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Kevin’s WWE NXT Review 6.17.20

We start with a recap of last week.
TONIGHT ~ Tegan Nox and Shotzi Blackheart vs. Bayley and Sasha Banks! Breeznago vs. Imperium! Two Tag Title matches!
Earlier today, the Women’s Tag Champions arrived at the PC.
NXT Tag Team Championship: Imperium [c] vs. Breezango
Breezango’s entrance parodied Imperium’s, calling themselves Emporium. Fandango had a blonde wig and his jacket says “Fabio.” Breeze’s said “Marsupial.” An angry Imperium attack as soon as the bell rings. Breeze starts with a disadvantage because of it but clotheslines Aichner over and out. However, Barthel comes over and they launch him into the plexiglass. Breeze gets beat up inside but sends Barthel outside and makes the tag. Fandango comes off the top and starts hitting a barrage of offense. He takes out both men with a tope con hill going into break. Returning, Breeze is legal again and takes a brainbuster that Fandango saves the pin on. A step up enziguri turns the tide for Breeze. A tag and tandem offense on a Fandango slingshot elbow sees a pin broken up. Fandango hit the Last Dance leg drop but again the pin is broken. As Breeze and Barthel are sent outside, Indus Sher show up. Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan arrive to fight with them. Fandango has a rollup but doesn’t know Aichner is legal. Aichner hits a DDT and they retain.
Winners: Imperium in 12:28 [***]
Tom Phillips conducts a split-screen interview with Velveteen Dream about what’s next for him. As he speaks, Dexter Lumis pops up behind him and places a drawing next to him. Dream picks up the drawing and it shows Dream and Dexter as NXT Tag Team Champions. Dream says it’s a misunderstanding. The Dream is a solo act.
Damian Priest arrived earlier and Cameron Grimes watched him.
Damian Priest vs. Killian Dain
Priest is confident to start but then tweaks his lower back, which is still damaged from TakeOver. Dain takes advantage and beats on the back. Dain adds a big leg drop to the back. Priest weathers the storm and finds an opening. He hits a springboard forearm for two, while Dain gets two on a running cross body. Priest fights back and wins with the Reckoning.
Winner: Damian Priest in 5:41 [**1/2]
During the break, Dain spotted a drunk Robert Stone leaning on the plexiglass and he smacked it, knocking Stone over.
Aliyah vs. Xia Li
During her entrance, Xia Li spots a battered Stone and helps him up. She drags him to her corner. Aliyah starts hot but gets lit up by kicks from Li. After a Northern lights suplex, Li again fires off kicks and clotheslines. Stone gets on the apron and barfs in the ring. Aliyah uses the distraction to roll up Xia Li. They flub it a bit and her shoulders come off the mat but they go back down and Aliyah gets three.
Winner: Aliyah in 1:49 [NR]
We go to a video fo Timothy Thatcher teaching his guests how to do a Fujiwara armbar.
It’s time for Undisputed Therapy. Adam Cole and Bobby Fish take a disheveled Roderick Strong to therapy to get over his Dexter Lumis issues. They tell him that the doctor is the best. They have Roddy close his eyes as he lays down. The therapist is just Kyle O’Reilly with a goofy accent and glasses. They do a rorshach test and he sees muscles in the first one. Lumis in the second one, and the trunk he was locked in is the third one. Kyle suggests he face the trunk to face his fears. Roddy finally agrees and when it comes time to get in the trunk, he just runs away.
Adam Cole is interviewed backstage with the hourglass. When asked about Karrion Kross and Scarlett’s message, he says each challenge ends the same way. Keith Lee walks up behind him and asks for a moment for Cole. Lee says Cole’s time as champion is limited but it won’t be Kross who takes the gold, it’ll be him. Lee smashes the hourglass, Cole storms off, and Lee says, “tick tock.”
Adam Cole heads to the ring. He gets a microphone and puts over his title reign, currently at 381 days. It’s annoying that people think they can just throw their names around for title shots. Karrion Kross did beat Tommaso Ciampa but Cole has been there and done that. He has a long way to go before he can get to a title shot. As for Keith Lee, Cole says maybe he feels like carrying the North American Title for 381 days too. Maybe he wants two titles. Maybe he’ll be known as “Champ Champ Bay-Bay.” That brings out Keith Lee. He comes face to face with Cole but before he can say anything, Johnny Gargano arrives. He says he pinned Lee last week and he’s coming for the North American Title. Why stop there, though? Gargano wants to have himself and Candice as the NXT and NXT Women’s Champion together. Lee mentions that he showed more concern for Candice last week than Gargano did. He also notes that she thanked him for giving her the most action she has had in a while. Finn Balor arrives next to say that he wants the title he’s never held. Johnny tells him to get in line and Finn says he cuts to the front. He warns Lee and then says he’s coming for Cole. After calling Cole a transitional champion, Cole says he beat his record. They trade barbs until William Regal appears on the tron. He announces that next week, Lee will defend the North American Title against Gargano and Balor in a triple threat match. The winner then faces Cole at July 8 in a winner take all Title vs. Title match!
Keith Lee is interviewed in th back but Candice LeRae interrupts to scold him. He points behind her and it’s Mia Yim. She starts beating on Candice and two have to be separated by officials.
Dakota Kai vs. Kayden Carter
Kacy Catanzaro is with Carter. Dakota is aggressive from the bell but Carter springboards off the bottom rope to hit a dropkick. Even a Raquel Gonzalez distraction can’t stop Carter. However, a second attempt leads to a Dakota scorpion kick. Carter still fires up and uses a wheel barrow to set up a superkick for two. She adds a draping Pedigree style move. Raquel gets involved and Kacy tries a cross body off the apron. Raquel catches her and launches her on the apron. Carter kicks out of a rollup but gets caught in a Koji Clutch that gives Dakota the win.
Winner: Dakota Kai in 2:42 [**]
In black and white footage, Scarlett walks up to the busted hourglass. She touches the sand and then a foot steps on the broken glass.
A vignette runs to hype Mercedes Martinez. This women’s division just keeps getting more stacked.
Bronson Reed vs. Leon Ruff
Reed is back for the first time since getting taken out by Karrion Kross. Ruff is hype during his entrance. Reed runs him over at the bell, hits a senton, and wins with a splash.
Winner: Bronson Reed in 0:25 [NR]
Reed gets on the microphone and says he’s not someone to forget. He calls out Karrion Kross for next week.
Moments ago, Damian Priest was livid as he found his tires slashed. Cameron Grimes drives up and says he can call him an Uber before driving off.
Santos Escobar comes out flanked by Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde. Escobar says Fantasma was a name associated with lucha. In NXT, he knew his time as El Hijo del Fantasma was over. Together with Wilde and Mendoza, they could make an impact. Drake Maverick interrupts to says Santos tricked everyone. He has more guts than brains and attacks Escobar. he fights off Wilde and Mendoza and hits a dive but the numbers are too much for him. They get him up and Escobar destroys him with a Phantom Drive through a table!
During the break, Maverick did a stretcher job.
NEXT WEEK ~ Reed vs. Kross! Grimes vs. Priest! Lee vs. Gargano vs. Balor!
WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship: Bayley and Sasha Banks [c] vs. Shotzi Blackheart and Tegan Nox
Two of my favorites, Tegan and Sasha, start off. Sasha is a step ahead and confident about it. Tegan gets a drop toe hold after tagging Shotzi, who gets two on a roll up. Tag to Bayley who gets frustrated by a strong Shotzi effort until she hits a knee and mocks her taunt. Commercial break. Returning, Tegan is playing the face in peril. She hit a nice cross body during the break but then ate a boot from Sasha. Tegan cuts off Bayley’s corner elbow. They both make tags and Shotzi lights up Sasha before folding her on a back suplex. Sasha avoids a wrecking ball dropkick and hits Meteora off the apron. Bayley sends Sasha in for another in the corner but she misses. Shotzi with a headsicssors into the corner and tags Tegan. They hit stereo Cannon-Boars to both champions. Tegan Chokeslams Sasha off the apron and onto Bayley. Tag to Shotzi, who Tegan helps run up top and hit a cross body to the outside. Inside, the challengers hit an assisted Shiranui but the pin is broken up. Tags to Sasha and Tegan for a hockey fight. Tegan gets Sasha on her shoulders and tags Shotzi who hits a missile dropkick after Sasha is back to the mat. They trade pin attempts and the Bank Statement gets applied. Shotzi breaks free and locks in a modified Cattle Mutilation. Bayley tries to stop it with a chair but Tegan cuts it off. The referee argues with Tegan about it, allowing Bayley to turn the submission over. Sasha gets back into the Bank Statment for the win.
Winners: Bayley and Sasha Banks in 11:38 [***1/2]
The champions celebrate in the ring. Surprisingly, it gets cut off by Io Shiri hitting Bayley with a springboard dropkick. She German suplexes Sasha and hits them both with the Bullet Train attack. With the champions outside, Io taunts them with a dive. She rolls through away from it when they run away. Io holds her title high as she stares them down to close the show.
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