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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 8.23.24

August 23, 2024 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown Cody Rhodes Kevin Owens 8-23-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 8.23.24  

It’s time for another episode of WWE Smackdown. The build to Bash at Berlin is still ongoing, chief among that WWE champion Cody Rhodes heading to defend his title against Kevin Owens. Owens has been playing the reluctant challenger while he and Cody have sort of teamed up to bully around Austin Theory and Grayson Waller. To that end there’s a decent chance Cody and Waller have some kind of interaction tonight. We’re getting a couple of title matches tonight, LA Knight defends the US title against Santos Escobar and we’ll get a tag team title match with the Street Profits challenging Tama Tonga and human highlight reel Jacob Fatu for their belts, the money is on the Bloodline unless Fatu’s injury is more serious than indicated last week when Fatu kind of ran over Roman Reigns. Roman is continuing his heroic return as he’s been laying waste to Solo’s new crew with the exception of Fatu, the real star of this whole thing. Roman isn’t advertised for tonight, so if he shows up it’ll be a surprise. We’re also getting the Big 3 of Naomi, Bianca Belair, and Jade Cargill taking on Blair Davenport, Alba Fyre, and Isla Dawn as those groups are trying to prove some depth in the women’s division. Speaking of, Michin allegedly has a title shot against Nia Jax which just proves the point about this division feeling shallow. DIY is in a bit of limbo after losing to the Street Profits last week, Bayley has been MIA since losing the women’s title to Nax, Andrade and Carmelo Hayes are still at each others throats, and still no sighting of AJ Styles or Shinsuke Nakamura. Well that’s where things stand right now, let’s get to the action.

We get a recap of Roman Reigns running over Tama Tonga and Sola Sikoa last week before in turn getting beaten down by Jacob Fatu.

We see the new Bloodline arriving at the arena, including Botchy McGee this week.

To the ring and first Austin Theory and Grayson Waller hosting the Grayson Waller Effect. I’d kinda hoped they’d retired this gimmick but here we are. Waller welcomes us to the show then brings out his guest, Cody Rhodes. Waller interrupts the second “whoa” spot and wants Cody to stop wasting time and get in here for the interview. Cody gets a mic but Waller interrupts his usual promo start, and Waller is bitter that everything is about Cody. He says Cody’s only the hero of the story because the idiots don’t know the real Cody. But Waller knows how selfish Cody is, how many times Kevin Owens or Randy Orton got beaten down for Cody’s sake. Cody counters with getting Owens a title shot, because Owens has beaten everyone on this roster and has been fighting the Bloodline since before Cody even came back to WWE and despite the setbacks he’s still fighting. He admits he wouldn’t be champion without Owens, but he’s never abused Owens. He asks if Waller can say the same thing. Because him and Theory is kind of a question, if Waller might be just using Theory. Cody addresses Theory as Magic Mike and warns Theory that Waller is just using him, and frankly everyone’s waiting for Theory to do something about it. Waller says they’d never turn on each other, but he knows someone who does turn on his friends. In fact Waller has a highlight package of all the times Owens has smashed up his friends. All the times he did it to Sami Zayn, once or twice to John Cena, hey a Chris Jericho sighting, Kofi Kingston during that cup of coffee he had associated with New Day. Owens is here to respond, he’s got a mic and talks while walking to the ring, he couldn’t just listen to the same thing again. He says everyone he turned on had it coming, except Kofi that one was on him. But he and Cody have never had that kind of relationship. For now he could walk down, help Cody beat them up, then Nick Aldis will come out and make this a tag match but Owens would like to skip all that. He brings out Aldis and Aldis does say we’ll get Owens and Cody vs. A-Town Down Under. Owens asks if there’s still enough time in this segment to punch someone in the face, Aldis just tells him to make it quick so we do get a little brawl, Owens gets shoved into Cody though to allow Theory and Waller to escape. Owens tapping on the 4th wall is always fun.

In the back LA Knight walks, his title defense will be up after this break.

