wrestling / Video Reviews
The Name on the Marquee: Smoky Mountain Wrestling (9.30.1995)

-Originally aired September 30, 1995.
-Your hosts are Chip Kessler & Les Thatcher.
-Side headlock by Wolfman, and he’s so proud of getting an offensive move that he lets out a triumphant howl. It doesn’t last as Gordy breaks it with a back suplex. Wolfman avoids a corner charge and throws punches, but Gordy boots him and wraps up with the powerbomb.
-Brad Armstrong promises that the SMW Title belt is staying home in Tennessee.
-The Halloween Scream Tour is coming!
-We have a drawing for what SMW calls a “Trick or Treat” match but it’s easier to just call it a Lethal Lottery. Names get drawn out of a hat to set up a tag team match for the Halloween Scream Tour, and the drawing gives us…drumroll…Thrasher and Terry Gordy vs. Brad Armstrong & The Wolfman. So Brad’s boned.
-Update: Boo Bradley is still injured.
BUDDY LANDELL vs MOSH (with Thrasher)
-Landell lights into Mosh with punches and chops to start. Another series of punches sends sends Mosh onto the floor as Thrasher rightfully complains about the unfair non-wrestling happening. Back in, Buddy rams Mosh into the turnbuckle and it turns out that Mosh has a hard head, so I guess we’ll call him Special Delivery Mosh from now on or something. Mosh chokes Buddy out, then distracts Mark Curtis while Thrasher does the same. Buddy gets propped up on the apron and Mosh connects with springboard forearm from the second rope. Buddy fihts back with a powerslam and drops a corkscrew elbow. Thrasher gets on the apron to protest something or other, so Landell slingshots him into the ring and applies the figure four. This would seem to be a crucial mistake and Mosh charges at him to try something, but Buddy rolls him up and cradles him for the three-count while holding the figure four on Thrasher. Nice finish.
-The Halloween Scream Tour will include a Four Faces of Fear challenge pitting Tommy Rich against Buddy Landell, meaning four different gimmick matches on different nights of the tour: a Tennessee Chain Match, Falls Count Anywhere, First Blood, and a Barbed Wire match.
-General Cornette, Lieutenant Tommy Rich, and The Punisher are here. Tommy Rich says he’s been to war with Buzz Sawyer, so the Four Faces of Fear challenge won’t be any problem for him. Cornette makes fun of Buddy for sobering up and being born-again. “He turned to the Lord because nobody else on earth would talk to him anymore!” He accuses Landell of secretly drinking on the side because that’s the only way he could have enough courage to stand up to the Militia. It also helps Buddy to get good and drunk so he can face that dog-faced wife of his, and again, Buddy can tolerate being mocked himself, but making fun of his woman is what sets him off. Landell shows up to fight everyone in the ring, but there’s strength in numbers and he gets beaten down and busted open. Cornette opens a bottle of beer and shoves it into Buddy’s mouth before beating on him some more. Mark Curtis tries to do something about it and Cornette just shoves him on his ass and walks off.
-In the locker room, Buddy says that’s the first time he’s had alcohol in his mouth in a year and a half, and he’s relieved to say he couldn’t stand the taste of it. Buddy starts quoting Bible verses as this angle crosses into uncomfortable territory.
TOMMY RICH (with General Cornette & The Punisher) vs RON DAVIS
-Rich takes down Davis with a handful of hair, which is funny because he almost has a crewcut. Elbows by Tommy, and a DDT gets the win.
-The Heavenly Bodies warn Robert Gibson to stay away from the SMW Tag Team Titles.
-Robert Gibson gives his props to Comet Chris Michaels for a good effort last week, but he’s decided that things just aren’t going to work out for him with any partner other than Ricky Morton, so as long as Ricky’s gone, he’s going to stick with singles competition.
-Armstrong wrestles with one hand tied behind his back. He chases Cornette out of the ring, then hops on one leg, offering to stay like that if COrnette will get back into the ring. Cornette heads back in and Armstrong rams him into the turnbuckle and headbutts him down. Punisher distracts the referee while Cornette takes out a baggy of powder and blinds Armstrong with it. Cornette clubbers Armstrong and chokes him out. Elbow drop misses and Armstrong is all over him with punches, but Punisher runs in for the DQ. Armstrong manages to fight off the Punisher with one hand behind his back, which brings out the Heavenly Bodies, but the Thugs cut them off before they can enter, so Gordy runs in for reinforcement and piledrives Bullet Bob. That brings Brad out and he chases Gordy out of the ring, but his dad is out cold and looks to be injured.
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