wrestling / Video Reviews
100 Percent Fordified: CHIKARA Tag World Grand Prix 2016
Philadelphia, PA – 4.2.2016 – 2:00 PM
Championship Rundown
Grand Champion: Princess Kimber
Campeones de Parejas: N_R_G (Race Jaxon & Hype Rockwell)
Young Lions Cup Champion: The Estonian Thunderfrog
Commentary is provided by Mike Quackenbush and Bryce Remsburg.
Tag World Grand Prix Quarter-Final Round Match
The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant) vs. The Bloc Party (The Proletariat Boar of Moldova & Prakash Sabar)
Fire Ant is a former Tag World winner, winning the 2008 tournament with Soldier Ant. He backs Sabar to the corner and cleanly breaks a lock-up, despite Sabar claiming hair pulling. Sabar pokes Fire Ant’s eye when he backs him to the corner. Fire Ant grabs a double knuckle lock before maneuvering Sabar into a tornado clutch for two. They trade side headlocks, with Sabar resorting to dirty tactics to get the hold on. Fire Ant pulls his hair to even the score. Sabar kicks him down. Fire Ant comes back with a pair of fireman’s carry’s and a senton splash for two. Worker Ant tags in. Sabar bows out to avoid a double boot. Boar gets in some shots. Worker Ant headbutts Boar twice. Boar kicks him in the stomach multiple times. Boar resists Worker Ant’s running shoulder blocks. Two shoulder tackles take down the Boar, as does a bodyslam from Worker Ant. The Colony try a corner double team but Boar sends Fire Ant to the floor and Sabar cuts off Worker Ant with kicks. Sabar sets Worker Ant on the middle turnbuckle. Boar drives his knees into his midsection. Sabar hits the Busted Bronco.Worker Ant slides to the floor while Sabar is posing. Fire Ant throws chops to the Bloc Party, but succumbs to a sidewalk slam/reverse DDT combo. Sabar utilizes kicks and a corner bulldog, but Fire Ant is able to sneak in a dropkick. Worker Ant comes in and attempts the Ants Marching. Boar breaks things up and dumps Sabar onto Fire Ant out of a Dominator. Worker Ant and Boar trade blows. Each look for a power move, which Worker Ant eventually gets with a vertical suplex. Sabar breaks the cover. He goes for his rope-assisted bulldog, but Worker Ant stops him with a spin-out slam. He strings a back splash and cannonball senton together. The Colony goes for the Ants Marching dropkick but Boar pulls Sabar out of the ring. Colony miss stereo pescado’s. The Bloc Party look for their sidewalk slam/reverse DDT combo on Fire Ant again, but Worker Ant uranage slams Sabar to prevent that from happening. Fire Ant swings Boar into a tornado DDT. Boar takes the Ants Marching dropkick. They both boot down Sabar and give him the Ants Marching neckbreaker for the pin at 11:58. The Bloc Party continue to impress, both with their in-ring acumen but also with how smart they work as a team. They dynamic between two teams with one powerhouse and a smaller, agile partner worked well and kept the action interesting and diverse. I also really appreciated the Colony busting out some signature tandem offense, which I feel like we haven’t seen much of in general. This was a good match and a fun way to kick off the show. **¾
Director of Fun Mike Quackenbush makes his way to the ring. The entire promo is posted here, and is well worth watching, so I’ll keep this (relatively) brief. Johnny Kidd will be retiring from wrestling and wishes to face Mike Quackenbush in his final match. These two have met twice before, once in singles competition in wXw and in tag team action at “Chikarasaurus Rex, King of Sequel: Night II”, with each of them winning the contest. Kidd wants to settle the score with a tiebreaker. Despite all the odds against him, Quackenbush’s doctor has cleared him to compete for one night only. On May 28th at “Aniversario: The Chamber of Secrets” in Manchester, England, Quackenbush will step aside as Director of Fun for one night only (putting his duties in Bryce Remsburg’s hands) and wrestle one last time against Kidd in a World of Sport Rules match – Six three-minute rounds in which you need to score two pinfalls, two submissions, or one knockout to win. Quackenbush tells Kidd they will settle their issue, forever.