Post break here comes LA Knight to his usual monster pop. Berto and Angel attack Knight during the ring introductions and toss him around the ringside area. They toss Knight back into the ring, then the ref ejects Angel and Berto. Elektra Lopez gets in the refs face and gets tossed out as well.

Match #1 – US Title Match: (c) LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar

Knight is still willing to wrestle and catches Escobar with a School Boy for 2. Escobar posts Knight then hits a version of the Angel’s Wings for a 2 count and sends us to break.

Knight lands a neckbreaker as we come back, then he starts bouncing Escobar’s head off the announce table. Next Knight takes apart the announce table, Escobar tries to escape into the ring but Knight pulls him back out as the crowd chants for “table” but Escobar cuts Knight off then lands a kick to the head. Escobar on the barricade and hits a meteora onto the announce table, which does not break. Back into the ring Escobar heads up top for a Frog Splash and a 2 count. Some corner work from Escobar but Knight fights back with a back elbow only to get slammed down, then Escobar misses an elbow drop. Escobar with a boot but he runs into a Manhattan Drop then Knight hits a discus clothesline and both men are down. Knight pulls himself up and lands a clothesline then a jumping neckbreaker. Corner stomps from Knight then a Side Effect for a near fall. Knight wants Blunt Force Trauma but Escobar lands a backfist to block, then a superkick. They fight on the ropes now, Knight shoving Escobar down then a top rope elbow drop. Blunt Force Trauma connects and we’re done.

OFFICIAL RESULT: LA Knight retained the title in 9:02

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: A nice little taste of what these two could do given time together, I imagine this was closer to 3 stars without the commercial break. We’re probably going to get more between Knight and Escobar and honestly I’m OK with it.

We get a recap of Andrade and Carmelo Hayes still being pissy at each other.

Hayes talks a bit and says last time Andrade wasn’t as good as him. Andrade interrupts and says he could live with losing but Hayes being a punk after the match wasn’t going to stand and next week he’s going to put him down again.

The Unholy Union and Blair Davenport head to the ring as we head to break, that six woman tag match is up after the break.

Post break we see Legado del Fantasma in the back and Escobar is pissed. He yells at Angel in particular for the failure. Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews come over and some banter results. Escobar says they’re sorting this out next week.

Back to the ring and out come Jade, followed by Naomi, then Belair. As they head to the ring we get confirmation of Belair and Jade vs. the Unholy Union for the belts at the PPV.

Match #2 – Trios Match: Blair Davenport and the Unholy Union (Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn) vs. Naomi, Bianca Belair, and Jade Cargill

Belair and Dawn start us off, Dawn with strikes right away to get control but Belair catches her with a spinebuster then the handspring moonsault for a 2 count. Belair flips out of a corner then dropkicks Dawn out of the ring. Plancha from Belair connects and she stands tall as we head to break.

Blair is working a headlock on Belair as we come back. Since the camera’s are on again that doesn’t last and Belair tries a roll up for 2. Fyre tags in and Belair takes a superkick then a double stomp from Blair which gets no reaction. I guess somewhere in there Blair tagged back in. Belair takes some more offense, wait Dawn is now legal? Fyre with a cheap shot to Belair then tags in, and they hit a double gordbuster on Belair then Dawn with a double knee strike for a 2 count. Belair tries to fight back but Fyre catches an Octopus Hold then gets extra leverage from Dawn but the ref catches that. Eventually Belair fights free with a backbreaker and both women are down. Dawn tags in and prevents the tag from Belair, but Belair then hits her with a suplex. Jade and Blair both tag in, and Jade runs over everyone including a powerbomb to Blair then she throws Fyre into Blair with a fall away slam. Chokeslam to Dawn, then a corner splash to Fyre but Blair lands a superkick, Naomi tags in and hits a double crossbody. Naomi hits a double Heatseeker on Blair and Dawn but Fyre breaks up the pin. Jade pump kicks Fyre, Dawn then lands an enziguri and starts brawling with Jade on the floor. Belair then dives onto Fyre, Jade, and Dawn. Blair and Naomi are left alone, Naomi lands a kick then hits a split legged moonsault to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Jade Cargill, Naomi, and Bianca Belair won in 9:34

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Hot tag Jade is something to see, Blair and Naomi still don’t seem to work well together but this was one of the more consistent outings from Blair on the main roster.

We’ll get some Solo promo time after this break.

Post break a hype package for Bash in Berlin. They focus on some early Brett Hart footage from Germany, and I can’t help but chuckle at that one. We get a brief recap of the RAW from Berlin.

To the ring, tag team title time. Shame they’re not using Jacob Fatu’s theme here. Solo gets a mic and wants acknowledgement. He’s got a lot to talk about tonight so try to keep it down, cheap tactics with minimal results. First the OTC is DONE. Second, whether it’s Owens or Cody he’s got the next shot at the WWE title and will bring it back to himself. That was quite poorly worded. Third, since he’s going to be WWE champion there’s something wrong with the tag team titles. He gets Jacob Fatu to hand his belt to Solo, Jacob looks less than thrilled, then Solo tells him to give it to Tonga Loa. Fatu complies, and Loa thankfully doesn’t drop it despite a “You can’t wrestle” chant. Solo says Fatu can’t be a tag team champion if he’s going to be Solo’s personal enforcer. B-Fab and the Street Profits come out. They make fun of the Bloodline being all about Family Matters. The Profits are up and want the smoke. Solo’s promo skills still leave a lot to be desired and this wasn’t much of an exception to that. We head to break.

In the back Byron finds a walking LA Knight, Knight wants to talk to us and talks about growing up in Maryland and now he’s going to defend the title in Berlin and doesn’t care who shows up for that match.

Back to the ring for our tag team title match.

Match #3 – WWE Tag Team Title Match: (c) Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa w/ Jacob Fatu and Solo Sikoa vs. Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) w/ B-Fab

Dawkins and Loa start, Loa gets punched down. Clothesline from Loa then he tags in Tonga. We’re holding the walkaround shot for the moment and frankly this is a thing that needs to go away. Dawkins avoids a corner charge and hits a Flapjack on Tama. Still holding that shot as Ford tags in for a clothesline and a back suplex. Standing moonsault from Ford, still holding that shot. Some rope running then Ford with another clothesline and finally we get a better camera angle. Tama with body shots in the corner then Loa tags in. Back suplex and neckbreaker combination gets a 2 count. Loa with some headbutts to the lower back but Ford flips out of a back suplex, lands an enziguri then tags in Dawkins. Loa takes some double team moves, then a double Flapjack for Tama. Sky High from Dawkins, Ford tags in and hits From the Heavens but Tama breaks up the pin. Dawkins disposes of Tama, Loa launches Ford out of the ring and tags in Tama. Tama on the floor hits a Whirling Dervish to send us to break.

Loa is working a rest hold as we come back. He lands a headbutt then Ford fights back and DDTs Loa to put both of them down. Both men tag out and Dawkins runs wild on Tama and punches Loa off the apron. Tama avoids a Sky High but Dawkins hits the Silencer, they hit the Revelation but Loa breaks up the pin. Dawkins tosses Loa out of the ring then gets a tag from Ford, Dawkins stalks around the floor and Pounce’s Tama into Loa then Ford jumps over the ring corner to land on both of them. Solo distracts the ref so Fatu can lay out Ford and Dawkins with superkicks. Running Flatliner from Tama to Dawkins gets the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa retained the titles in 9:12

Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: Would have been better without the commercial break, and without Tonga Loa. But Ford and Dawkins have been heating back up for a bit and this contributed to that.

Post match they attack Ford and Dawkins more, DIY comes down looking to make the save and handle Loa and Tama then Solo takes a double kick from Ciampa and Johnny. Fatu saves Solo from Meet in the Middle and then Fatu and Solo show up, Fatu with a pop up Samoan Drop for Ciampa then a hip attack to Johnny. Fatu holds Johnny so Solo can land a Samoan Spike, then one for Ciampa for good measure. Tama and Loa return to frame because they were in fact present. The new Bloodline pose.

