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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 8.09.24

August 9, 2024 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown 8-9-24 Roman Reigns Solo Sikoa Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 8.09.24  

Well everyone, SummerSlam is in the rear view mirror and now begins the build towards Bash in Berlin with tonight’s WWE Smackdown. Really the next major event is Survivor Series in November but there’s a few events between now and then, so until given reason to treat Bash as a B tier event let’s give it the benefit of the doubt. The biggest thing coming out of SummerSlam was the return of our Tribal Chief, the Only Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns. Roman returned and saved Cody Rhodes, and conquering hero Roman had a darn good moment. Now the question is if he can sustain that, my guess is yes. Speaking of questions we’re waiting on an update to the star of the Bloodline 2.0 Jacob Fatu. Fatu appeared to injure his right foot/ankle/lower shin just before Roman’s return and while it would make total booking sense to keep Fatu and Roman from interacting it’s possible Fatu did bang himself up a bit as well. Hopefully some light will be shed on that soon, especially since Fatu is half of the tag team champions alongside Tama Tonga. Solo Sikoa might have something to say about Roman’s return, probably in the form of a video package since he’s passable in that format. But who might side with Roman now that he’s back, if anyone, remains a mystery as does if/when Jimmy or Jey Uso can be brought back into the fold to battle Solo’s regime. Cody Rhodes did retain the undisputed WWE title but now needs a new challenger, assuming the Bloodline stuff stays within itself for a while at least. AJ Styles is probably due to return to action now that we’re past SummerSlam, but that’s just a guess. LA Knight won the US title but professional scumbag and alleged scam artist Logan Paul might still want a rematch. Nia Jax won the women’s title so we’ll see what she gets up to, ditto Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill after Blair Davenport cost them the tag team belts last week. Carmelo Hayes is being presented as a little bit of a bust after losing a few matches to Andrade, if he’s going to turn that around now would be a good time to start. Still no sign of Shinsuke Nakamura or Giovanni Vinci for that matter. Things after a major event always feel a little up in the air, so let’s get to the action and see what’s in store for us.

First, a recap of SummerSlam in highlight form and touching the Smackdown components of the event. Notably they omit Fatu’s selling of his leg after the splash through the announce table. Also Roman’s new theme music is definitely a step down from Head of the Table.

We’re in Tula, Oklahoma now and Cody Rhodes comes out. His crowd reactions don’t seem diminished yet by Roman’s return. Cody gets a mic and wants to know what we want to talk about. He doesn’t want to spend time on the past but instead wants to look ahead, because as grand as SummerSlam was everyone’s wondering about what’s next. His title is the north star of the industry, and he’s been thinking about who he wants to defend it against in Berlin. Before he can say who’s on his mind Solo Sikoa comes out with Tama Tonga and Botcha Loa, no Fatu yet. Solo’s got a mic and wants to stop Cody, he doesn’t care what Cody or the people want to talk about, then he goes for some cheap heat. What Solo wants to talk about is SummerSlam, he was about to be champion, so before anything else Solo gets a rematch. Cody didn’t want to talk about the past, but if Solo insists then Cody happily points out that Solo caused Jacob Fatu to get hurt. The event where Solo sent Roman on the warpath by cosplaying as the Tribal Chief, the same event where Cody pinned Solo in the ring and that means Solo is delusional if he thinks he has any claim to a rematch. Solo has giant “I’m not him” energy right now as he gets the Tongan’s to head to the ring with him. From behind Cody comes Kevin Owens with a couple of chairs and gives one to Cody. Solo and company bail and Solo still has his mic and says he’ll deal with Cody later after he finds Roman. Cody says he’ll be right here waiting. Anemicline heads out while Cody gets Owens to hold on, and he wants to talk to him about something. Owens obliges and Cody says this might be awkward and Owens might even say no to this proposal, but before Solo interrupted things Cody was talking about his next challenger. He’d like that to be Owens. Owens has a mic now, and he appreciates that but doesn’t deserve a title match. Title matches are earned and he hasn’t done much, he appreciates the offer but he’s not the guy. Bit of a “You deserve it” chant from the crowd, and Cody kind of figured Owens would say that. But Cody hasn’t forgotten all that Owens sacrificed in the war against the Bloodline, and Owens is still the prize fighter. Cody is going back to talk with Nick Aldis and will give every reason for Owens to face him in Berlin, and he’s sure Aldis will see things the way Cody and the fans do. Owens is still shaking his head as Cody heads out to do just that. Hm, reluctant challenger Owens is not something I expected. Owens heads out not far behind Cody.

