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Tremendous Tirades: The History of TNA – Year One

November 15, 2007 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Tremendous Tirades: The History of TNA – Year One  

On June 19th, 2002 the world witnessed history unfold with the debut of TNA Wrestling on PPV. TNA Home Video is proud to present “The History of TNA – Year One,” which is an in depth look at the beginning of the promotion. You’ll learn about the creation of TNA, the very early days in Huntsville, the Asylum in Nashville, the memorable moments from the first year with all of the ups, downs, challenges, triumphs and so much more!

The DVD includes interviews with the following TNA personalities: Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Chris Harris, Raven, James Storm, Christopher Daniels, BG James, Mike Tenay, Don West and many others.

A special thanks to TNA for sending 411 this pre-release of the DVD for review.



-June 19th 2002. We hear the audio check by Mike Tenay done at show #1. They are moments from PPV and the ring broke minutes before the show and they had to rearrange things. We hear them discussing the changes and the final countdown to going live. The dream was about to become a reality.

The Summer of No Worries: JJ discusses WCW going under. He was under contract and got to sit at home and got paid, but was not allowed to wrestle. In October of 2001 his contract was up and he did some international dates. He started to consider his career, domestically there was not a lot to be made. He decided he wanted to start a company. It was just an idea, but didn’t have a plan.

Borash said they had time to reflect and decide what they wanted to do. He was also getting paid. He did some of the overseas with JJ and got to look at the business and this got JJ interested in running a company.

Bob Ryder says JJ and Jerry got together with him and they all went fishing. JJ got sea sick and they talked about the weekly PPV idea. They knew that they would have to try to do something without TV because no one wanted wrestling on TV since Nitro and Thunder were cancelled. TV was always a goal, but the PPV was where to begin.

JJ says that after the trip they had the idea, but nothing was set. He took it seriously, and he wanted to make a go of it. He looked into financing and all of the aspect. He and Jill talked a lot about this, and after a while one thing led to another, he got financing and things were coming together.

We see Toby Keith singing at the first TNA PPV, which JJ broke up.

We then see video from the gauntlet for the gold that night, and Toby Keith getting into the match, suplexing JJ and then he and Hall eliminating JJ.

The Genesis of TNA: JJ says a lot of things had to come together, but TNA was destined to be in his eyes. Form everything they had to do and struggle through, especially getting he weekly PPV deal was a hard mountain to climb. They had to get a roster together, and we see photos of a bunch of the guys. Ron Harris was the first guy he hired. He had to sell his vision, because that is all he had. Then the financial side was even more difficult because they needed a lot of money, and again, he had to sell the vision, which made it harder. He is proud that he did it, but is amazed that he did. They had to build from scratch.

JB says they were in an office and had a skeleton crew, and they all worked many jobs.

Tenay says the concept was never tried, and he wasn’t very optimistic, but excited. They couldn’t promote through TV, and this was the only option. They talked about using PPV to promote the next PPV.

JJ discusses the weekly PPV product. He knew weekly was the only way to do storylines and build episodic PPV. It was hard to get the fans and companies behind it, but they did. That’s the foundation of TNA and the business, weekly storytelling.

We see Ken Shamrock becoming the first NWA Champion of the TNA Era.

Building the Roster: Ryder discusses a meeting they had about building the roster. They had a try out night for the announcers, so that they could learn to work together. That night Harris, Abyss, Rudy Charles and Storm got jobs that night. Storm and Harris stole the show.

Storm heard about the company starting in 2002 from Terry Taylor. He was working Taylor on the Indies, and on the show he and Harris were feuding. They had the match set, and they knew they had to tear the house down in order to get noticed.

Harris says after the match he knew they had a good match and JJ gave him a wink of approval and the promise of a call.

Don West said it was hard the try out. He didn’t know a lot, and Ed Ferrara was a lot of comedy, so he tried to do his best. JB and JJ though the would eventually get it.

We see AJ and Lynn winning the first ever NWA Tag Titles of the TNA Era.

The First Show: JJ says they got there the night before. One of the major lighting people didn’t get something to work. He didn’t know wrestling and the ways to do things. They aren’t a sporting event or a rock concert, and only some things will work. Everything was going well, but they had some production elements that were holding them back. He woke up early the next day and worked all day to get things right.

Rudy Charles remembers being nervous because he knew next to no one. He had only done the Independent stuff, and this was a new experience. Scott Armstrong and Slick Johnson really helped him.

Harris remembers bits and pieces of the first night. It was his biggest chance. He and Storm roomed together before they found out that they would be a team.

