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Join 411’s Live AEW Dynamite Coverage

February 14, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
AEW Dynamite Image Credit: AEW

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone except for Randy Ragsdale!

My girlfriend is currently watching a movie with Chris Evans on the big TV, while I watch AEW. This constitutes as a date, right?

Anyway, enjoy Episode 2 of my good friend Michael Ornelas’ Fine Dining Podcast where he reviews some Hooters…and let me tell ya, guys…it’s NOT what you think. Ok, maybe it just wasn’t what I thought.

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means…

We’re in Austin, and Excalibur is all kinds of excited.

We start with Jon Moxley, who is shown walking through the concord area before heading to the ring through th crowd.

Jon Moxley vs Dax Hardwood

LOCKUP! Dax corners Jon, he reverses then smacks Dax back into the center of the ring. Jon flips off Dax. Another lockup, Dax with a go behind, and he flips of Moxley this time. Lockup for the third time, Jon backs him into the corner. Jon mounts in the corner, then gives Dax a smooch on the cheek. Dax talks some shit while Jonn puts his hands behind his back. A BIG KISS! Right, chop, right, chop, he corners Jon then attacks. The neck. Kick from Jon, into the corner with a right, a chop. Jon with a hard rights in the conrer, attacking the dome. He then bites the ear HUGE chop from Dax, another, another, right forearm to the face, to the corner again, and Dax hits a right ot the jaw, then a chop, antoher combo. Right and left now til the ref stops it. Jon corners him, uppercut, huge chop, another, another, he’s chopping him down. Some kicks dorp Dax to his ass. Knees now! Side headlock, ot the ropes, shoulder tackle from Dax, he runs the ropes, over Jon, under, misses a right, and Jon gets a sleeper into a bulldog choke! Dax drops down, Jon sinks the weight. Dax tries to escape and Jon tosses him out of the ring.

Jon leaves the ring and grabs Dax near the barricade. He rakes the eyes then whips him over the barricade into the crowd! Ref tells Jon to get it back in the ring, but Jon grabs a chair instead. He climbs onto the barricade Dax with a chop, a right, another. Jon with a hue right, another. Forearm from Dax. Dax climbs over, Jon kicks, shoots the legs, holds on and catapults him into the ringpost! Ref’s count is at 6 as Jon grabs Dax. He whips Dax into the ring at 8 and follows. Jon corners Dax again, and again rakes the eyes. He punches the dome, gets to five but it looks like Dax bites his dick! LIGER BOMB FROM DAX! Dax locks the head, tries for a suplex, Jon blocks, they near the ropes, suplex attempt and both end up on the floor outside!

WE ARE BACK from break and Jon has wrist control. Dax chops but Jon returns it. They go back and forth until Jon hits a forearm, nearly dropping Dax. Dax stands, hits one of his own, they go back and forth again. GOOZLE from Jon! From Dax! They both block. More strikes! They go full on hockey fight! A final one from each and they both drop!

Jon is in the corner. Dax walks over and hits a chop. He sits Jon on the corner and hits another chop. Dax climbs. Jon locks the head! He’s choking Dax up! JON RAKES THE BACK! He then hits a big forearm, nearly dropping Da. Another, a third. Four. Dax still holds on. He eats a fifth. Another. Dax finally falls. Jon is not so quick to stand, allowing Dax to hop up and clock the jaw. He locks the head. SUPERPLEX TO JON MOXLEY!!!! Ref starts the count. He gets to 5 and both men are on their hands and knees. They both go for headbutts a few times then stand. Jon with a kick, a right hand, Dax whips, locks the arm, hits a short arm clothesline. Another as Jon does NOT drop. Rope work and Jon hits a huge lariat, but Dax stays standing and hits his own! JON GOES DON! He’s back up, Dax tries for an arm bar, Jon turns into it, and Dax gets a sharpshooter!!! Jon turns it around, hits a few kicks, stands up and grabs the hands then stomps the face of Dax a few times before trying for an arm bar. Dax rolls into it, gets a 1..NO!! Jon locks the head, tries for a piledriver, Dax reverses! Jon tries for a backdrop, but Dax rakes the back, Jon hits one anyway, but Dax rolls into a pin, only for Jon to roll out, Jon tries for a right, Dax backs up, fakes a right, PILEDIVER!!! Cover! 1…2…..NO!!!!

