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Join 411’s Live AEW Dynamite Coverage

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Hey there, Sickos! It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite is LIVE tonight, and there stands to be more questions than answers, so let’s hope we get some A’s to the Q’s that we have! Questions such as, “Who will partner with Ricochet tonight?” and “Who is going to move forward to oppose Private Party in the 4-way tag team match at Full Gear?” And of course we can’t forget, “How much will we get moving forward in the Orange Cassidy and Jon Moxley saga?”
So, how is everyone doing tonight? For me, the work on the now bludgeoning music section continues on, as thoughts and ideas that I might have for reviews are always percolating. That is, of course, when I’m doing the first job that I was brought on to do, and that is bring the good word on AEW Dynamite!
So sit, back, relax, and we’ll be exploding that Dynamite soon!
We are LIVE tonight from the SNHU Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire! Our announcers are Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Nigel McGuiness!
*We start with Tony in the ring, as he announces the Hurt Syndicate to the ring! Here comes MVP, Shelton Benjamin, and Bobby Lashley!
(by the way, did you know that Bobby is ALL ELITE?)
Tony is cut off by MVP as the fans chant his name. MVP says he needs no introduction and tells Tony to leave the ring. This is an official announcement from the Hurt Syndicate! Montrell Vontavious Porter is joined by the Standard of Excellence, Shelton Benjmain. MVP goes into his past accolades. The fans chant for BOBBY, as MVP goes into all the accolades that Lashley has accumulated. They want to enrich the young talent and lift them up, much like they were able to help each out. If MVP offers a business card, that card is your golden ticket to success! If you accept it, you life will change, and if you refuse, well, this happens.
(We cut over to the events of last week, where Swerve Strickland gets beaten up)
As if on cue, Strickland’s music plays. He comes out and is being detained by the referees. Prince Nana gives Swerve a mic.
MVP” We’ll see you there, kid!
Well then! I’ve heard of shoot your shot, but that was a bit too easy lol.
*We get a video package highlighting the past week’s Dynamite and Collison for Orange Cassidy and Jon Moxley. Did you know that they have an AEW World title match at Full Gear? If you didn’t, now you know!
*Back in the arena, and the music for Jon and his Paradigm plays, as the Trios Champions come through the crowd. Looks like we are opening with our tag team match.
(BTW, this music sounds like demented/haunted Star Wars music. Just saying)
Claudio Castagnoli and PAC (W/Wheeler Yuta) vs. Darby Allin and Orange Cassidy
PAC and Claudio walk up the ramp to go after Cassidy, but Allin jumps off the top of the entrance tunnel onto their opponents! Allin is trying to choke out Claudio on the ring entrance, while PAC and Cassidy are fighting by the announce desk. The bell finally rings as Referee Bryce Remsberg checks on Cassidy and PAC goes on the attack again. Claudio and Darby are now at ringside, as Claudio hits a HUGE European Uppercut. In the ring, PAC misses a dropkick, and Cassidy hits one of his own. Cassidy loads up the Orange Punch, he looks at Yuta on the outside, but PAC hits him with a running boot. Cassidy put on the tip-top, PAC up, Orange fights. Cassidy throws PAC off the top, Cassidy follows with the diving DDT! The pin! Claudio breaks it up! Claudio with a backbreaker into a gut buster as he chucks Cassidy around! PIP BREAK!
PIP Thoughts:
-Tomorrow, what is left of Darby will be with Renne and RJ on Meal and a Match!
-This NBA Cup…Okay.
-DSG commercial with the entire Watt Family. Cool.
-US Army commercial, which is cool considering Verteran’s Day is on Monday!
-The first two episodes of Invincible Fight Girl were really fun! Will be checking out the new ones!