Officer Warren Barksdale vs. Juan Francisco de Coronado
Coronado breaks a lock-up cleanly in the corner. Barksdale tells Coronado to obey the law of the official. Barksdale ducks Coronado’s punch and brings him down in a waistlock. He hammerlocks one arm looking to “cuff” Coronado, so Coronado crawls to the apron. He gives him a shoulder block from the apron. Back in the ring Barksdale catches Coronado with a standing Rydeen Bomb. He pulls out his handcuffs. Coronado drives Barksdale face first into the middle rope and stomps him repeatedly in the stomach. He whips Barksdale to the corner and pulls him out into a short-arm clothesline for two. Barksdale reverses a whip to the corner. He follows in with a knee strike and takes down Coronado with a back elbow. He goes for Obey the Law. Coronado slips out to the apron and gives Barksdale a neckbreaker across the top rope. A bridging German suplex gets Coronado the pin at 4:07. There wasn’t much to this aside from some small character moments out of Barksdale, which he got much more mileage out of in his other previous matches. All this did was space out the tournament matches. *
Flex Rumblecrunch asks Blaster McMassive who is more successful in tournaments than them; Nobody. He then asks Blaster how long he and Max Smashmaster held the Campeones de Parejas; 295 days. He then asks how long it’s been since they’ve held those tag titles; 188 long days. Flex says in 1 day they will march through everybody and get three points. He tells N_R_G to stay awake, because they’re coming for their belts.
Tag World Grand Prix Quarter-Final Round Match
The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch) vs. The Punk Rock All-Stars (Shaun Cannon & Drake Carter)
Carter & Cannon unsuccessfully challenged N_R_G for the Campeones de Parejas in November. McMassive is wearing a cast on his left hand. A slugfest with all four men start off. The All-Stars try knocking the Dev Corp off their feet, only for the Dev Corp to take them down with stereo big boots. Rumblecrunch throws Carter into the corner and drives his knees into the mid-section. Carter brings Rumblecrunch into his own corner with a three-quarter bulldog. Cannon kicks Rumblecrunch from the apron. He tries a crossbody, but Rumblecrunch rolls through. Carter dropkicks them both to the floor. McMassive lariats Carter from behind leading to all four men slugging it out around the building. Rumblecrunch picks up speed, only for Cannon to send him into a ringpost. McMassive and Carter meanwhile fight outside of the building. Cannon does a solid job holding his own against Rumblecrunch, until McMassive rejoins the action. He and Rumblecrunch bully Cannon while Carter recovers. Cannon low bridges the top rope to send a charging Rumblecrunch to the apron. Carter pulls him down, causing him to crash face first with the apron, and Cannon suicide dives onto Rumblecrunch afterwards. Carter comes in with McMassive. He ducks Lariat Tubman and unloads with forearms to McMassive. Carter lands a somersault senton to a standing McMassive. The Punk Rock All-Stars give him a side slam/reverse DDT combo. Rumblecrunch breaks the pin. He misses a corner splash. Cannon blasts him with a step-up knee strike. Rumblecrunch however sends Carter into Cannon with a spear. The Dev Corp hit Carter with the Master Blaster for the pin at 7:50. The All-Stars looked excellent going toe-to-toe with the Dev Corp. I don’t think the winners of this match were ever in doubt, but they did a convincing job making it seem like they had a fighting chance. After their title loss I was indifferent on the All-Stars returning, but after this match I’d be more welcome to seeing them as part-timers. Rumblecrunch continues to do a great job as the frontman of the Dev Corp. **½
The Sea Stars of Ashley Vox and Delmi Exo give us an elaborate introduction. Vox says whomever their opponents are tonight will be SEEING STARS. Eh? Eh?!
Tag World Grand Prix Quarter-Final Round Match
Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) vs. Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo)
Vox & Exo competed individually during the Young Lions Cup XII tournament during National Pro Wrestling Day in February. Exo does Hijo’s dance, which he does not seem to appreciate, as seen by his kick to the stomach and elbows to the neck. Exo ducks a double team and takes down Jr. with a satellite headscissors. The Sea Stars give him a double atomic drop and clothesline, but are slightly off sync. Vox holds Jr. so Exo can sunset flip him. Hijo kicks Exo to break the cover. She knocks Hijo down with three running double chops. Vox grabs a side headlock. Hijo reverses. Exo blind tags in. Vox drop toe holds him into an elbow drop from Exo. Vox hits him with a basement dropkick for two. Vox clotheslines him in one corner. She tries a monkey flip but Jr. cuts her off and drops her stomach first onto the top rope. Los Ice Creams isolate Vox from her sister until she slips to the floor. She baits Hijo into chasing her around the ring into a splash off the apron from Exo. In the ring, Vox flings Jr. across the ring. He hits the floor and Vox suicide dives after him. In the ring, Hijo deposits Exo to the floor. Vox sends Los Ice Creams into one another. Exo and Vox hit multiple corner splashes, then dropkicks to their seated opponents. Exo covers Jr. for a two count. Hijo throws Vox into Exo. The Sea Stars use tandem kicks to stop their attack. They hit stereo tornado DDT’s for two. They set up for the Hart Attack. Hijo trips Vox as she hits the ropes. He punches her on the floor. Exo falls victim to El Asesino for the pin at 11:16. While some of their offense was uncoordinated and off sync, the Sea Stars did a better job here than they did at the Young Lions Cup. Vox did a fine job on defense and the crowd rallied behind them. It was also fun seeing Los Ice Creams play the Rudos once again after a prolonged period as Tecnicos. The Sea Stars definitely need some work, but I’m not opposed to seeing them get another opportunity. **¼
Icarus does not know why Wani chooses to align himself with Juan Francisco de Coronado. In March he felt first hand how good Wani is in the ring and knows he could succeed on his own. But, if Wani is going to use underhanded and dirty tactics, it is his job to teach Wani that that path ends in a wood shed.
Icarus vs. Wani
Wani foreams Icarus in the back and jabs him in the throat after an intense opening lock-up. Icarus avoids a boot and dropkicks Wani to the corner. He brings him out with a pair of vertical suplexes and gets two with a fisherman’s suplex. Wani ducks a clothesline and hits a back handspring gamengiri. Wani goes for a double choke bomb. Icarus looks to counter with a Blu-Ray. Wani slips off his back and takes him down with a running STO. He chokes Icarus on the middle rope. Icarus fires back with some forearm strikes. Wani catches Icarus’ running crossbody and gives him a fallaway slam. Icarus ducks a lariat. He tries the Shiranui. Wani slips out and hits a pump kick for two. They trade chops and forearms. All the shots allow Icarus to successfully deliver the Shiranui. Wani kicks out right before the three count. Icarus wants the Wings of Icarus. However, Wani swings out and gets in a few kicks to the leg and shots to the neck before giving Icarus the Rydeen Bomb for two. Wani misses a corner splash. Icarus moves out of the way of Wani’s back handspring gamengiri. Icarus hits the Blu-Ray for the pin at 6:43. I think it’s a shame Wani lost here. He’s been on such a roll and to neutralize his big win over Icarus just two weeks later seems like an odd call. Hopefully there’s more to it. I appreciated the action and the Shiranui pay off but can’t help but feel a little let down. * ½
Mathieu St. Jacques and Thoma Dubois are from Montreal and comprise the tandem “Tabarnak de Team”, but since that’s not family friendly, in CHIKARA they’re known as TDT. They cut the majority of their promo in French, but do say they’re going to chop down the Osirian Portal.
