wrestling / Video Reviews
Rolling Germans Review: Ring Of Honor: Honor Invades Boston
Well the holidays have come to a close and I am thus left with a lot of bills to take care of (stupid Credit Cards, why can’t they just leave me alone?). However it also means I’M GOING BACK TO SCHOOL! THANK GOD! For those of you that didn’t know (and most wouldn’t) I was off for this semester to basically save money for a car and school fees. Well I squandered quite a bit of it but easily saved enough for school and books. The side benefit of going back to school is I won’t be working an average of 60 hours per week (you think I’m making that number up, THINK AGAIN). So I pass the benefit onto you the reader as I’ve got more time to do tape reviews (and tape Christmas Comps, ORDER NOW) starting with this show.
You might be wondering where the rest of The Zero One Fire Festival is. Well… I was doing the whole ROH – FF – ROH – FF thing but truth be told my heart wasn’t into The Fire Festival after I saw Tanaka vs Ohtani (which I already knew was the best match of the tournament). So the rest of it basically got put on the back burner until it’s convenient rather than me going out of my way to watch it like I did the first three parts. I’ve been LOVING this ROH stuff since the get go and easily look forward to viewing new shows more than any other fed on the planet right now (well… I really like WWE PPV’s because the guys come by so it’s sort of a tie for different reasons).
The first half of this review is brought to you by ј a bag of Cheetos that Mark left behind after the HORRIBLE Bucs vs Bears game along with Ѕ bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos that I had picked up for the same game. The second half of this review is brought to you by absolutely nothing because well… the snacks were done. DUH!
Both guys know each other very well as they were both trained by Mikey Whipwreck. I haven’t seen much of Quiet Storm in singles matches so this one caught my interest from the start. Too bad it didn’t take long to kill my interest. We get some overly contrived flip flop to start and Storm tries to establish himself as a heel with some cheap shots to the gut but Red comes back with a Rana and a Hurricane Kick. By the way, I got an email asking me what the hell a Hurricane Kick was because most folks were thinking Street Fighter II with Ken & Ryu. Basically Red spins his body in a forward circle motion before connecting with the kick. In some circles it might be called a “Tornado Kick” but I’ve always preferred “Hurricane Kick.” Back to the match as they go back and forth no selling elbows and kicks like they’re Misawa & Kawada with 1/10th the skill level and missing the whole point of the no selling to begin with. Storm goes on the attack with a Swinging Neckbreaker segued into The Spinal Shock for 2 and Ѕ. Wow; way to kill off a finishing move guys. Sunset Bomb gets 2 and ѕ. Storm looks for The Diving Headbutt but that’s reversed into an Ace Crusher. Leaping Swinging DDT is followed up with The Infrared and The Red Star Press for the victory. WHATEVER! This was basically a bunch of spots with no structure to the match and both guys looking like they don’t give a flying fuck about it. Well if they don’t give a fuck then I DON’T GIVE A FUCK! *
Special K (Elax, Insane Dragon, Dixie, Brian XL) attacks after the match and leave both guys laying after blowing a bunch of stuff. Spanish Announce Team and Chris Divine make the save leading up to…
Elax is the odd man out and sort of just stands there laughing (what’s with that anyway?) for most of the match. Basically the rules bastardize Lucha using the “you left so I come in” aspect of the six man tag. I guess they wanted to give some semblance of reason behind everyone just jumping in and out for no apparent reason. Tons upon tons of crazy flip flop to start until everyone ends up outside and Dragon hits a Shooting Star Plancha. Dixie follows up with a Somersault Plancha and XL does one better with a no rope Tiger Press (NICE!). We finally get back in where XL hits a Standing Shooting Star and a Dragon Rana on Joel for 2 and ѕ. Dixie jumps in with a Roaring Elbow for 2 and Ѕ. Then we get SUPER NUTS as Joel puts Dixie in a Gory Special and Jose puts XL on Jose in a Styles Crab while holding onto his neck from the other side. THAT IS FUCKING SICK! There’s no way my description can do that thing justice. The match breaks down as Jose nails Dragon with a Skullet Buster but XL jumps in and hits a Dragon’s Rey on Jose but Joel jumps in and hits a No Look Reverse Tombstone. Now Dixie puts Joel on the top and looks for a Top Rope Frankensteiner but Joel blocks and then Jose stacks Dragon on Dixie’s shoulders for a MOTHERFUCKING SUPER STACKERBOMB! HOLY FUCK! XL fares no better as the SAT’s smoke him out with The Spanish Fly for the victory. This was super spotty like the first match but came across a lot more fun instead of the zero emotion that was coming off Storm vs Red. The Super Stackerbomb RULED IT! **
Chris Divine talks about watching NWA TNA every week and wondering if he’d ever have a shot at beating Low Ki because if he managed to beat him then he’d be the BEST EVER! Uh… Ki’s really good and all but best ever? GEEZ! So Ki comes out and IT’S GO TIME!
