wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s ROH Global Wars Pittsburgh Review 10.13.17
ROH Global Wars Pittsburgh Review 10.13.17
– Hiromu Takahashi defeated Mark Briscoe @ 1:10 via ref stoppage (injury) [NR]
– Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor defeated Titus & Ferrara @ 9:24 via pin [**¾]
– Jay Lethal defeated Jay White @ 20:14 via pin [****]
– ROH Tag Team Title Match: Champions The Motor City Machineguns defeated The Young Bucks and The Kingdom @ 15:32 via pin [****]
– Jenny Rose, Mandy Leon, & Deonna Purrazzo vs. Britt Baker, Fay Jackson, & Sumie Sakai @ 9:08 via pin [**½]
– Instant Reward TV Title Match: ROH TV Champion Kenny King defeated Punishment Martinez, KUSHIDA, Matt Taven, and Josh Woods @ 11:52 via pin [***]
– Non-Title Match: War Machine defeated Champions Killer Elite Squad @ 11:43 via pin [***]
– Non-Title Match: IWGP Never Openweight Champion Minoru Suzuki defeated Silas Young @ 10:32 via pin [**½]
– ROH Six-Man Tag Team Title Match: Champions Bullet Club (Cody, Kenny Omega & Marty Scurll) defeated CHAOS (Will Ospreay, YOSHI-HASHI & Toru Yano) @ 19:50 via submission [**½]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
Hiromu Takahashi vs. Mark Briscoe: Daryl makes his debut in Pittsburgh; hit up Primani brothers. Daryl is on commentary, adding expert analysis. No fucking around to begin, as they start lighting each other up with chops and strikes. Mark is sent to the floor, and the match is stopped as Mark has severely fucked up his elbow. It looked bad. Hiromu Takahashi defeated Mark Briscoe @ 1:10 via ref stoppage (injury) [NR] An absolutely horrible situation for Mark, his elbow looked possible dislocated.
– The Addiction arrives, but aren’t dressed to compete. Kaz cuts a heel promo on the crowd, and say they won’t wrestle because the crowd doesn’t appreciate them. Daniels says he wants to beat their asses and tease a fight. But refuses and they leave.
– But Rhett Titus and Will Ferrara arrive and take the match.
The Dawgs (Rhett Titus and Will Ferrara) vs. Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor: They brawl at the bell, Taylor and Trent take control and hug, because they’re best friends. The Dawgs argue and Ferrara enters the ring and gets worked over by the Best Friends. Taylor hits a flapjack and dropkick, covering for 2. Trent tags in, continuing to work over Ferrara. Ferrara tries to escape, but Trent hits a northern lights suplex for 2. He and Taylor work quick tags, Trent then stomps on Ferrara’s face and Taylor hits his senton. The crowd loves the Best Friends. Taylor follows with the belly to back suplex and hits a standing moonsault for 2. Trent back in, and hits a standing moonsault for 2. Titus slaps Ferrara to tags in, shoves down Ferrara and then catapults him into Trent. Titus follows with a dropkick, covering for 2. Titus uses Ferrara as a weapon, throwing him into Trent, and leading to a near fall. Ferrara takes control, taking the heat on Trent. Titus tags back in, they double team Trent and hug. Trent starts to fight back, Ferrara shoved to the floor and Trent hits the tornado DDT. Tag to Taylor is cut off by Ferrara, Titus hits the big boot and he and Ferrara work double teams, covering for 2 as Taylor made the save. Ferrara gets a chain, but Cheeseburger appears and takes out Ferrara. That allows the Best Friends to fire up, and the pile driver and dude buster finish Titus. Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor defeated Titus & Ferrara @ 9:24 via pin [**¾] Pretty good match overall, but wasn’t a fan of the bait and switch or the Best Friends needing help to beat such a low level team.
Jay White vs. Jay Lethal: they shake hands and we’re friends to begin. They work a slow start, lock up and roll to the floor. Back in and they lockup again, White hits an arm drag and Lethal backs off. They work to the mat, with Lethal getting a cradle for 2. Back to the feet, White trips up Lethal and takes him down, but Lethal kicks him away. They go face-to-face, and work into the test of strength. Lethal takes White down, looks for pins but White bridges out and Lethal tries to break that but White refuses. Back to the feet, White lays in chops and then dropkicks out the knee. Lethal sent to the floor, back in and dropkicks Lethal to the floor. Lethal gets cut off with a dropkick and sent back to the floor. White follows, brings lethal back into the ring and they trade strikes. White follows with a boot, but Lethal cuts him off and hits the lethal combination, covering for 2. he follows with an elbow drop, covering for 2. They work to the corner, Lethal lays in chops and uppercuts. The clothesline follows and the cover gets 2. White counters with a roll up and then hits a DDT for the double down. White then follows with a Saito suplex, covering for 2. White now locks in a Muta lock, but lethal makes the ropes. White hits a draping neck breaker, covering for 2. White then grounds Lethal, working a sitting abdominal stretch. Lethal slowly fights out, but White cuts him off with another neck breaker, covering for 2. Uppercuts follow, and then a German by White, Lethal counters out and he hits a German. They battle for position and White hits a German, holds on and Lethal follows with back elbows and he counters into a German. The lethal combination follows and we have a double down. White now sent to the floor, Lethal hits a suicide dive, follows with a second and then a third. Back in and Lethal up top, hits the top rope elbow, but White kicks out. Lethal looks for the lethal injection, but White moves and suplexes Lethal to the buckles and covers for 2. White up top, leaps over Lethal and then runs into a spine buster for a good near fall. Lethal locks in the figure four, White fights and tries to turn it only for Lethal to stop him. White finally starts to drag Lethal and grabs the ropes. Lethal locks to lock it in again, but White rolls him up for 2. Lethal hits an enziguri and White cuts off the injection with a lariat and brainbuster for a great near fall. White pummels the shit out of Lethal, Lethal counters out of the kiwi krusher, and hits a cutter to escape the sleeper. The lethal injection finishes it. Jay Lethal defeated Jay White @ 20:14 via pin [****] This was an absolutely great match, giving them a lot of time and presenting White as a major player, taking it to an ROH main event guy and looking like he belonged; his evolution has been so much fun to watch. This kid is going to be really great. White came out of this looking great and the crowd was buying into him down the stretch.
ROH Tag Team Title Match: ROH Tag Team Champions The Motor City Machineguns vs. The Young Bucks vs. The Kingdom (TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia): War Machine faces the winners at next week’s TV tapings. Matt and Shelley start, they work a fun opening stretch and Matt cuts him off for an indie taker tease. Shelley teases a too sweet, and the crowd chants ‘cease & desist.” Sabin and Marseglia tag in, Sabin pokes him in the eyes and TK tags in and Sabin cuts them off and tosses Marseglia to the floor. Nick tags in, the Bucks work double teams on Marseglia and clear the ring. Rise of the Terminator dives follow. Back in and the Bucks keep control, working over TK. TK rakes the eyes, tags in Marseglia and the Kingdom work double teams and then they clear the ring, working over Matt. The double teams follow and Sabin breaks up a pin. TK tags back in, keeping control and covering Matt for 2. Matt slowly fights them off, but Marseglia tags in and hits a side suplex, covering for 2. Matt slides to the floor, and Nick cuts off TK and back in, Matt gets the tag to Nick. Nick runs wild with kicks, knee strikes and clothesline. The springboard dropkick takes out Shelley and he follows with a moonsault to the floor, Nick is an excellent hot tag. Marseglia finally cuts him off, the Kingdom work double teams. Sabin finally tags back in, Shelley joins him and they play the hits, hitting double teams but Marseglia cuts off skull and bones and hits red rum, but the Bucks pull him to the floor. Superkicks to the Kingdom. Shelley sent to the floor and Sabin makes the save. It breaks down, Nick accidentally kicks Matt and Shelley hits a sliced bread on the floor. Sabin and Marseglia back in the ring, Shelly makes the save but TK cuts him off. The Guns battle back with the dream sequence, tossing out the Kingdom, but the Bucks return and lock in sharpshooters. Marseglia makes the save, but the Guns lay him out with superkicks. TK eats FOUR superkicks at the same time. It beaks down into a superkick party with the Bucks and Guns, more bang for your buck is cut off and Sabin cradles Matt to retain. Champions The Motor City Machineguns defeated The Young Bucks and The Kingdom @ 15:32 via pin [****] This was another great match, and in a completely different style than the previous match. This was balls to the wall action, as the Kingdom actually put in what I feel is their best effort to date and more than held their own. We had great near falls, some great near falls and drama down the stretch and a clean win by the champions. Some people complain about “spot fests,” and there are times to complain about them and that’s when they suck or are completely disjointed. This was great, clean action with a cohesive flow that had the crowd invested the whole time.
– Post match, the Addiction attacks the Guns. The Best friends make the save and clear out Kazarian. Daniels is left alone and gets his ass kicked, eating a double chokeslam from the Best Friends. The Best Friends hand the titles back to the Guns. Book it lizard man.
– Bully Ray arrives, and gets a beer from a fan. I’m not sure that’s part of concussion protocol. He thanks the fans and discusses the Death Before Dishonor turn by Jay Briscoe, and he isn’t sure what his future is ort if he will wrestle again. He got a call last week, and was told to stay home and rest. But he saw what towns ROH was running and had to come to Pittsburgh. He gets ECW chants and talks about ECW’s history in the area, and praises Pittsburgh and the fans. He needed to come here and see the fans because he appreciates the fans. He says this trip to Pittsburgh tops them all. He may never see them again and thanks the fans once again.
Jenny Rose, Mandy Leon, & Deonna Purrazzo vs. Britt Baker, Fay Jackson, & Sumie Sakai: It was smart to give them the buffer with the Bully promo and intermission after two great matches. Sakai and Purrazzo into begin. Purrazzo takes early control, going for repeated covers. Jackson tags in, as does Leon. Leon tries to pickup the pace, Jackson cuts her off and hits a corner attack. Leon avoids a charge, but Jackson hits a big spear for 2. Leon tags out to Rose, Baker in as well. They work a fun back and forth, with Baker hitting a sling blade for 2. She pulls the Adam Cole chinlock spot, Rose battles out and Baker tags out to Sakai. The dropkick follows, but Rose cuts her off with a side slam for 2. Leon tags backing, they double team Sakai and Leon covers for 2. She works the full nelson with the legs, Sakai escapes and Leon hits a German. Sakai battles back and she hits a German for the double down. Wholesale changes to Purrazzo and Baker, they trade strikes and Baker hits a fisherman’s suplex for 2. Purrazzo looks for the arm bar, but Baker makes the ropes. Superkick by Baker, they trade kicks and baker finally covers for 2. Rose makes the save, and Baker tags out to Jackson and she heads up top and hits a high cross to Purrazzo and Rose. It breaks down, Baker superkicks Rose, but Purrazzo hits a suplex and covers for 2. Jackson backing and Purrazzo fights her off, and locks in the arm bar and Jackson taps. Jenny Rose, Mandy Leon, & Deonna Purrazzo vs. Britt Baker, Fay Jackson, & Sumie Sakai @ 9:08 via pin [**½] Despite a few small hiccups, this was a perfectly solid match. Not having Baker win in her hometown was silly though, as she was over big time. I’m glad they actually made it onto the iPPV.
Instant Reward Match: ROH TV Champion Kenny King vs. Punishment Martinez vs. KUSHIDA vs. Matt Taven vs. Josh Woods: This is lucha rules. If King is pinned, he will be forced to defend the TV title immediately against the person who defeated him. King and KUSHIDA in to begin. They take it to the ground right away, and then trade arm drags, and work into a stand off. Martinez tags in, KUSHIDA fires up with strikes and flips off Martinez. KUSHIDA dumps him to the floor, but Taven rolls up KUSHIDA for 2. KUSHIDA tells Taven to fuck off, {age and Woods in and that leads to a standing dropsault on KUSHIDA for 2. Martinez pulls KUSHIDA to the floor and slams him to the barricade. Taven takes out Woods with a moonsault, Martinez in and he wipes out Taven with a spin kick. King back in and Woods cuts off Page. Page hits the shooting star to the floor, wiping out several people. KUSHIDA hits a dive off the top and takes out the pile. Back in, KUSHIDA works leg kicks to Martinez. Martinez kills him with a lariat, hit corner attacks and follows with a falcon arrow, doing the deal and covering for 2. Taven tags himself in, KUSHIDA fires up but eats a knee strike. King tags in, starts to run wild on everyone. The spinebuster on Woods follows, but Page cuts him off and they brawl on the floor and Page is sent into the crowd. Martinez and Woods brawl, KUSHIDA join sin and Taven’s dive is caught and King then hits a dive, Page in the crowd and dives out onto the pile. Back in and Page has KUSHIDA isolated, KUSHIDA looks for the hover board lock but Page cuts that off and hits the buckshot lariat as Woods makes the save. Woods Germans Page to the floor onto the pile. KUSHIDA kicks Woods to the floor, Martinez cuts him off and tosses him to the floor. Martinez then hits a step up dive to the floor. Back in and Martinez is cut off by King ,but Woods rolls up King for 2. King hits the royal flush after the first one went wrong and he wins. ROH TV Champion Kenny King defeated Punishment Martinez, KUSHIDA, Matt Taven, and Josh Woods @ 11:52 via pin [***½] This was an overall very good match, but never really settled in, was a bit disjointed and the flubbed finish hurt it. But overall, it was a lot of fun.
Non-Title Match: IWPG Tag Team Champions Killer Elite Squad vs. War Machine: They brawl at the bell as the war continues. KES teases a killer bomb, Rowe makes the save and clears the ring and the hit suicide dives. They brawl to the floor with bodies flying into barricades. Smith lays in chair shots, sending Hanson into the crowd. Rowe cuts him off but Archer pounces him into the barricade. Smith works over Hanson in the crowd with chair shots. Rowe fights back on his own. But KES works quick tags and maintains control. Hanson is sent back to the floor, as Smith hits a suplex, covering for 2. Hanson gets the hot tag, and follows with forever clotheslines. Hanson stacks them up in the corner, and hits a broncobuster on Smith. Hanson and Archer do cartwheels and end in a double down. Smith cuts off Hanson, but Hanson manages to escape and make the tag. Rowe and Smith trade strikes center ring, Rowe is pissed and hits an XPLODER, Smith no sells and eats a knee strike. It breaks down, Archer lays in forever clotheslines, gets cut off and the springboard clothesline and German combo connects. Smith starts tossing people around, hits a stalling suplex and cuts off Rowe with a powerbomb, Archer hits a chokeslam, covering for 3. Hanson cuts off the killer bomb, but KES cuts him off and hits the killer bomb and Hanson rolls to he floor. Rowe fights back, but KES hits him with the hart attack for 2. The killer bomb is countered and War machine hits fallout for the win. War Machine defeated Champions Killer Elite Squad @ 11:43 via pin [***] This was a good match, giving War machine momentum in the IWGP tag title scene and momentum ahead of their tag title match with the Guns at next week’s TV tapings.
– Mark Briscoe has been taken to the hospital.
Non-Title Match: IWGP Never Openweight Champion Minoru Suzuki vs. Silas Young: The Bruiser is out with Young. Young talks shit so Suzuki spits at him. Young calls him a piece of shit. The Bruiser distracts Suzuki allowing Young to attack. He follows with the back breaker/clothesline combo and lays in strikes. Young talks shit and follows with more strikes and says Suzuki ain’t shit, but Suzuki works the hanging arm bar in the ropes. They brawl to the floor, Suzuki slams Young to the barricade and then attacks with a chair. The ref takes the chair as they continue to brawl on the floor. Suzuki steals bruiser’s cigar and rams it into Young’s eye. Back in they go, and Suzuki works the arm and grounds Young. Young makes the ropes so Suzuki lays in kicks. Suzuki pummels Young with forearms, they trade and Young battles back, and hits a knee strike and DDT for 2. Young talks more shit and lays in rights. Suzuki fires up with strikes and a running kick. The PK follows for 2. Young says “ok motherfucker, you want some?” and Suzuki just absorbs his strikes. They trade strikes again, Young hits the Finlay roll and moonsault for 2. Smith arrives, ref distracted and now Young distracted. We get a ref bump and Smith and the Bruiser are in. Bruiser misses the apron cannonball, Suzuki hits the Gotch piledriver that’s that. IWGP Never Openweight Champion Minoru Suzuki defeated Silas Young @ 10:32 via pin [**½] I thought that this was going well, as they were working a mean guy clubbering match that was evenly contested. And then the normal Suzuki-gun bullshit happened and ruined everything they had accomplished. In theory it protects Young, but had they stayed the course, he may have been better off with a loss in a high quality semi-main event match.
ROH Six-Man Tag Team Title Match: Champions Bullet Club (Cody, Kenny Omega & Marty Scurll) vs. CHAOS (Will Ospreay, YOSHI-HASHI & Toru Yano): Omega got that huge pop. Scurll plays to the crowd and says they can technically defend the six-man titles due to Bullet Club rules. Um, ok. Ospreay and Scurll to start off, and work into a stand off. They play around a bit and Cody tags in, but he wants Yano. Yano tags in, Cody wants him to kiss the ring of honor but Yano refuses. Cody attacks, but Yano does his rope break spot. Yano tags out to HASHI, and he wants Omega. Omega tags in, they go face to face, as the crowd is completely behind Omega. Omega attacks and beats down HASHI, but HASHI fights back with chops. Omega hits chops but HASHI hits shoulder blocks and a RANA. The blockbuster follows, and Ospreay tags in. The senton atomico follows, and then the superhero pose. Yano poses with him, which Ospreay didn’t appreciate. Bullet Club powders to the floor. Ospreay and Omega in now, but Scurll wants in and Ospreay attacks and works over Omega. HASHI tags in, but Cody cuts him off. Omega almost hits Cody, they hug and HASHI attacks again. Omega takes the ref as Scurll uses him umbrella to attack HASHI,. Cody tags in and lays the boots to HASHI, Scurll tags in and continues the heat. Omega back in, hits a back breaker and covers for 2. elbow drops follow and Omega covers for 2 and tags in Cody. HASHI manages the tag to Ospreay, he runs wild and takes out Cody and Omega. The running shooting star on Cody gets 2. Ospreay up top and Cody hits a run up arm drag. Scurll tags in, calls for the chicken wing but Ospreay kicks him in the face and tags in Yano. Yano is confused by the US turnbuckles and can’t do his shenanigans. Omega in and hits the Inlay roll on HASHI, but Ospreay cuts him off with the trapped superkick. Cody hilts cross Rhodes on Ospreay, and Yano hits low blows. He gets scissors and cuts off the top buckle pad. Scurll cuts him off, teases the two boots spot and now calls for four boots in the corner. Scurll gets cut off by the Yano hair pull, but Scurll hits the finger break spot. Scurll wants 10 boots and here come Page and the Young Bucks. They set up in the corner, but Yano slams Scurll into the exposed buckle, but Scurll fights back and slams him into the boots. Bullet Club does an Ultimate Warrior celebration, shaking the ropes. They all argue with the ref, HASHI now takes Cody and Omega tot he floor and Ospreay hits a huge shooting star press to the floor. Low blow by Yano and rolls up Scurll for 2. Scurll locks in the chicken wing and Yano taps. Champions Bullet Club (Cody, Kenny Omega & Marty Scurll) defeated CHAOS (Will Ospreay, YOSHI-HASHI & Toru Yano) @ 19:50 via submission [**½] This was one of those Bullet Club grab ass matches that plays well with the live crowd, but doesn’t translate to TV at all. They dick around, they entertain themselves, it did nothing to help build to HASHI vs., Omega and went way too long. Not the match I would have closed the show with.
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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