes. Dante catches a kick, picks up King and plants him for two.
King stops Chen with a double kick from his back and comes off the ropes for a Drive By. Stone on the apron, King goes for Coronation but is distracted. Chen goes in but gets caught with a superkick. King goes for the Corination — Chen counters with a roll-up for three.
Winner: Dante Chen (4:58)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: This was fine, but they tried to make it seem bigger than it was. There were a few awkward moments but the crowd was legitimately into Chen. Whether this goes anywhere remains to be seen.
* Shayna and Lola are backstage and Shayna says they should be dominant tonight. Lola says they’re unstoppable and Shayna says to keep the dancing back here tonight. Tonight they’re cage fighters and Lola says she’s all business when the bell rings, but she likes to have fun too.
* Trick Williams WALKS backstage.
* Trick is out here and he has to be serious and get straight to business. He says he took it on the chin when he got dropped on Supernova Sessions, and Noam was dropped last week. He knows how that feels and he doesn’t wish that on anyone. So he wants to make it clear: he didn’t attack Noam Dar. If he’s going to attack Noam, he’d have been unconscious and would have had a size 15 Jordan across his forehead because he doesn’t attack from behind.
META-FOUR IS HERE! Or three of them. Jakara says they aren’t tricking them because they know it was him. Jakara says if it wasn’t him, it was Je’Von. Ora tells Trick to admit that he’s a lowlife and doesn’t deserve to be NXT Champion.
Lash says Trick didn’t do it and they ask why she thinks so. Lash says Trick has been through this, and Ora asks whose side she’s on. Trick tells Ora to shut up before he comes out there.
AND HERE’S GALLUS! Or Joe Coffey, at least. Joe says they’re probably wondering the guy who just earned a shot at the NA Title is out here talking to the NXT Champion. He says they’re about to find out why and WOlfgang and Mark attack Trick from behind. Gallus beats down Trick — and here’s Je’Von! He comes out and beats on Gallus, but the numbers game is too much. Je’Von is destroyed — and Trick is now fighting back, until he gets overwhelmed and put on Wolfgang’s shoulders for a running kick to the head from Mark. Joe drops the title on Trick and Gallus poses.
* Natalya and Karmen WALK backstage. So do Shayna and Lola.
* Robert Stone is congratulating Dante and Ava comes up to do the same. Dante thanks Ava for the opportunity, and Ava says it was all Mr. Stone. Dante thanks Robert and walks off. Ava says Stone made a star tonight.
Set For Next Week:
– Sexyy Red arrives
– Roxanne Perez’s NXT Battleground opponent revealed
– NXT NA Women’s Title Qualifier: Michin vs. Tatum Paxley
– NXT NA Women’s Title Qualifier: Kelani Jordan vs. Wren Sinclair
– Trick Williams & Je’Von Evans vs. Gallus
Shayna Baszler & Lola Vice vs. Natalya & Karmen Petrovic
Nattie and Shayna start off, they circle and lock up. Shayna with a wristlock, Nattie rolls out of it but Shayna relocks it in and backs Nattie into the ropes. Lola with a cheap kick to the back, Shayna with a DDT for two.
Lola tags in for some quick shots before Shayna tags in for more. Lola and Shayna continue to the quick tags, Nattie escapes and tags in Karmen who nails Shayna and hits some forearms to take Shayna down. Roundhouse kick to the head and a whip, reversed, into the corner. Karmen takes Shayna down, hits a shot off the ropes for two.
Lola comes in and Natalya catches her, but Lola and Shayna send the babyfaces into the ropes — double clothesline by Nattie and Karmen as we go to PIP break.
We’re back as SHayna sends Karmen hard into the corner and charges in, but Karmen gets the boot up and covers for two. Shayna knocks Karmen down hard and covers for her own two count. Shayna with an overhead chickenwing, Nattie speaks encouragement and Karmen snapmares Shayna off. She goes for the tag, Shayna catches her and then sweeps the leg for two.
Shayna backs Karmen into hostile territory and tags in Lola, who hits a kick to the side. Lola mocks Nattie with a little dance and then knocks Karmen down. Whip into the hostile corner and a kick to the gut, Shayna tags in and goes for a suplex, Karmen fights back but she hits the suplex for two.
Shayna works over Karmen’s arm, Karmen fights back but gets knocked down with a shot to the back. Lola tags in but Karmen kicks Lola back, escapes Shayna and Natalya gets the hot tag. She cleans house and hits a snap suplex on Nattie, then hits a suplex on Shayna. Back suplex, Lola counters but Natalya hits a discus lariat for two.
Karmen tags in, she’s up top, HIGH cross body and cover gets two. Nattie tags in and they go for a double suplex but Shayna with a chop block to Karmen’s knee and Lola rolls her up. Natalya goes for a sharpshooter, Shayna tries to get involved and Lola kicks Nattie back and knocks her into Shayna.
Lola and Shayna double team Shayna, Natalya knocks Shayna to the outside, Lola goes for a sharpshooter but showboats and Natalya locks in her own sharpshooter! Baszler breaks it up, Karmen dives at Shayna and is caught for a Kirafuda Clutch. Karmen is able to send Shayna to the outside, Natalya nails Lola and tags in Karmen — HART ATTACK! Karmen with the pin!
Winner: Karmen Petrovic & Natalya (11:10)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Nice to see Karmen get a big win here, she’s been bubbling under and ready for a bigger spot in NXT for a while now. Interesting to see where this takes Lola, if she can beat Shayna at NXT Battleground that will be a big feather in her cap. Very good match overall.
After the match, Shayna looks disappointed. She helps Lola up and Lola KICKS SHAYNA in the head! Lola dances over Shayna and talks shit. She dances on the apron — but Shayna is up! Kirafuda Clutch! She brings Lola into the ring and pulls her down as refs come out to break it up. Shayna and Lola keep at it though outside the ring and Ava comes out to say they’re both looking for a fight and she wants to see this. They can do it at Battleground.
Shayna says no, it’s gonna be NXT Underground! Shayna and Lola brawl.
And with that, we’re done for the night!
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