They end up outside again. Dax chops Jon a few times. Ref hits 2, Dax hops on the apron, tries to get in, Jon kicks the rope!!!! CUTTER! STOMP! PILEDRIVER! Cover! 1..2….NO!!!! Jon lifts Dax up, pulls the trigger, hits the ropes, but Dax with a right, tries for a brainbuster, Jon tries for a Paradigm Shift, counter, BRAINBUSTAAAA!!! Cover! 1..2..NO!!!

Dax almost got it! He runs to the corner, heads up high, falls off for a headbutt, but Jon with a rear choke!! Dax fades! Ref holds the hand up, and Dax is still alive! Jon cinches the hold and Dax taps!!

Winner: Jon Moxley
Good Golly they beat some ass.I feel some may be upset about that cutter/stomp/piledriver spot, with basically three finishers getting kicked out of, but I had fun.
Total Rating: ***3/4
Match Time: 18:37

Moxley won’t let go! Ref tries to force it. Here comes Cash Wheeler and he beats the shit out of Moxley!!! He hammers over and over until Claudio Castagnoli runs down and hits a Nuetralizer! Jon and Claudio stand tall.

We head backstage to Renee, who is talking with Konosuke Takeshita and Powerhouse Hobbs along with Don. Don says no one wants to wrestle Takeshita or Hobbs. They need to be on the PPV, but they cant find the talent, so he looked within and he’ll put together a match that will have the world talking. Two family members against each other – Takeshita vs Ospreay.

Renee questions this. Don says he and his brothers used to fight and be fine. Don’s family wins, they’ll all be a family afterwards.

He calls this Match of the Decade.

Wardlow vs Jobby McJobberson

Wardlow eats a jobber for dinner.

Winner: Wardlow
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: 1:23

Earlier today, the EVPs arrived on a private jet wearing their bloodied white suits from last week. They are, apparently, ready to work, and head into a limo.

Adam Copeland vs Daniel Garcia

They size each other up, lock fingers, then Adam hits a hard right to the face. Another. Adam sends him into the corner, hits a forearm, another, another. Garcia gets some crowd love. Whip from Adam, but he holds onto the wrist and slams Daniel down. Adam tries for a Crossface, Garcia slips through with ease and gets an Ankle Lock. Adam gets to the ropes but Garcia holds on until the break. Shoulder tackle drops Garcia, they run the ropes, Garcia tries for the trip, but Adam splashes him and covers for 1..2NO!! Adam corners Garcia, chokes him up a bit. Adam grabs Garcia up from the corner. He gets a side headlock. Garcia with an elbow, another, side headlock. They run the ropes and Adam drops Garcia with a tackle. They run the ropes, Adam tries for the splash again, but Daniel rolsl out the way, rolls him up for 1..2NO!!! Another pin attempt, gets a 1. Drop toe hold from Garcia. He locks the legs up from behind then does his little dance before stomping the knees into the mat. Chop in the corner. Whip from Garcia, reversed, Garcia kicks out of the corner then locks up Adam and drives an elbow onto the head a few times. Garcia flies, Adam catches him, lifts up, shoulder breaker by Adam! Adam whips Garcia into the post shoulder first.

We ARE BACK and Adam is climbing the corner while Garcia writhes on the mat. Garcia is up and crotches Adam. Dragon Screw to Adam off the top rope! Garcia beats Adam down in the corner, hits the ropes, running boot. He tries for a suplex, but Adam hits some elbows. Another Dragon Screw, then he pulls back on the leg and falls. Garcia grabs th leg, and dorps an elbow on the inside of the leg! Copeland grabs the arm! He pulls back on it, but GARCIA WITH AN STF!!! Edge tries for an Impaler, Garcia escapes, right hands. They go back and forth, kick from Garcia, he shoots the leg, Adam with right hands, ANOTHER DRAGON SCREW! Garcia to the top rope! Adam stops him! He climbs, attacks the back, locks the head. IMPALER OFF THE TOP! Adam wants a spear! Garcia stands, turns, KICK TO ADAM!!! JACKKNIFE PIN!!! 1..2…NO!!! Adam escapes. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE!

Here comes Nick Wayne to attack! Lucha is here, too! That’s enough for the DQ. Excalibur calls it a No Contest.

Winner: No Contest
They gave this some time, and Garcia looked good. Would have looked even better if he got the win, but maybe this means a triple threat title shot for him.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 12:21

Christian Cage walks down the ramp and grabs a few chairs from under the ring. But Matt Menard pulls one out of his hand! They ready the attack, but Killswitch is there to drop Matt with ease.

In the ring, Lucha hits Garcia with a chokeslam. Nick Wayne rolls Garcia onto a chair. Cage grabs a chair, but here is Adam!!! He attacks Nick, then Luch, then he and Christian meet in the middle with a chair smack! Adam corners Cage but Nick’s mom hits a low blow with a smile! Nick hops off the corner with Wayne’s World. Lucha lifts Adam and hits a lariat to the back of the neck! CONCHAIRTO TO ADAM COPELAND!

We are back and YOUR World Champ is here.

Samoa Joe is out suited an booted and he stands here proudly our champion. He comes with a spirit of apology. He is the one who re-enacted the ranking system to ensure only the best fought him. It was all going so well until last week when Page and Strickland fought to a draw. He figured that would put them to the back of the line, but they took a page out of the Texas playbook and made the match bigger and dumber. They reward mediocrity around here, and instead of telling both men that they don’t belong in a ring with him, he finds himself in a threeway match. A crime has been committed, and now there must be repercussions. He will hurt one, if not both. They may walk in but they will limp out. He is Samoa Joe, he stands here champion, and there is nothing anyone can do about that.

Swerve Strickland isn’t too pleased. He comes out in some Lost & Founds and tells Joe this wasn’t supposed to be personal, but the more Joe runs his mouth, he cant help but get the feeling that it is becoming personal. He tells Joe that when he won the title, he said he’d the new protocol was show up with your reputation and resume. Hunger is what defines the greats? He’s on his way to becoming one of the greatest of all time. No one outhustles him, outworks him, and outgrinds him. Check his resume and put some respect on it. Fifteen years he’s been doin this. One day, maybe he’ll go down as one of the best, currently, maybe one day. After this year, he’s proven exactly that. Today is that day. He’s gone toe-to-toe with former world champs, some of the best legends, and the same thing happens every time. This is his house and the only thing that will change on march 3 is that he will be holding the title above his head.

Here comes Hangman Adam Page who wants to set the record straight. He wasn’t mad after last week. He says the winner of the match last week became the Number One Contender, and Swerve couldn’t do it. If this was up to Page, at Revolution, it would be between two men who value and respect the title and all it stands for. He tells Swerve that he doesn’t deserve one second of Page’s time. He tells him that page doesn’t deserve five more minutes because he couldn’t get the job done. He doesn’t deserve to be in this match.

Joe splits them apart, tells them to back up, says this domestic dispute ends tonight. Come Revolution, he’s whipping both their asses.

Toni Storm has a cool short video called Wet Ink that covers her friendship with Deonna.

We are LIVE with Deonna Purrazzo backstage. Toni talks too much, says Deonna. She’ll keep it short and sweet: “I’m going to break your arm, bitch.”

Ah, this has officially entered Stage 3 of a Women’s Feud – wherein someone is called a bitch.

The Young Bucks get new music that sounds like a Succession ripoff.

They admonish our beloved announcer for not introducing them correctly.

The Young Bucks vs Top Flight

LOCKUP! Nick still has his derby hat on. He works the arm, Dante flips out the hold and spins Nick. Nick dodges a head scissors. He gets a side headlock. Hits the ropes, Dante flips over the running Nick. Nick yells at the booth. He runs back in, and Dante gets an arm drag. Whip to the ropers, Dante tries for another, Nick ohlds on, whele barrorw into an arm drag to Nick, kick from Dante. Taf attempt, but Matt gets a tag instead. Nick yells at Dante in the ring. Matt holds him back, splits the both, tells Dante it’ll be both of them. They nump knuckjles, Matt tries for a cheap shot, Dante and Darius fire back and fort. Dante with an enziguri. Lothesline in the corner. Darius with a suplex off the tag. Tag to Dante who flies over the head with a flip. In comes Nick, hops t othe apron, right to Darius, Dante with a leg lariat sends Nick to the outside. Top Flight hit the ropes, look to dive, but Nick and Matt get out of the way. They’re close enough for Top Flight to slide outside and get attacked with right hands.

Darius back in the ring, fights both Bucks off, Matt hits a clothesline then shoves Dante to the floor on the outside.

We come back from break and Darius hits an enziguri on Matt. He climbs for a tag, gets it! Dante flies in, hits a right hand, another, high knee to Nick. Whip to Matt, Matt reverses, Matt misses a splash, Dante with a high kick, kick to Nic on the outside3, springboard crossbody. Cover for 1…2..NO!!! Dante grabs Matt by the head, matt shoves him, Dante flies over, tries for a Sunset Flip, but in come Nick to hold the hands. Darius runs in, gets a sunset flip on Nick. Cover fo 1…2..NO!! They send Nic kout, Matt with a Superkick to Darius, and a DDT TO DANTE!!! Dante sends Nick off the apron, hits a splash to Matt in the crner, tag to Darius who hits a tornado DDT to Matt. Ocver for 1..2..N!O! Nick stops the pin. Dante kicks nick, sends him to the outside, hits the ropes, Dante flies and hits a suicide dive! Darius runs the ropes, spins behind, SPANISH FLY TO MATT! COVER! 1..2…NO!!! On the outside, Nick hits a flapjack onto the barricade.

Darius tries for a monkey flip, but Nick holds and Matt tries to use the ropes to pin. Ref stops it, Nick distracts, Matt pops Darius up and hits a HARD low blow! Tag to Nick. EVP TRIGGER!!!

Winners: The Young Bucks
Oh, they are slimy and annoying. Good for them.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 11:07

Tony is in the middle of the ring. Matthew says they are undefeated this year. This makes them the top, unbeatable tag team in AEW. He thinks it’s safe to assume that they are number one contenders.

Tony says Sting is not here. WE get a graphic of them being called the #1 Contenders. Tony says Sting isn’t here because of last week. Matt says he’s gotta listen to Tony talk trash every single week. He thinks this might be a breach of contract. Publicly disparaging the company’s EVP? Bush league.

Nick gives him a $1,000 fine. Is that a problem? Nick shoulder checks Tony down to the mat. Matt stops Nick, says he is a bit of a hot head, sorry. They love him, just don’t let it happen again. They offer to help Tony, each grabbing a hand, then pull up ready to EVP-Trigger him, but here comes Darby and a bat! The Bucks clear the ring.

Darby grabs a mic, asks what the original mission statement was: To Change The World. When he was homeless, and they first started, they begged him for a job. He had to sit by and watch their shit friends get hired. Thank God at the time there was an EVP with a sense of brains. He isn’t talking about Omega. Darby brings up their interview last year when they said they resigned because the travel was light and the money was good. No longer about changing the world. He though this was All Elite wrestling, but it’s all Friendship wrestling. Think of the first episode – Darby wasn’t on it, but Brandon Cutler was. Darby doesn’t know what kind of fights they got into at Home school, but this is Sting’s final match. They don’t understand what they’re asking. This is a man that has nothing left to lose. Young Bucks v Darby and Sting, the titles on the line, it’s official.

Willow Nightingale vs Skye Blue

Skye attacks Willow into the corner. Whip is stopped with a cartwheel. Body slam to Skye. Cover for 1. NO! Willow with another body slam. Skye smacks her in the face, Willow is pissed. She grabs Skye by the head and corners her then sends her into the post face first. Again. A third post. Skye rolls to the outside before the final hit.

We come back to Willow hitting a spinebuster and getting a stacked pin for 1..2.NO!!! Willow lifts for a powerbomb, Skye escapes, hits a knee to the face, running kick, locks the head, DDT to Willow! Cover! 1..2..NO!!! Willow gets Skye to the shoulders, but she turns this into a Dragon Sleeper! Willow backs into the corner, smashing Skye. Skye doges a right hand, Wilow with a right hand on the apron she tries f oar shoulder, Skye attacks, Willow moves, hits the ropes, POUNCE send Skye flying.

Willow sits Skye up on the corner. Skye attacks with rights, slinks down, then kicks Willow in the face. Powerbomb to Willow! Pin! 1..2…NO!!! CODE BLUE! But Stokely is distracting on the apron. Ref turns, counts the pin for 1..2NO!!! Willow reverses, gets 1..2.NO!

Skye tries to kick, Willow dodges, gutwrench into a powerbomb nd apin for 1..2…3!!!!

Winner: Willow Nightengale

Total Rating: **
Match Time: 8:50

Texas Death Match
Orange Cassidy vs Matt Taven

OC attacks immediately. Dropkick to Matt. Taven pretends to call people out and OC falls for it. Whip to OC after some rights, revesed, Matt hops over, OC hops over, ihts the ropes, dropkick from Matt. They end up outide and Matt sends OC into the barricade.e He sends O into the steps. OC shoves Matt inot the barricade, then again. Matt tries to whip OC into one but he just flies over and lands on his feet. Matt runs over and OC hits him with aright. A club to the back.

We are back and missed an elbow drop off the stage through a table. Matt obliges the crowd by hitting a suplex to OC through the same table. OC is bloodied and carried down the ramp and into the ring. Taven hits a backbreaker, spins him into a DDT! Taven goes outside to grab another table! He sets it up slanted against the announce table. OC with a suicide dive! OC sends Taven into the ring, but Taven hits an enziguri. Diving kick through the ropes to OC, and he almost goes though the table! Matt tries again, flies over the top rope….AND OC MOVES! TAVEN GOES INTO THE TABLE! OC goes under the apron! There is a heart shaped box of chocolates! It says TO: Orange Cassidy. From: Chuck Taylor. OC opens the box and IT’S FULL OF THUMBTACKS!!! OC grabs Matt on the top rope, tries for a superplex, Matt fights, and shoves OC onto the tacks!!! Matt dives with a frog splash, BUT ORANGE CASSIDY MOVES!!! OC HITS THE ROEPS! DDT ONTO THE TAQCKS!

OC under the ring! He’s got a chain! HERE COMES MIKE BENNETT to attack OC! He sends OC into the ring after smacking him with a huge heart. Mike grabs some chairs and slides a bunch of the minto the ring. There’s like 4. He sets them all up in the center of the ring.

Here comes Trent Barretta with a box of flowers ala Terminator. There’s a pipe!! He smacks a chair out of Mike’s hand. Matt with a chair to the face! He then hangs Chuck on the top rope and slams his head into the chair. ORANGE PUNCH!!! BEACH BREAK ONTO THE CHAIRS!!! Matt rips the pokcets off of Mat! OC grabs the chain. He wraps it around his fist. ORANGE PUNCH!!! The ref starts the count.

Here comes Roderick Strong! OC turns! Running knee to Trent! OC sends Roderick out of the ring and the ref hits 10. OC wins via knockout!

Winner: Orange Cassidy
I did NOT expect this kind of match, and wondering why they made it the main event, but once it got going, they earned that spot. OC can do no wrong.
Total Rating: *****
Match Time: 13:26

End Show

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Tony Acero