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Join 411’s Live AEW Collision Coverage

June 24, 2023 | Posted by Theo Sambus
AEW Collision Image Credit: AEW
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Join 411’s Live AEW Collision Coverage  

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Hello everyone! It’s Saturday…you know what that means. Welcome to 411’s live coverage of the second ever episode of AEW Collision. After a good debut outing, can AEW keep up the Saturday night momentum on the final stop before Forbidden Door?

It’s looking like a belter of a show tonight, with Tanahashi scheduled to go one on one against Swerve Strickland, which could be a banger if they get some decent time. The Women’s Owen Hart Cup Tournament continues with Willow facing off against Nyla Rose, and Andrade looks to get a measure of revenge against the House of Black from last week, as he takes on Brody King.

To top it all off, we have 8-man tag team action as CM Punk, FTR and Ricky Starks go up against Bullet Club Gold and The Gunns. Plus we’ll hear from Sting and Darby Allin as they reveal their partner for the PPV…could we finally get the partnership with Hiromu Takahashi after he had to miss last year’s event? Place your bets now.

It’s the go-home show for Forbidden Door tomorrow, so let’s get to it, people!


Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Arena: Scotiabank Arena

Commentators: Kevin Kelly & Nigel McGuinness


We kick things off with some pre-match promos from the 8-man tag team contestants, leading into the opening credits. Gimme some Elton John!

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and he is wondering who will partner up with Sting and Darby Allin tomorrow night. BUT CHRIS JERICHO IS HERE! Minoru Suzuki is with him as they head down to ringside.

Jericho tells Schiavone to shut up. Jericho isn’t from Toronto, he’s from Winnipeg you idiots. Him and Suzuki are in a bad mood. Sting and Darby have kept them waiting, and they’re done with it. Who ya gonna get Sting? Who could be tougher than the legendary Suzuki? Who’s crazier and sexier than Chris Jericho?

Suzuki and Jericho give a cool hand shake to each other, ha! Jericho asks who could possibly beat the Suzuki Guys? They know Schiavone knows who the partner is. They demand Tony tells them…but STING IS HERE!

Sting and Darby head to ringside and come face to face with Jericho and Suzuki. Both Jericho and Sting have bats. Darby has the mic and tells Chris to shut up. Darby believes Sammy Guevara doesn’t need Chris Jericho. Either way, he’ll kick his ass at Forbidden Door. Like this guy kicked Jericho’s ass at the Tokyo Dome…

NAITO’S MUSIC HITS! Tetsuya Naito is here!

Jericho looks worried as Naito walks onto stage.Sting, Darby Allin and Tetsuya Naito vs Chris Jericho, Minoru Suzuki and Sammy Guevara is official for tomorrow night.

Jericho and Suzuki exit the ring, leaving things wide open for the 6-man tag tomorrow night.

Recap of Miro destroying Tony Nese last week.

Video Promo time from Miro. Miro has been in exile for almost a year. He will be a champion once again. He will never lose again. Alll he has to do is…praise him. The Redeemer kneels before no man or God. Righteous without seeking reward. He renounces God, gold, his wife…he is Miro and he is Godless.


Match One: Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana) vs Hiroshi Tanahashi

Big Tanahashi chants to start this one.Lockup, Swerve backs Tanahashi into the corner but Hiroshi backs out. Lockup again, and Hiroshi goes into a headlock. Crossbody off the middle rope from Tanahashi and we get some air guitar! He throws the air guitar to Swerve and Swerve gives a little demonstration until Tanahashi drops him. Headscissor takedown from Swereve and Tanahashi rolls to the outside…up on the apron goes Tanahashi but Swerve kicks the ropes for a cheeky lowblow.

Strickland takes Tanahashi to the buckles and sends him over the ropes, but Tanahashi goes to skin the cat…catches Swerve and takes him to the outside. Goes for a basement dropkick but Swerve traps Tanahashi in the ring apron as we go to PIP.

The two battle on the outside now and Prince Nana gets the distraction, allowing Swerve to take control. Hiroshi is sent into the barricade and back in the ring for a quick 2 count.

Swerve fires off a hard hit to the back of Tanahashi’s head and mocks the air guitar. Both men back to their feet and Tanahashi fires off some right hands. Both pull the hair and Aubrey Edwards is there for the count. Flying forearm from Tanahashi followed by some body blows and a scoop slam as Tanahashi ascends the ropes and gets a Senton for 2.

Rolling facebuster from Swerve for 2! Swerve maintains control but Tanahashi rolls him up with an inside cradle for 2, and then whips off a dragon screw. Slingblade! 1, 2…no!

Tanahashi to the top rope…High fly flow gets the knees! Short kick to the knee and Swerve gets to the top rope…he goes for a double stomp but Tanahashi  avoids it and gets another Slingblade. Now Tanahashi back to the top…but Swerve follows him up. Tanahashi swats him back down and Tanahashi gets the High Fly Flow for 3 at 10:56!

Your winner by pinfall: Hiroshi Tanahashi

Rating: *** – This did a great job of showing any casual fans what Tanahashi is all about, while making sure Swerve isn’t treated as an afterthought. Good stuff all round.

And here comes MJF! Or at least, his music hits…MJF is still backstage. MJF says he’ll embarrass him at Forbidden Door. MJF wants it to be Match One tomorrow night as he doesn’t want to spend long in Canada. At Forbidden Door, he’ll take that air guitar and shove it up his ass because Tanahashi is not on the level of the devil.

Back from commercial break, the lights go out as Brody King makes his entrance. Looking forward to this one! Good pop two weeks in a row for Andrade.


Match Two: Brody King (w/ Julia Hart) vs Andrade El Idolo

Of note, Andrade has the shoulder taped up. Brody backs Andrade into the corner but Rick Knox breaks it up. Off the ropes, Andrade attempts to take King down with some knee dropkicks, and gets a headscissors followed by some TRANQUILO hang time in the ropes! O  the apron, King has Andrade on his shoulders but Andrade shoves him off face first into the turnbuckles. Idolo up to the top….DIVING MOONSAULT TO THE OUTSIDE!

Brody is sent back inside and Andrade gets just a 1 count. Stomp to the knee from Andrade, trying to keep the big man down. Chops from Andrade but King has him up on the ropes and chops him HARD to the floor! We go to PIP.

Brody is owning Andrade on the outside during commercial, sending him repeatedly into the barricade. Chops to Andrade back in the ring now and Andrade fires back! More hard blows to Andrade in the corner now, they are laying into each other. King gets a snap suplex followed by a scoop slam and a senton, nice combination. Chops exchanged again as we are back from commercial.

Brody targets the taped up arm, but Andrade fights out of it and goes for a suplex, but Brody throws him onto the apron and gets the Sheamus-esque chest blows. Brody goes face first into the middle buckle from a drop toe hold and Andrade gets a dragon screw with Brody’s legs in the ropes.

Crossbody off the top rope followed by another dragon screw and a flying forearm and King is down! But so is Andrade. Back to his feet, Andrade picks up Brody and gets a clotheslines in the corner, followed by the corner double knees, which gets a 2 count.

Andrade with a boot to the face but King gets him on his shoulders….but falls to his knees, his knee gave way. But YIKES Brody King manages a Death Valley Driver into the buckles, good Lord! CANONBALL! Chopblock from Andrade in the escape and he goes for the figure 4, but Julia Hart is up on the apron.

Andrade ducks a clothesline and gets a back elbow, followed by the Figure 4….and bridges into the Figure 8….but BUDDY MATTHEWS IS HERE for the DQ at 12:59!

Your winner by DQ: Andrade El Idolo

Rating: ***1/4 – This was going along pretty nicely, and even though we got a DQ finish, it didn’t feel like it particularly took anything away from the match. Like last week, Andrade against anyone in the House of Black is just a good time all round.

House of Black destroy Andrade after the match, and no one comes to save him. Malakai Black is on the screen and Hart has the Andrade mask before they disappear as the lights cut out.


Tony Schiavone is back in the ring as he brings out Christian Cage and Luchasaurus. Cage has the TNT championship over his shoulder as they walk to the ring, I love this.

Tony says Cage is back home in Toronto, how does it feel to be back home? Big Christian Cage chants! Cage says he was in a bad mood after the show last week…but he knew he’d be back in Toronto with the TNT championship…and now he’s in a worse mood.

Christian Cage says this city breeds losers, and is populated with losers. He is not OK with mediocrity. The Maple Leafs win and then choke, status quo for Toronto. Cage says there will be no more open challenges for the TNT belt, you have to earn an opportunity. He promises that he will take this championship to new heights. He/We will remain the face of TNT now and forever.

Cage ascends the buckles and poses with the belt, and Luchasaurus is totally fine with it, lifting Cage on his shoulders.

Quick Kojima promo to hype up the Owen Hart Cup Tournament match with CM Punk tomorrow. Punk is thrilled and honoured to be in the ring with Kojima. Roderick Strong speaks now to hype his tournament match with Samoa Joe…and Joe says Strong has never beaten him. Hobbs is not a stepping stone, and Dustin Rhodes won’t beat him. Juice and Starks trade barbs and Starks says he will win the tournament.

Time for quarter-final tournament action for the Women’s side of the Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament.


Match Three: Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament Quarter Final – Willow Nightingale vs Nyla Rose (w/ Marina Shafir)

Strong lockup to begin but they break it up. Charging into each other with hard shoulders, Willow gets Nyla down. Mahistral cradle from Rose but Willow gets straight back up. Chop to the chest on Willow, but Willow fires back with an enziguri. Willow goes for a chop but Nyla grabs the hand and they get into a test of strength…transition into a rollup which gets 2. Nyla Rose rolls to the outside and Shafir gets in the face of Willow.

Nyla Rose sends Willow into the ringpost shoulder first and rolls her back into the ring. Rose went to dig the nails into the eyes but Willows avoids it. Rose gets a knee drop to the arm and gets the boot in the throat in the corner. Stomps to Willow, followed by an elbow drop for a 2 count. Nyla gets the knee across the throat out of the view of the referee but he catches it.

Armlock now as Willow fights to stay in this one. Body slam from Nyla Rose but misses a leg drop. Willow fights back and gets a hard irish whip into the corner followed by a hip attack as she ascends the buckles for a short dropkick from the second rope.

Doctor Bomb attempt! But the arm is in too much pain as Nyla gets a suplex and floats over into a gordbuster, which gets a 2. Nyla goes for a powerbomb ut of the corner but Willow avoids it…but Rose hammers away…but Willow gets a pounce! Good back and forth action there. She gets the Doctor Bomb for the 1, 2, 3. Willow advances to the semi-finals!

Your winner by pinfall: Willow Nightingale

Rating: **3/4 – Not bad at all but never really hit second gear. Nice finishing segment though.

Wait, Saraya, Ruby Soho and Toni Storm are here! But Skye Blue provides backup! She has a steel chair to even the odds. The Outcasts hightail it.

Scorpio Sky is backstage. He says he let his big break control him. He wants to introduce himself. He is the first face of the revolution, and a 2-time TNT champion. Scorpio Sky is back and now you find out who he really is.


Match Four: Powerhouse Hobbs vs Jeremy Prophet

Hobbs attacks just as the bell rings and destroys Jeremy in the corner with fierce elbows. Jeremy escapes the powerslam but Hobbs shrugs off his escape and hits a massive clothesline. He demands Prophet gets back up. Off the ropes with a wild spinebuster for 3 at 1:33.

Your winner by pinfall: Powerhouse Hobbs


Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness rundown tomorrow’s Forbidden Door card…I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that it looks SWEET.

Oh wow, Toronto is hailing down some boos on CM Punk as he enters! We are certainly not in Chicago anymore.


Match Five: CM Punk, FTR and Ricky Starks vs Juice Robinson & Jay White (Bullet Club Gold) and The Gunns

We begin with Punk and Jay White, lovely stuff. Oh but Jay tags to Juice for the mind games. Loud boos as Punk wrings the arm and follows up with a shoulder block. Tag to Dax, and Dax gets a shoulder block too, followed by a body slam. Juice gets a body slam in retaliation, and Dax gets a side headlock takedown to take Juice to the mat. Juice gets a big senton for a pin attempt but Dax gets out straight away.