Ryder says organizing travel is a nightmare. The first show they had flight delays, people got lost and so on. He got to catch up with people from WCW that worked production and that was fun. There was a ton of tension, but they had a good crew and the Harris brothers really helped them a lot.

JB says he noticed that people were already chanting TNA and that excited him. The countdown was electric and he knew he would never forget it.

West says he was so nervous, and he used suffer anxiety attacks. He didn’t have them for a while, and got one 2-hours before the show. He knew he had a lot to prepare for and he was scared. And then the ring broke, from CHEEX~! A gigantic fat man. They were about to go live and they were all worried. The Harris brothers actually were the ones who fixed the ring. He discusses formatting changes they had to do quickly.

Tenay discusses more of the same. He knew he would have to stretch time, and the format was completely out the window.

Ryder says they thought they would have to cancel the show because of the ring. They could change some stuff, but they were all worried. They planned to open the show with the X-Tag to kick it off hot. They made the legends segment first, and used lighting cable to fix the ring, which they weren’t even sure it would work.

AJ remembers the ring ropes breaking, and they were freaked because they planed on a lot of rope spots. Thank God for the Harris brothers! They killed time and the legends were able to go first, and it was a great opener.

JJ discusses the ropes breaking, and the ring was an old WCW ring, not on great shape. He knows you can fix it if you know what you are doing, but they didn’t have a plan because the cable snapped. They cut it, and it got too short. The Harris brothers and Jim Wakefield came up with the plan and they got it fixed. Ron and Don had to use their strength to push the stuff the right way. As the opening pyro goes off they run from the ring as they just got it fixed. They all came together with their experience to do the job.

Ryder says that after the first show they were all emotional. It was a great moment, and when something goes wrong they work hard to fix it.

We now see JJ getting into a fight with the Tennessee Titans. HAHAHA that was awesome. JJ tries to fight them and the New Church off with a chair.

Will TNA Last?: Ryder says people thought they were crazy and people said they would be out of business in 6-weeks. He left his travel business and moved to Nashville to be with TNA. They had a lot of trouble, but everyone worked hard for them to succeed.

Nobody but his wife Jill had confidence in he and TNA. He knew the risks, but knew that he had to risk to get the reward. He set his mind to it and worked hard to make sure that his desire would come through. He didn’t want to waste his own time, and he knew he had doubters.

After the first few weeks Tenay had optimism. He loved the established names and the X-Division. The tag teams were a work in progress, but he had faith.

JB says he was stubborn, but he never gave one thought to them not surviving. The first year was so hard, but it made them stronger. In July they thought they were done due to losing funding, but Jerry Jarrett made them believe and they stayed alive.

AJ says they always heard rumors, and he didn’t think it would last. But after a while, 6-months he decided to not listen and just to believe. He worried about his performance and that was all.

BG James was thankful of the opportunity, but didn’t think it would last, he didn’t have faith.

Elix Skipper says when he came there, people were saying it would fold quickly. He just came back from Japan and was invited down. It was new, but he heard all of the talk saying it wouldn’t last and would be an expensive Indy show.

Harris wanted to believe, he heard it all and even people in the company saying they would fail. He kept going and did his job.

Storm is much the same and feared having to get a real job. He believed that they would fail at one point, but since Panda Energy came along, he was faithful.

We now see Ron Killings win the NWA Title.

The Carter Family: Dixie discussed her first meeting with TNA. They laid out the concept and she had already knew Jeff from back in Texas. She thought he was lying about being a wrestler, until she saw it on TV. When they had the meeting they talked about meeting each other back in the day. She was impressed, yet didn’t now how to take the meeting. She wasn’t sure what level they could deliver at, but she had a new appreciation for wrestling. She grew up watching wrestling, but got away from it. But the meeting was good and she was impressed. The first show made her a believer and while it wasn’t as big a crowd as they wanted, the seeds were there to build on.

JJ discusses how Panda Energy came about. The initial investors had major issues and had no money and pulled out. H went on the search, and through Trifecta, which Dixie owned, and was looking for money, not directly from them, but letting them know what they needed. He had tapes and they produced a produce.

After working with TNA Dixie says she was excited. They had a private meeting and it was about losing the investor. She asked how much he needed, because they had no money for the next show. She took the concept to Panda, her family’s company. She knew her dad would want to help. And with there being a WWE, you need a TNA for the fans.

JJ says the Carter family was interested and they met with Bob Carter. They had their tapes, business plans and everything they had, and then they wanted to make a deal.

Ryder says they had the dream, but were understaffed. They were told one thing about marketing, but it wasn’t what they were told and they lost a lot in the beginning and were lied too.

Dixie says the initial challenges were huge, and they had a lot of wrong information given to them. They had bad contracts with people and they had to do a lot of repair work. The weekly concept was a hard sell, especially to get someone to buy show one in a chance that they would buy show two. They set realistic goals, they were low, but they had to have reachable goals. The guys in the ring worked so hard that they had to so what they could behind the scenes.

JJ says that the days leading up to show one they had constant snags and problems. The PPV consultant gave them bad info and the PPV companies were nervous about it all. He looks back on it fondly, but at the time it was rough.

Dixie says year one was so lean, the sets were bad and she got money for them to renovate the Asylum. Even she and her husband helped paint. She was worried what she got into, but then she realized how into it she was. They all had to help, and it is a survival story.

We now see AMW win the first NW ATNA tag Team Titles.

The Rise of the X-Division: Elix said when he came to TNA they were all about the X-Division. When he was in WCW they were pushing the Cruisers. Now with TNA, he knew he had a chance to succeed. To him when he came to TNA and they were doing this, he knew it was great. TNA picked up a good thing that WCW was doing.

Ryder says they needed something to spotlight the young guys like AJ Styles. They knew he was the future and was their target to sign for this X-Division. They wanted to capitalize on the “X-Games” daredevil theme.

Don West remembers how great the X-Division was, and how exciting. He remembers the very first match, the 6-man. West knew they were great. Then the second show when they crowned the first X-Division champion. He knew he was bad then, but those matches made him get into it and want to get better. They were so good and easy to call because of the excitement.

AJ says winning the X-Division Title meant everything to him. That’s his baby he feels. It changed wrestling and will continue to do so. He was honored to be the first champion.

Andrew Thomas discusses the Ki vs. Lynn vs. Styles ladder match.

West then discusses the match. The match still stands out as a favorite match of his from TNA all together.

Christopher Daniels now discusses the X-Division. He thought it was a step in the right direction for him and the business as a whole. In TNA they weren’t filler, they were a spotlight, the main event at times and it was something that excited him.

AJ says the X-Division was main event, they had the spotlight and were treated as special. No one can put on matches like they did.

We now see JJ win the NWA Title, with the help of Mr. Wrestling III aka Vince Russo.

The Tag Teams: AJ says the tag division was built by AMW. They put TNA on the map as far as tag teams like he, Lynn and Ki were the beginning of the X-Division.

Harris says they started teaming week two, and it was decided that they would be a team. They planned on being singles stars, but they knew they needed to have a role with the big names that were there. They didn’t put up a fight, even though it wasn’t what they initially wanted.

Storm says they found out at the first taping. At first they weren’t excited, because they were always singles, but if they had to be a tag team, they would be the best possible.

Tenay says to him the matches with the New Church and AMW set the tag team division up for success. He says the feud worked so well and it proved to him that they had a superior tag team division.

Harris puts over the feud with the New Church. He felt they made people believe in tag team wrestling. They are old school and did what they were taught. It just worked with them. The matches were good, but also the feud was great because they could adapt to every style. They can high fly, they can brawl and do what ever. They had bloody brawls with the Church and that made them and the titles.

Storm says he got knocked out a lot because they worked stiff.

Harris then puts over the feud with XXX, which took them, the division and the titles to a new level. With XXX they got to work a different match, and it was great.

Daniels discusses that he didn’t realize how important the feud was until he looked at it now. The company was behind AMW and they didn’t expect to get involved with AMW. It was a big deal to win the titles and to feud with them. He says the culmination was the first tag cage match they had at the anniversary.

Storm loved the feud and they just had great chemistry. It was just gold. He really puts over Daniels as the leader and able to work with anyone and the atheism of Elix and Ki.

Elix says all the matches were good, but the cage match was just awesome. Everything they did was to build the company and make everyone make more money and succeed. They had true friendship and supported each other. They just all helped each other to succeed.

We see Roddy Piper come to TNA to cut a promo.

Welcome to the Asylum: Rudy says they started in Huntsville, but they had the financial issues and had to move to the Asylum. It was a dump, good for Indies, but not PPV. Jill Jarrett and others renovated the building and it was amazing. Jill worked 24 hours a day for a week to make the place look nice.

AJ says the change wasn’t a big deal to him as long as it was full. It pulled them together as a family.

Storm thought of it like ECW as the crowds were crazy. They did have to step down and it worried him, but it worked out well. It was home, and people associate the Asylum with TNA. He worked there before TNA and it was already a home to him.

BG says he broke into the business when it was a lot of big arenas, and it took him away from what he thought wrestling was. He saw his family in small places, but when he got in wrestling was huge. But you’ll work small places, you learn the trade and he ended up loving it. Crowd interaction was great and that’s what he is good at.

Dixie says going to the Asylum was a step back and made people think they would fail, but they did it to stay in business. The Asylum is important to the history of TNA. They got big names back for a one time visit due to where they were. The Asylum was the perfect name for the place. She had to sit out there at times to fill the place. She sat next to a guy that paid every week to sit front row and got to interact with the crowd was priceless. She wishes she had 3-million fans like the Asylum fans. She was the first make up artist for TNA because she did what they had to do.

We see Raven make his debut, which was awesome! JJ had to run the Gauntlet that night, the faces fill the ring and Raven appears and steals the title belt.

Raven vs. Jarrett: AJ says when Raven came to TNA it was an important event. Raven made a difference.

Storm says ECW was gone, and when Raven came, they got a new group of fans.

Raven wanted to make a proper impact, and stealing the world title was the right thing to do. The biggest title was always the NWA Title.

West remembers the first Raven vs. JJ title match. The build was excellent and Raven was the first big pick up for TNA. West says the fell was big time and well done, which was huge for TNA. On his radio show he would have to leave at times, and he pulled into the building and couldn’t get in and 1,000 people couldn’t get in that night. We see footage of all the people from that day. He had to park in an animal stall that day because there was no place to park.

JJ says Raven came in and it was the right timing for the story and feud. They had great chemistry and it all clicked. He knew they had the fans right where they wanted them. That was the biggest deal in year one, feud wise in his eyes.

Raven says the match was huge for the company. Ina company that is growing and JJ was established, but he didn’t have a proper challenger. When he showed up it worked. The match lived up to the expectations.

We now see AJ Styles win the NWA Title and the triple crown with help from Russo.

Looking Back at Year One: AJ says it was unbelievable for him and wrestling. That there was something new out there. He is honored to be a part of it because year one set the tone.

BG says it got him back to his roots and he became happy again with wrestling. He’s just a red neck. TNA happened to him when he needed it personally. He has learned a lot in the last 5-years, and he loves it. Just be good at what you love.

Harris knows that TNA was his real start. He had a short WCW contract, but with TNA he started his real career. People know who he is now, and year one was amazing. They have come a long way and proved people wrong.

Daniels knew it was an opportunity to be something. He always worked hard to make everything he did great. TNA wouldn’t be what it was without the effort of the guys from year one. Everything from the first show and year is why they are here today.

Rudy says year one was an opportunity for a lot of people and they took advantages of it. They almost went out of business two or three times, but are still here.

Ryder says it was ups and downs, but when they hit one year and JJ, who is not touchy feely, at the party JJ gave hugs out and was so emotional. They knew then they could do it as long as they kept the effort up.

West says they survived, like the first year of a marriage. It wasn’t easy, and they had luck on their side and they bucked the odds makers. It was baby steps, and they made it. There were bad times to be sure, but the dream eventually became a reality. They won the war of survival, and now they continue to fight.

JB says without year one, nothing would matter. It was so special for everyone. He wouldn’t want to live through it again, but he is proud of what they did.

Tenay repeats the us and downs motto and says they fought and got to FSN, to Spike, to monthly PPV and to prime time. Year one made TNA what they are today. He knows he made the right choice.

Dixie admits it was a huge career change for her, she dropped clients and became more involved with TNA and it became her job and passion. She is professionally fulfilled. She wouldn’t trade it for anything and she appreciates everything the company has been through. Everyone performed as if they were the main event of MSG and it made TNA special.

JJ sums up with the fact that it was hard work. People jumped off the train and refused to work with them and for them. But the people that remained are proud of what they have done. A certain few gave up so much and he’ll never forget that. People would look him in the eye and said they would fail and that they needed to give up. They cared for him and didn’t want him to fail, but they worked hard, believed and they stuck with it. Anyone can quit, but it takes a real determined person to stick with it. He had a vision and a select group was determined to succeed and they did.


Since this is before my reviewing days, you’ll be treated to fresh reviews of all the matches!


    AJ and Psicosis to begin. Lock up and AJ controls with a headlock. Off the ropes and we get some counters, but Psicosis counters a wheel barrel into a flapjack. Chops by Psicosis, off the ropes and a monkey flip by Psicosis, but AJ back with a superkick and gets a close two. God I hated that old ring and those shitty ropes. They sounded like hell. Psicosis with a leg lariat, goes up top and gets a huge leg drop and that gets 2. Psicosis tries a RANA, STYLES CLASH counter and Psicosis is pinned.

    Ki is in now and delivers sick leg kicks to AJ. AJ back with a RANA from his back and then eats an Enziguri. Hard chops by Ki, an Irish whip and AJ catches Ki, he escapes and tosses AJ to the post. Ki up top, RLLING DRAGON CLUTCH~! AJ manages the ropes. Ki kicks the hell out of AJ in the face, goes up top…twisting 450 misses and he rolls through, AJ with a clothesline and a German lands. He rolls into a flapjack and Ki is gone.

    Lynn is in and snags AJ up, CRADLE PILEDRIVER and AJ is pinned.

    Psicosis is back in and gets a missile dropkick to Lynn. Chops by Psicosis, reversals and Lynn gets a snap mare, tilt a whirl head scissors by Lynn follows. An Irish whip, boot by Lynn and a 2nd rope bulldog by Lynn gets 2. Lynn gets RANA’D to the floor by Psicosis. SUICIDE DIVE by Psicosis! Back in and a top rope leg lariat by Psicosis gets 2. Lynn counters a slam with an inverted DDT for 2. Off the ropes and Lynn misses a dropkick. Psicosis up top and eats a dropkick as he flies in. Cradle Piledriver lands and Psicosis is done with the match.

    Ki is in and kicks the hell out of Lynn and gets a cover for 2. Ki slams him down, and a Muta elbow gets 2. Hard chops by Ki, he chokes Lynn in the corner and Rights by Ki, eats a boot and then a cartwheel kick to Lynn. Up top and a SUPE RANA, Roll through by Lynn gets 2! They trade forearms, chops and an Enziguri by Lynn. Rights by Ki, off the ropes and a backdrop to Ki. Clotheslines by Lynn, and the leg drop in the ropes by Lynn. Cradle piledriver try, but Ki counters into a triangle choke! Lynn manages a powerbomb and Ki kicks out at 2! Ki escapes a slam and KI KRUSHER countered into a DDT by Lynn. Off the ropes and a clothesline by Lynn. Cradle Piledriver connects and that is all. Ki is gone.

    AJ is back in and gets a spinning clothesline and gets 2. Styles Clash try, countered into a RANA by Lynn! AJ with a spin kick for 2. Chops by AJ, off the ropes and Lynn reverses and gets the tilt a whirl back breaker for 2. AJ slammed to the corner, AJ blocks a sunset flip and slingshots in for 2. Chops by AJ, slams Lynn to the corner and a dropsault connects. Tornado DDT counter by Lynn off the charge gets 2! Both men struggle to their feet, Lynn has AJ and AJ gets the suplex/neck breaker combo for 2. Irish whip by AJ, charges and Lynn gets the RUNNING POWERBOMB for 2! Cradle Piledriver try, countered and a backdrop by AJ. Styles Clash! 1…2…3!

    They both have one fall against each other and Ricky Steamboat will referee the final segment of the match. He puts the count on both men as they are still down. They brawl with rights, Irish whip and Lynn with a roll up for 2. A series of pin reversals and into a backslide by AJ for 2. More roll ups and counters and then they clothesline each other! AJ with a dropkick, but then eats a stunner off the roes. They brawl to the floor, and AJ takes a sick bump off of the railing. AJ is whipped to the apron, leaps onto the apron and gets the Asai DDT on the floor! Back in the ring and AJ covers for 2. Chops by AJ, off the ropes and Lynn counters and drops AJ on the ropes with the suplex. HANGMAN’S DDT by Lynn gets 2! Lynn grabs AJ, Gory special by Lynn! AJ tries a RANA but Lynn flapjacks him! 1…2…NO! Both men struggle to their feet and Cradle Piledriver countered and AJ gets the DVD Neck breaker! 1…2…NO! AJ tries a suplex, blocked and a BRAIN BUSTER by Lynn! 1…2…NO! Off the ropes and a sleeper by Lynn. AJ fades…fights…jawbreaker by AJ. Lynn is down, AJ up top, Lynn over and they fight. Rights by Lynn, up top with AJ, SUPERPLEX connects! 1…2…NO! Stiff forearms by Lynn, sets him up top and rights by Lynn. Up top with AJ and AJ tosses him off. SPIRAL TAP BY AJ~! 1…2…3!

    Steamboat awards AJ the title with pyro going off and streamers flying.

    Winner and FIRST X-Division Champion AJ Styles @ 26:21 via pin
    And on this night the X-Division is born and AJ Styles became a star.
    Rating: ***¾

    X-DIVISION TITLE LADDER MATCH: AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Low Ki ©

    Lynn and Ki battle as AJ sneaks out for a ladder, they see him and slide to the floor and AJ nails Lynn, but Ki ducks and kicks the ladder into his face. Back in the ring and Ki and AJ battle, kick by KI and then one to Lynn. Asai kick to AJ. Lynn back in now, and he gets a tilt a whirl back breaker to Ki. Lynn fights off AJ and Ki, takes Ki down and then gets a backdrop to AJ. 2-minutes in and we have ladder chants. Bow and arrow by Lynn on Ki, AJ over for the bulldog on Ki and then lays the boots to him. Lynn snags up AJ and gets a vertical suplex, and now works the Boston Crab. Ki is up and starts kicking Lynn in the chest! Lynn calls him on and eats a kick in the face. Ki slams Lynn, Irish whip to AJ and the CAPO kick follows. Irish whip on Lynn, Ki then grabs AJ…RUNNING KI KRUSHER INTO LYNN! That was cool. Ki decides that it is time for the ladder, but AJ dropkicks it into his face. All three to the floor and AJ sets the ladder between the ring and railing. An Enziguri by AJ on Ki, and then gets a flapjack to Lynn onto the ring apron. AJ and Ki brawl on the ladder, Lynn over and slams them all off. Lynn tosses a ladder into the ring, AJ tries to pull it back out and Lynn dropkicks it into AJ’s face. Lynn sets the ladder, climbs, and Ki is back in with kicks for him. AJ slides in and nails Ki. The ladder falls against the ropes and AJ goes wild with forearms. Unfortunately he walks into a clothesline from Lynn. All three brawl, and then AJ and Lynn hip toss Ki onto the ladder. Lynn sets the ladder in the corner, Irish whip and AJ dropsaults off the ladder but Lynn gets a NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX into the ladder! Ki kicks the face of Lynn, goes for a pin because he forgot. DOH! Tidal Crush countered, Lynn goes for a running powerbomb but Ki reverses that into a RANA and Lynn flies into the ladder! AJ grabs the ladder and nails Ki. He climbs, Ki up as well now and Ki kicks AJ off into the tree of woe in the ladder! Ki kicks the shit out of him, including a sick kick to the head! Ki climbs, Lynn back to stop that and climbs for a backdrop suplex onto Ki. AJ with chops to Ki, he climbs and Ki grabs him and pull shim off. Lynn is up and climbs, Ki and AJ shove the ladder over and Lynn crashes into the corner. KI gets another ladder, AJ looks to climb but sees Ki and they brawl. More kicks by Ki, and the Asai DDT by AJ answers that! AJ and Lynn battle, they trade rights and counters, Ki springs in, Lynn catches him and gets the running powerbomb! AJ tosses a ladder onto Lynn, sets it up and Ki slides the third ladder into the ring. Al three ladders set up, Ki climbs and AJ knocks down Lynn, Ki and AJ brawl up top of the ladders and AJ is laid on the top of the three ladders and Ki gets the DRAGON CLUTCH on top of the ladders! Lynn up to break it up, Lynn pushes the ladder, and AJ and Ki kick them back center! Lynn shoves AJ’s again and AJ falls all the way to the floor. Lynn has Ki… CRADLEPILEDRIVER FROM THE LADDER~! HOLY SHIT! Lynn climbs the ladder, and he gets the title!

    Winner and NEW X-Division Champion Jerry Lynn @ 20:01
    This is still a damn good match 5-years later, but I feel has suffered a little over time. Much like the first main event of the ROH show, at the time a phenomenal match, bur in reflection it isn’t quite as good as I remember. Oddly enough I didn’t remember the first match being so good that we saw, but i enjoyed that a lot this time around. Sill a hell of a match though.
    Rating: ****¼

    THE FINAL BATTLE – NWA TAG TITLE NO DQ MATCH: America’s Most Wanted (Harris and Storm) vs. The Disciples of the New Church (Slash and Brian Lee) w/James Mitchell and Belladonna

    The New Church theme music ruled all. There will be no rematch clauses anymore, the feud will end in this match. They all brawl and head to the floor, the New Church controls and they are slamming AMW into the railings and steps at will. Storm is slammed off of the announce table, but Harris fights back and slams Slash into the railing. Slash suplexes Storm onto the floor and then chokes him with cables. Slash gets a Michinoku Driver on Storm on the entrance ramp! They isolate Storm in the ring, Whirly bird by Slash…SHADES OF AL PEREZ~! We break down into the tag rules now as the referee gets control. Lee tags in and beats Storm down, Slash stuns Storm off of the ropes and Lee covers for 2. Slash tags in and gets head butts to the guy of Storm. Storm manages to fight back, off the ropes and Slash gets a DDT for 2. Lee tags in, elbow drops to Storm and Slash back in and they double clothesline Storm and cover for 2. Storm fights to his feet, off the ropes and a boot by Storm and Slash tries to stop the tag, Enziguri by Storm and the TAG! Harris in and the ref didn’t see it, while he tries to get Harris out Lee KILLS Storm with one of the title belts. Back in the ring Slash lays the beat down on Storm, head butts and stomps and Storm is down. Lee tags in, he rakes the eyes of Storm. He nails Lee, crawls and Harris FINALLY tags in! Lariats by Harris! Slash gets the neck breaker, but Storm NAILS him with the superkick for 2. Lee tosses Storm to the floor, backing and beats down Harris. Slash has heel powder of doom, but throws it into Lee’s face! SPEAR by Harris! 1…2…NO! Slash and Storm back in, and Storm locks in a sharpshooter and Slash taps, but the ref is distracted. Mitchell in and SPIKE’S Storm! 1…2…NO! Slash now whips Storm with his belt, but Harris is in and takes it away. Lee in and lays out Harris, covers for 2. A head scissors by Storm onto Slash, tries another but Lee gets a tombstone out of it for 2! Tries one on Harris, but a reversal and Harris tombstone’s him for 2! Slash has a chair, wedges it in the corner and after a counter catapult’s Storm into the chair! Slash covers for 2. Slash gets a chair, Storm counters and snags up Slash. DEATH SENTENCE ONTO THE CHAIR! 1…2…3!

    Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions AMW @ 16:12 via pin
    This was a damn good match. But the thing to remember is that the heat that the feud has was more of what made the tag division, and fed into the feud with XXX.
    Rating: ***¼

    NWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Jeff Jarrett © vs. Raven w/The Gathering (Alexis and Julio)

    Alexis is of course my sweetie Mickie James. They stand off and jaw, they lock up and around the ropes and to the corner they go, and a clean break. Off the ropes and a tackle and cover of 2 from Raven. Lock up and a hip toss by Raven, which surprises JJ. Drop toehold, float over and slaps by Raven. OLD SCHOOL! JJ fires up and tosses Raven to the floor. Dropkick through the ropes by JJ, slams Raven to the railings and is now fired up. Alexis distracts the referee and Julio has a chair, but JJ moves and WAFFLES Raven! JJ clears out Julio, and then JJ gets a PLANCHA onto the Flock! PLANCHA by Raven onto JJ! Raven is busted open from the chair shot, and drop toe holds JJ into the steps. Raven beats down JJ and Julio and Alexis have set up a table. JJ is busted open off of the shot to the steps. Raven places JJ on the table, up to the second rope and JJ back in the ring, but Raven comes off the top with a double sledge and a cover for 2. High knee lift by Raven and then he lays the boots to JJ. Raven sets up a chair and gets the drop toehold of doom for 2. Raven grabs JJ and drives the knee to the back of the head from the 2nd rope for 2. Camel clutch by Raven, JJ fights out and eats a knee to the gut as he comes off the ropes. Raven applies the sleeper now, JJ escapes but Raven grabs it again. JJ fades…Raven keeps the hold and the ref checks the arm, but JJ fights back up and gets a jawbreaker. He tries a bulldog and Raven tosses him off. Both men are down, they struggle to their feet and JJ fires back with rights . A clothesline now. Off the ropes and a dropkick by JJ! One for Julio! Flapjack to Alexis. Enziguri to Raven for a CLOSE 2! JJ counters Raven and catapults him to the corner and rolls him up for 2. Off the ropes, counter and a superkick by Raven for 2! Off the ropes, counter and the Stroke by JJ! 1…2…NO! JJ off the ropes, boot and the DDT by Raven! 1…2…NO! JJ manages a clothesline and both fall to the floor. JJ lays Raven on the table on the floor and goes to the 2nd rope…Julio nails JJ and J fights him off and tosses him to the floor. ELBOW DROP TO RAVEN THROUGH THE TABLE~! Back in the ring we go and JJ DDT’s Raven! 1…2…and the ref is pulled out. He tosses the Gathering! Raven tosses JJ into the ref and then they low blow each other! The Disciples of the New Church brawl with S.E.X on the floor. Raven calls for more help and here comes the ECW guys! Sandman, Credible, New Jack and Saturn all beat down JJ! They handcuff JJ and hold chairs by his head…SUPERKICK CONCHAIRTO~! Raven has a chair, JJ is up and LIGHTS OUT! SABU!!!!! He takes out Raven. AIR SABU~! He fights off the ECW guys and wipes them out with a dive! Raven is back up to beat down JJ. He has the chair, misses JJ and the chair rebounds off the ropes, hits himself and JJ makes a cover for 2. They un-handcuff JJ, but Raven gets the DDT again for 2! JJ reverses another DDT try, STROKE and JJ gets the win to a big pop!

    Winner: Jeff Jarrett @ 17:55 via pin
    This match was a good one, and the build was second to none. A classic southern style brawl with the blood and the whole bag of tricks, but it worked here due to how the angle was built. It was a lot of stuff, which took away in ways, but it was good. I think as I reflect back, that this was the best build NWA/TNA World Title feud in the history of the company. They should go back and remind themselves of that.
    Rating: ***½


  • Year One Appearances: We get a video package of various personalities that have been a part of TNA in year one. Chris Rock, Harley Race, Percy Pringle, Nikita Koloff, Dory Funk Jr, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Bob Armstrong, Sabu, Brian Christopher, Jeff Hammond, Hermie Sadler, Kevin Sullivan, Nelson Knight (aka Big Daddy V), CM Punk, SCREECH, JJ Dillon, D’LO Brown, Jackie Fargo, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, Ricky Steamboat, Tony Schiovone, The Rock and roll Express, Vader and The Road Warriors.
  • The Original TNA Commercial: Don West does the insane voice over for the promo. It featured Scott Hall, Jeff Jarrett, Ken Shamrock, HARDCORE MIDGETS and the TNA DANCE GIRLS.
  • The James Storm vs. Chris Harris Try-Out Match:

    This is from June 1st 2002. The match takes place in what would become the Asylum, PRE MAKEOVER. They did a good job redoing that place, as it looks ghetto here. The match is a giant highlight package, but even then these guys showed a lot of talent and promise. Harris looks about the same, but Storm has changes a bit with longer hair and a bigger build. A nice highlight package, I believe the full match is on another TNA DVD Release.

  • Remembering Curt Hennig: Storm is first. He didn’t know what to think of Hennig because he had heard bad things, but he helped he and Harris a lot early on. They always went to a bar and hung out, and Harris was close to him and it really affected Harris. It was an honor to know him.

    BG James says he worked with Curt a lot of places, but never really got to know him. In TNA they got to spend time with him, and Curt was a hero to BG. He wanted to be Curt Hennig as a kid.

    Mike Tenay says they became friends in WCW via Bobby Heenan. Heenan was another father to Curt. After the passing of Curt, he and his wife went to Tootsies, a bar they always went to, and there was one empty stool and that was Curt’s. They had a picture of him there.

    Chris Harris says he always thinks of Hennig. He has a picture of him at his house and he prays to Hennig for guidance in matches. He met him in WCW, but they worked outside of WCW and then in TNA. They got close and Curt is the guy that educated him and helped make him a better wrestler. They would talk on the phone or go out together. There was never a bad time with Curt, and he had one of the business’ greatest minds. He won’t say he was as close as his family of course, but they got close in TNA and he still misses him and is mad that he is gone.


  • Instant Classic: The Best of Christian Cage 8.0
  • TNA’s Best of the Tag Teams Vol. 1 6.8
  • Sting: Return of an ICON 7.5
  • The Best of the X-Division Vol. 1 9.0
  • From the TNA Epic Anthology Set: Lockdown 2005 9.0
  • From the TNA Epic Anthology Set: Turning Point 2004 7.0
  • From the TNA Epic Anthology Set: Victory Road 2004 4.0
  • The 411: The latest TNA DVD clocks in at roughly 3½ hours, and I feel tells a very truthful story of the first year. It is so truthful it surprised me as while they hit the highs, they really discuss the lows of the company, and how they almost never made year one a reality. In all honesty this documentary is right up there with the Rise and Fall of ECW, Heroes of World Class and Forever Hardcore. Bill Banks I believe was the man behind this documentary and did an excellent job with it. The matches were good choices. The first X-Division champion is crowned, the best year one match with the triple ladder match, AMW vs. The New Church was really the start of the tag team movement in TNA, which led into the XXX feud and Raven vs. Jarrett still to this day may be the best build feud in the history of the company. I only wish they would have had AMW vs. XXX from the 1st anniversary show, or another match or so, but that’s a small gripe. The bonus features are good. The video of people that were in the company is really cool to look back on, the original commercial was a cool little bit to see, the Storm/Harris highlights are very cool to see especially since they are still here and finally singles guys and finally, the Curt Hennig tribute was classy and a nice way to remember him. Overall, and this is coming from someone who has watched TNA since show one this is just an awesome DVD. So whether you have followed since day one, or want to learn about TNA in the first year, this is highly recommended.
    411 Elite Award
    Final Score:  9.0   [  Amazing ]  legend

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    Larry Csonka

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