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Join 411’s Live TNA Impact Coverage

May 30, 2024 | Posted by Himanshu Doi
TNA Impact Image Credit: TNA

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Hey there, TNA fans! It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another episode of iMPACT! I’m Himanshu (you can follow me on Twitter @Himanshu_Doi) and you know how this works. The road to Against All Odds continues from the greater Cincinnati area. Joe Hendry battles TNA World Tag Team Champion Eddie Edwards. Plus, Mike Santana and Steve Maclin face off in a highly-anticipated rematch, and more! So let’s jump right in!

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.


Date: May 30th, 2024
Location: MegaCorp Pavilion in the Greater Cincinnati area
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matt Rehwoldt

Match 1: Ace Austin vs. Chris Bey

Ace sends Bey to the outside and kicks him from the apron. He goes for Soar to Glory but Bey runs back into the ring and clotheslines him. Bey flips Bey over the ropes and Ace going for the springboard single leg kick but Ace gets out of the way and hits a Spinebuster for two. Ace whips Bey into the ropes and hits a dropkick. Ace hits a Side Russian Leg Sweep followed by a leg drop. Ace goes for another Side Russian Leg Sweep but Bey hits a single leg dropkick. Ace hits a springboard single leg kick. Ace goes for the Fold but Bey gets out of the way and hits a cutter. Bey goes for the Art of Finesse but Ace reverses it into a pin and Bey reverses it into one of his own for the win.

Result: Chris Bey def. Ace Austin by pinfall
Rating: ***½

After the match, Ace stops Bey as he is leaving the ring and holds the ropes for him as he gets out.

Match 2: Xia Brookside vs. Steph de Lander

Xia Brookside hits the hurrancanrana into the turnbuckle followed by double knees in the corner. Xia Brookside goes for a punch but Steph gets out of the ring and tries to pull a steel chair out of the ring but PCO is hanging on to it. Xia Brookside goes for a crossbody off the apron but PCO catches her. Steph asks him what he’s doing. Steph gets back into the ring and gets rolled up by Xia who wins it.

Result: Xia Brookside def. Steph de Lander by pinfall
Rating: **

After the match, Steph tells PCO that she doesn’t need him. PCO gives him a paper bag that has Steph’s name on it with a heart and Steph puts it in her gear.

We see highlights of Jordynne Grace on NXT. They promote Grace vs. Stevie Turner next week.

Laredo Kid is cutting a promo backstage. First Class comes in and AJ Francis says they will face each other next week. Laredo asks if they are in a match. Rich Swann says they will be when he asks Santino for it. Laredo asks why would he do that and AJ elbows him in the face and security breaks them up.

Jake Something runs into Kon backstage. Kon asks him what he’s going to do and Jake shoves Kon. Cody Deaner tries to get in the way and Kon says he used to listen to Cody and it didn’t get him anywhere and the same would happen to Jake.

Match 3: Sami Callihan vs. Jonathan Gresham

Gresham tries to suplex Sami from the apron to the outside but Sami fights out of it. Sami hits a Cactus Driver 97 onto the apron. Sami throws Gresham back into the ring and Gresham pops back up. Sami and Gresham get into a punch and chop battle. Sami drops Gresham with a clothesline followed by a Death Valley Driver for two. Sami goes for a Cactus Driver but Gresham hits a springboard moonsault followed by a jumping knee onto Sami’s knee. Gresham looks to spit out black ink but Sami stops him but gets black ink on his hands. Sami asks the referee what that is and Gresham low blows him and pins him for the win.

Result: Jonathan Gresham def. Sami Callihan by pinfall
Rating: ***

Gail Kim does a sit-down interview with Gisele Shaw. Gisele Shaw says she always wanted to come back. TNA was always her home. But it was hard for her to start from scratch after the Shawntourage broke up. Gail Kim said she doesn’t need to be the Quintessential Diva. She is a Knockout. Gisele Shaw says she trusts Gail Kim.

The System is backstage and Gia Miller walks up to them. Eddie Edwards says Joe Hendry is a cheap imitation clown. Moose says he will handle Matt Hardy and walks off. Eddie Edwards says Joe Hendry will find out that they always Trust the System. Kazarian walks up to Gia and asks who he is. She says the King of TNA and he says, “Damn right” and walks away.

Match 4: Steve Maclin vs. Mike Santana

Maclin hits a Mayhem For All for two. Maclin sets Santana up on the turnbuckle. Maclin goes for a KIA but Santana drops him down and hits a Frog Splash for two. Santana rushes at maclin in the corner but Maclin flips him to the outside. Santana hits a superkick and Maclin gets out of the ring. Santana hits a moonsault onto Maclin to the outside. Santana throws Maclin into the ring and Maclin hits a Suicide Dive. The Rascalz run in and Trey Miguel hits a Suicide Dive onto Maclin and Wentz hits a double stomp onto Santana.

Result: Steve Maclin vs. Mike Santana ended in a disqualification
Rating: ***

They show a recap of Tasha Steelz vs. Jody Threat from last week.

We see Spitfire backstage and Jody Threat is annoyed about her loss last week. Lars Fredricksen says this is what he’s talking about and says Dani Luna needs to learn from Jody’s mistakes.

We see the Digital Exclusive where Leon Slater challenged Mustafa Ali and Campaign Singh accepted the challenge of Ali’s behalf.

Match 5: Mustafa Ali vs. Leon Slater

Mustafa Ali chops Leon and Leon chops him back. Leon counters a whip in the corner but eats a kick in the corner followed by a cutter for two. Ali gets a kravat but Leon counters it into a roll up for two followed by a cutter. Leon goes to the top rope but Ali gets out of the way. Ali hits a Suicide Dive onto Leon outside the ring. Ali goes to the top rope for a 450 but Leon moves out of the way. Ali picks Leon up into a German Suplex. Ali rolls up Leon for two and Leon rolls him up for two. Ali goes for a springboard satellite DDT but Leon counters it into a cutter for two. Ali goes to the top rope and hits a 450 for the win.

Result: Mustafa Ali def. Leon Slater by pinfall
Rating: ***¾

Backstage, Moose is looking for Matt Hardy.

Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt run down the card for iMPACT next week and Against All Odds.

Match 6: Eddie Edwards vs. Joe Hendry

Before the match, Joe Hendry gets on the mic and says Eddie Edwards says he is a joke and says he doesn’t have what it takes to beat The System. He says the only system he is worried about is his digestive system when he sees a 42 year old sporting a mohawk in 2024. He says if anyone has a case of the Eddie Edwards, they can say, “We believe”.

As the bell rings, Nic Nemeth’s music plays and the Nemeth brothers come out.

Joe Hendry hits a cutter for two. Hendry hits uppercuts but Eddie drops Joe with a clothesline. Eddie goes to the top rope and Joe runs to the top and hits a Fallaway Slam for two. Joe goes for a powerbomb but Eddie pushes him in the corner. Eddie sets up Joe in the top corner and hits a superplex followed by a Tiger Driver for two. Eddie pulls down the knee pad and goes for the Boston Knee Party but Joe catches him and hits the Standing Ovation for the win.

Result: Joe Hendry def. Eddie Edwards by pinfall
Rating: ***½

After the match, we see Moose backstage who says he knows Matt Hardy is here. Matt Hardy appears and he hits him face first onto the equipment. Moose throws Matt into the wall and hits him in the gut with a steel chair. Moose wraps a steel chair around Matt’s neck and slams it with another steel chair. Moose walks off as Matt is laid out.

article topics :

TNA Impact, Himanshu Doi