Now Austin Gunn is in but Dax fires up with some chops to the chest and a snap suplex, following up with a short leg drop. Tag to Cash, who dropkicks Colten off the apron. Cash tags to Ricky Starks, who wrings the arm and gets to the top rope for the crotch-thrust top rope walk.

Jay White in now but backs away from Starks. Jay wants Punk, and Starks obliges, tagging Punk in. Punk taunts him and we get a collar and elbow tie up. Body blows from Punk, but Jay White fires back with knife edge chops. They trade chops! Jay goes for a Bladerunner!  But launches him to the floor as this breaks down and everyone gets involved on the outside as we go to break.

Back in the ring, it’s Punk and Colten Gunn. Big boot from Punk and he tags in Dax. Despite the boos, big CM Punk chants go up, this crowd is split. Juice Robinson tagged in now and these two trade chops in the corner. Damn these are hard chops! Juice goes to the top…but Dax is up. Chop up on the turnbuckle, but Juice gets a headbutt in defense…until Dax finally gets the superplex! Cash tags himself in for a double team Doomsday Device. Juice drops to his knees and escapes to tag in Austin.

Dropkick to Cash Wheeler. Cash gets a quick pin attempt and a rollup for another, but Austin kicks out. Punk back in now and he gets a second rope elbow drop for 2. Punk looks like he is having fun with big smiles all round. Neckbreaker from Punk and a cocky pin attempt gets 2.

Colten in and he stomps a mudhole on Punk to the cheers of Toronto! Tag to Jay who chops Punk repeatedly. Dragon screw leg whip on Punk and Juice is tagged back in. Juice continues to work the leg with elbow drops to the inside knee. Quick tags from the heels and Punk is thrown to the outside as we go to commercial.

Referee Paul Turner begins the count as the Gunns taunt Punk on the floor. Punk crawls back inside but Jay White is there to keep him grounded. Waistlock from Jay White and the heels are firmly in control here. Punk is seated on the top turnbuckle as Jay White joins him up there…but Punk rakes the eyes and follows up with a big crossbody. He can’t cover though as the ribs are in pain. Punk and Jay trade chops again and Jay prevents the tag as Punk nears his corner.

Punk gets the trademark knee in the corner and the twisting neckbreaker but the Gunns jump inside to tag out Starks and FTR. Juice goes for a G2S! BUT PUNK BLOCKS IT! Punk with a high kick and the Gunns are in…but Punk tags in Ricky Starks!

Starks is a house of fire taking everyone out, and gets a spinebuster followed by a swinging DDT on the Gunns. Juice and Jay in, and FTR run in too…they take each other to the floor. Legal men are left in the ring. Jay White with a back body drop to Dax on the floor. Starks gets a Blue Thunder on Jay White for 2.

Jay with a rollup with the tights! Bladerunner attempt but Starks drills him, and Juice breaks it up. Dax in with a piledriver, Gunns take him out. Cash takes care of the Gunns and throws them back out…and gets a HUGE suicide dive and GODDAMIT he hit the barricade hard. Uranagi from Jay White…and another to Ricky Starks…for TWO!

Bladerunner attempt but Ricky nips out and gets a spear! Spear to Colten! Spear to Austin!! Juice got a cheap blow as Starks neared the ropes, and Jay gets the Bladerunner for the three count at 23:40.

Your winners by pinfall: Juice Robinson & Jay White (Bullet Club Gold) and The Gunns

Rating: ***3/4 – Oh damn, we were COOKING by the end of this one! This had a ton of time, and felt pretty equal in terms of in-ring time shared between all 8 guys.

Bullet Club Gold throw the guns up as we fade to black. See you tomorrow for Forbidden Door, folks!

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
AEW is 2 for 2 with Collision so far, putting on another joyful two hours of TV. Shows like this just speed by and feel like a real pleasure to watch. We were treated to good matches throughout and a pretty great main event. The Christian Cage promo didn't give us much and was the only thing that could possibly be considered 'filler' on the show, but I'm certainly intrigued on where they take the dynamic between him and Luchasaurus. The main event didn't do all that much to further the Punk/Kojima match tomorrow, but I could see Bullet Club Gold interfering to further this Saturday night feud. All in all, another success, and Saturdays are quickly going to become appointment viewing for AEW fans.

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AEW Collision, Theo Sambus