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Join 411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage

June 26, 2023 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE RAW Image Credit: WWE

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

Finally caught Evil Dead Rise, and although it wasn’t a waste of time, I can’t help but feel…unfulfilled. Then again, I’ll be watching The Blackening after RAW and I’m incredibly hyped for that, so who am I to judge the quality of films…?

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

A recap to start, with the highlight being Cody Rhodes and Dominik Mysterio.

We head to the middle of the ring where Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio stand. Dom tries to welcome us to RAW, but [insert city here] ain’t havin it. Rhea gets on the mic, but she doesn’t get much out before

Cody Rhodes’ music hits and the man with the titanium arm comes out.

Cody thinks he knows what Dom was trying to do, and says he’ll just go ahead and do it. He welcomes Savannah, GA to RAW.

Dom: “That’s what I was going to say!” lol

Rhea tells Cody that Dom is a very dangerous man. She says this while he stands on the apron behind the ropes, and Rhea is in the ring.

Dom tries to speak again, but again the crowd cuts him off, so he tries to whisper it to Rhea so she can say it. Crowd boos this. Dom will show Cody at MitB how dangerous he is.

Cody says he is smart, he’s sure Dom’s heard – go ahead; be who you are, say how you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter, they don’t mind. Who said that? Cat in the Hat. A children’s book, and he is quoting a children’s book because that’s what he is – a scared little boy.

Dom and Rhea leave, but Cody yells that he will give Dom a free shot. Let’s do this here and now.

Dom turns, walks down the ramp, hops on the apron, then thinks better of it and hops back off. OK, says Cody, ok. These cheap shots have proven to be effective, but come Saturday, Dom is stepping into an entirely different body of water. Cody wants to find out if he is half the man that his father is. Or if he’s just Mami’s Little Boy.

Bronson Reed is ringside for the following match.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Ricochet

Shinny starts strong with cornerning Ricochet and shoving his boot under the neck. A knee drop to the chest and a cover for 1..2.NO!!! Knees from Shun. He kicks Ric in the face, whips him to the ropes, Ric reverses, kicks, Sghin catches and elbows the knee, then spins with a back elbow. He misses a kick, Ric leg scissors, but Shin kicks him in the chest. Ricochet with an Axe Kick ala Booker T! Ricochet fireman’s, Shin slinks off with a Sleeper. Ric grabs for the rope, cant get it, snapmare sends Shin off of him. Shinsuke runs, Ricochet holds the ropes down and Shin tumbles over, but locks in a sleeper and a leg scissors using across the ropes! Ref stops the ref. Both men on the apron. High five from Ric, and they both kick high, each making contact. Both men down.

Bronson Reed stands and applauds the guys. They both stand to exchange rights, Shin looks over to Reed. Ric kicks, Shin grabs the boot, swings it, Bronson catches it, ENZIGURI TO REED! Shinsuke with a kick to Reed!

Both men enter the ring. Whip to Ricochet and he hits a baseball slide to Reed. Shin with a kick to Reed as he tries to enter again. Reed to the apron, and the ref has had enough. He’s outta here.

WE are BACK and Shinsuke and Riccohet are in the middle of the ring. High kick from Shin. He rushes the corner, Ric kiks out of it, to the apron, springboard clothesline to Shinsuke. Running standing shooting star! Cover for 1.2..NO!!! Springboard moosault, but Shinny has the knees up. Front suplex. He hits some knees to the gut and chest of Ricochet then stomps Ricochet awa few times. One more kick for good measure. Shinsuke with an inverted exploder! He’s up in th corner, runs for it, Ricohet runs out of the way. RECOIL! Cover! 1..2…..NO!!!

They both exchange some sick kicks until Ricochet hits a standing Sliced Bread. Ricochet to the top rope! Shooting Star Press! Cover! 1..2……3!!!

Winner: Ricochet
A surprise win that gave Ricochet some actual clout…clout that was much needed. They had a great match, and Reed’s interference was minimal. These three have been killing it the past few weeks.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 10:42

Now’s as good a time as any for this…

We are backstage with Byron, and here comes Matt Riddle who is sick and tired of Gunther hiding behind his dumb friends.

Here is Ludwig Kaiser to tell Riddle he got what he deserved last week. He says Riddle has amateur skills, and Riddle says he used those skills to beat Ludwig. Kaiser says that will never happen again.

Riddle says Newsflash then attacks. Here comes Gunther to clock him in the back of the head and accept the challenge. Kaiser then stomps the shit out of the ankle, and Riddle sells it like death.

Backstage, Dominik runs up on Adam Pearce asking for a match to prove to Cody Rhodes that he aint no sucka. He knows exactly who he should fight, too. He’ll get back to Pearce.

We get an up to date Money in the Bank by the Numbers video.

Ronda Rousey vs Raquel Rodriguez

Ronda tries to end it quickly with a guillotine, but Raquel deadlifts her into a suplex. She misses a splash in the corner, Ronda runs up with a knee then falls back in an arm bar across the ropes. Ref hits 4. Ronda lits into a Fireman’s, but Raquel floats off, hits a shoulder tackle, then gets sent to the corner. Ronda rolls Raquel to the ground, grabs the ladder, and locks in the Ankle Lock. Raquel kicks out, blocks a right, but Ronda wraps her legs around her arm…only for Raquel to lift up and send Ronda flying down to the mat. Clothesline in the corner. She walks Ronda out of the corner. Fallaway Slam. Raquel drags Ronda to the corner, Raquel to the top rope, tires for an elbow drop, but Shayna pulls her out of the way. Here comes Liv, flying over the steps onto her.

In the ring, Ronda pulls out a pretty sick rollup, sit-on-the chest pin for 1…2…3!!!

Winner: Ronda Rousey
A surprisingly well put together sprint that just moved the needle to get us closer to the showdown.
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: 2:21

Finn Balor gets a video promo. He tells Seth the guy that beat him seven years ago, he’s gone – dead. This guy is much worse. What did Seth say? He got bitter while Seth got better? Let’s go back into time. Summerslam 2016. Massive injuries and he still beat Seth. He could hardly raise his arm as he became the first ever champion…for 22 hours. He was forced to relinquish the championship. That’s not where their problems lie. At his lowest point, Seth walked out…laughing. Out of jealousy, spite, and rubbed salt in the open wounds. He will never forget. Finn didn’t get bitter; Seth made him bitter, and that bitterness is all he has while Seth has it all. None of the singing matters, the only thing that matters is Vengeance, and the championship. At Money in the Bank, after seven long years, he’s taking it all back. And the only song Seth will hear is the ringing in his ears as Finn is announced the new champion, and that will be a bitter pill for Seth to swallow.

Backstage, Seth Rollins walks.

Seth Rollins is here in a glittery track suit looking like he’s about to convince me to buy really fake and really shitty jewelry.

After some singing, he welcomes us to Monday Night Rollins, then introduces us to the NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes, who is in the front row for the show.

An NXT chant starts. Hayes had Seth’s back on Tuesday, so he wants to thank him.

As for MitB, he has Finn. Finn jumped him not once, showed up at NXT and jumped him again, trying to turn his ribs to dust. He’s tired of talking. He tells Finn to come out right now.

Of course, Finn does not come out. Seth says he is not 100% right now, and he wont be at Money in the Bank, but as good as Finn is, there is one thing he has not accounted for – and that’s Seth. He promises this: when it’s just them two in the ring, the best version of Finn Balor is not as good as the best version of Seth Freakin Rollins.

FINN is here! He has a chair. Seth corners Finn. Finn to the outside. Seth follows! They wrestle amongst the table. Finn sends Seth into the stairs ribs first, then again to the edge of the table. Stomp from Finn, right to the ribs. A running kick to Seth. Finn is about to grab another chair, but Carmello Hayes stops him! Finn turns to him, and here comes Seth! He chases Finn into the crowd. Seth stops. A small amount of blood is on his face.

A recap from last week where The Miz had an open challenge, and it was answered by Ciampa.

Back to RAW, but not right now, it’s Earlier Today.

Tommaso Ciampa says for the last nine months, he hasn’t heard one peep from Mr. Tiny Balls. People warned him about The Miz. They were right. This injury was sa blessing in disguise. 275 is a long time for a guy to be left alone with his thoughts. What’s your WHY, who are your friends, and most importantly – why is Ciampa wearing a green vest and playing second fiddle to The Miz? This time around, he creates his own opportunities.

Backstage, Live, The Miz is walking with a purpose.

We come back to the news that Carmelo Hayes will have a match with Finn Balor…tonight!

Tommaso’s music has the beeps like Tazz’s did. Had me hyped for a millisecond.

As Tommaso Ciampa makes his entrance, he is blindsided by The Miz who attacks him from behind, sends him into the apron board, then kicks him in the head. He drags Ciampa by the head and hits a suplex INTO the barricade. The Miz then applauds his work and pats himself on the back.

The Miz mounts Tommaso and hits some rights. He rushes over to Ciampa and hits a Skull Crushing Finale at the bottom of the ramp, leaving him twitching on the ground.

The Miz calls him a chump as he walks up the ramp with a smirk.

Backstage, Imperium talk about the official match come Money in the Bank. Here comes Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens.

Ludwig tell them to keep walking, they don’t have time for this. Sami says they don’t like it. Kevin says they are here for a reason! Ludiwg asks why, and Kevin doesn’t know. He wonders why. Sami says because of Riddle. Kevin says he doesn’t care about Matt Riddle…does he? Sami says yes, yes he does. So Kevin gives an outburst because he now cares.

Ludwig tells Sami Gunther will teach him a lesson like he taught Kevin a few weeks ago. Kevin yells that he learned nothing. Sami says let’s keep the numbers game real simple, Sami Zayn vs Gunther, one on one, tonight.

Gunther says he is aware that they want to ride on his coattail. Sami, be his guest.

Kevin: “You have a guest.”

Dominik Mysterio vs Akira Tozawa

Dom beats Akira down as soon as the bell rings. He stomps Akira as Akira cowers into a fetal position. Dom lifts him, hits a right, another. Akira blocks and hits some of his own. Knee from Dom. He sends Akira down hard. Whip to the ropes, reversed, Akira ducks under, hits the ropes, pops up and hits a rana. Akira with a Shining Wizard! Akira to the top roep! He flies, hits a shoulder into Dom! Dom leaves the ring. Akira hits the ropes, flies with a suicide dive! Rhea is nearby. Akira stares her down. He sends Dom into the ring and hops on the apron.

Rhea distracts him for a bit, but he gets to the top rope. Dom trips him up. Akira falls to the mat. Drog Splash! Cover! 1..2….3!!!

Winner: Dominik Mysterio
This is a very rare moment when I thoroughly appreciate a squash match. First, this continued to add to the weasley nature of Dominik. Second, it proved yet again that Akira is such a sick ass performer, and lastly, it didn’t waste our time.
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: 1:46

The Viking Raiders speak of their Gods not talking to them in weeks. It will take hurting The Alpha Academy in order for them to hear their gods again, and when they do, it will be beautiful.

Trish Stratus is here with Zoey Stark as we head to break.

When we return, Becky Lynch, sponsored by Adidas, is here.

WE also see that Bayley, Iyo Sky, and Zelina Vega are in the ring.

Graves calls this the Money in the Bank Summit.


Bayley cuts Graves off saying we know how it works, they’re not idiots. Well the crowd is. Acrtually, she has won one of these. She is the only woman in the match who has won the contract, so might as well just let her run this whole thing now. She or Iyo has the greatest chance to win.

Iyo says may the best woman win.

Zelina is sick of Damage Ctrl dismissing everyone else. We have Becky Lynch, someone who she respects. Becky has done it all…except win the MitB ladder match. There’s Zoey, the groupie, and Trish – a legend – but a legend who has never even been in a ladder match, and has no idea what it takes. And finally, zelina, the future Ms. MitB.

Bayley laughs that off, calls her pipsqueak, and says she has no chance. Zelina has her chancla, and says she will prove them all wrong when Santos and her bring the contract to the LWO.

Bayley calls her a big idiot. Her and Zelina bicker back and forth. Zoey tells them to calm down. Trish says she sees a bunch of little girls.

BECKY chant.

Trish says it’s very clear why we needed her to save the Women’s Division, because she is not a little girl. The best and greatest to ever do this. Yes, this is her first ladder match, but winning is what she does. When she makes history on Saturday, and wins the contract, they all can say thank you to her for letting them be a part of such an historic moment.

As for Lynch, she cant really call her a girl or a woman, since she is “The Man,” or whatever. But when it’s all said and done, will she be man enough to say thank you to Trish.

Trish walks up to Trish and DEEEEYUM! Clocks her with a right hand!!! Zoey and Trish corner Becky while Damage CTRL double teams Zelina! Becky tosses Trish out fo the ring, then Zoey. Here come Bayley and Iyo. Zelina is standing by with her chancla and slaps Iyo with it. Zelina sends Bayley into a ladder then hits her with a knee. Iyo dropkicks Zelina. It’s Iyo and Lynch now, but Iyo lands on the apron, pulls Becky’s head back against the ropes, then hits a springboard moonsault to the girls outside.

Becky is left alone in the ring. She climbs the ladder and sits atop it with the briefcase in her hand, giving all the girls a bit of foreshadowing.

Backstage, Cathy is with Carmelo Hayes. He says he was invited by Seth Rollins, and it’s such an honor. Seth is someone he aspires to be like. He will take care of that Seth Rollins problem in Finn Balor. Maybe he’s making a mistake, but if he goes out in a blaze of glory and face Corbin tomorrow, too, that’s what he’ll do. You gotta take shots to make shots, and tonight he will not miss.

Backstage, Rhea Ripley walks up to Becky Lynch and tells her if she wins the briefcase and cashes in on Rhea, then it’ll be the last thing she ever does in the WWE.

Becky tells Rhea when she was champion, she defended that title everywhere, but Rhea has become nothing more than a main event side piece. She doesn’t need the title, the title needs her, but she wants the briefcase, even if to just watch Rhea squirm.

Sami Zayn vs Gunther

Gunther with a side headlock takedown. Sami stands. Another takedown. KO is on commentary. Sami stands into the hold, hits the ropes, Gunther releases and hits a shoulder tackle. ANOTHER side headlock takedown. Sami grabs the chin, turns into the hold, to the ropes, Gunther hops over, stops a run, and turns into an arm drag. Knee from Gunther. Uppercut in the corner. Gunther tries for a chop. Misses as Sami ducks under and tries for his own. Whip to the corner, elbow from Sami. He sends Gunther into the buckle face first.

Giovani Vinci is here on crutches!

This distracts Sami, who gets pulled down by Gunther. Sami shoots off the ropes into the arms of Gunther, and Gunther hits a German!

We are BACK from a break and Gunther hits a vicious chop to Sami! Big uppercut drops Sami to his ass.Gunther rushes the corner, Sami captures him, wants the Exploder, Gunther holds onto the ropes and elbows out of it. Another huge chop drops Sami. Gunther yells at Kevin Owens and KO yells back. Sami with a kick to Gunther. Blocks a right as he sits on the top rope. Kicks over and over to Gunther. He locks the head and but Gunther escapes and hits another HUGE chop! Gunther stands on the top rope, Sami tries to fight back with rights to the ribs. He barrels down on the back of Gunther with right hand over and over. SUNSET BOMB! Cover for 1..2..NO!!!! They go back and forth in the middle of the ring, ending with Sami hopping over Gunther’s head and hitting a clothesline! He tries for Blue Thunder Bomb, but Gunther with a sleeper!!!! Sami is up to a knee. He stands. BLUE THUNDER BOMB!!!! Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Sami to the top rope. He flies. GUNTHER WITH A CHOP! Cover for 1….2..NO!!! Gunther with a knee drop. He runs to the top rope. Gunther flies! BIG SPLASH! Cover for 1..2…..NO!!!! Gunther to the outside. Kaiser attacks KO! Sami with a huge suicide dive onto Gunther outside!

Both men in the ring. Exploder into the corner! Sami hits the corner. Kaiser tries to get in the ring.

Vinci is on the apron! CRUTCH TO THE THROAT!!!! Powerbomb from Gunther! He stacks Sami up for a pin. 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Gunther
A great win for Gunther, and a great match getting there. No one was hurt here.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 12:25

Kevin Owens flies from out of nowhere to attack Gunther! He and Kaiser double team KO until

Matt Riddle runs down the ramp and high kicks Vinci! He enters the ring with the crutch, chasing Gunther out of the ring. Kevin Owens with a Stunner to Kaiser! Imperium leaves up the ramp.

Backstage, Maxxine is doing some squats while Otis is bicycling. In comes Coach Gable to go awwwff on The Viking Radiers. Maxxine says she is so ready for whatever Valhalla brings next. Gable tells them to ask their Viking Gods if it’s ok to come say what they want to Alpha Academy’s face or once. He’ll have Otis show them the plan. Otis, what’s the plan? Pure Carnage.

Natalya is backstage with Cathy. She signed up for this life, and Rhea is a part of that. But her biggest battle right now has been in her head. The fear of her losing isn’t as great as the fear of her giving up. She’s been broken, down, and shaken but she is still standing and still here. She wants Rhea next week. There isn’t a single person that can erase or defeat what she has achieved in this company.

Finn Balor vs Carmelo Hayes

Balor starts by cornering Hayes, then hitting a few boots to the face. Chop to Hayes, then some shoulders from Finn. Hayes grabs th trunks, Finn grabs his hand and uppercuts the mid section. Snapmare to Hayes. Elbow to the shoulder, then a chin lock. Hayes escapes. Dropkick to Finn! He catches a boot, sins Finn onto the ropes, high kick to the back of the head. He then hits the ropes and drops a leg! FADE AWAY! He flies onto Finn on the outside!

We are BACK and Finn has hayes hurtin in the conrer. He whips and hits a chop after. Antoher whip, and this time Hayes hits an elbow. He springboards off the corner and misses a splash. Hayes blocks another move, hits a right, blocks, and hits ducks under. Face ot the knee. Clothesline to Finn. Whip to the ropes, reversed, springboard and he hooks Finn with the arm and slams him down. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Finn with a clothesline! Kick to the chest. He stomps a bit. Slingblade to Hayes. Finn runs…right into a Superkick!!! Springboard DDT from Hayes! Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Hayes climbs to te top rope. He flies, rolls through, Finn with a fireman’s, Hayes slips off, rollup for 1..2.NO! Kick is caught by Finn, spin into a fireman’s. Gutbuster by Finn!!

Shotgun dropkick from Balor! Finn to the top rope! COUP DE GRACE! Cover for 1..2…3!!!!

Winner: Finn Balor
A nice introduction to Hayes for those that have not seen him, and a much needed win for Finn heading into Saturday. Wrestling wise, the quality was what you’d expect from Finn, with Hayes adding some flair and new shit some may not have seen.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 9:28

Backstage, Cody Rhodes is with a dog, and I cant quite explain why I hate that, but I do.

He looks forward to the day they are not talking about Judgment Day. Priest is walking into MitB with bruises on his ego. And Dom? He wishes he could sit out amongst the crowd and boo him. The cheap shots have worked. That’s a skill. Think about this, though. Dom will not have Finn Balor, Rhea, or Priest. He has not laid a finger on Dom, but we will see what he does have.

Cody Rhodes vs Damien Priest

Lockup! They roll across the ropes back into the center. Cody shoots Priest ot the ropes, and Priest fires back with a shoulder tackle. A waist lock from Cody, into a side headlock. Rope work, Priest tries for an arm drag, Cody wants a. backsldie, Priest flips Cody in front of him, Cody drops down with an uppercut. Priest hits him with a shoulder, kick from Cody, right hand to the face. He drops the arm on the shoulder, then clocks the left elbow. To the corner. Cody mounts. Priest shoot him off and hits a right. Elbow to the corner, stomps from Priest. Whip to Cody into the corner, then a back elbow. Priest locks the head, but Cody reverses and hits a delayed suplex to Priest.

Here come Rhea and Dom. Priest gets a lick off the distraction then pulls Cody to the outside. He tries to kill possible hildren but Cody pulls pRiest into the post chest first. Suicide dive from Cody! Dom is there as Cody sends Preist into the ring. Rhea stands in between the two of them and Cody runs into the ring only to be hit by a Flatliner.

We are back with a Broken Arrow from Priest! Cover! 1..2…NO!!! Cody hits some elbows, right hand, headbutt. Hits the ropes, and we get a flapjack with authority! Priest kicks Cody up, hits the ropes, and a a HUGE lariat sends Cody right back down. Cover for 1…2…NO!!! Priest climbs to the top rope, but here is Cody ro run up the corner and arm drag Priest off the top to the mat! Right hands to Priest! Kick from Priest. Right from Cody. They do the Boo/Yay spot and Cody is able to shake, rattle, but no rolling because Preist stops it! Cody hops over him in the corner, powerslam! Disaster Kick! Cover! 1..2..NO!!! Headlock Driver from Priest. Cody tries for Cross Rhodes, but Preist hits a knee to the face. Double underhook from Cody. Pedigree! Priest rolls towards the ropes then to the outside, so Cody cant cover. Cody to the top rope. Priest back inside. Cody flies, lands on his feet, Priest with a huge kick to the chin. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Hard right from Priest. Huge kick from Cody, right to the chin!

Rhea on the apron, Cody tries for a Disaster Kick, but Dominik holds his boot. Cody turns, SOUTH OF HEAVEN! Cover! 1..2…..NO!!!! CODY CUTTER!! CROSS RHODES!! Cover! 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Cody Rhodes
Cody is obviously the expected winner, and I don’t think Priest will be too hurt from this, I just wish they’d keep up his rise, because he’s been consistently good, and tonight was no different.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 13:31

After the match, Dom gets one more quick cheap shot as we end the show.

End Show

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero