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Marty Elias Feels Like He Made History By Officiating at WrestleMania 25

November 4, 2023 | Posted by Jack Gregory
WWE SHawn Michaels Undertaker WrestleMania 25 Image Credit: WWE

Speaking recently with Busted Open, former WWE referee Marty Elias shared his perspective on having officiated the confrontation between The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 25 (per Wrestling Inc). Elias stated that fans frequently classify the match as a high-water mark of Elias’ career and he doesn’t disagree. You can find a few highlights from Elias and listen to the full interview episode below.

On his own feelings about being a part of the match: “I still pinch myself, and it’s great because we’re almost 16 years away from it, and when people meet me or talk to me or interview me, that’s the first thing they want to talk about. ‘What was it like to be in that match?’ and again, it was surreal to be in that match and to have that match turn out and have people talk about it this far gone; it’s incredible!”

On the legacy of the event for him: “That match was absolutely spot on. To be connected with Undertaker and Shawn Michaels? I’m gonna go down in history, and I’m humbled and grateful to be a part of that. Hard work pays off.”