Tonight we’ll get Andrade vs. Santos Escobar for a shot at LA Knight, and Jade Cargill will take on Alba Fyre. Also DIY against Pretty Deadly as we try to hash out the tag team scene.

Austin Theory heads to the ring and man he still can’t buy a reaction. Waller is with him because we’ve got tag team action after this break.

Post break the Street Profits are in gorilla with Byron. B-Fab talks but says very little, then Ford says Bloodline might have won the belts but the real Tribal Chief is here and they’re scared. Dawkins chimes in with the Profits being away from the titles for 3 years and they want the smoke. It has been a bit since the duo has held gold, wouldn’t be the worst time to put belts back on them depending on Fatu’s status.

Match #1 – Tag Team Match: A-Town Down Under (Austin Theory and Grayson Waller) vs. Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) w/ B-Fab

Dawkins and Theory start, Dawkins hits Waller and Theory isolates him quickly. Waller tags in and they work to keep Dawkins isolated. Theory tags in and Waller cheap shots Ford but Dawkins starts his comeback on Theory only for Theory to avoid him in the corner and Dawkins posts himself. Waller tags in and slides out of the ring to clothesline Dawkins. Waller and Theory are distracted by B-Fab and Ford then dives onto both of them to send us to break.

We come back to that one shot that’s held for a bit too long while the cameraman walks around the ringside area. I’m as happy to see Kevin Dunn gone as anyone but I’m not sure we need this shot every week. Dawkins avoids a double team move, suplexes Theory and tags in Ford. We’re still holding that shot by the way as Ford unloads on Waller then Flapjacks Theory. Back suplex for Waller then a standing moonsault for a 2 count. Ford goes up top, Waller avoids the flying nothing and tags in Theory then they double team Ford with elbows for another 2 count. Still holding that shot. Ford avoids a suplex, elbows Theory then gets pulled out of the ring by Waller only to superkick Waller then Dawkins Pounce’s Waller over the barricade. Ford with a kick to Theory, Dawkins tags in and Theory eats the Doomsday Blockbuster for the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Street Profits won in 7:13

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Perfectly acceptable match, we’ve seen a fair bit of these teams and they do have solid if unspectacular chemistry.

In the back Cody and Owens talk with Aldis and Owens again says he doesn’t deserve a title shot. Aldis is waiting to talk with Roman about a title match later, and Owens objects to this. Owens doesn’t care how long Roman was champion for, especially given how many times Roman should have lost. He calls into question the rematch clause which hasn’t been used in years, and he tells Aldis anyone else in the locker room is more deserving than Roman. That’s enough to convince Aldis, Owens and Cody for the title in Berlin. Owens might be the saddest man in the world to get that news, and after Owens leaves Cody tells Aldis “I told you it’d work.” Sneaky Cody, very sneaky.

After this break we’ll get some Nia Jax hype.

Post break we get some more SummerSlam videos, about Roman’s return again then one focused on Nia Jax’s title winning effort.

In the back Tiffany Stratton is yelling at a production assistant about getting things ready for Jax’s title celebration next week. Pretty Deadly wander in and ask if Tiffany could help them out with their musical number especially after they win the titles. Tiffany doesn’t have time for this nonsense and wanders off but finds Chelsea Green and Piper Niven. Some bitchiness follows, and Piper reminds Tiffany that Jax doesn’t like pink, and Green expects Tiffany to cash in on Jax next week. Tiffany mocks Green for being delusional and heads out.

Next a recap of Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn retaining the titles over Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair last week due to Blair Davenport causing a disqualification.

After that Jade heads to the ring with Bianca Belair in tow to collect some heads. She’ll take on Alba Fyre after this break.

Post break we confirm Cody vs. Owens for Bash in Berlin. That is a perfectly fine in between bout for the champ.

Back to the ring here comes Alba Fyre with Isla Dawn by her side.

Match #2: Jade Cargill w/ Bianca Belair vs. Alba Fyre w/ Isla Dawn

Jade stares Fyre down, Fyre lands a leg kick and looks to stick and move. Jade fights off a back body lock with some arm work then she blocks a Sunset Flip and yanks Fyre up and punches her. Fyre avoids a corner splash and lands kicks then hits a tornado DDT for a 2 count. Fyre grabs an Octopus Stretch but Jade powers free and hits a gutwrench suplex. Superkick from Jade, Jaded and that’ll do it.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Jade Cargill won in 2:03

Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: A few awkward spots early, and I feel like if the opening segment went long this one lost a few minutes. This bordered on squash territory but I think that was more about only have two minutes than trying to bury Fyre.