In the back Cody and Owens get ready to head to the ring. Owens says tonight is about shutting Theory and Waller up at least for tonight. He brings up that he turns on people again, and Cody believes Owens that he’s not that guy anymore. Owens didn’t want Cody to think he asked for this match to set him up. All Cody can do is take Owens at his word and be ready for what happens next. That sends us to break with the main event still to come.

Post break we get a recap of what just happened. In the back Byron gets an update on Ford and Dawkins from B-Fab then Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell come over to check on DIY as well.

Next a Michin hype package. Apparently her title match is in Berlin next week, on Smackdown not on the PPV.

In the back Pretty Deadly and Tiffany Stratton are working to repair Nia Jax’s crown after last week. Jax plans on getting back at Michin and will give her the beating of a lifetime. Tiffany wants to know if she can do anything, and Jax wants her crown repaired Tiffany and the goons walk out. We pan over to see Chelsea Green and Piper Niven badmouthing Tiffany and speculating that Tiffany will cash in on Jax after the Street Fight in Berline. Jax tells them to piss off as she’s in a bad mood. Green, who is not stupid, scurries off.

Back to the ring and here comes Cody Rhodes. Our main event will be up after this break.

Post break here comes Kevin Owens.

Match #4 – Tag Team Match: Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens vs. A-Town Down Under (Austin Theory and Grayson Waller)

Cody and Waller start, and Cody clowns him then grabs an arm wringer. Owens tags in and starts punching away at Waller. Back elbow then a senton from Owens. Cody tags back in and Waller takes a double back elbow. Waller tries to fight back but is caught in another arm wringer then Owens tags in. Owens attacks Waller with chops, Theory distracts Cody and Waller is able to fight back. Owens punches Theory but gets snapped over the ropes by Waller then Theory tags in and hits a rolling dropkick. Cheap shot to Cody and we head to break.

We come back to Owens fighting off a superplex from Waller, he headbutts Waller down then hits a Frog Splash to put everyone down. Cody tags in and starts unloading on Waller including a snap powerslam. Disaster Kick connects and Waller powders, Cody then sets for a dive but Theory trips him up only for Cody to toss him into the announce desk. Back in the ring Waller hits a rolling Flatliner then tags in Theory. Clothesline to Cody. Cody starts fighting back but gets launched into the corner. Theory with a headlock, Owens rallies the crowd from the apron as Cody flips out of a back suplex then takes out Theory with a Cody Cutter. Waller tries to mess with Owens but Owens sees him and chases him off. But that all takes long enough to allow Theory to hit a back suplex. Waller tags in but Cody fights both men off then looks for a tag and gets it. Owens runs over Waller on the floor, then Theory as well and crushes Theory with a senton, then one for Waller for good measure. Owens with a cannonball senton to Theory on the floor, then one in the corner back in the ring for Waller. Next Owens goes up top, Swanton Bomb but Theory breaks up the pin. Cody takes out Theory with a Cross Rhodes so Waller can then eat a Stunner, but Waller blocks that then eats a superkick. Owens hits the pop up powerbomb instead to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens won in 11:37

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Fun enough house show style main event, and I don’t say that pejoratively. Waller and Theory are still heading for splitsville but taking their time getting there. The tension between Cody and Owens feels a touch manufactured instead of genuine but it’s a point about Owens so obvious you have to address it.

Commentary runs down the Bash in Berlin card. Owens has the WWE title and it looks like he’s going to clobber Cody with it but instead he just hands it off and the two hug to end the episode.

The final score: review Good
The 411
Solid show but a step down from the last couple of episodes. Smackdown without Roman is still clearly missing something, especially since Solo is still chirping at him. The Cody and Owens stuff is a fine enough bit of booking but it feels like a stop gap and hasn't done much to really get over that hump. The match will be good when it comes but the build is kind of pedestrian. The tag team scene is a little wonky, the pecking order is still being sorted out now that Tonga Loa is able to work again, the recent tournament helped a fair bit but the Street Profits have been around long enough that they're bordering on self parody in some respects while DIY just can't seem to find any real momentum. All in all this was Good, but not any more than that.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree