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Rob Van Dam Doesn’t Think Netflix Made Vince McMahon Look Too Bad

On the latest episode of 1 Of A Kind, Rob Van Dam talked about his reaction to the Mr. McMahon docuseries that Netflix released. You can check out some highlights below:
On the Vince McMahon docuseries: “Man, I really enjoyed it. I thought they did a great job. It was awesome learning and just going through the history of what we all loved, you know? Growing up on WWF. And then of course seeing how I’m interjected into the timeline of everything, there is always a fascinating new perspective to see when I’m looking at the whole big enchilada. And man, I didn’t think it made Vince look bad, you know? A little bit at the end was the worst part. But through the whole thing, it was like a roller coaster, you know. A controversy, and then he slides out of it, and he’s on top singing, ‘Stand Back’… I just think that it was really put together well, and more intensified with deeper, deeper bulls**t to have to walk through.
“And you know hearing Vince, most of what he said, just like always I admire his intelligence. I’ve always felt that way, and I still did watching this. He did show a little bit of a different side of him. He seemed to really be hung up on talking about his sex life. And I was — you know, he even described himself as someone who’s sexually active. It’s kind of weird that you would throw that in there, but I guess he was probably very happy and enjoying an affair that he had at the time. Probably the one that we all know about now. That was probably going on while he’s doing the interview, and that’s why he’s so high on it thinking, ‘What a life I got’ right before that shoe dropped, I thought it was really great. When I say that I agree with him — you know, I’m in the minority a lot when it comes to expressing my thoughts or perspective. But whenever people try to dump everything in his lap, I never understand that. Why in the world would I ever blame Vince McMahon for me taking pain pills, or for me getting concussions, or me doing steroids, or me working while I’m hurt?”
On McMahon dealing with his issues from his past: “Well I mean, it makes me think of — towards the end of this series, he made it a point to to verbalize exactly how he views dealing with crap from the past. And that was another thing that I thought was really respectful. When he was saying, ‘You can’t live in the past. You got to say f**k it and you got to keep moving forward.’ And he was talking about how you don’t burn a bridge in WWE, even though Sable sued for millions. Bring her back, if that’s what the people want. And he’s always bringing people back, Eric Bischoff back and whoever. Even Hulk Hogan, and even though they may have cost him millions and millions of dollars in the past, he says — and he’s right though. If you can’t fix it, you can’t do nothing about it, then don’t worry about it [and] let it go. But it’s easier said than done, unless you’re a sociopath. I like that though, that he said that. And that makes me understand why he would talk about his past family history, and issues that way.”
If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit 1 Of A Kind an h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.
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