Blair Davenport shows up post match and we’ve got a brawl, Naomi shows up to even the odds and eventually the Big 3 stand tall.

After this break we’ll get LA Knight with his first legitimate title during his whole WWE run.

Post break we get a recap of LA Knight beating Logan Paul at SummerSlam.

LA Knight then heads to the ring to a predictably big pop. Knight gets a mic and wants to talk to us, SummerSlam has come and gone and there’s still one question left, about how sweet it was to beat Logan Paul in his hometown. “You deserve it” chant from the crowd. More than that Logan deserved to get stomped out, yeah! The only thing Knight cares about is making good on telling everyone to call him whatever they want as long as they include champion in that. He made this happen, and he knows this belt makes him a marked man. But he’s been marked since he got here, the game is still the same, he’s going to walk in and hit it and quit it. He can’t stop the kavorka, and can’t stop being the US champion. Santos Escobar is here to interrupt with his job squad in tow. Escobar wants to congratulate Knight, sincerely. It’s not everyday a guy like Knight finally gets a taste of gold, but let’s get real. This whole champion thing doesn’t work on Knight, this is just a fleeting moment for Knight that will fade into being an opening act to the reign Escobar is about to have with that title. Escobar is the one who deserves to be US champion, with everyone saying “Escobar, si.” Doesn’t have the same ring to it. Knight couldn’t hear any of that over the crowd telling Escobar that he sucks. But he did hear deserve, and all Escobar deserves is to get the brakes beaten off of him by Knight. To earn a shot at the US title Escobar has to win, but it doesn’t matter who it is against him no one is taking the title from Knight not because they’re not good enough but because he wont let them. Andrade then heads to the ring. That match will be up after this break.

We get a video promo for Giovann Vinci, he’s doing the stereotypical rich European it seems.

Match #3: Andrade vs. Santos Escobar w/ Elektra Lopez, Angel, and Berto

Joined in progress as Andrade gets the better of a rope running exchange and lands a clothesline. Escobar rolls out of the ring but Andrade follows him with a plancha. Back in the ring Escobar distracts the ref so Angel can get in a cheap shot and that allows Escobar to land a knee strike and get a 2 count. Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews run down to attack Berto and Angel, those four brawl through the crowd to the back. Gamen giri from Andrade then he’s up top but Escobar shoves him down to the floor. Escobar follows Andrade down there and shoves him into the ring post. They head back in the ring, Santos then hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Andrade fights up to his feet and chops at Escobar then lands a boot. Both men head up to the top rope, they trade some elbows then eventually Escobar tries a superplex but Andrade fights him off and hits a nice Sunset Powerbomb to put both men down and send us to break.

Escobar is working a Camel Clutch as we come back, Andrade starts fighting free then hits the ropes and fires up with strikes. Dragon Screw from Andrade then they collide on a double crossbody spot. Andrade kips up and wants the double knees in the corner but Escobar rolls out of the ring so Andrade climbs the ropes for a second rope moonsault onto Escobar. Back in the ring Andrade heads up top and hits a crossbody for a 2 count. Andrade with the 3 Amigos for a 2 count, then he heads up top for a moonsault but Escobar rolls to the apron and they fight there with Andrade looking for a suplex off the middle rope. They fight over position in that spot then Escobar hits a second rope Poisoned Rana for a near fall. Escobar misses a double knee strike in the corner but does land a superkick only to run into a dropkick from Andrade. Andrade up again for the moonsault, misses but lands on his feet and follows up with the standing moonsault for a near fall. Andrade wants The Message but Carmelo Hayes distracts Andrade so Escobar hits the double knees but Andrade avoids the Phantom Driver and hits the spinning back elbow for only a near fall. Lopez now distracts things, and Hayes pulls Escobar away from a double knee strike then Escobar with a School Boy and the tights for a 3 count.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Santos Escobar won in 11:50

Rating: 3.5 stars
Thoughts: More of these two please, that was pretty darn good. Well executed, solid story of Escobar being just a bit behind Andrade before all the shenanigans caught up to Andrade.

We get a recap of the Bloodline winning the titles.

DIY walk and talk in the back, they knew they were coming into Bloodline territory. Johnny Gargano wont forget losing the belts in front of his son in his hometown. But they’re not going to stop at the setback, Tommaso Ciampa shuts down the musical talk and says this is day one of their redemption tour. They head to the ring after that.

As we head to break we get a tribute video for Kevin Sullivan who passed away today.

