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Kevin’s Cruiserweight Classic 8.10.16 Review

August 10, 2016 | Posted by Kevin Pantoja
Cedric Alexander
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Kevin’s Cruiserweight Classic 8.10.16 Review  

WWE Cruiserweight Classic
August 10th, 2016 | Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida

Tonight, the second round officially begins! They start things with an awesome video package showing highlights of the first round.

Corey Graves took over to talk a bit in the control room before we got video packages for the opening match competitors.

Gran Metalik def. Tajiri in 10:51
They started off with some very fast paced stuff, reminding me of Tajiri’s prime and his battles with Super Crazy, even though he has lost a step. Tajiri lit up Metalik with some chops but got sent outside on a rana. Metalik followed with a loud superkick. Tajiri came back with a vicious kick to the face of his own. He nailed another that caused Bryan to shout “OH MY GOD” like he was Joey Styles. Metalik busted out a very nice tightrope somersault plancha to the outside. It has been fifteen years and Tajiri’s kicks are still awesome. He nailed the corner baseball slide for two. He got a close call on a powerbomb that led the crowd to give a round of applause. Metalik ducked the Buzzsaw Kick but got caught in a submission. With his arms held, he broke it by kicking away at Tajiri’s head. Metalik then hit the Metalik Screwdriver to advance. Really good way to kick off the second round. They worked at a fast pace the entire time and did some impressive stuff. Tajiri looked like he hadn’t lost a step and Metalik got a big win over an established veteran. ***1/2

Cedric Alexander and Kota Ibushi get video packages before the main event.

Kota Ibushi def. Cedric Alexander in 14:59
The hype llevels coming out of the tapings for this match are very high. Both guys tried a feeling out process early, with each showing flashes of athleticism. The pace quickened and they upped the ante with bigger moves. Ibushi blocked a dropkick and missed a big kick, leading to a pair of near falls. Alexander elbowed Ibushi hard, so Kota fired back with his first brutal kick. Cedric got sent outside with a springboard dropkick but moved out of the way of Ibushi’s triangle moonsault. Alexander pounced and nailed a gorgeous tope con hilo, following with a springboard clothesline for two. Ibushi kicked Cedric in the ribs and Cedric answered with one of the loudest slaps to the chest I’ve ever heard. The dropkicks and forearms from both men were on another level. Ibushi got a close near fall on a standing corkscrew moonsault. He then one upped himself by doing the triangle moonsault, but from the top rope! Cedric got his closest near fall on a snap Michinoku Driver. Kota tried a super rana but Cedric landed on his feet, though it didn’t come off too smoothly. Cedric escaped the Golden Star Powerbomb and again came close with a brainbuster. He instantly hit a spin kick to the head for an even closer near fall. Cedric went up but Ibushi rolled away from a double stomp. He snapped off a German, hit a roundhouse kick and won with the Golden Stat Powerbomb. What a performance by these guys. That match lived up to the hype. Both guys killed it. It was two guys fighting for their lives to advance in an important tournament. The crowd was invested from the opening bell and they just kept building to bigger and better moments to get them even louder. It was a star making performance for Alexander and Kota continued to look great. Cedric sold the loss like it broke his heart, which added to everything. ****1/2

Next week, Akira Tozawa takes on Jack Gallagher, Noam Dar vs. Ho Ho Lun and The Brian Kendrick goes against Tony Nese.

Cedric Alexander was shown in tears as the crowd chanted “thank you.” They then chanted “please sign Cedric”, causing Triple H to walk out behind and basically say “okay”. He shook Cedric’s hand and they left to the back, giving the CWC an emotional boost for the second straight week.

The final score: review Amazing
The 411
What an hour of pro wrestling. Tajiri/Metalik was a really solid opening contest, while Ibushi/Alexander was not just the best match of the CWC, but one of the best matches in WWE all year long. The presentation continues to wow, the matches are getting better and the emotional impact of the past two weeks have been top notch. I love this tournament.