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Nitro Girl Chae Recalls Being Used in WCW/nWo Thunder Game

September 15, 2021 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WCW/nWo Thunder

The old WCW/nWo Thunder game included the Nitro Girls, and Chae recalled being part of the game in a new interview. Chae An spoke with Fightful promoting her new Ring Along organizer system’s Kickstarter and was asked about her experience surrounding the game, which was released in 1998 and used the company’s full roster down to even staff members.

You can see highlights from the discussion below:

On if she had to any prep work or submit photos for the game: “No, they came to us. It was kind of one of those like body imaging where you stood in the middle of this big tented– some kind of a scanner that went around and probably measure it every square inch of our body and maybe [the] likeness of our faces. I don’t know. But, yeah, that was exciting.”

On being paid well for the game: “Yeah. It’s licensing, they’re using your likeness. So, I have to tell you, you know what, I think we got like one big check at one point and I don’t remember if we got any more after that, but it was a nice enough size where I actually used it to put a down payment on a new car.”