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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 8.20.24

August 20, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT Joe Hendry 8-20-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 8.20.24  

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Hello everyone, and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! Jeremy Thomas with you as the norm, and this week NXT is setting the stage for No Mercy. Tonight’s show will see Pete Dunne, Wes Lee and Joe Hendry battle for a shot at NXT Champion Ethan Page at the next NXT PPV, while a Gauntlet Eliminator will determine Roxanne Perez’s NXT Women’s Championship opponent for the show. In addition, Lola Vice will take on Wendy Choo & Hank Walker and Tank Ledger face off with Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson. Some good stuff in her with lots of potential for a fun show, all in all.

Here at Thomas HQ, I’ve stayed busy with movie-watching. I watched the new Shudder Original from the Adams Family (the filmmakers, not the fictional characters) called Hell Hole, which is a fun creature feature and you can see my full review here. I also watched their Tubi Original Where the Devil Roams from last year which was very much their style of film (a good thing), though perhaps a touch less satisfying. I watched Alien: Romulus and while I took issue with its need to call back to the past films as much, it was otherwise a fantastic entry in the franchise. And I watched Alice Maio Mackay’s road trip/demon hunting film Satranic Panic which is a very solid DIY horror flick with solid messaging, though it certainly won’t be for everyone.

Beyond that, I did a comfort rewatch of Serenity (the Firefly film, not the Matthew McConaughey movie) which is one of my two favorite movies ever and still pretty much perfect. I also did a rewatch of the ScreenLife thriller Searching which I love, and then finally got back to my MCU Rewatch project with Doctor Strange (great visuals and performance, fine story) and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, which I liked more than I remembered thanks to its found family themes that hit me pretty hard.

For TV, I finally watched my way through American Horror Story: Cult which is the show’s worst season that I’ve seen, though it has a few moments I did enjoy. I also got caught up on season three of Dark Side of the ’90s which has been enjoyable as the show usually is, and have finally taken the plunge on Interview With the Vampire on AMC, which has a banger of a first episode.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

* Earlier today, Jadia Parker survived the NXT Parking Lot as did Sol Ruca. Karmen Petrovic, on the other hand, was attacked by Izzi Dame and thus did NOT survive the parking lot.

* We get a recap of last week’s NXT Tag Team Title win by Chase U. And the Chase U championship celebration kicks us off! Chase and Ridge burst through a banner and make their way into the ring as Thea runs around the ring excitedly and the group poses together.

Chase and Ridge have mics, with Chase speaking first after a Chase U chant by the crowd. Chase says it’s a new year at Chase University. New students, new classrom, new NXT Tag Team Champions. Thea says she’s so proud of Mr. Chase and Ridgey. Duke says Ridgey’s desire, passion and intensity is a bit much sometimes but it’s what was needed to win the gold! Riley says he was hard on Ridge but they have the titles now and Chase says without him they wouldn’t be standing her as Tag Team champions. He says thank you on behalf of the student body and they hug —

And here come Nathan Frazer and Axiom! Frazer says it was a good win and they hate to break up the party but they want to talk. Axiom says they were the better team that day, but not every day because they’re the best tag team in NXT. Frazer says they may have run themselves into the ground and Ridge picked the perfect time to challenge them, so they think now is the right time to ask them —

Ridge appreciates the kind words but not the interruption. He says Chase U taught him never to give up and he came to NXT to find himself but was lost. He couldn’t take the pressur and whispers, everyone turned they back on him except Chase U. Chase taught him to take things one at a time and Thea gave him his confidence back, while Duke and Riley challenged him to prove his heart was pure. He busted his ass for six years to become a champion and did it. He begged, pleaded, cashed in his favors, and mission accomplished!

Axiom says that’s lovely, but they still want their Tag Team Title match. Duke and Riley say they have to beat them first to get a rematch at No Mercy. Frazer says they accept, and will see them tonight.

Duke and Riley say they’re always ready and rip off their clothes to reveal their wrestling gear! We have a match!

Nathan Frazer and Axiom vs. Duke Hudson & Riley Obsorne

Axiom and Riley start and trade takedowns. Riley into the ropes, bit armdrag by Axiom followed by an armbar, Riley puts Axiom’s shoulders on the mat to break it. Riley sent over the top, Axiom goes to dive and Duke stops him but Frazer off the top to send Duke to the outside! Axiom dives onto Chase U, Frazer goes to leap but gets thrown into the apron and Riley in to dive onto Frazer and Axiom as we go to break.

We’re back and Riley batters Axiom in the ring but Axiom battles back and they trade blows. Axiom catches Riley in a sleeper but pushes him into the ropes for a lariat. He runs across the ring and gets caught with a kneelift, but then hits a standing Spanish fly into an anklelock. He fights over and makes the tag, Duke takes out Axiom but Axiom gets the tag to Frazer. Frazer up top, Duke with a Stratusphere and a sidewalk slam for two.

Hudson goes for the Razor’s Edge, but Frazer counters into a rana for two. He charges at Duke, uranage blocked, Duke blocks a DDT, Frazer off the ropes and caught in a wheelbarrow. Riley tags in, blockbuster facebuster for two! Riley top top, BIG Shooting Star but Frazer moves. Riley off the ropes, Frazer catches him for a springboard takedown.

Frazer up top, he misses the moonsault. Riley up, Frazer goes for a superplex and hits it on a second try. Suplex/superkick combo finishes it.

Winner: Nathan Frazer & Axiom (9:17)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Fantastic for the time it had. When the match was made the result become pretty obvious as it sets up a No Mercy match, but Duke and Riley held their own.

* Robert Stone and Stevie Turner are arguing when Ava walks in and says Karmen is out of the Eliminator match. Stevie and Stone argue about what to do, Izzi walks in and says that she should get the match but Ava isn’t going to reward her. Brinley Reece is in, and Stone and Stevie race off to be the one to tell her.

* Brinley is excited for her spot in the Eliminator and Kendall Gray and Wren Sinclair say they’re not holding anything back in the match. Wren calls the NQCC the “Wren-QCC.”

Lola Vice vs. Wendy Choo

Wendy pounces on Lola to start and they trade shots. Back up, Wendy with a sleeper but Lola backs her into the corner to break it. Wendy blocks a kick, knocks Lola down and stomps on her, then throws her into a couple corners headfirst.

Lola blocks a third and then hits a kick to the gut. Short-arm kick, countered by Wendy who rolls into a sleeper and locks in the legs. Lola pushes Wendy’s shoulders to the mat, Wendy up with a double chop to the throat and then batters her in the corner. Lola fights out and delivers knee strikes, then a scissor kick to the back. Wendy off the ropes for a powerslam and she rolls out of the ring as we go to break.

We’re back and Wendy is in control, nailing a snapmare and then wrenching Lola’s neck between her feet. Headbutt by Wendy and a shot in the corner, Lola fights back but gets doubled over and Wendy with a snap suplex for two.

Wendy is looking angry and she stalks Lola, who kicks her and gets to her feet but gets doubled over. Wendy grabs Lola, but Lola with a small package for two. Wendy with a big kick and she slams Lola’s head into the mat. Boot choke in the corner for four, she goes for a short-arm maneuver but Lola fights back so Wendy with a neckbreaker for one-plus.

Wendy getting very frustrated now and tosses Lola in the corner, handspring splash. She puts Lola in the Tree of Woe and backs up — charge into a diving dropkick! Cover gets two-plus. Wendy wrenches the neck of Lola, who fights to her knees but gets whipped into the corner. Lola dodges a charge and rolls Wendy up for two.

Lola comes back with a series of spin kicks, knocking Wendy down. Repeated rapid-fire kicks to Wendy on her knees, Wendy ends up in the corner and Lola charges in with the hip smash! Cover gets two. Lola goes for a backdrop but Wendy turns it into a sunset flip and then a sleeper! Lola drops to the mat to break the hold with a jawbreaker.

Both women down as Kelani runs down to the ring and comes in after Wendy but Lola accidentally hits her! The distraction lets Wendy nail Lola with the pillow for three.

Winner: Wendy Choo (11:04)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Did not expect this to go this long, and the win from Wendy is vaguely surprising. But considering what happened after, it makes sense.

Kelani is angry and challenges Wendy to a title match at No Mercy. Kelani says she’s taking back her title and nails Wendy with the pillow — which has the title in it! She poses over Wendy with the championship.

* Wes is asked by Kelly if there’s anything bigger than his match tonight. Wes says no and says Dunne is a talented technician but it won’t be enough and he’ll go back to Raw. Hendry is a social media hit but that’s all he has and will go back to TNA on Thursday.

Kelly sends things to Sarah where Joe Hendry is. He says that what Wes did to Zach and Trey is disgusting. Wes tells Hendry to stop and says the pinnacle of Joe’s career won’t reach the bottom of his career and leaves.

Joe says the only thing standing between him and the title shot is these two guys and tonight he makes a believer of himself.

* We get a Jacy Jayne & Fallon Henley vignette where they’re complaining about the NIL talents and say they’re the leaders of the division, and only one of the new women get that in Jazmyn. Jacy says she and Fallon grew up in the business as the NIL athletes were handed their spot. They are the leaders, and they are the Fatal Influence.

No Mercy Gauntlet Eliminator

New competitors are joining every three minutes by the way, so it’s not a traditional gauntlet match. First up are Wren Sinclair and Sol Ruca.

Circle and Wren with a roll-up for one, Sol with a crucifix into a sunset flip for one. Lockup, Sol puts Wren on the mat, back up and Wren puts Sol on the mat. Wristlock by Wren, SOl goes to flip through but Wren rolls with her so Sol with a handstand into a waistlock. Wren trips Sol and comes off the ropes, Ruca with a drop toe-hold into a crossface attempt, but Wren breaks the hold.

Wren transitions into a single-leg crab and then into a modified surfboard. Wren flips out into a cover for one, she dodges a clothesline and kips up, double clothesline and the next star is entering…

ADRIANA RIZZO! Risso up top and leaps off onto both Wren and Sol! She takes down both woman with Northern Lights suplexes, then splashes Sol, then Wren. Sol dodges a second splace and hits a superkick, but Wren jumps on her back for a sleeper — and Rizzo jumps on her back! Rizzo pushed off, Sol drops Wren but is caught by Rizzo.

My feed went fuzzy, when it comes back Sol gets an inside cradle on Rizzo. Rizzo back up, Wren trips her and Sol hits a DVD to pin Rizzo and send her to the back as we go to PIP break.

We’re back and Brinley Reece entered during the break. Sol and Wren go for a double suplex but Reece suplexes them both instead and then hit a double clothesline. She picks up Sol for a cutter off the shoulder, same to Wren and then next one is in —

KENDALL GREY! Grey with a neckbreaker to Reece and fireman’s carry takedowns to Sol and Wren. Belly to belly off the ropes to Wren, belly to belly to Sol, she takes down Reece and pins her.

Grey with a drop-toe hold to Sol for one, she catches Wren for a pinfall for two. Wren catches Grey but she lifts up and hits a double takedown on Sol. High crossbody to Sol, crucifix pin to Grey for two. Grey jumps on Sol’s back, she gets put on the shoulders for a facebuster drop. Sol grabs Grey — SURFBOARD submission! She has Grey elevated but Grey gets free and sits up Wren off the ropes for a facebuster (that didn’t connect).

Sol hits Wren with a facebuster that sends her outside, then grabs Grey and gorilla press slams her on Wren. Moonsault off the top as the final entrant is:

JAIDA PARKER! Parker wipes out Sol from behind and ends up in the ring with Grey. Grey with a roll-up for two but gets grabbed by Jaida, put in the corner and high stepped. She plants Grey and pins her.

Wren in the ring, she wipes out Jaida but Sol hits a Sol Snatcher on Wren! Wren is out and Jaida and Sol brawl. Sol goes to the apron and goes to springboard — but Jaida catches her for a Falcon Arrow-type slam for two-plus. Jaida goes for a suplex, countered into an inside cradle. Powerbomb but Sol shifts her wait for a drop. Straitjacket suplex to Jaida, Sol sprinboard splash but Jaida moves — Jaida with the Drive By and that’s it.

Winner: Jaida Parker (15:43)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: Sloppy in parts but they worked hard. I didn’t expect a heel vs. heel matchup for No Mercy but I don’t hate Roxy vs. Jaida either, it should be fun.

Sarah interviews Jaida, who has OTM with her now, and asks what it feels like now. Jaida says she’s hyped and she’s the difference maker of this division. Roxy may be a great champion, but Jaida Parker got next.

* Roxy is backstage with her title. She shrugs and walks off.

* Kelly is with Ethan and asks if he “believes” that Joe Hendry — Ethan cuts her off and they’re not going to talk about him, he’s offended that someone not on the roster is in the match. Pete Dunne walks in and says Ethan’s only been in NXT for a short time and Ethan says he’s already NXT Champion, which Dunne is trying to do. Dunne notes how long he was NXT UK Champion and vows to win tonight, then break Ethan’s fingers at No Mercy.

Hank & Tank vs. The O.C.

Hank goes after Karl to start, nailing him and putting him in the hostile corner. Tank tags in and charges into Karl, then covers for one. Karl fights back and puts Tank in the corner, talking shit to the fans before whipping Tank across the ring. He charges in, Tank goes up and over and tags in Hank, who runs Karl over. They lie in wait and squash Karl between them, cover gets two.

Hank with a shot to the gut in the corner and charges in, Karl gets a boot up. Off the ropes, Karl sends Hank through the ropes and takes in Gallows who hits a big boot to Hank on the outside. Gallows batters Hank against the apron and rolls him in, following behind. He picks Hank apart and puts him in the hostile corner, pounding on him before tagging Anderson in for a two-count.

Anderson works over the shoulder with a overhead chickenwing. Hank to his feet and fights off Karl to try and get the tag, but Karl knocks him down and locks in a front facelock. Hank with a back bodydrop, hot tags and Tank runs over Anderson, splashes Anderson but gets a big boot from Gallows. OC goes for the Magic Killer but Hank pulls Gallows out of the ring and shoves him into the post as Tank runs over Anderson. Powerslam and splash for three!

Winner: Hank & Tank (4:34)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Fine match for the time it got. Nice to see The O.C. continuing to put over NXT’s tag teams.

The O.C. is pissed but can’t get to Hank & Tank because of security.

* Shawn Spears is asked about Brooks’ comments last week and Edris and Malik walk up and say that he took advantage of Brooks. They say they’re protecting a friend, and Shawn says “like you were Brinley Reece?” That leads into a breatdown by the tag team and assault on Spears. Brooks comes in to check on him.

* Ava attended a Slipknot concert over the weekend. Cool.

* The NQCC are out here in the ring, Dempsey has a mic. Charlie says Lou Thesz once said his only gimmick was wrestling. He says the Heritage Cup is the oxygen the group needs to breathe and — Wren interrupts and says she doesn’t know who Billy Robinson or XXX Thesz is, but if Charles says they’re great than they are.

Charlie asks what she’s doing and she apologizes, saying she’s upset about losing the match. Charlie hypes up them as a group and Wren interrupts again, saying Charles will defend against anyone —

AND HERE COMES OBA! Wren says she’s sorry. Oba says congratulations, but the most prestigious title is the NXT North American and has defended it against so many great champions from NXT, Raw and more. And he won’t hesitate to add a Heritage Cup Champion to the list.

HERE COMES THE FAMILY! Charlie says he expected this and imagines Tony wants a rematch. Tony says “No, Mini-Don” and says he has his eyes on something else. But he doesn’t forget and neither does his family, so they’ll handle business. The Family attacks the NQCC! They brawl out of the ring and Oba grabs Tony D — but Tony turns it into a spinebuster! He stands over Oba, and looks like we have a No Mercy match.

* Ashante says to some of the ladies that he’s about to handle Dion Lennox, and they say he’s fine. They see him and run up to him. He leaves for his match as Wren walks up to Je’Von Evans and asks him to watch the Heritage Cup.

Gallus walk in, and say the Heritage Cup is about real wrestling, not what Evans does. They offer to take him to a bar and teach him about it, but he’s only 20. They talk shit, Cedric comes in to try and cool things off. Gallus ask Evans if he needs his daddy to fight his battles and he says no. Gallus walks off.

Dion Lennox vs. Ashante Thee Adonis

Ashante attacks Dion right at the bell and beats him down in the corner, boot choking him for four. Ashante goes after Lennox and gets launched in the air! Big dropkick, rights and a bodyslam. Lennox with a clothesline into the corner and a back bodydrop, Ashante rolls out of the ring.

Dion follows after but Ashante suckers him into a drop-toe hold. Ashante up top and hits a spinning dive onto Dion, then rolls him in for two. Ashante talks trash and slaps Dion, who is pissed. He takes it to Ashante and hits an elbow shot, then sends Ashante into the ropes. He lowers the head but Ashante hangs on and kicks the head, but Dion with a BIG slap and a mega spinebuster for two.

Lennox grabs Ashante, picks him up for a delayed suplex but Ashante with a thumb to the eye. Dion up to the top but Ashante pulls him throat-first into the top rope. He tunes up the superkick and nails it for three.

Winner: Ashante Thee Adonis (3:42)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Good for the time it got. Dion has a tone of potential, but Ashante needed a win in NXT and Dion isn’t a bad choice to take the L.

* Lexis King is overseeing the polishing of his throne as Lash and Jakara walk in complaining about Fatal Influence and say they’ll whip on them next week. King walks up and says Fatal Influence is a cool name, but what matters is the Meta-Two goes out there and wins. He says Noam’s on the injured list and Oro lost the biggest match of his career. He walks off and Oro walks in, asking what that’s about? They dismiss it and commiserate, saying they need to keep it together because Meta is Better.

Set For Next Week:
– No Quarter Catch Crew vs. The D’Angelo Family
– Karmen Petrovic vs. Izzi Dame
– Jacy Jayne & Fallon Henley vs. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson

NXT Championship #1 Contenders Match
Wes Lee vs. Pete Dunne vs. Joe Hendry

Dunne and Lee attack Hendry from behind before the bell and then brawl with each other. Hendry tosses Dunne, Lee goes up top and leaps but is caught and dropped. Hendry grabs Dunne and hits a delayed vertical suplex, but Lee takes over and kicks Hendry down. Dunne blindsides Lee, who rolls out of the ring, and then stomps Hendry’s hand. Dunne with a slap to the chest, Hendry batters back and they’re trading blows until Dunne manhandles Hendry down.

Lee comes back in and gets knocked down, Dunne puts Lee on his shoulders but he slides off into a sunset flip attempt. Hendry grabs Lee and catapults him into a low-blow headbutt to Dunne! Lee off the ropes and takes out Hendry, he dives at Dunne but Dunne dodges and Lee to the outside. Dunne follows and Hendry leaps onto them both as we go to PIP break.

We’re back as Dunne kicks away at Hendry’s head in the ring and slaps at him. Hendry back up and fires off fists, Dunne off the ropes and gets dropped. Hendry off the ropes and double clothesline to Dunne and Lee! Fallaway slam to Dunne, then one to Lee! He picks up Dunne AND LEE — double fallaway slam!

Hendry gets the crowd worked up and grabs both men in goozles — but Dunne nails him, and Lee kicks Dunne. Enzuigiri to Lee, Dunne rocks Hendry with a shot but Lee with a springboard moonsault to both men!

Dunne grabs Hendry and goes for the digits, Lee moves in and Dunne puts him down! Double joint manipulation, Dunne with an X-plex on Lee into Hendry, cover gets two. Hendry to the outside, Dunne with a German suplex but Lee lands on his feet. He dives through the ropes onto Hendry, goes up top and he hits a moonsault into a DDT on Dunne for a near-fall!

Lee goes up top, but Dunne crotches him on the turnbuckle. Dunne climbs but Hendry catches him, picks him up from the second rope — and Lee trips him! Lee with a big frog splash, he covers Hendry for two-plus. Lee sends Dunne to the outside and goes for the West Side but Dunne grabs him and snaps the fingers! He comes in — Hendry with the BIG Choke Slam! Cover for two — and Page pulls the ref out of the ring! Hendry out and he grabs Wes, picks him up and choke slams him onto the announcer’s table!

Back in, Hendry goozles Dunne, cover and a second official comes out but Page blocks him from entering the ring. Page manhandles the ref, Dunne with the Bitter End — and Trick nails Dunne with the Trick Shot! Hendry covers and the original ref counts the three!

Winner: Joe Hendry (12:20)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Great NXT main event with some fun overbooked nonsense. This was the natural direction for Hendry, he was the clear choice to win.

Page yells at Hendry — and Zach Wentz pounces on Lee from the crowd! It turns into a pull-apart brawl.

And with that, we’re done for the night!

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
Strong show from start to finish. We had some very good matches, a couple short matches to get some momentum for undercard people, and a lot of set-up for NXT No Mercy. The matches that got time all delivered and on the whole this was a very well-put together show that I don't have much to complain about.

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WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas