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PWG News: All 17 Battle of Los Angeles Participants Announced!

October 17, 2008 | Posted by Larry Csonka

From: prowrestlingguerrilla.com

1. Davey Richards (2006 Battle Of Los Angeles Winner)
After he won the 2006 Battle of Los Angeles, the sky seemed like the limit for Davey Richards. But instead of focusing on individual glory, Richards became mired in reclaiming tag team glory, which ultimately backfired. Now Richards returns to the tournament in 2008 focused on his own success, with his eyes locked on the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship

2. Chuck Taylor (First Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
Coming off his successful Pro Wrestling Guerrilla debut at All Star Weekend 7, Chuck Taylor returns with his eyes set on one of the biggest prizes in PWG. Viewed by some as a tournament underdog due to his young age, Taylor has a wealth of experience under his belt, plus some crafty veteran tricks he intends to employ in order to win the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles

3. Masato Yoshino (First Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
As the more fleet-footed half of the tag team known as Speed Muscle, Masato Yoshino has impressed the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla fans with his quickness and technical tag team wrestling ability. Now making his first foray into singles competition in PWG, Yoshino would like nothing more than to follow in the footsteps of fellow Dragon Gate star CIMA and win the Battle of Los Angeles

4. El Generico (Fourth Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
Having won both the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship and PWG World Tag Team Championship, there is only one prize that has eluded El Generico: the Battle of Los Angeles. Not content with being a tournament finalist last year, El Generico has his sights set on the top in 2008. And with El Generico’s track record, it’s easy to understand why he’s an early favorite in the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles.

5. Kenny Omega (First Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
Kenny Omega’s hard-hitting, high-flying style has won over fans in the Northeast, Canada , and Japan , and now he is intent on taking Pro Wrestling Guerrilla by storm. While debuting at the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles may be a tall order to some, Omega’s track record gives him the confidence to take on any opponent, and winning the tournament would instantly catapult him to the top tier of PWG.

6. Brandon Bonham (First Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
Also a fan of thumb-assisted self-indication, Brandon Bonham has gone undefeated since his Pro Wrestling Guerrilla debut and hopes to keep that streak alive in the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles. While his win-loss record is impressive, winning four matches in one weekend is a tough task but one that Bonham says he’s prepared for. At the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles, Bonham plans on backing up his words.

7. Austin Aries (Third Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
Despite having found only limited success in his two previous Battle of Los Angeles tournament, Austin Aries is ready to make 2008 his year. Having defeated all of the tourney competitors already announced at some point, Aries believes the chances are that he’s beaten most of the remaining competitors, as well. His past victories definitely give him an edge going into the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles

8. PWG World Champion Chris Hero (Third Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
Even though he already holds the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Title, Chris Hero will not rest until he has proven that he is the best professional wrestling in the world. Hero is prepared to do anything it might take, including winning the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles, in order to cement his position at the top. But by entering the tournament, does Hero stand to lose more than he can gain?

9. Necro Butcher (Third Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
If one were to chart Necro Butcher’s Battle of Los Angeles progress, one would find that each year he has competed; Necro Butcher advances exactly one round further than he had the previous year. Using that logic would dictate that Necro Butcher would advance to the semi-final round in the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles. Necro Butcher isn’t really a big fan of “charts” or “logic”

10. “The Professional” Scott Lost (Third Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
Though he is primarily known as a tag-team wrestler, Scott Lost has competed in two prior Battle of Los Angeles tournaments, and this year he is determined to make it out of the first round. In previous years, Scott was intent on winning the entire tournament, but was sorely disappointed by his early eliminations. Now he needs just a single victory to meet his goals, and everything after that is a bonus.

11. PWG World Tag Team Champion “Young Buck” Nick Jackson (First Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
November 1 is a big day for The Young Bucks. Nick Jackson will be competing in the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles, and Matt Jackson will be getting married. Both tag champs wanted to compete in the tournament, but Matt’s in-laws didn’t see what could be more important than their little girl. So the task of winning the tournament falls to Nick, who is intent on giving his brother the best wedding present ever.

12. Roderick Strong (Third Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
Upon reaching the finals of the 2007 Battle of Los Angeles, Roderick Strong needed to defeat just two more opponents to win the tournament. Soon, it was down to just one man. Unfortunately for Roderick, CIMA was the better man that day and would walk away as the winner. This year, injury keeps CIMA out of the tournament, and Roderick is confident that was the only man with a chance of stopping him.

13. Nigel McGuinness (Second Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
Nigel McGuinness claims that the only way he could be prevented from winning the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles is if someone were to make a clone of him and enter the clone into the tournament, leading to an inevitable Nigel vs. Nigel match. Then, he says, the match would be a toss-up but most likely end in a draw, ultimately leading to the tournament finals being decided by coin flip. But wouldn’t both Nigel’s pick Tails?

14. Joey Ryan (Third Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
To this day, Joey Ryan still holds the record of the longest reign as Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Champion. But after his 13-month title reign came to an end, Joey’s singles career has never really been the same. Now Joey is entering the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles in an attempt to get back on track and reclaim the World Championship. Lofty goals, but if anybody is sleazy (and tricky) enough to do it, it’s Joey.

15. TJ Perkins (First Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
Wrestling historians will note that TJ Perkins had actually been announced as a participant for both the 2005 and 2008 Battle of Los Angeles, but due to last minute injuries he was forced to give up his spot both times. 2008 looks to be a different story, as TJ will be locked in his room, listening to his iPod stewing in his own emotions, and shunning all contact from the outside world in preparation for this years tournament.

16/17(?). Bryan Danielson (Second Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)/Low Ki (First Battle Of Los Angeles Appearance)
When the co-commissioners of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla came to the 16th spot in the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles, neither could agree on who should be the final entrant. So they put former PWG World Champions Bryan Danielson and Low Ki into the final spot! How does this effect the rest of the tournament? No one is exactly sure, but we’re sure to find out!

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla’s 2008 Battle of Los Angeles takes place Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 2:00PM and Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 5:00PM at the Burbank Armory in Burbank, CA. The Burbank Armory is located at 3800 Valhalla Dr., Burbank, CA, 91505. Online ticket purchases are subject to PayPal Service Charge (2.9% of the Ticket Price + .30 cents). Tickets purchased in advance will be available for Will Call pick up on the day of each event. Please bring a copy of your ticket receipt and/or valid photo identification to pick up your tickets. Card and participants subject to change.


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Larry Csonka

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