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WWE Network on Peacock Will Initially Lack Match Markers and Enchanced Searches
When WWE Network launches on Peacock, it will initially be missing some of the features that allow fans to locate specific matches. As noted earlier today, WWE issued a press release with full details on the move to Peacock, which will happen on March 18th with the standalone Network shutting down in the US on April 4th. The Verge has a new report which goes over a lot of the same information listed in the press release, but adds a few details.
According to the site, markers which would allow fans to skip to specific matches within events in On-Demand content will no longer be available, though Peacock is working on visual scrub bars that will make it easier for help viewers find what they need when fast forwarding through. Additionally, the search function will not include the ability to find content by specific stars or matches at launch. The report does note that “this is something fans can expect to improve in the months to come,” but that once it has improved it still may not match what the Network currently allows.
The Network on Peacock will be featured in a new “WWE” tab in the browse section, which will go present the familiar carousels of shows and curated events. It will be very much part of Peacock’s format and present Peacock’s current look, though the site reports that WWE and Peacock are in “constant communication about what content to highlight.”