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Triple H On Samoa Joe’s New Role In WWE, How WWE Releases Are ‘Just Business’

July 2, 2021 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Triple H Raw 11-18-19 WWE Image Credit: WWE

In an interview with the New York Post, Triple H spoke about Samoa Joe’s new role in the WWE and how the company feels about the various releases of superstars lately. Here are highlights:

On Samoa Joe’s new role in WWE: “It was something that we were already talking about anyways. And what people tend to focus on, because it’s the visual, is the in front of the camera, the character side of it. But what Joe and I have been talking about for a long period of time, before COVID, probably from the time he started in WWE in general [is] that’s he’s a very smart guy that’s very business-oriented, has a level head, and all those things. And [we discussed,] ‘What is the future like and how can he help build the future,’ and he was enamored with the other side of the business and what we do.”

On Joe getting released and hired back not long after: “It wasn’t like he got let go from one part of the company and the other part of the company [hired him]. It’s all one big company. Everybody knows what everybody’s doing. … There was an opportunity for him to transition, no different than you would say, ‘Well, he was released from this pitching contract and started managing the team and became a coach.’ It’s a similar situation.”

On the recent WWE releases: “Coming out of COVID and a pandemic and everything else, all companies are having to make difficult decisions and we were no different. It’s a part of what we do and it happens on a regular basis, all companies have to do it. It’s not the most pleasant part of what you do, but it is what it is.”

article topics :

Triple H, Joseph Lee