And we’re back, as Claudio hits Cassidy with a back breaker up and over! Orange tries to fight back, but he looks like a fly hitting a brick wall. Claudio with a key lock, Cassidy back to his feet, he fights out. Claudio charges, hits the ring post shoulder first! Cassidy with the tag, Allin is in, so is PAC! Shotgun drop kick, PAC to the floor! COFFIN DROP TO THE FLOOR ON PAC! Back in, Darby is pulled out of midair, but Allin fights out. Off the ropes, but a HUGE back body drop by Claudio. The pin, that’s a two count! Claudio with another backbreaker to Allin, the cover, a two count. PAC tags in, German Suplex with the bridge, a two count. PAC taunts Allin, who is now in the corner, a big boot to the face. Claudio in, both men with corner attacks on Allin in the corner. PAC with a Brainbuster, Allin kicks out as Claudio plays offensive lineman on Cassidy. PAC places Allin on the top rope, he goes up. SHEER DROP BRAINBUSTER FROM THE TOP ROPE! A cover, this time Cassidy makes it in to save Allin. Cassidy throws Claudio over the top rope and to the floor. PAC looking for a rollup on Allin, but he escapes and tags in Cassidy. Cassidy goes after PAC< here comes Claudio, Cassidy up top, he hits the crossbody to PAC. Slumdog Millionaire on Claudio, Allin in with the Code Red! Dives by Allin to both opponents on the floor! DDT by Cassidy, as he kips up. Yuta in the ring! ORANGE PUNCH! ANOTHER ONE FOR CLAUDIO! Here comes Marina Shafir! She throws the ref out of the ring!
WINNERS: No Contest
TIME: 13:15
THOUGHTS: You knew that this match was probably not going to end clean, and this was the way around that. Good for what it was, but in the end, it just felt like a throwaway match just to break down Darby and Cassidy.
Post match, here is Jon Moxley! He goes after Cassidy, but Allin hits him with the skateboard! Allin hits Yuta and PAC with the skateboard! Claudio sent to the floor! But it’s too much, as Claudio flattens him on the floor! Cassidy and Moxley fight in the middle of the ring but again, the numbers game is too much. Yuta steals a page from the book of Bryan Danielson with the Busaiku Knee! Mark Briscoe’s theme hits and the Conglomeration come out! The Paradigm leave the ring and exit through the crowd.
*We’re back, as we run down the upcoming shows for the month of November!
*Backstage, Renee Paquette is with Ricochet! She wants to know who is joining him tonight. He wants to tell everyone, but he is keeping that a secret. He is cut off by the Hurt Syndicate. They explain terse pleasantries, and MVP says they should talk. They wish him good luck, and they leave.
*Back to the ring, and our next match is about ready to go!
Fight Without Honor: Chris Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith vs. Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly, and Tomohoro Ishii
For those who don’t know, the Fight Without Honor is basically a hardcore match with no rules and falls count anywhere. Everyone fights everyone to begin! Big Bill looking for a chokeslam on Briscoe early, but that is fought off. Briscoe now going after Jericho with the title belt that belongs to Jericho. Briscoe looking for a Jay Driller through the table, but Jericho escapes right into an Ishii elbow! BACKDROP DRIVER ON JERICHO THROUGH THE TABLE! BRISCOE OFF THE CHAIR AND HITS A DIVE ONTO BIG BILL! O’REILLY AND KEITH FALL THROUGH A TABLE FROM THE APRON! Briscoe grabs a ladder, but Bill kicks him in the gut. Big Bill has Briscoe up AND CHOKESLAMS HIM THROUGH THE LADDER! PIP BREAK!
PIP thoughts:
-These talking cards, TBS used them last year, too.
-Gladiator II looks good, will be checking it out!
-Early Black Friday Sale, we’ll call that Blue Wednesday!
– Verizon = overrated.
-Why yes, my totally thin hairs NEEDS Pantene! Thanks!
-It is just me, or does every University have an online school as well?
-Pretzels can ice skate! Thanks, Tums!
And we’re back, with Jericho and Ishii in the ring. Briscoe enters the ring with a chair, as Jericho picks one up as well. Both men play chair wars! Briscoe knocks Jericho’s out of his hand and attacks Jericho with the chair. Some shots for Keith! Bill is nah screw your chair and drops him and the chair. He drops O’Reilly for good measure. he charges the corner, no one home. The entire Conglomeration works to cut the Redwood down, as Ishii and Kyle go high-low. Jericho tries to roll up Briscoe, that’s a two count. We now have a chop battle, broken up by the Bad Apple with a Kendo Stick! Meanwhile, Big Bill and Kyle fight up the ramp to the entrance tunnel. In the ring, we have a tower forming in the corner! Ishii and Briscoe take down Jericho and Keith with top rope suplex. In the back of the arena, Big Bill beats up on O’Reilly. Bill sets up two tables and goes up to the top of the gear box! Bill thinking chokeslam, but O’Reilly with the guillotine, Bill crumbles, BOTH MEN CRASH THROUGH THE TABLES!! Back in the ring, Briscoe brings the ladder in and charges Jericho, but he dropkicks the ladder into Mark. Jericho with the chair, he misses, Briscoe has Jericho up, JAY DRILLER! No pin is attempted, as Briscoe sets up the ladder and table. He puts Jericho on the table and climbs up the ladder. This is a heck of a distance. FROGGY BOW FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDER TO JERICHO THROUGH THE TABLE! THE PIN! BAD APPLE WITH THE SAVE! Ishii back in, Keith bounces off of him with a clothesline. Briscoe takes out Keith with a dive to the floor! Ishii with the sliding lariat to Jericho! Ishii has Jericho up, BRAIN BUSTER! THE PIN! THAT’S IT!
WINNERS: The Conglomeration
TIME: 13:00
THOUGHTS: That was fun and wild, lot of fun stuff happened in this one. Suffice to say, Big Tom pinning Jericho means he gets an ROH Title shot at Jericho soon?
RATING: ***3/4
*We’re back with Jon, Wheeler, and Marina in the back. Jon says that Wheeler owes Cassidy nothing, despite what happened in the past. He is a solider under Jon’s command. Darby has disappointed Jon; he had high hopes for him. It is a time to kill, a time to heal, but it’s time to start taking things seriously.
*Back to the ring, and here comes Adam Cole (BAYBAY!)
Adam Cole (BAYBAY!) vs. Malakai Black
Just a reminder that both Cole and Roderick Strong are continuing their competition to three wins to face MJF at Gull Gear. Cole defeated Buddy Matthews last week, while Strong defeated Shane Taylor on Collision.
The bell rings, as both men stand in opposite corners. Lockup, both men collide. Both men sweep each other’s legs and go for the pin. Malakai fiends going for the ankle, but he decides not to. Black works over the arm and wrist. Cole roles through into a headlock, but Black goes right back to the wrist lock. Cole with an arm drag, but Black answers with his own. Black catches Cole’s leg and hits an inside kick to Cole’s leg. Cole on the outside, taking a moment. Black to the outside, Cole with a kick and sends Black into the barricade. Both men back in, Cole superkick is countered, but Cole ducks the spinning kick. Black to the top rope, Cole kicks him down to the apron. Cole with a pump kick. Cole looking for the Heat Seaker, Black cuts that off and Cole falls to the floor. Black off the apron, but he eats a SUPERKICK! PIP BREAK!
PIP thoughts:
-Sorry, wasn’t really paying attention here, distracted!
And we’re back, as Cole fights out of the corner with forearms to Black. Black off the ropes, Cole catches him with the high neckbreaker! Panama Sunrise blocked, but Cole gets it on the second attempt! But Black no sells and hits a knee to the face of Cole! The cover for a two count! Both men reset with forearms in the middle of the ring. Cole fakes the Superkick, hits the low kick. Black catches his next kick and drops Cole. Black to the top rope now, here comes Cole to cut him off. Sunset flip attempt is countered, knee by Black! Superkick by Cole! Cole drops the kneepad! Off the ropes, THE END BY MALAKAI! THE COVER! JUST A TWO COUNT! Black looks on in shock as he considers what to do next. Cole shoves Black away but he falls to the mat. Cole tries a Superkick, blocked, low kick! Cole up top, Panama Sunrise! Another Superkick! ONE MORE! Black finally stays down! Cole looks on as Malakai sits in the middle of the ring. Black implores him to hit him, so Cole Lowers the Boom and gets the three count!
TIME: 12:48
THOUGHTS: Weird ending aside, this was a great match between two great athletes. This is probably leads to Cole having to defeat Brody King to get his third win?
RATING: ****
Post match, Cole wants to shake hands with Black, but Black pulls him in and hugs him instead! Cole has the mic now. Who’s ready for story time with Adam Cole BAYBAY! Cole thanks Black for the fight, that was one of the toughest in his 19-year career. He wants to talk to Max. He says him and Roderick are going to win their three matches, but what happens if they BOTH get to three wins? Adam talked to Tony Khan, and when both Adam and Roddy get to three wins, it will be Adam versus Max versus Roddy at Full Gear in a Triple Threat match. You’re going to get the ass kicking of your life, courtesy of the Undisputed Kingdom, BAYBAY!
*We cut to wherever MJF is at, as he is upset. He appears to call someone on his phone. He tells whoever is on the other end that he needs them to pay someone a visit.
*We get the run down for the upcoming three matches to determine who will be in the 4-team match with Private Party at Full Gear.
*To the back, Renee has Switchblade Jay White. White is about to speak, but here comes Hangman Adam Page. They fight through the curtain and out into the arena. Page has a chair, but not for long, as White disarms him and gets the chair. Hangman is trying to break the ankle of White against the barricade. Page gets the chair, but Juice Robinson runs by and steals the chair! White frees himself and they fight down into the ring. Page escapes out the other side of the ring. White on the mic. Don’t run away again! He would LOVE to know what he is going to do to Jay. Jay says he is going to beat you, embarrass you, dismantle you, Page! Page will never be ahead of, at Full Gear, Hangman will breathe with the Switchblade. Maybe he will be the first man to make Hangman tap out! If you don’t like that, the BBG has two words for you…
*And we’re back, as Renee has Kris Statlander. It’s official for Full Gear, as Statlander will face Mercedes Mone. She walks off, but we hear the screech of car tires. Kris got hit by Kamille! Mone rips on her, but Kris grabs Mone out of the passenger’s seat and takes her out. She fights withs Kamille and slams her into the door. The referees and security show up to break things up.
*Back to the arena, and here is Christian Cage and his Patriarchy! Manchester! Sit down and shut up while Cage conducts business! The added security is here for protection! First thing is first, Cage wants to welcome Kip Sabian to the Patriarchy. Cage says he has accepted Sabian, and he appreciates him following him like a fatherless loser. Because of Sabian, he avoided getting attacked by the Paradigm when he cashed in, and he still stands with the contract. In that moment, Kip did more than anything his other sons have done for him, as he stares down Nick Wayne. He hugs Kip, but here comes HOOK to break it up. Whatever Christian has to say, make it good and make it quick. Cage says HOOK has the crazy eyes; he is a bull in a China shop. Cage NEEDS a son like HOOK. He realized that he couldn’t have Taz in his ear anymore, and that is why he took Taz out with a lead pipe to the knee. Cage says Taz saw his face, why didn’t he just tell HOOK who took him out? Taz is a legend in this business, he was the face of an outlaw promotion, but when he got to the bright lights, he buckled under the pressure. Do you want to be an announcer like your father, or do you want to be a revered champion like Cage? He regrets not taking things further, because it seems like no one wants Taz alive anymore. Cage wishes Taz was dead! Obviously, that brings HOOK to the ring, as he runs through security. He puts Red Rum on Cage, then Sabian, and the security is the fodder for the Patriarchy to escape the ring.
*We get a video package for Lance Archer and Brian Cage. Al Scoops Marvez is here with Don Callis. There is a man who approaches Callis with an envelope and a ring holder. Apparently, the call MJF made was to Callis, as he wants the Family to take out Cole! The message ends with MJF threatening Callis if he scratches up his Dynamite Diamond Ring.
*TO the ring for the next match!
Jamie Hayter vs. Penelope Ford
Ford attacks as soon as Hayter gets in the ring. Ford back in the ring, she lands some shots to the face of Jamie. Penelope charges the corner, no one home, backdrop from Jamie. Hayter returns the favor with some shots to the face, and then stomps away on Ford in the corner. Ford fights out and whips Jamie to the corner. She hits the handspring elbow and then a snap suplex for a two count! Ford taunts Hayter with a knee to the throat and some kicks to the side of the head. To the ropes, Ford chocks Hayter with her knee. Hayter counters with a Jawbreaker, but Ford with a trip kick and a back elbow for a two count. Ford to the top rope, moonsault misses, Hayter charges with a forearm. She has her up and hits Ford with the Brain Buster! Lariat ducked by Ford with the Matrix! Cutter! Cover for a two count! Both ladies back up, Ford misses a clothesline, Hayter doesn’t, she hits the HAYTERADE for the three count!
WINNER: Jamie Hayter
TIME: 4:38
THOUGHTS: Kind of a glorified squash match, although Ford did look good for the offense that she got in. A shame, because this needed some more time!
RATING: **1/2
*Are you Ready for Mina?? YES, WE ARE! SHE WILL BE HERE NEXT WEEK! Someone check on Pepe!!
*We’re back, as we get a video package for Kazuchika Okada. Apparently, Okada will be defending his Continental Title much like the IWGP World Champion defends his title in the G1 Climax, so that’s really cool. The more Okada, the better!
*To the ring, it is time for the main event!
TNT Champion Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher vs. Ricochet and ???
Ricochet has the mic on the stage. These two morons made a mistake when they allowed him to pick anyone on the AEW Roster. Apparently, this man’s contract ran out on October 4th, and they forgot about him, and he’s pissed off.
That man? None other than Powerhouse Will Hobbs!
The bell rings and we fight in the ring! Takeshita and Fletcher try to take out Hobbs, but he runs over both men. Everyone is outside fighting now, as Takeshita eats some chops from Ricochet. Hobbs goes after Takeshita on the other side of the ring. Both Hpbbs and Ricochet in the ring. Ricochet to the shoulders of Hobbs and he hits a moonsault off his shoulders and to the floor on Kyle and Konosuke! Fletcher back in the ring, delayed vertical suplex by Will. Ricochet and Hobbs in the ring, Hobbs knocks down Fletcher while Ricochet poses. LOL! Fletcher turns the tables as Takeshita trips Ricochet. Both men in the ring, double team front suplex and stereo kicks to the head. PIP BREAK!
PIP thoughts:
-Brace For Collision!
-Kenan can sell me a car!
-Persil does laundry detergent now? Okay.
-Robitussin soft chews sound better than cough drops.
-St. Denis is a medical comedy, which is certainly a choice.
-Buffalo Wild Wings trying to be like Chili’s and Applebee’s.
-Is it me, or does Jesse Eisenberg always look the same age, even when he was bald for Lex Luthor?
And we’re back, as Takeshita poses over Ricochet. Adam Cole is seen watching in the back, because its official, next week Takeshita will face Cole! Nice! Ricochet fights back with a springboard elbow. He tags in Hobbs, and Hobbs hits lariats on both opponents and sandwiches them in the corner. Powerslam to Takeshita. Konosuke with a knee to slow him down, but Hobbs has Takeshita up on the top. AVALANCHE POWERSLAM! Fletcher breaks up the count! Hobbs chucks Flecther from the ring like CS22 would like to! Hobbs looking spinebuster, but Takeshita with an elbow shot, although it only appears to make Will mad. Takeshita and Hobbs trade in the middle of the ring. Hobbs counters the rolling elbow, Takeshita counters Hobbs with a German Suplex, but Will rolls through and hits a huge lariat! Both men tag out, as Fletcher whips Ricochet. Fletcher catches Ricochet on the come back with a powerbomb, the pin, only a two count! Takeshita back in as he boots Ricochet and Fletcher boots Hobbs off the apron. Double team attempt in the corner, but Ricochet counters with a huricananra on Takeshita. Hobbs takes out Fletcher. Ricochet misses the 450 splash, Takeshita up, HUGE KNEE. Counters exchanged in the middle of the ring, Takeshita with a German, but Ricochet lands on his feet! Poisonrana countered by Takesthia, Flecther in, they hit the DOOMSDAY DEVICE! Suicide dive by Kule on Will! Cover on Ricochet, only a two count! Takeshita looking for the lariat, but Will pushes Ricochet out of the way and cuts off Takeshita. Ricochet with a pin attempt on Takeshita, two count! Ricochet to the top now. SHOOTING STAR PRESS! 2.99999999999 Ricochet tries the Spirit Shot! THAT WILL DO IT FOR THE THREE COUNT!
WINNER: Ricochet and Powerhouse Hobbs
TIME: 14:42
THOUGHTS: First of all, great to see Hobbs back, in the main event no less. Great way to bring him back and guarantee he has something to do and isn’t in catering. The match itself was good, and it allows Ricochet to get a TNT Title shot.
RATING: ****
Post match, Fletcher has a chair and attacks Hobbs from behind. He gets in the ring and hits Ricochet with the chair. But before Kyle can do anything else, here comes Mark Davis! Him and Kyle come to blows in the middle of the ring! Here comes Lance Archer and Brian Cage! Adam Cole is here now! Takeshita meets him on the ramp, and they fight to the back! ANARCHY! WILL OSPREAY IS HERE!!! KYLE IS IN SHOCK! THE BILLY GOAT BRUV FLIES TO THE RING! The good guys take over! Will looking for the Hidden Blade on Kyle, but he gets out of dodge! The Family leaves the ring as Davis, Hobbs, Ricochet, and Ospreay stand tall!
And with that, the show has come to an end!
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