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Ed. Note: Hey folks! Jeremy here. Hope you guys enjoy tonight’s episode of Dynamite, looks to be a packed show. Don’t forget, Andy Perez and Blake Lovell will be live immediately after the show with their review and analysis of the episode. You can see it below:
It’s Wednesday…you know what that means.
Startin off hot with Hangman Adam Page’s music, and out comes the cowboy.
He’s teaming with someone, probably Matt, in some tag team action.
Matt comes out, and I am reminded of last week when this match was made, so my prediction was hardly that.
Match 1: TH2 vs Hangman Adam Page and Matt Hardy
TH2 attacks while Page and Hardy ready themselves, but Page makes short work of them and tags in Matt. Matt with an elbow to the back of Jack Evans. Matt drops another elbow to the back of the head. Another. Neckbreaker. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Tag to Page. Standing shooting star and a cover for 1.2…NO!!! Tag to Matt. Suplex from both men to Evans. Blind tag from Evans. Hardy with a bomb and a pin, but Angelico is the legal man. He kicks Matt in the back of the head. He corners Matt and punches, then kicks at the leg and the abs. Lol. I said abs. Tag to Evans. Evans drops an elbow to the head, he backs into the corner, and tags in Angelico. Cover for 1..2…NO! Angelico transitions to a front face lock. Matt backs Angelico into the corner. Tag to Evans. Elbow to Matt. He sends Matt into the corner, whips again and flips with a back handspring elbow, but Matt kicks his back. Side Effect to Evans Tag to Page.Tag to Angelico. Clothesline, another, whip, reversed, missed pump kick from Angelico, SPINEBUSTER from Page!!! Page with a running clothesline. He hits the ropes and flies off with a clothesline to Evans on th apron. Fallaway Slam from Angelico. Kip up and he flies over the top onto Evans outside, the nback in, hits the ropes, kick block from Angelico!!! SUPLEX from Page!! Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Nice. Powerbomb from Angelico! Evans on the top rope! He flies! POWERBOMB FROM PAGE ONTO ANGELICO!!!! Page hops onto the apron. Matt with a blind tag! He enters, tries for a Twist of Fate, Evans shoves Matt into Page. Angelico in. We get a combo neckbreaker, back breaker from Angelico and Evans. Evans with a sloppy Phoenix Splash off the 2nd rope. Cover for 1..2..NO!!!! Tag to Angelico!
Evans pulls Matt towards the corner, Angelico grabs the foot, and he flip Evans, PAGE flies off the apron with a buckshot to Evans and Angelico!!! Twist of Fate from Matt. Cover for 1..2…3!!!
Winners: Matt Hardy and Hangman Adam Page
Page is just…fun. I’ve officially hit Csonka levels of adulation where I realize that I’m getting older, and a lot of these wrestlers are younger than me!
Total Rating: *1/2
Match Time: 6:58
Matt gets on the mic and tells Page that he is so happy Page signed with him because he is going to get 30%!!! He is excited. Page says that he has had good friends to always keep an extra set of papers rolled up in your jacket. He doesn’t know how good Matt read the contract, but since it’s fully executed, he’d like to have a copy brought out to read it.
Out comes the Jags mascot with balloons. Matt says he is ok with if Page added some bonuses. The mascot hands the contract over to Matt.
Matt reads it, is confused. This isn’t a talent representative contract; it’s for a match at Revolution. Matt Hardy vs Hangman Adam Page, and if Matt loses, Page gets 100% of all Matt’s earnings from the first quarter of 2021.
Matt calls Page a carny, can’t believe this. Fine, Matt says MAYBE he was trying to pull one over on Matt, but if Matt puts this on the line, then he wants Page to put something on the line as well. If Matt beats Page, Matt gets all of Page’s earnings from 2021. Page thinks this is a money match.
Matt extends the hand. Page shakes. Matt tells Page he is finished. The mascot attacks Page. It’s Isaiah Kassidy! Matt offers $3,700 to TH2 to attack Page, so they do.
We then get Dark Order coming out at the orders of -1 to attack TH2 and Kassidy! Alan Angels is in the ring with Matt. Matt sends him outside the ring, Hangman tries for a BUCKSHOT, but Matt ducks it and leaves the ring!!
Match 2: Riho vs Serena Deeb
WELCOEM BACK chant for Riho as they circle the ring. Lockup and Deeb with a go behind. She drops the waist, Riho switches, Deeb stands, reaches for the legs, breaks the hold with her hips, go behind and a trip gets Riho down on her stomach, but Riho reverses and gets a front face lock. Deeb spins out of it and gets her own headlock. Riho works the arm. Hammerlock behind, Deeb grabs the head from behind, reverses, into a side headlock. Riho rolls Deeb into a pin for 1.2…NO!!! Deeb shoves Riho off of her to create separation. Test of Strength and Deeb steps behind Riho, dropping her down to a bridge. Riho holds Deeb up, not dropping for her, holding the bridge. Deeb kicks the leg, holds to the arm, drops Riho down, and twists the arm. Deeb with a side headlock takedown, head scissors, both girls up, Side headlock to Riho, Deeb hits the ropes. Shoylder tackle. Cover for 1..NO!!! Bridge out from Riho. Deeb tries to hit a clothesline, Riho cartwheels, Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Drop toe hold from Riho to Deeb, hanging her on the ropes. Riho tries for a 619, but Deeb catches her, drops Riho, and chokes her up on the bottom rope with a guillotine!
We are back, and Deeb hits a snapmare into a straightjacket choke from behind. Commentary is telling the story that Deeb’s knee is a mess. Riho backs Deeb into the corner to break the hold. Doesn’t. Another back up, Riho breaks free, goes for a Full nelson, Deeb booty bumps out of it, hits the ropes. SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX FROM RIHO! Riho up. Deeb turns. Hard elbow to Deeb. A right to the corner, another to the chest. Riho goin in! Deeb reverses, hits some of her own uppercuts. Deeb whips Riho to the corner, rushes and sells the knee. Boots from Riho. Head scissors takedown. Riho runs with a knee, drops Deeb, covers for 1..2..NO!!! Riho grabs the head, tries for a Northern Lights, but Deeb locks the head, pinches it, tries for a Brainbuster, leg gives out Riho kicks her in the face! Riho to the top rope! Diving crossbody!! Deeb rolls through!!! Elbow to the knee! She kicks the back of the leg, dragging Riho to the center. An elbow drop. Kick to the back of the leg. Goes for a figure four maybe, but Riho kicks. Riho hits the corner. Deeb grabs a kick. Dragon Screw to Riho! Deeb locks the head, swings for a neckbreaker instead of the Brainbuster! Cover! 1..2…..N!O!! Deeb grabs the arm, looks to drop another knee on it, but Riho locks the bad knee up!!! Riho stands, grabbing the knee. Deeb on one leg. Riho with a punch, another, she dropped the leg!!! Drop toe hold to Deeb!! 619!!! Riho to the corner. Top rope! STOMP TO THE BACK OF DEEB!! Riho to the top rope again! Deeb wobbles on her knee. Diving crossbody from Riho! Cover! 1…2….NO!!!! Deeb rolls to the outside! Riho sends Deeb into the ring. She follows, hopping up on the apron. While she enters, Deeb with a Dragon Screw!!! POWERBOMB TO RIHO!!! Stretch Muffler to Riho!!! Riho crawls on one freakin leg to the ropes!! Deeb pulls her to the center. ROLLUP FROM RIHO!! Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Northern Lights! 1…2….NO!!!! Riho to the corner. Top rope! RIHO WITH A STOMP TO DEEB!!! COVER! 1…2…NO!!!! Riho limps to the corner, goes for a Shining Wizard! Riho hits the buckle headfirst!!
Deeb goes for a Detox, Riho rolls through, they go back and forth with pins until Riho slides forward onto the stacked Deeb! 1….2…..3!!!!!!
Winner: Riho
HOLY SHIT. This was SO good. Deeb is an unsung hero, and likely my favorite for female wrestler since taking over the AEW Dynamite report. She’s not on frequently, but when she is on, she has NEVER disappointed. Man, this was good.
Total Rating: ****1/2
Match Time: 14:42
A video package of Jade Cargill that I have zero interest in plays while I continue to gush over Riho vs Deeb.
Match 3: Orange Cassidy vs Luther
Luther shoves Chuck Taylor off the apron, then Serpentico dives out onto Chuck! In the ring, Luther hits a Pump kick to Orange. Powerbomb to Orange, and a cover for 1…2..NO!!! I swear to god, I almost blew a gasket. Luther rips the shirt of Orange off then chokes Orange with it and whips him around in a circle then to the apron. Luther to the apron, grabs the head. Orange crawls under, pulls Luther down. POWERBOMB! Thumbs up!!!! Serpentico is in the ring. He waits for Orange to stand, but Chuck grabs him from behind. AWFUL WAFFLE!!!!
Orange rolls into the ring, removes the elbow pad. Luther in. Orange runs. Orange Punch! Cover for 1..2….3!!!!
Winner: Orange Cassidy
Years of the WWE had me programmed to think that powerbomb was going to end it, and I damned near cried. Whew.
Total Rating: *********1/3
Match Time: 1:50
Tazz comes out with Taz and Cage. He says all they see is that Sting will call out Team Taz. Tazz blames Sting for the snow issues in Texas. He says there is no better time than now for Sting to come out and call out Team Tazz. There is only three of them. Where is Sting?
The lights go out and the snow hits.
Tazz tells Sting that he needs that bat. Without it, Sting is done. Darby got dragged to FTW world. That’s right next to Suplex City, I think.
Sting drops the bat and removes his jacket. Tazz and Taz and TA try to corner him. Sting attacks Cage!!! He boots him in the corner. Hook goes behind with the bat to choke Sting. Cae kicks Sting, looks to powerbomb Sting! HE HITS STING WITH A POWERBOMB!!!
Things we learned: Sting can take a bump, Hook is an idiot, Cage gives zero fucks.
Kingston and Butcher and Blade and Bunny are backstage. Kingston says he requested the match he’s in tonight. He’s got some demons he’s gotta deal with. Archer is one. Pheonix is a waste of space. Never wanted him, only wanted Penta. But he turns, gets Penta to turn, and he’s going to pay. Then Moxley, his old friend. Mox is the demon he needs to get rid of the most. He can’t get rid of Jon with drinking, pills, women, no, he’s gotta beat Jon, old friend.
WE RETURN TO THE SHOW and Kenny Omega is at what looks like a pre-school. He has The Young Buck’s book with him. Don stands nearby. Omega is going to read to the class. Some of the kids are wearing masks, and that’s cute. One kid asks if there are pictures in the book. Omega shows the cover. Anything else?
Another kid asks if they are in love. Omega: “Certainly looks that way, doesn’t it?”
Omega reads a passage near the end of the book that talks about Jericho and Omega wrestling in the Tokyo Dome and how it changed the business. Lol.
Speaking of the book, read my review here: Killing the Business: From Backyards to Big Leagues
That’s all Omega wants to read, because it’s time for him to go. Don says this is the 4-9 year old demographic that they’ve been looking for. Kids ask if Omega can play with them. Lol. Don says no. The kids then jump Nakazawa.
The next match has a tough act to follow with that Nine star Orange Cassidy match
The Young Buck’s parents are in the ring.
Match 4: AEW World Tag Team Championship Match
The Young Bucks vs Santana and Ortiz
Nick and Santana to start. Santana works the arms, Nick flips out, works the arm, Santana rolls out, twists and gets a side headlock. Ropework and a shoulder tackle sends Nick down on his ass. Santana hops over the back, flips Nick, pulls him up, Nick tries for an arm drag, but Santana gets one instead. Tag to Ortiz who fireman takeover’s Nick. Whip to the rope, Matt catches him. Tag and an arm drag. A hip toss to Ortiz, to the entering Santana. Ortiz with an arm drag ofd the corner. Backbreaker, goes for a Gory bomb, but Matt escapes and hits a dropkick to the head! Tag to Santana, who comes in, kicks, locks the head, whips, to the ropes, tag from Nick. Whip to Santana, drop an elbow, double splash, double dropkick to Ortiz. Right hand to Santana, back body drop attempt, Nick escapes, Ortiz is the legal man. Satnan rolls over the top rope, grabs Nick, Ortiz catches the leg, they flip hum, and we get a backbreaker and a neckbreaker combo that looked sick. Santana leaves the ring. MJF on the apron. Knox kicks MJF out, sending him to the back. Jericho is pissed. Knox kicks the entire Inner Circle out!!! Ortiz stomps Nick in the corner while Knox deal with Inner Circle. Santana chokes up Nick in the corner.
WE ARE BACK and Santana hits a dropkick to the back of Nicks head. Chop to Nick into the corner. Ortiz with a body slam, goes for a senton, but Nick moves, pulls Santana off the apron, runs into the ring, can’t quite get a tag because Ortiz stops him. Ortiz stands, turns, SUPERKICK!!! Tag to Matt. Tag to Santana! Flies over the top rope with a clothesline to Ortiz, one for Santana, rights ot both men over and over. Kick from Santana, whip to the ropes, blocked, MNatt with a hurricanrana, punches to the face, Ortiz with a kick to the back of the head. Chop to Matt. Whip to the corner, Whip to Ortiz into Matt, but he is sent up and over. Kick to Santana, Matt flies off the 2nd rope,twists mid air, stunner! Pin for 1..2…NO!!! Matt sends Santana to the corner, tag to Nick. Nick sends Santana off the top INTO a powerbomb! Pin for 1..2..N!O!! Matt grabs the head of Matt, fireman’s, but Santana sends Matt into the corner. Santana to the top rope! FALCON ARROW OFF THE TOP ROPE!!!! Pin for 1..2…NO!!! Tag to Ortiz. They double team Nick, lift him and lip him back, but Nick misses clothelsines, Ortiz and Santana double team Nick down face first. Ortiz with a submission on Nick. Santana kicks Matt off the apron, Nick gets a pin for 1..2.NO!! Ortiz shifts pressure and still has the move on. Nick can’t get to the ropes. Matt to the apron, kicks Santana away. Elbow drop to Ortiz!
Ortiz is up. Nick is up in the corner. Ortiz with a punch to the corner. Tag to Santana. Ortiz up first, then Santana, Matt runs in and sends Ortiz to the outside. He gets Santana up on the shoulders. DOOMSDAY DEVICE!!!! Tag to Matt. Matt enters, grabs the head of Santana, locks up, lifts, buckle bomb into a kick! DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Ortiz there to stop it! Bucks try for the BTE Trigger, but they end up clocking knees!!! Double cutter from Santana!!! Street Sweeper to Nick!!! Cover for 1..2….NO!!! Matt flies OVER KNOX and damn near attacks him! That should have been a DQ if I iwere Knox. Lol. Ortiz sends Matt into the barricade on the outside. Santana and Ortiz SHOOT MATT INTO THE CROWD!!! Hahaha. Great.
Ortiz stands on the apron and shouts THE BEST then gets into the ring and Nick gets an Inside Cradle and a pin for 1…2…..3!!!
Winners: The Young Bucks
Not really a fan of that ending at all. The match started off rough, but ended up bein pretty good before that end.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 13:07
THE INNER CIRCLE attacks!!!! They go in on The Bucks. Omega is backstage watching with Don and The Good Brothers. Omega wants to go help but Don tells him not to. He whispers something to The Good Brothers and holds Omega back.
In the ring, Jericho has the Walls on, while MJF has Salt of the Earth. Matt and Nick tap. Finally, The Good Brothers roll out to even the odds.
Jericho, on the outside, gets in the face of Papa Buck. He shoves Jericho in the chest. Hager holds Jericho back. MJF shouts that he will pay for that.
Lol. Dumb.
Brandi Rhodes thinks we care about the gender of her baby, and wants to share it with us.
Cody and Brandi come out live, and his music hits, then we see that it’s a girl.
Cody is hyped.
Match 5: FTR vs Matt Sydal and Yoga Steve
Go behind but Cash ain’t bout it, and just drops Matt’s brother on his head with a back suplex. Tag to Dax. Kick to the gut. Dax with an uppercut. Chop from Dax. Another chop. Whip to the corner, Dax runs under, eats a dropkick. Tag to Matt. Matt flies in with a stomp to the back of the head. He drops Cash on the apron. Kicks to the legs left and right. Forearm to the face. Kick to the chin. Tag to the other Sydal. Top rope and a stomp to Dax. Whip to the ropes, Cash tags himself in, eats knees to the face! Sydal’s brother chops in the corner a few times. Cash runs up and hits a SICK ASS GERMAN!!! Cover for 1..2…NO!!
WE ARE BACK, and Dax tries for a supelx. Matt gets a tag, saves his brother, then helps him with a hurricanrana. In comes Cash to eat a kick to the side of the head. Kicks to Dax, then to Cash, Dax misses a pnuch. High knee. Matt with a sick spin move. He flies from the inside with th boots through the ropes. Matt’s brother flies with a moonsault off the top rope to the outside. Mat sends Dax into the ring. Cover for 1…2…NO!!!! Right to the face from Dax. Chop to Dax over and over and over. High kick, Dax ducks, Matt bounces off the ropes, locks up from behind, roll up for 1..2..NO!!!! Matt gets pushed right into an uppercut from Cash. Cash gets the tag. Whip to Matt from FTR. Wheeler is sent into the corner, Matt moves, chop to both FTR. Tornado DDT but Cash sends him into a powebombfrom Da. Full Nelson suplex and a pin for 1…2.NO!!! It’s broken up! High kick to the side of the head of Dax! Cash shoves and Matt stacks him! 1..2…NO!!!! Cash in the corner, sends Matt over the top. Blind tag from Matts’ brother. High kick to both. Knee from Matt to both! Sydal 2 flies off the top, misses the move a bit, and covers for 1..2.NO!!!! Foot on the rope from Cash! Matt to the top rope, Dax trips him and he crash and burns!
Cash locks up from behind, reverse, reverse again, suplex, Sydal lands on his feet, tag from Dax, lift up. BIG RIG!!!! Pin for 1..2…3!!!
Winners: FTR
A little sloppiness on the Sydal side, particularly the brother who I won’t give a name until next week because he was relatively inconsequential. FTR continues to be great.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 8:53
FTR grabs the med kit from Doc Sampson. Cash finds some scissors. They are looking to cut some hair, but the lights go out. We see the screen, and it’s Luchasaurus’ mask without the horns, bathed in green light.
The lights go back on and Jurassic Express is in the ring. They attack FTR with kicks to the head as Stunt looks on to talk some shit. Chokeslam to Cash while Jungle Boy locks in a submission to Dax. LUCHASAURUS chant. Crowd starts singing for Jungle Boy.
MOXLEY talks about tonight, and the match as requested. Kingston has a stick up his ass, having problems with everyone. Jon is the only guy around here that actually cares about Eddie, and he will whoop his ass as many times as it takes. He’ll make time for it. After tonight, he looks to 2/26 where the whole world will watch him attempt to break Kenta’s neck. After that, he’s taking all the rest of us sons of bitches when he takes back the AEW World Championship from Kenny. He told Kenny. There’s not runnin or hiding. As long as it takes to settle the score. Time is almost here to pull the trigger.
Match 6: Lance Archer, Jon Moxley, and Rey Fenix vs Eddie Kingston, The Butcher, and The Blade
Of course, everyone goes after everyone, with Eddie and Jon leading the raucous. All six men are outside of the ring, but Butcher attacks Jon after a whip to the barricade. Blade and Butcher whip Moxley to the barricade. Blade sends Moxley into the ring. Archer ends up on the apron. Our legal men are Blade and Moxley. Tag from Butcher and we get a sidewalk slam/leg drop and a cover for 1..2..NO!!! Eddie pulls jon into the corner then gets a tag. Nice lil heel tactic there. Splash in the corner, tag to Butcher, he rushes the corner with asplash as well then tags in Blade. Blade with a powerslam and a cover for 1..2..NO!!!! Blade whips Jon to th corner, Moxley stops it, gives an elbow to Blade, neckbreaker to Blade. Tag to Archer! He rushes, breaks through a right arm, knocks Butcher and Eddie off the apron. Blade punches, Archer denies it, hit a huge right, then a choke toss t the corner. Back elbow, front elbow, lockup and a belly to belly slam. Archer locks the fingers and walks the ropes!!! BUTCHER IS THERE! BUT REY KICKS HIM! Archer jumps off the top rope with a right hand! Archer knocks Eddie off and we go to PIP.
WE ARE BACK and Blade has Archer reeling. He tugs on the braid, then tags in Butcher, who comes in with some hard right hands. Chop to the chest. Blade and Kingston are holding the boots of Archer. Butcher kicks him down. Again. Moxley walks in to call Kingston out, but the ref holds him back. Butcherchokes Archer up on the ropes. The ref admonishes him. Ref holds Jon back on the apron. Right hand to Archer. Chop. Whip to Archer, tag to Blade. Kingston chokes Archer and Blade hits a right. Blade mounts and bites the forehead of Archer. Tag to Eddie. Eddie in, just mauls Archer. He punches, hits a headbutt, corners Racher and hits some shoulders. Chop to Archer. Antoher. Headlock and a tag to Butcher. Blade holds Archer and Blade hits a punch. Another. Whip to Archer. GOOZLE!! One for Kingston!!! Blade in, Headbutt from Archer!! Moxley hops in and hits a clotelsie, sendin Blade ot the outside!1 Butcher and Kingston drop the hands of Archer, but Archer hits the ropes and takes down both men!!! Tag to Rey!!! Rey in, running kick in the corner! Butcher to th top rope! Chop to Eddie! Arm drag rom Rey! Rey dives over the ropes to the outside!!! Back on the apron, dive through, CUTTER! Holy shit REY IS THE FUCKING GOAT!!! HE shakes like Eddie then heads to the tope rope! FROG SPLSH!!! COVER 1….2…N!O!!! Eddie sends Jon to the barricade. Rey hit th ropes, Kingston in!1 EXPLODER!!! Archer in, hits a kick. Butcher with a crossbody!!!! Jon ducks under, GERMAN!!!! Blade in! Jon misses a move. Kick from Blade! Rey is up and kicks Blade midrun!!!!! ALL MEN DOWN!!!
Eddie and Jon up first. They enter the ring and go head to head!!1 Huge rights back and forth over and over! Knee to Eddie. Enziguri to Jon. Eddie with a backfist, misses, kick frm Rey! Archer in! POUNCEE!!!!!! Jon underhooks! He locks in the Bulldog!!!!! Blade in! Kick to Jon! Butcher in! Rey in! Archer in! Rey sends them to the outside! Archer,too! Archer screams for Rey to come to the apron!! HE CHOKESLAMS REY ONTO BUTCHER AND BLADE!!!! Archer runs the apron! CANNONBALL!!!!! Archer sends Butcher into a broken table!!
In the ring, Jon stares Eddie down. Chop to Jon! Another! Jon wants another!!! He begs for a backfist!!!1 Eddie gives him one! Clothesline! PARADIGM SHIFT!! HOLY SHIT. Cover for 1..2…3!!!
Winners: Lance Archer, Jon Moxley, and Rey Fenix
Jesus, man! I expected a little bit of fun and chaos mixed with some Moxley fun.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 11:49
Jon looks to celebrate, but The Good Brothers attack Moxley from behind!!! They beat him down unti….
KENNY OMEGA COMES OUT TO CUT HIS MUSIC! He says Jon doesn’t look so tough right now, does he? Kind of pathetic, actually. He promised he wouldn’t come out, but he wants to make an exception. He has a contract. It’s the one with a rematch clause. Omega is a giver, though. So yes, Jon can have the rematch, and he can have it at Revolution, but Omega names the match. If he’s gotta put Moxley in the ground, how about they go one-on-one in an Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match.
Moxley headbutts Oemga, but The Good Brothers beat him down then hold him. Omega with a V-Trigger!! ANOTHER!!!!
Omega grabs the mic. He tells Don to show Jon the belt. Jon will never get this. Never. It’s only going to get worse. NOW hit the music.
End Show