Tag World Grand Prix Quarter-Final Round Match
The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) vs. TDT (Mathieu St. Jacques & Thomas Dubois)
St. Jacques and Dubois are replacing the injured Hermit Crab and Rock Lobster. TDT attack the Portal before the bell. St. Jacques drives Amasis back first into the corner, then Dubois drives Ophidian into Amasis. Dubois clotheslines them into one another, then sends them into St. Jacques for another clothesline. The Portal show some sign of life with strikes, but TDT takes back over quickly by throwing Ophidian to the floor and focusing their attack on Amasis. Ophidian stops them by coming off the top with a single leg dropkick for both of them. The Portal look for tandem dives, but TDT cut them off with forearms in mid-air. TDT then hit their own suicide dives. They beat down the Portal on the floor, harassing some fans in the process. In the ring Dubois mutilates Ophidian with repeated backbreakers. St. Jacques comes off the middle rope with a knee drop to his chest. Amasis breaks the pin. Dubois cuts off Amasis with a knee from the apron, sending him into a spinebuster from St. Jacques for two. TDT go back to pummeling Amasis and keeping Ophidian at bay. Ophidian tries his top rope dropkick again. TDT catch him this time around and toss him into the corner. They then double suplex Amasis onto Ophidian. They stack up the Portal in the corner once more. St. Jacques splashes them both. Ophidian blocks Dubois’ lariat with a jumping knee strike. Amasis avoids a splash, sending St. Jacques into Dubois. The Portal hit St. Jacques with a superkick/enzuigiri combo. The double bicycle kick Dubois out to the floor with St. Jacques. They hit stereo tope con hilo’s successfully. They look for something off the ropes but TDT yanks them back down. St. Jacques looks for an apron piledriver, but Ophidian backdrops him to the floor. Dubois gives Ophidian a uranage on the ring apron. Amasis musters the energy to give Dubois a tornado DDT on the floor. The two teams are so out of it, that they are both counted at 10:47.
Neither team is satisfied with the result, nor are the fans. Bryce Remsburg consults off screen with presumably Mike Quackenbush. Bryce checks with both teams to see if they want the match restarted. Both agree and a new match is on! TDT attack the Portal and pummel them on the mat as soon as the bell rings. St. Jacques shoulder tackles Amasis into a Liger Bomb from Dubois. Amasis kicks out, which TDT cannot believe. Ophidian throughs rapid fire overhand strikes. TDT cut him off with double shoulder blocks. Ophidian flips out of a double buckle bomb attempt. He quesadora armdrags Dubois into St. Jacques, then drives his knees into both of them. He headstands into a knee strike on Dubois, then hits Metora. Amasis follows up with a top rope double stomp. After all that Dubois still finds the energy to kick out. The Portal stack up St. Jacques on top. They look to bring him down with the Pyramid suplex. Dubois sneaks in and German suplexes them both! St. Jacques cradles Ophidian but only gets a two count. They set up Ophidian for another running shoulder block/Liger Bomb combo. Amasis low bridges the top rope which sends St. Jacques to the floor. Ophidian knee strikes his way out of Dubois’ grasp. Amasis assists Ophidian with the Egyptian Destroyer for the pin on Dubois in 4:29! It’s so rare for a team or person to make such an impact in CHIKARA in their debut like the TDT did, especially when you consider they weren’t even scheduled to be in the tournament in the first place. They had an incredibly convincing brawl with the Portal, looking like monsters and getting under the crowd’s skin in the process. The crowd was hot for any sign of life the Portal showed, and it made their win seem both well-earned and won by the skin of their teeth.. After a very tepid show, this picked up the energy in a big way and closed the show with a bang. What a wonderful surprise this was. ***¾
TDT show poor sportsmanship by attacking the Portal after the bell. They give Amasis a tandem Alabama Slam. All the referees come out to stop them, but they give Ophidian a tandem Alabama Slam onto Amasis. The officials send them packing after TDT does some posing. The Portal are worse for wear as they head into the semi-finals this evening.
Philadelphia, PA – 4.2.2016 – 7:00 PM
Championship Rundown
Grand Champion: Princess Kimberlee
Campeones de Parejas: N_R_G (Race Jaxon & Hype Rockwell)
Young Lions Cup Champion: The Estonian Thunderfrog
Commentary is provided by Bryce Remsburg, Dasher Hatfield, and Mike Quackenbush.
Tag World Grand Prix Semi-Final Round Match
The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant) vs. Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.)
Hijo is unable to move Worker Ant with a running shoulder block. He does however send Worker Ant to the stage with a running hip attack. Fire Ant hops in. Hijo jumps off the ropes for an armdrag but Fire Ant counters mid-air with one of his own. He puts on a modified courting hold to keep the arm barred. Hijo slides to the floor after being shot off. Jr. kicks Fire Ant upon coming into the ring. Some Lucha rolls lead to Jr. Hot Shotting Fire Ant across the top rope. Fire Ant sends Los Ice Creams into one another. He headscissors Jr. and avoids a senton from Hijo. Fire Ant uses his feet to stop Hijo’s corner attacks. He repeats his headscissors and senton avoidance, then rolls outside to bring in Worker Ant. Worker Ant goes up and over Jr., baiting him into a flying headscissors from Fire Ant. Both Fire Ant and Hijo misses their senton attempts. Jr. tosses Fire Ant into a powerbomb from Hijo. Hijo finally hits the senton splash for two. Los Ice Creams use their tandem offense to keep Fire Ant away from Worker Ant. Eventually, Fire Ant fights them off and lands a high crossbody on Hijo before rolling to the floor. Worker Ant fights of Los Ice Creams. He calls for the GTS on Jr. Hijo slaps him in the face to stop. Los Ice Creams give him El Asesino, but Fire Ant breaks up the pin. Fire Ant is tossed back outside. Hijo stomps on Worker Ant’s stomach. Jr. gives him a suplex. Los Ice Creams want a tandem suplex, but Worker Ant suplexes them both simultaneously. Jr. tackles Worker Ant to stop his tag attempt. Hijo yakuza kicks Worker Ant. Worker Ant comes back with a running crossbody. Fire Ant immediately comes in with a Yahtzee Kick and brainbuster for the pin at 11:35. There were some moments in the match in which there was obvious miscommunication, which was jarring mostly because that so rarely happens with these teams. Thankfully, the bulk of the match was good. I especially liked them teasing the same finish in which Los Ice Creams won in the previous round. **½
Tag World Grand Prix Semi-Final Round Match
The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) vs. The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch)
The Portal are still in rough shape after their wild brawl with TDT earlier in the day. They duck the Dev Corp’s attack and low bridge them to the floor. They go for suicide dives but get caught. Rumblecrunch slams Ophidian on the ring apron and McMassive suplexes Amasis onto the floor. The Dev Corp bully the weakened Amasis in the ring while Ophidian recovers. Amasis is able to fight from the corner, but McMassive yanks Ophidian off the apron to prevent a tag. Amasis however suicide dives onto McMassive. Ophidian drops Rumblecrunch with double knees, then drives his knees into Rumblecrunch’s chest twice in the corner. Ophidian hits Meteora. Amasis comes off the top with a double stomp for two. Amasis helps Ophidian with an Egyptian Destroyer on Rumblecrunch. McMassive distracts referee Troy Nelson for long enough that Rumblecrunch kicks out when Nelson gets around to making the cover. McMassive nails Ophidian with Lariat Tubman and knocks Amasis off the apron. The Dev Corp beat down Ophidian for awhile. In the process McMassive inadvertently boots Ophidian to the floor. Amasis high crossbody’s Rumblecrunch before rolling him up for a two count. Amsis fights off the Dev Corp on his own. McMassive cracks him in the face with the cast on his hand behind the referee’s back. The Master Blaster gets the Dev Corp the win at 9:06. This accomplished what it needed to, with the Dev Corp cheating their way into the finals over the beaten down, valiant heroes, who have the built in “excuse” for their loss. This was fun while it lasted, but I don’t know if two beat down segments was necessary. **¾
The Estonian Thunderfrog says he did not see any ants when he lived on a cold farm. He will not underestimate Arctic Rescue Ant and will crush him with all the power of the Gods.
Young Lions Cup
The Estonian Thunderfrog vs. Arctic Rescue Ant
The Estonian Thunderfrog has been champion since 2.6.2016 and this is his second defense. They each throw kicks to one another’s left leg. Arctic uses a handshake to bait Thunderfrog into a Magistral cradle for two. Thunderfrog and Arctic slug away with rapid fire kicks to the legs. Thunderfrog wins the exchange, booting Arctic to the corner. They both throw shots at each other’s mid-section. Thunderfrog baits him into a roll-up. Arctic punches his way out of a powerbomb position. He comes off the middle rope with a crossbody. Thunderfrog catches him with the Estonian Stampede, but Arctic counters with a tornado DDT before the slam for two. Arctic is placed on the apron. He gets in some forearms, but a hard forearm from Thunderfrog knocks him to the floor. Thunderfrog looks to follow with a double axe handle, but Arctic dropkicks him in mid-air! Arctic uses the ropes to pull off a headscissors. He charges at the Thunderfrog. Thunderfrog catches him and gives him the Estonian Stampede on the floor! Back in the ring he gives Arctic a Gourd Buster. He goes for the Froggysplash. He notices Arctic moving, so he rolls down off the top and forearms Arctic in the corner. Arctic drives his knees into Thunderfrog’s back and gives him a facebuster for two. He goes for another facebuster. Thunderfrog flips out of it and gives Arctic a Blue Thunder Bomb for the win at 7:16. This felt brief, but they kept a good pace and had some really nice looking power moves, so I ultimately didn’t mind that this was truncated. **¾
Before the next match we see The Snow Troll crawling around ringside with a sign that says “Did You Forget?” around his neck.
The Batiri (Obariyon, Kodama, & Kobald) & Oleg the Usurper vs. The Nightmare Warriors (Hallowicked & Frightmare) & Battleborn (Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man)
UltraMantis Black is in the Batiri and Oleg’s corner. Missile yells his own name while on offense against Obariyon. Obariyon drop toe holds him into a front facelock. Missile backs Obariyon to the corner and unloads with uppercuts. Obariyon kicks him away. He comes out with a swinging headscissors and alita’s Missile into a tornado clutch for two. Obariyon headscissors Missile and knee strikes him in the corner. Kodama and Obariyon hit him with an atomic drop/knee strike combo and clothesline him to the floor. Kodama slingshots Frightmare into the ring. They trade armdrags. Kodama takes Frightmare over with a bodyscissors and dropkicks him outside. Kobald gets a pair of pin attempts on Calhoun. Calhoun uses a karate chop to slow Kobald down. Kobald scores another nearfall after a headscissors. He feeds Calhoun to Oleg for a backbreaker, which Kobald adds a seated splash to. They clothesline Calhoun outside and bring in Hallowicked. Oleg drives Hallowicked head into the top turnbuckle repeatedly. After booting one another in the face, Oleg drives Hallowicked face first into his knee and clotheslines him to the floor. The Batiri and Oleg bring in Battleborn and Hallowicked from the apron, then clothesline them all out. Hallowicked drags Oleg out. Kobald looks to dive but Frightmare cuts him off with a knee strike. The Nightmare Warriors and Battleborn decide to isolate Kobald in their corner. Kobald escapes by giving Frightmare the Acid Drop and a Cactus clothesline. The other members of the Batiri fight Missile. Calhoun helps distract Obariyon so that Missile can yank him off the middle rope and cause the back of his head to collide with the top turnbuckle. The Nightmare Warriors pummel on him When Battleborn try to assist, Calhoun chops Missile. Obariyon knee strikes Calhoun in the face and dropkicks the Nightmare Warriors off the apron. Frightmare drags Obariyon out. Kobald and Kodama get dragged out when they set up for dives. Oleg picks up more speed off the ropes. Missile grabs his leg. Frightmare looks to attack, but Oleg backdrops him onto everybody on the floor. Kobald uses Mantis in his wheelchair as a battering ram to wipe out Calhoun! In the ring, Oleg splashes Missile against the ropes. He hits Off With His Head. Frightmare dropkicks and yakuza kicks Oleg. Kobald fights out of the Here It Is Driver and gives Frightmare a Michinoku Driver for two. Calhoun drops Kobald with the Rikishi Driver. The Batiri hit Calhoun with Redrum. Hallowicked yakuza kicks Obariyon and gives Kodama a step-up enzuigiri. He and Frightmare give Kodama the Headless Horsemen. Kobald breaks the pin. Kobald fights both of them off with forearm strikes, but is then tossed by Hallowicked into a Go 2 Sleepy Hollow from Frightmare. Frightmare strings a double stomp and Kneecolespy together to pin Kobald at 17:26. So it looks as if the Nightmare Warriors have the Batiri’s number (Kobald specifically), which given what comes next looks to be manifesting into a larger story. The ending segment was fun, but the beginning and middle of the match were fairly tedious. **¾
With the Batiri and Oleg now backstage, Hallowicked and Frightmare ambush Mantis in his wheelchair and bring him into the ring. Hallowicked pulls out the Eye of Tyr and uses it on him! Mantis begins to grunt with some vim and vigor in his voice. While he sits on the mat, he invites Hallowicked and Frightmare to participate in their usual post-match seance. Afterwards, Mantis tells Hallowicked and Frightmare to return him home. They put Mantis in his wheelchair and wheel him away.
“Mr. Touchdown” Mark Angelosetti says life is about choices .He says Juan Francisco de Coronado has made some garbage choices by getting involved in his matches, framing him as a cheater. He says if Coronado interferes tonight, he will get himself disqualified by attacking Coronado, making sure he pays for his choices.
Shynron vs. “Mr. Touchdown” Mark Angelosetti
This is a rematch from “Colony Collapse.” Angelosetti grounds Shynron in a waistlock. He keeps hold as Shynron rolls, but Shynron eventually gets free. Angelosetti tries grounding Shynron in a double knuckle luck. After getting his shoulders up, Shynron rolls up Angelosetti. From a wheelbarrow position he brings down Angelosetti in a headlock. Angelosetti reverses, but Shynron grabs a headscissors. Angelosetti escapes. They cartwheel away from one another and reach a stalemate. Shynron nips right back up when Angelosetti shoulder blocks him down. Angelosetti slams Shynron and gives him multiple splashes. Shynron gets his knees up to block a running splash. Shynron sweeps out Angelosetti’s legs and hits a corkscrew senton for two. He comes off the top rope with a swinging headscissors. Angelosetti bandera’s him to the apron and brings him across the ring with a vertical suplex into the corner! He lands his big splash for two. Shynron gets in some kicks from the apron, but when he charges, Angelosetti shuts him down with an Overbomb. Shynron sneaks in a bodyscissors and rolls Angelosetti to his shoulders for two. After a basement enzuigiri he goes to the apron. He slingshots in with a headscissors, sending Angelosetti outside. Shynron follows with a kickflip, tumbleweed senton. Back inside, Shynron tries another slingshot maneuver. Angelosetti catches Shynron and hangs him up in a tree of woe. After some shoulder blocks, he backflips to prepare for a running shoulder block and accidentally knocks down referee Troy Nelson! While Angelosetti is checking on Nelson, Shynron hits Angelosetti with the Dragon Twist. He lands a 450 splash off the middle rope, but there’s no referee to count. Shynron goes for a back handspring move but Angelosetti spears him on the rebound. Shynron avoids a corner spear. Angelosetti swats away some of Shynron’s kicks, but takes a Pele kick as he sits on the top turnbuckle. Angelosetti catches Shynron on his shoulders and brings him down with a super Ace Crusher! He makes the cover. Referee Troy Nelson calls for the bell at 11:12, disqualifying Angelosetti for knocking down, awarding the match to Shynron. Angelosetti leaves, visibly upset with the decision. This was a really excellent match, with some fun counter wrestling and impressive offense from both guys. The top rope Ace Crusher from Angelosetti was especially awesome, and it’s a shame we got the false DQ finish instead of an actual pinfall. I get that they’re telling a story with Angelosetti, but given how hard they worked I wish we could have had a clean ending here. ***
Worker Ant says nothing can keep the Colony apart. No matter the trials and tribulations they have faced, they always come back together. That’s because they are more than just a group; they’re a family. He wonders if the same can be said about the Devastation Corporation, who have recently lost their shot caller (Max Smashmaster) and manager (Sidney Bakabella). Worker Ant says the Colony will not be leaving the ring until they get the job done.
2016 Tag World Grand Prix Final Round Match
The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant) vs. The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch)
Fire Ant is holding his ribs as he comes out. The Dev Corp attack the Colony before the bell, including McMassive cracking Worker Ant in the face with his cast. The Dev Corp demand Bryce Remsburg to ring the bell. He checks on the Colony, and at Fire Ant’s behest, the match officially begins. He immediately runs into McMassive’s Boss Man Slam for two. Rumblecrunch gets in some shots before sending Fire Ant into McMassive’s boot. Fire Ant’s chops do very little to McMassive. McMassive chokes him with his boot. Rumblecrunch admonishes Fire Ant for having nobody to tag out to. Fire Ant kicks at his left leg from the apron. Rumblecrunch fights him off and pummels Fire Ant in his corner with McMassive. Rumblecrunch antagonizes the fans who are cheering for Fire Ant. Fire Ant throws rapid fire chops and palm strikes to the Dev Corp’s chest. He manages to take both of them over with a headscissors. Fire Ant takes down Rumblecrunch with a knee strike to the face and the Yahtzee Kick. He ducks Lariat Tubmaan and spikes McMassive with a tornado DDT. He tope con hilo’s onto Rumblecrunch. Worker Ant is on the apron but still in no condition to come in as the legal man. McMassive knocks him off. Rumblecrunch distracts Bryce so that McMassive can nail Fire Ant in the ribs with his cast. With Worker Ant knocked off the apron, Dev Corp are free to continue their onslaught of Fire Ant, working over Fire Ant’s mid-section. Fire Ant is able to low bridge the top rope to send McMassive out to the floor. Rumblecrunch grabs his leg, but Fire Ant kicks him in the chest repeatedly until he also goes to the floor. Worker Ant finally tags in, throwing forearms before bodyslamming both Rumblecrunch and McMassive separately. He places Rumblecrunch on the top turnbuckle and brings him down with a superplex. McMassive breaks the pin. He hits the Boss Man Slam for two. McMassive signals that he’s going to use his cast. Bryce gets in his face, allowing Rumblecrunch to give Worker Ant a low blow. Worker Ant rolls to the floor. Rumblecrunch follows him with a splash off the top turnbuckle. Fire Ant comes in looking for a swinging Frankensteiner on McMassive. McMassive catches him with a Liger Bomb. Fire Ant fires up after the impact and nails another Yahtzee Kick! He gives McMassive a brainbuster for two. Rumblecrunch misses a top rope shoulder block on Fire Ant. Rumblecrunch’s shoulder was hurt in the process. While Bryce checks on him, McMassive hits Fire Ant in the head with his cast. He angrily deposits Fire Ant with a Liger Bomb for the pin at 16:26. This was very well laid out, with the Colony looking as if they had absolutely no chance to win, fighting back with everything they had, but it ultimately not being enough for the Dev Corps dirty tactics. In a way it was similar to the Dev Corp’s first match with the Portal, but with higher stakes and stronger opponents. The Dev Corp come out of this looking as dangerous as ever on their quest to recapture Los Campeonatos de Parejas. By no means was this the best Tag World ever, but they told a good story throughout and built to a title match that I am very much interested in, and that’s what is most important at the end of the day. ***¼
Encore Match
Dasher Hatfield vs. Pinkie Sanchez
Sanchez tries to sneak in a splash while Bryce is checking on Hatfield. Hatfield moves both himself and Bryce causing Sanchez to crash in the corner. Hatfield throws many shots at his stomach and chest. Sanchez whips him into another corner. He comes off the ropes and Hatfield tosses him in an exploder suplex. He looks to charge but Sanchez stops him with a boot, The Shiney Hiney gets him a two count. He snapmares Hatfield and tries a hip attack. Hatfield instead schoolboys him for two. Sanchez comes back with a sole butt kick and the Rude Awakening. Sanchez gives him a tornado DDT for two. Hatfield’s Cyclone neckbreaker leads to a folding press and his own two count. Sanchez enzuigiri’s Hatfield as Hatfield brings him to his feet. Sanchez wants Snake’s Revenge. Hatfield however backs him to the corner and places him on the top turnbuckle. He counters whatever Hatfield was looking for with Snake’s Revenge on the top turnbuckle! Despite being dazed, Hatfield catches Sanchez Frankensteiner attempt and gives him a running Liger Bomb for two. Hatfield and Sanchez trade forearm strikes, ending with two superkicks and a sole but kick from Sanchez. Hatfield catches Sanchez’s spinwheel kick attempt. He muscles Sanchez into the Jackhammer for the pin at 5:11. That was the best competitive match two guys could have in five minutes. **¼
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