This is non title but it wouldn’t have made a difference because Ki beats the shit out of him for two minutes and locks in The Dragon Clutch for the tap out. Was this even a match? What’s the point of pumping up your champion on a show that people have already paid for? DUD
WELL IT’S ABOUT FUCKING TIME! This is the sixth show ROH put out and they FINALLY put the CSC in a straight tag match (pun intended). Marcos & Dunn continue on their way to skinny no name white boy stardom and I’ve got no problem with that. CSC dismantle Marcos for a few minutes using various offense with homosexual undertones. These guys need to prance around the ring like little girls and kiss each other on every tag just like The Rainbow Express did in TNA. Now THAT was funny shit. Marcos comes back off a Rana and tags Dunn. SKINNY BOY’S AFIRE! They try to throw the CSC into each other but they stop short and MAKE OUT! AWWWW FUCK! They chuck Marcos and smoke out Dunn with THE GAY BASHER (Doomsday Device with a Vertical Splash instead of a Lariat in case you were wondering) for the victory. Eh… this was OK… I guess. The CSC aren’t terrible, which was a big surprise. You see I figured who in the world wouldn’t book a team that’s obviously over huge (maybe for the wrong reasons) for five months? Ah well… that’s some fine ROH tag booking for ya. Marcos & Dunn continue to bump and stuff. Maybe next time they’ll get more than two moves in. *1/2
Heh… Andrews is the face and yet he wears a Yankees hat IN BOSTON! Oy… Andrews goes right to work with a Flying Heel Kick and a Guillotine Legdrop for 2 and Ѕ. 270 Powerbomb gets 2 and Ѕ. He looks for The Force Of Nature but Tobin slips out and hits an Inverted Russian Leg Sweep and a Springboard Legdrop for 2 and Ѕ. He looks for a Senton Atomico but that misses and Andrews hits a Flapjack and The Force Of Nature for the victory. This was short even by RAW standards. ј*
Xavier hits the ring and wants a re-match with Andrews after getting busted up and losing in their match last month. Works for me…
They’re pegging this as the final match in this rivalry and I can’t say as I’m all that disappointed because these two haven’t broken the *** barrier (highest rating from me was **3/4 and that match wasn’t even respected enough to be shown in full) despite having faced each other three times in four cards. Xavier takes control and looks for a Headscissors but that’s reversed into a Split Legged Facejam for 2 and Ѕ. Xavier comes back with an Enzugiri sending Andrews outside and follows up with a FUCKING SWEET Double Jump Ropeflip Quebrada. AWESOME! Back in the ring and Xavier brings his trademark Muai Thai knees and an Overhead Belly to Belly for 2 and Ѕ. He looks for a Bulldog but Andrews reverses into a Soviet Slam. Andrews Rolls The Dice for 2 and ѕ. Time out for a second. What the hell is the proper name for that move? One of my regular readers that I yap with on AOL (you da man Bob) asked me about its proper name and I didn’t have a clue. I always fall back to “Roll The Dice” because the first time I saw it was done by Reno back in WCW’s final days but there’s got to be a proper name. Any help would be appreciated. Back to the match as Andrews telegraphs a Backdrop and Xavier hits a Crucifix Powerbomb followed up with a nice 450 Splash for the victory. As with all their matches, this was rock solid but nothing that really stood out. Considering this was their last match, I think they should have been given more time to build to something great. Still, despite being on the short side there isn’t much else to bitch about. **
MICHAEL SHANE (w/Biohazard) vs PAUL LONDON (w/Rudy Boy Gonzalez)
This is another feud that’s been going on for a while. The story basically comes down to Shane thinking that he should be the top guy out of TWA because he’s overly talented and has the blood of Shawn Michaels running through his veins (is that just a worked thing or are they really uncle & nephew?). He’s pissed because London (the better talent IMO) has been getting all the spotlight and the accolades of head trainer Rudy Boy Gonzalez (who Corino rips on throughout this match and it’s pretty funny shit). Then last month they had a TWA tag match for an ROH contract and both guys scored a pin but the ref only saw Shane’s pin. I think that just about sums it up. Shane attacks right off the bat but works the crowd and London smokes him out. Shane’s out and London hits a GORGEOUS Tope Suicida. Back in the ring and London hits a Backflip Dropkick (nice to see someone using Hayabusa’s move) for 2 and Ѕ. Standing Moonsault gets 2 and Ѕ. London heads up but Shane THROWS HIM OFF THE TOP ONTO THE FENCE! HOLY FUCK! That was one of the ugliest bumps I’ve seen this year and ranks up there with AJ Styles total Crash and Burn off the fucked up Shooting Star Plancha at The Super 8. Shane throws him into more fencing and I’m growing to like this guy more and more. HBK Elbow gets 2 and Ѕ. London comes back after a blind charge and looks for a Tornado DDT but that’s blocked and we get the stupid Suplex into the post spot that I FUCKING HATE for 2 and Ѕ. Hurricane Kick gets 2 and ѕ. He heads up for another HBK Elbow but gets crotched. London looks for a Superplex but gets thrown off and Shane hits a FLYING SPLIT LEGGED FACEBUSTER! AWESOME! 1… 2… 2 AND 9/10! Shane looks for a Powerbomb but that’s reversed into a Huracanrana for 2 and 9/10! Shane heads out and London hits a Springboard Corkscrew Bodyblock. Now HERE is why I gained a whole new level of respect for Shane and this feud in general. Shane hurts his ankle after the bodyblock and the match comes to a screeching halt as everyone thinks it’s a repeat of what happened to Chris Marvel back in March where London hit a Quebrada and Marvel legit broke his ankle. So stupid face London checks on Shane and you guessed it… a surprise roll up victory. I LOVE IT! It sucks to have a very good match stop just like that but the stop did so much to not only further the feud between London and Shane but also plays off of something that happened five months prior. It’s the little things that make a good match very good. Anyway, the body of the match was very well worked as both guys are familiar with one another. I’d like to see more aggressive Shane rather than kill the flow working the crowd Shane but that’ll come in time. London’s great playing spunky face getting his ass kicked but has the belly fire to keep plugging away. ***
Simply Luscious enters the ring and extends an invitation to Shane to join The Prophecy but Rudy Boy is all “come with me, I NEED TO SKIM YOUR PAY!” Shane takes a moment to decide and FUCKING ROCKS HER CHIN with Sweet Shane Music. Rudy Boy is ecstatic so Shane FUCKING ROCKS HIS CHIN TOO with more Sweet Shane Music. Then he beats the shit out of London just for the hell of it. DAMN RIGHT SHANE! FUCK EM ALL UP! Shane = Greatness.
OH BABY! THIS HAS GOT TO ROCK! I can only assume they got Morgan between tours in NOAH because who’d want to fly 14 hours to work a show and then go back home? There’s kind of a weak backstory going into this one. Back at “A Night Of Appreciation” they had a backstage skit where Daniels and Morgan (who had just become buddies after their match) got in the face of Ki and Dragon over their “marking out” for Eddie Guerrero’s final Indy match. Well that turned into a brawl with Dragon going after Morgan. Ki ended up feuding with Daniels but Morgan works for Pro Wrestling NOAH so it’s not like they could just follow up the next month. So now Morgan is free and we all benefit. We get a long feel out process to start with lots of fun counter wrestling until Dragon slows it down and tries to take Morgan’s arm home with him. We’re talking a good five minutes of arm work here and I LOVE IT! Dragon opens it up (that’s never a good thing) and Morgan goes to work with a Backdrop Suplex for 2 and Ѕ. Morgan FUCKING CLOCKS HIM with Elbows and the spirit of Misawa flows through the ring. We hit the mat again with nutty submissions and the crowd eats it up with a shovel. Dragon looks for a Lariat but that’s reversed into a Uranage for 2 and Ѕ. Morgan looks for a German Suplex but that’s blocked and Dragon CRACKS HIM with an Enzugiri. THIS IS FUCKING MEGA STIFF! Northern Lights Suplex gets 2 and ѕ. A Dragon blind charge gets boot in the face and a Flying DDT for 2 and ѕ but Dragon comes right back with a Double Underhook Cradle for 2 and ѕ. Morgan’s all “FUCK THAT SHIT” and hits an Overhead Belly to Belly for 2 and ѕ. Dragon’s all “OH FUCK NO YOU DIDN’T” and SMOKES HIM with a ROLLING ELBOOOOOOW! 1… 2… 2 AND 9/10! JUDO DDT! SWANDIVE HEADBUTT! 1… 2… 2 AND 9/10! FUJIWARA ARMB… NO! MORGAN REVERSES! GOLDEN GATE SWING! 1… 2… 2 AND 9/10! THE SAYONARA! BLOCKED! CATTLE MUTILATION! MORGAN WON’T TAP! DING DING DING! FIFTEEN MINUTE TIME LIMIT? WHAT THE FUCK?! What a surprise, this managed to kick ass and they left tons of shit in the holster. This is the kind of match that I love. It had a nice feel out, good mat work with Dragon destroying Morgan’s arm. Then some nice mid level stuff before hard hitting big moves and near falls. I don’t ask for much more than that. A payoff to the arm work and an actual winner would have taken this to the next level but this was kick ass stuff anyway. ***1/2
American Dragon extends his hand asking Morgan to leave The Prophecy but he might as well have shot himself in the head as Morgan gets a kick in the gut and it’s Sayonara for Dragon.
THE CARNAGE CREW vs DA HIT SQAD (Boston Massacre Match)
We go back to last month for the AWESOME Natural Born Sinners vs Carnage Crew street fight. NBS won the match but TCC got the last laugh smoking them out with Boogalou’s own hubcaps. DHS made the save (loyal to their trainer Homocide) but he didn’t want their help and let them know it with quite the profanity laced verbal beating. Meanwhile TCC were pissed they didn’t get to outright murder NBS and made the challenge to DHS for this Boston Massacre Match. Street fights and Play by Play don’t get along very well so I’ll just offer a quick summary. It’s the usual chairs, chains, barbed wire and blood for the first half. It’s basically like last months match but it was missing all of the emotion and crazyness of last month. Then DHS stop the match cold, go to the back and get barbed wire boards. We get some tease spots and then Monsta Mack pretty much kills Devito with a Spear through the barbed wire board and Mafia puts Loc away with The Burning Hammer. It was fun, but the crowd wasn’t into it and it wasn’t near as good as last month. *3/4
DON JUAN vs BIOHAZARD (w/Michael Shane)
Both guys are out of TWA. They were also the two guys that were pinned by Michael Shane and Paul London respectively in the tag match that set up London vs Shane earlier on. We go back and forth until Biohazard hits a Backdrop Suplex and a Leaping Neck Snap (Hennig Style) for 2 and Ѕ. Butterfly Suplex gets 2 and Ѕ. Juan comes back with a DDT for 2 and Ѕ. Flying leap is blocked and reversed into a Northern Lights Suplex for 2 and ѕ. Thunderfire Powerbomb is reversed into a Backslide for 2 and ѕ. Hazard comes back with a Teardrop Suplex for the win. Whatever, this was just a bunch of stuff. Ѕ*
Um… OK. They have a string of good matches with their regulars and then throw out random stuff for whatever reason. I don’t see why this match and the TWA two minute special couldn’t have gone near the front of the show. Anyway; these two work for New England Championship Wrestling. Arion’s still relatively green with a few years under him. Wild’s been around for a while and he’s NECW Champion if I recall correctly. We get some counter wrestling to start and then Arion goes on the attack with SPINE ON THE PINE for 2 and Ѕ. Pull Out Powerbomb gets 2 and Ѕ. Wild lands on his feet after Arion tries a second time (that was pretty cool) and goes on the attack with a Russian Leg Sweep. Rebound Senton gets 2 and Ѕ. He looks for another Senton but that misses and Arion hits a Superkick for 2 and ѕ. 270 Facejam leads to a Splash but Wild gets the knees up and looks for a Dragon Suplex but that’s reversed into a Double Leg Roll Up for the victory. Eh… crowd didn’t seem to care (which is odd considering these are home town boys) and I can’t say as I cared much either. The match was fine but didn’t really come off like these guys cared too much outside of some stiff chops here and there. Ah well… *1/2
This one has an odd set up considering the issue is with Mamaluke rather than both guys. See Boogalou tried to get some shooter advice from Maritato but then Mamaluke ran his stupid mouth about NBS having to be hoodlums because THEY’RE BLACK! Hey everyone, I’M BLACK TOO! NOW I CAN SHOOT PEOPLE RIGHT?! Fucking morons. Anyway; Homocide didn’t take well to the trash talk so he issued the challenge and it’s on. The first few minutes is just great stuff from both teams with mat work out the ying yang. We break it open after Homocide takes Mamaluke to school with chops and NBS go to town with their trademark Powerbomb on the knee (DIRTY DIRTY MOVE) for 2 and Ѕ. Mamaluke comes back and Maritato tags in with The Sicilian Slice (props to the like 50 people who emailed me about that) for 2 and Ѕ. Mamaluke’s back in with a Dragon Screw segued into The Sicillian Crab but Homocide makes the ropes. German Suplex gets 2 and ѕ. He looks for a slam but that’s blocked and Homocide hits an EXPLOIDAAAAAAH for 2 and ѕ. Both teams tag and Maritato gains the advantage. He looks for The Kiss Of Death but Homocide saves and hits THE STUNNER! STUNNER! BY GAWD THE STUNNER! He heads up but Mamaluke crotches him (tag rules are where now?) and hits a Foldover Superplex into a Butterfly Lock. Boogaloo saves and chucks Maritato out of the ring leaving Mamaluke to take THE MOTHERFUCKING COP KILLA! BITCH! This was very good stuff from both teams. Everything clicked from the mat work right through to the big stuff at the end. A bit more time and better heat would have been nice but still very enjoyable. **1/2
This one has been a long time in the making. ROH had been running out of Philidelphia up until this show. The Pennsylvania Athletic Commission prohibits anyone under the age of 18 from wrestling. So Mark was kind of screwed out of wrestling and thus was accompanying his brother to the ring. He came down on him after Jay’s first loss. Then the same thing when he lost to Spanky. Jay picked up a win on Tony Mamaluke but Mark brushed it off and came down on him for mistakes. Jay did the job to Doug Williams at the fourth show and Mark laughed at him. Then when Jay was about to beat James Maritato, Mark walked out and distracted his brother long enough for Maritato to hit The Kiss Of Death. Jay lost it after that one and citing the fact ROH was in Boston this month; Mark could legally wrestle. So now IT’S FUCKING ON! Mark establishes himself as the heel in the ring with subtle stuff like slapping his brother while in the mount showing him up on the mat. We move to the mat work and IT’S ALL GOOD. These guys have probably done this a few million times because it’s all clean with smooth transitions to each move. We move to the flip flop and it’s even better than the mat work. I’M LOVING ALL THIS! More counter wrestling leads to Jay FUCKING BREAKING MARK’S JAW with a Yakuza Kick. CHONO THAT SHIT DOWN! We go outside and Mark brutalizes Jay. This is SOOOOOO Owen vs Bret. Mark’s work is awesome thus far. He’s got the Owen spunk to Jay playing Bret’s “respect me” offense. Jay gets busted open and this match is getting better by the second. Mark works that open wound like a motherfucker starting basic with punches and hits a SNIPER PERFECT Heel Kick to the forehead followed up with a Huracanrana. MARK BRISCOE RULES YOU! BIG TIME DDT gets 2 and ѕ. Now it’s Jay’s turn as he comes back off a missed lariat and dropkicks the knee. PUNISH THAT LITTLE SNOT! Now he STOMPS THE FINGERS! HAHAHA! THIS RULES! It’s like they managed to take one of their childhood fights and incorporate it into a wrestling match. Jay heads up but gets crotched and Mark looks for a Superplex only to have Jay block and throw him to the apron but Mark rebounds with a DOUBLE JUMP SUPER ACE CRUSHER! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Mark goes back to the fist but his hand hurts. WOW! One little stomp and they remember it like death. EVERYBODY THAT SUCKS TAKE NOTE OF THIS MATCH! He heads up but misses a Flying Kneedrop so Jay brings the leg pain with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip and goes to town on the leg. He looks for a lariat but that’s reversed into a Uranage sending Jay outside. He looks for a Springboard but the knee gives out. YES! SELL THAT SHIT! Mark tries for a Pescado but Jay slaps him in the face on the way down. I LOVE THIS MATCH! Mark comes back with a low blow (desperate little brother) and Mark goes for a Springboard Dropkick and SELLS IN MID AIR! SLOW TO COVER! 1… 2… 2 AND 9/10! Mark charges but takes a kick in the gut and Jay looks for THE JAY DRILLER but Mark slips out only to take a THUNDERFIRE POWERBOMB! DOUBLE KO! Back and forth with the forearms until Mark looks for a Dragon Suplex but that’s blocked so he hits a German Suplex for 2 and 9/10! DRAGON SUPLEX! 1… 2… 2 AND 9/10! MOONSAULT MISSES! JAY WITH THE LARIATOOOOOO! DEATH VALLEY CRADLE! 1… 2… 2.999999! JAY DRILLER! BLOCKED! CUT THROAT DRIVER BY MARK! BLOCKED! JAY WITH THE MOTHERFUCKING SCREWDRIVER BUT CANNONBALL SENTON MISSES! Jay reels back and Mark FUCKING KILLS HIM WITH A SHINING WIZARD! CUT THROAT DRIVER! IT’S OVER! YOU SOOOOOO WANT THIS MATCH! I can’t believe how much ass this kicked. I knew it’d be good because hell… they’re brothers but DAMN THIS ROCKED! Great work from beginning to end. When the hell did Mark learn to wrestle like this? His heel work was through the roof and his selling was off the hook. Jay did a great job as well trying to keep down his younger brother. Both guys played their “brotherly roles” to a tee. A definite must see. ****1/4
AJ STYLES vs LOW KI (Ring Of Honor Title)
These two faced each other more than their fair share of times in NWA TNA but in ROH timeline it’s a simple flashback to their April show. Ki faced Styles in what many are calling a MOTYC (I clocked it at ****). Ki wasn’t satisfied with that victory because he didn’t really win in his usual decisive manner (he won with a roll up reversal instead of you know… KILLING him with Ki Krusher ’99) so now we’ve got a rematch with the title on the line. Absolutely spectacular counter wrestling to start. Then we get some great stuff with THE KICK STIFFNESS OF FUN! Back to the mat but Ki won’t give up on the kicks as he Bicycle Kicks Styles out of a headlock. AWESOME! Ki brings the MEGA STIFF CHOPS and you all want this match after four minutes. Styles tries to come back with The Kip Rana but Ki’s all “I’ve seen that flashy shit before” and BREAKS HIS SPINE WITH A STIFF KICK! YIKES! Ki hits another SICK Side Kick but Styles breaks the momentum with another Kip Rana and hits a Thrust Kick of his own for 2 and Ѕ. Irish whip is reversed into a dropkick to the knee and Ki looks for The Triple Strike but Styles has that scouted with a Leg Sweep and tries for a pick up but Ki tries for a KIP RANA (HA HA!) but Styles blocks that and looks for The Styles Clash but Ki manages to kick out of it. The counters are outright insanity and the crowd is loving every minute of it. Ki is just STIFF AS FUCK but Styles outdoes him with a BIG TIME LARIAT but Ki comes back with a HUGE Spin Wheel Kick. Ki brings The Shinny Kicks but Styles reverses into a German Suplex only to have Ki reverse into a cradle only to have Styles throw him off but Ki rebounds with The Matrix but that’s turned into STYLES SPECIAL #1 for 2 and ѕ. COUNTERS! COUNTERS! Styles nose is SMASHED TO BITS from Ki’s kicks. THIS IS NUTS! Styles goes for The Styles Clash but that’s reversed into a Huracanrana for 2 and ѕ. Dragon Tarantula gets 2 and 9/10! Styles cuts off The Stardust Press and hits THE CRUCIFIX DRIVER! 1… 2… 2 AND 9/10! He looks for The Spiral Tap but no dice. DRAGON CLUTCH! Styles makes the ropes. Ki looks for an Irish Whip but that’s turned around and Styles puts Ki in the Tree of Woe before hitting the SUPER INSANE STIFF AS FUCK FLYING FOREARM TO THE JAW IN THE TREE OF WOE! OH MY GOD! 1… 2… 2.999999! It’s back and forth with chops until Ki comes out of nowhere with a SNAP GIRI! BRAINBUSTER! 1… 2… 2.999999! He goes back up for the Stardust Press but STYLES GETS THE KNEES UP! DOUBLE PUMP BRAINBUSTER! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! 1… 2… 2.999999! BLIND CHARGE MISSES! KI CRUSHER! REVERSED! SMALL PACKAGE! 1… 2… 2.999999! STYLES FUCKING LOSES IT! KICKS! PUNCHES! KICKS! THE CROWD IS FUCKING NUKED! HURACANRANA… NO! JACKNIFE POWERBOMB! IT’S GOT TO BE OVER! 1… 2… 2.999999! INSANITY! DRAGON CLUTCH! BLOCKED! TIGER SUPLEX! BLOCKED! DRAGON SLEEPER! REVERSED! GANNOSUKE DRIVER! KI SLIPS OUT! KI KRUSHAAAAAAAH! ONE… TWO… THREE! This took all the great elements I love in a match; added a super nuked crowd, threw in 10x the stiffness of the first Ki vs Styles and added just a hint of nuttiness (double pump Brainbuster? Outragious) to put it over the top. This is probably the best Styles match I’ve ever seen and now I’m DYING to see his match vs American Dragon from 11/9 because that’s being pimped as Styles best match. Can Low Ki do wrong? FUCK NO! ****1/2
Final Analysis: You know I was ready to write this show off after the first hour or so considering the best match topped out at **. Then we hit London vs Shane and IT’S AAAAAAALL GOOD! I can’t imagine what Dragon vs Morgan could have become without that time limit holding it back. Then you’ve got the two final matches and they’re absolutely beautiful and would have made this tape an instant recommendation even if everything else was complete and total shit. Briscoe vs Briscoe was EONS better than I was expecting and Styles vs Ki took an already great match from April and added a super charger to it to take it to the next level. Have that argument with your wallet now because you’re going to spend some more cash. I give “Ring Of Honor 8/24/2002: Honor Invades Boston” a high recommendation.
Justin Baisden
Rolling Germans Wrestling
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