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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 08.19.21

August 19, 2021 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 08.19.21  

-Announce Team: Kevin Patrick and Byron Saxton
-Taped: AT&T Center, San Antonio, TX

Cedric Alexander vs. Jaxson Ryker

-I mean, just based on the match-up and who is getting pushed you knew poor Cedric was screwed here, but you add on that it is his birthday and the poor guy has no shot. Cedric attacks at the belly and lands some blows, but gets caught once to put Ryker in control. Alexander squealing as he gets hit is pretty hilarious though! I’ll take something to bring a smile to my face wherever I can with this show. Ryker hits a diving headbutt from the mat for two. He then yells before trying for a suplex, but Cedric slips out and hits a chop block. Cedric works the left knee as he ties it up in the ropes and then hits a dropkick to the bad wheel for two. He goes to a knee-bar, and releases before switching to a modified death lock. Ryker gets to his feet and throws off some shots and hits a spinebuster for two. Ryker’s knee gives out as he charges in and Alexander takes advantage with a brainbuster for two. Alexander preps on the apron, but misses a springboard as he lands on his feet and then walks into the Boss Man Slam for the win at 4:57.

Winner: Jaxson Ryker
-Alexander hit a nice brainbuster and Ryker sold the knee a bit and really, that’s all I got here. *1/2

-Back to SmackDown with the war of words between Cena and Reigns. I missed this live because I was at AEW Rampage. This was good and Roman did much better here than the last time they verbally battled. That one was a slaughter as Reigns lost what he wanted to say and Cena ate him alive. This time Reigns stayed in there and I love the story Cena is setting that all he needs is 3 seconds to get a win no matter how much Roman kicks his ass. They include Reigns’ Nikki Bella reference, Cena saying “dick” and referencing Dean Ambrose and CM Punk. Ambrose mention got one of the biggest reactions. Cena’s “I built suplex city” line was great and he can still sell a big time fight. This was great!

-Don’t Try This at Home, School, or Anywhere commercial!

-Back to SmackDown for Bianca/Sasha contract signing. Carmella and Zelina Vega are called down by Sasha to be witnesses and then things break down as 99% of contract signings do. The numbers catch up to Bianca and she gets caught with a braid assisted Banks Statement.

-Video package on the RK-Bro reunion and we are getting what we all expected: RK-Bro vs. AJ Styles and Omos for RAW Tag Gold at SummerSlam!

-Cena/Reigns commercial!

-Back to RAW for Styles vs Orton and the proper reunion of RK-Bro. The fans love Riddle and are all in on RK-Bro. It’s time to pull the trigger on Saturday and let them run with the RAW Tag Titles.

Angel Garza vs. Ricochet

-Sure in a perfect world this should be on RAW, SmackDown, NXT or a PPV, but I’ll take it! Garza tries to hand his rose to a lady at ringside and some dude steals it. Angel just rolls with it and shrugs his shoulders. Garza gets a waistlock, but Ricochet counters into one of his own and Garza gets to the ropes to break. Side headlock from Ricochet as the crowd starts a rather loud “Ricochet” chant. PUT THIS MAN ON RAW AND LET HIM DO HIS THING! Garza escapes a backdrop by floating over and tells Ricochet to stop so he can take off his pants, but Ricochet takes advantage and lands a boot to the rips. Ricochet heads up top, but as he comes down Garza throws his pants at him and that’s enough of a distraction to let Garza hit a superkick as we take our break.

-Nikki/Rhea/Charlotte SummerSlam commercial!

-Back with Garza locking Ricochet in The Tree of Woe and hitting a running dropkick. Garza goes to a bow and arrow and as Ricochet starts to break, Garza decks him with an uppercut. Ricochet fights back and gets a head scissors take over. He looks to fly as he springs off the middle rope, but Garza catches him in mid air with a dropkic for two. Garza back to the ground game as he works the neck and shoulder. He slams Ricochet down, who hits a double boot from his back. Discuss lariat next leaves both men down. The crowd is into this one as they rally Ricochet. He responds with some strikes and then a flying forearm. Sweet German Suplex into a bridge gets a two count. Garza catches Ricochet and ties him in the corner and hits another dropkick. He preps for the Wing Clipper, but Ricochet escapes. He tries for a kick, but Garza catches the boot and hits a knee. Garza is still a little staggered and takes too much time following up as Ricochet bounces off the ropes and connects with The Recoil for the win at 7:50.

Winner: Ricochet via pin at 7:50
-Too short, but still fun. The commercial ate up a bunch of this one and the ending came out of nowhere, but the crowd was into it. These two could tear the house down if given a chance. **1/2

-Back to SmackDown as the push of King Nakamura continues as he ends Apollo Crew’s run as Intercontinental Champion. Nakamura gets pyro and Boogs on guitar while McAfee dances as his celebration. They sure treated that like a big deal and again, give me Roman vs Nakamura at some point.

-RAW 2 weeks ago: Goldberg faces down with Lashley and his son gets involved, so Goldberg spears MVP down the ramp.

-Edge/Rollins SummerSlam commercial!

-Elias vignette as apparently music didn’t fail him, but it wasn’t enough. This one features Elias standing by his own Tombstone and a burning guitar. Elias is dead!

-Back to RAW as Lashley confronts Goldberg to put the final touches on the build to their SummerSlam WWE Title Match. Goldberg spears Lashley to pop the crowd.

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
The run of mediocre to bad shows continues with Main Event. If given more time Garza/Ricochet could have carried this show to good or better, but that didn't happen here. Thankfully, having a crowd does give the show a bit of energy.