Next week we’ve got Nia Jax’s celebration and Naomi vs. Blair Davenport again.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller come and complain to Nick Aldis. Theory casually drops Waller vs. Owens as a match and Aldis likes it and makes it. Turnabout is fair play on Waller it seems.

To the ring and here come Pretty Deadly.

Match #4 – Tag Team Match: DIY (Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano) vs. Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson and Elton Prince)

Johnny and Wilson start, then Prince tags in and we get a four man brawl for a bit with DIY sending both Wilson and Prince out of the ring then setting up for a double dive but there’s a double uppercut to intercept but Wilson and Prince celebrate too much on the apron and Ciampa and Johnny with a double dropkick then double plancha and they pat themselves on the back as we head to break.

Johnny avoids a corner attack as we come back then hits Prince with an enziguri before tagging in Ciampa. Ciampa is the metaphorical house on fire as he runs wild over both Prince and Wilson. Reverse DDT for Wilson then a ripcord elbow to Prince. Johnny tags in, assisted back suplex gets a 2 count. Johnny sent to the apron but his slingshot Spear is countered with a knee strike. Ciampa tags in, things break down for a minute as Prince grabs a School Boy then hits an uppercut. Wilson tags in, double team facebuster out of a double chicken wing and Johnny has to break up the pin. Prince takes a superkick from Johnny, Wilson then with a very weak rebound clothesline to Johnny. Prince tags back in and Johnny breaks up Spilt Milk then Ciampa knees Wilson in the head. Johnny tags in, Prince takes a Shatter Machine then Meet Me In the Middle connects and we’re done.


Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: The commercial break hurt this one a bit but both teams are good so I imagine they’d have to try to have a match worse than this one. DIY and the Street Profits next week should be good.

Solo Sikoa is at gorilla with Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa, Tama says Roman isn’t here. Solo says he’ll be here then walks to the ring. Tonga Loa is holding the second tag team belt, for whatever that’s worth. Commentary mentions Fatu being injured, so hopefully if it’s legit it’s not serious as I haven’t seen an update on him and the new Bloodline without the real star of Fatu does feel diminished. Solo and company wait in the ring as we head to break.

Post break Solo has a mic while his guerilla’s flank him. Solo wants Tulsa to acknowledge him. There’s no confidence in that man, I imagine real life is bleeding into the character. “We want Roman” chant from the crowd. Solo tells Roman that he’s the Tribal Chief now, and if Roman wants to call himself that then he needs the ula fala back, and to come take them from him. Roman’s inferior music hits but I think they remixed it to include more of Head of the Table. Roman is here and lays out Tama on the floor, then rams botchy McGee into the ring steps, picks up the steps and massacres Tama and Loa with them to dispose of them with ease. Solo removes his jacket as the crowd has firmly rallied behind Roman. Roman heads into the ring and circles Solo then begins laying in punches. They brawl but Roman lands the Superman Punch, he wants a Spear but Loa remembers his spot and pulls Solo out of the ring but the ula fala is still in the ring. Roman picks it up but Tama and Loa attack Roman from behind. Tama hands the ula fala back to Solo and Solo skedaddles as Roman makes his own comeback on Loa and Tama with Superman punches. Solo keeps on running as Roman cuts Loa in half with a Spear. Loud “OTC” chant for Roman as that’s on his shirt. Roman then heads to the floor and Spears Tama through the barricade. OK, righteous anger Roman is awesome. He’s got a chair and proceeds to lay into Loa with it in the ring as Solo holds the ula fala on the entrance stage, but Solo just watches as Roman commits more violence against Loa. No one cares about Loa I guess, which is fair. Solo tells Roman to come and get the ula fala as the crowd now chants “Only Chief” for Roman as we end the episode.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
I think this one sneaks into Very Good this week. We had the usual amount of recaps for the first show after a bigger PPV but this was ultimately all about setting things in motion post SummerSlam. Cody wants to work with his friends, which is fine for a smaller program as I don't think they'll turn Owens heel for this. The tag team scene is still a question mark but they're putting pieces in place to handle the Fatu injury, plus I'm not really going to complain about DIY and Street Profits. The US title picture gained clarity as well, always a good thing. Obviously the biggest thing was Roman coming back around, and good grief the crowd was hot for that. Roman almost comically dwarfs the new Bloodline in presence, minus Fatu who we haven't had a chance to measure in proximity yet. Roman working to reclaim his throne will be a solid program for a few months before he re-enters the title picture. Smackdown finally feels like there's some life back into it, and I'm grateful for that.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree