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CHIKARA Review: The Artistic Pursuit of Being Yourself

April 22, 2009 | Posted by Kevin Ford
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CHIKARA Review: The Artistic Pursuit of Being Yourself  

After CHIKARA rocked it’s foundations at the “Style & Substance” event, they decided it was time to follow up with a debut in the Mid-West! Tonight, CHIKARA makes it debut in Streamwood, IL with “The Artistic Pursuit of Being Yourself”. This show (and weekend) was plagued with problems, as for one reason or another, El Oriental, Chuck Taylor, and Billy Roc all could not make this weekends shows. Because of this, this show and the Cleveland show had to be shuffled around. Tonight’s man event is a big ten man tag team match, where four teams will be split up into groups headed by Mike Quackenbush and Hallowicked. Vin Gerard makes his second Young Lions Cup defense against former cup holder Fire Ant. Drake Younger is also back in action looking for revenge on STIGMA, who cost Drake the Young Lions Cup back at “Vanity & Violence.” Speaking of revenge, Jimmy Olsen will go one on one with his brother Colin Delaney, who betrayed Jimmy back at Style & Substance to join Vin Gerard in the UnStable. With all this going down, let’s get right to the action!

Commentary is provided by Mike Quackenbush, Bryce Remsburg, Louden Noxious, Dr. Keith Lipinski, Leonard F. Chikarason, and Ultramantis Black.

Bonus Match
NWA-Midwest Championship
Egotistico Fantastico vs. Silas Young

This is a special pre-show match found on Disc 2, which was presented by NWA Mid-West.

Silas Young coming out to “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey is buys. I have seen Silas in ROH plenty, and I think he’s great. I hope he delivers in this match and can come to CHIKARA on a more frequent basis.

Both men engage in a fierce lock up. They exchange arm locks with Ego getting the upper hand. Silas counters with a headlock into an arm lock. They exchange a series of rapid fire maneuvers, reaching a stand still. The fans chant “Ego!” who is the clear favorite. Silas takes Ego down to the mat with a front face lock. Ego works up but gets taken down with a dropkick. After mocking Ego in the corner, Silas sends him to the ropes. Ego takes down Silas and chops him in the corner. Ego locks on a surfboard then pops Silas up, causing him to land flat on his face. Ego only gets the two count. After a series of punches, Ego runs off the ropes. Silas catches him with a big time lariat to regain control. Silas drops an elbow and gets a two count. He applies the headlock but Ego works up and slams Silas into the corner. Silas counters a series of attacks leading to a back drop. Silas hits a nice Enzugiri from the second rope, yet only gets the two. Silas applies a long headlock. Ego fires up only to be knocked back down with a knee to the gut. Ego comes back with a series of forearms to take Silas down. Each man counters out of a torture rack, then Ego flips Silas over in an inverted wheelbarrow takedown for the two count. Silas hits a backbreaker/clothesline combo for the two count. Silas hits a rolling fireman’s carry senton then goes into a headstand in the corner. Ego catches him in the torture rack, and hits a running Death Valley Driver for the two. Ego heads up top and misses a moonsault. Silas again nails the rolling fireman’s carry senton then goes into a headstand in the corner. He follows up by turning it into an Arabian Press off the top rope onto Ego. This is enough to give Silas the victory. Very good opening contest; the fans loved seeing two hometown guys and knew exactly who to cheer and boo. **1/4

The Iron Saints (Brandon Thomaselli & Vito Thomaselli) vs. Lince Dorado & Helios

Helios and Lince catch the Saints off guard with stereo flying cross bodies. They only get a two count. Both Helios and Lince hit a series of tandem maneuvers which send the Iron Saints to the outside. Helios and Lince look to go for stereo dives but fake out the Saints. They head back to the corner where Vito catches Lince from behind. The Iron Saints attempt a double team but Lince catches Brandon in a front face lock. Helios leaps off of Brandon into a dropkick on Vito. Helios and Lince hit stereo tope con heilos on the Saints on the outside, who decide to head to the back. The luchadores sotp them and throws them back to the ring. The Saints get the advantage as they head back in. They hit a flapjack/knee strike combination on Lince and isolate him in their corner. The Iron Saints bully Lince with frequent tags and keeping him grounded. Lince is cut off with a boot in the corner as he attempts to make a comeback. The Saints even knock Helios off the mat to prevent a tag. Vito almost had the tag on Lince until Helios broke it up. After a long series of being bullied, Lince knocks down both Thomaselli’s and tags in Helios. Helios comes in with a series of forearms to both the Saints. The Saints attempt a double clothesline, but Helios counters. Lince evens the odds with a hurricanrana which sends Brandon to the outside. Lince follows up with a dive through the middle rope. Helios hits a leaping hurricanrana on Vito, but only gets the two. Brandon trips Helios allowing Vito to hit a dropkick to the face. The Iron Saints hit a vertical suplex/cross body combo, but only get the two count. Helios and Lince chop both the Iron Saints and take them down with double fireman carry drops. Helios and Lince go up top on separate corners but get cut off. The Saints try for a couple of suplexes off the top rope, but get pushed off. Lince and Helios hit stereo Shooting Star Presses to get the win! The Iron Saints really didn’t impress, but Helios and Lince’s high flying was good fun. This was fine for the true show opener with the fast paced baby faces getting the win. *3/4

Buck Hawke vs. Tim Donst

Buck jumps Donst during his ring entrance. Buck pounds on Donst until Donst throws Buck into the ring post. Donst follows up with a series of chops. Buck counters with a throw to Donst into the corner post himself. They get in the ring where Buck chops away at Donst. Buck hits a clothesline in the corner. Donst carries Buck to the corner and hits a series of punches from the second rope. Hawke takes Donst down with a poke to the eyes then a clothesline. Donst chops Buck only to be poked in the eyes once again. Buck works over Donst on the mat and then in the corner. Donst pushes Buck away, only to be met with a slap to the face. Buck brings Donst down with double knees to chest and only gets the two. Buck tries for the Tomahawke but Donst rolls through. Donst is sent over the ropes to the apron. Donst sunset flips in then hits a clothesline and back elbow. Donst brings the straps down, therefore, its business time. Donst hits the atomic drop then ties up Buck in the corner. Donst crushes Buck with an elbow to the skull then follows up with a German suplex. After another suplex, Donst hits the STO for the two count. Donst lifts up Buck for the Donstitution. Buck counters with a roll up and holds Donst tights, giving him the victory. This was too short to be anything special, but it served its purpose of getting Buck over as a heel. Both men looked good here and the crowd liked it. For it’s length, I can only give this match a *1/2.

The Soul Touchaz (Acid Jaz, Marshe Rockette, Willie “da Bomb” Richardson, & Trauma) vs. The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple (Ultramantis Black & Crossbones), Trik Davis, & Sami Callihan

C-Red, manager of the Soul Touchaz, is backstage with his stable. Each man introduces themselves. C-Red says sometimes you got to bring a little something something, so they introduce Trauma and a beautiful valet named Diamond. C-Red says that the Soul Touchaz will pick up the win in their hometown no matter who you put them in the ring with. C-Red and Willie stay around to sing a song, until Diamond comes back and re-groups them back with everyone else.

Sami and Marshe kick things off. Sami and Marshe go back and forth with Marshe dropkicking Sami in one leg. They lock hands, with Marshe getting the upper hand. Sami punches Marshe into the ropes. Marshe blind tags Acid Jaz who comes in to double team Sami down to the mat. Trik Davis runs in to try to make the save but is thwarted by The Soul Touchaz. Jaz pins Trik for the two. Ultramantis blind tags his way into the mat, and Jaz tags in Willie. They slap the bajesus out of Mantis and send him to the mat. Mantis comes off the ropes only to be caught with a big time dropkick from Willie. Trauma is tagged in and the two big men take Mantis down. To even the odds, Mantis tags in Crossbones. He and Trauma exchange big time shoulder blocks with neither man going down. Trauma gets Crossbones in the corner where he delivers a couple of high knees. Crossbones catches him with a big time powerslam and senton. Sami Callihan tags in and bullies Trauma around until he is caught with a big spinebuster. Willie comes in and is taken down by Sami quickly. Trik Davis comes in and is lifted up in a delayed vertical suplex. Meanwhile, The Soul Touchaz take down the other Rudos to prvent them from breaking up the suplex. Willie eventually drops Trik to a big time applause. The Touchaz and Rudos continue to fight on the outside. Willie looks to dive to the outside, but Trik Davis takes him out and rolls him outside. At this point, the Rudos cut the ring and half, bullying Marshe Rockett and not allowing him to tag in his teammates. Sami Callihan taunts the other Soul Touchaz to fire them up. Marshe counters a barrage of attacks from Sami in the corner with a boot to the face. At this point things break down with many of the wrestlers coming in and out. Jaz spits the Hot Chocolate into Trik’s eyes allowing Marshe to hit the Ace Crusher. Willie hits the top rope leg drop to gain the victory for the Soul Touchaz! This was a fine atomicos match, but very pointless I feel. I like the hometown team going over. I know CHIKARA had some problems with no shows and all, but this just seemed random. Not bad however, so good for those involved. **1/2

Jimmy Olsen vs. Colin Delaney

Colin is standing in the parking lot in an ECW t-shirt. He says he is here for “The Artistic Pursuit of something something.” He says where he comes from they have shows named “Wrestlemania” and “The Royal Rumble”, not long winded show names that he can not be bothered to remember. He says last time he was in Illinois he was wrestling for the WWE Tag Team Championship, but now he is back wrestling his baby brother. He says the big issue is that Jimmy got soft when he left. Colin spots Leonard F. Chikarason, calls him over, and tells him that these are some very unprofessional conditions. He pulls Chikarason aside to talk. I very much enjoyed this promo.

An intense lock up gets things going as they struggle all over the ring. Each man pushes their opponent and evades all the attacks at a very fast pace. The first strike is made when Jimmy catches Colin with a slap. Colin punches Jimmy in the face to take him down. Chikarason notes on commentary how Colin pulled him aside to say he is violating OSHA policy standards; that is awesome. Jimmy takes down Colin with a series of arm drags and a hurricanrana. Colin punches Jimmy right in the face to send him to the mat. Jimmy and Colin exchange strikes with Colin going to the floor. Jimmy comes through the middle rope sending Colin into the barricade. Jimmy continues to beat down Colin with a series of chops to the chest and back. Colin regains control with a chop, and dropping Jimmy right on the barricades. Colin kicks Jimmy’s head into the guardrail and tosses him into the ring. Colin sentons into the ring and follows up with a basement dropkick. Colin continues to beat on his little brother in the ring, but failing to get the pinfall. The fans clap getting behind Jimmy Olsen. Jimmy comes back with a series of chops to Colin. Colin chops back and knees Jimmy right into the side of the head. Colin hops over Jimmy but is met with a big time superkick to the face. Jimmy only is able to get the two count. Jimmy ducks a clothesline, but Colin nails him with the RKO! Colin does Orton’s pose and pins Jimmy for the two count. Colin lifts Jimmy up for the FU, but Jimmy turns it around looking for the Overbomb. Colin counters by getting on the top rope. Jimmy power bombs Colin off the top rope, then hits the Overbomb on Colin in the corner. Colin somehow manages to kick out. Jimmy misses the flying body block in the corner. Coin hits a rope assisted DDT but only gets the two again. Jimmy works his way up as Vin Gerard and STIGMA are shown walking around in the crowd. Jimmy nails the flying body block in the corner. Jimmy heads up top, but comes down as he is distracted by Vin on the canvas. Colin comes up from behind and nails Jimmy with the FU. He says “You Can’t See Me!” as Jimmy hits the mat. Colin gets the pinfall over his brother. I very much enjoyed this; this was an excellent grudge match. The first time between these two had a nice underscore of emotion going on. I hope we see another match between them in the future. ***

The UnStable leave through the gym’s back door. Frustrated, Jimmy walks to the back with referee Bryce Remsburg.

Rey Makawe & Guerrerito Del Futuro vs. Discovery & Incognito

Okay, so this match sucked. It is worthless for me to do a move by move analysis. This match was sloppy, had zero heat, and the teams just seemed off. I know this was added at the last minute, but the whole I couldn’t help but think “What is the point of all this?” Yes, I know the winning team gets a point, but its not as if either team is actually going to follow up. I also really dislike CHIKARA bringing in real luchadores, aside from Skayde and Pantera. I remember Brad Garoon, former webmaster of the now defunct Cool Kids Table, stated that he enjoyed the faux luchadores of CHIKARA such as the Colony, Hallowicked, and the like much more than any of the real luchadores that CHIKARA brings in. No match proves that point more than this one. Louden Noxious and Ultramantis Black did their damndest on commentary to make this match sound good, but they can only do so much. Some stuff looked pretty good here and there, but in general this match was pointless and worthy of skipping. Incognito & Discovery won in a really awkward finish that made it seem as if Bryce just ended the match and rewarded it to them. What a failure this was. DUD

Drake Younger vs. STIGMA

Drake says at “Vanity & Violence” he had a shot at the Young Lions Cup against Vin Gerard. Drake says he had it right in his hands until Shane Storm/STIGMA interfered and blew it for him. Drake says he may come out smiling and slapping hands with the fans, but when the bell rings, STIGMA will find out what happens when people stick their nose in his business.

We then cut to the outside where STIGMA is sitting on a bench and Vin Gerard pulls the Young Lions Cup out of a trash can. Vin says Fire Ant doesn’t deserve a shot at the Young Lions Cup because he already held it, and until Chikarason seemingly changed the rules, that wasn’t allowed. Vin says once he defeats Fire Ant tonight, his chances at the YLC are over. Vin then says he will go on to beat Worker Ant whenever he gets a shot. Vin mentions that now Jimmy Olsen wants a shot at the Cup, even though he has a lot more to think about at the moment.

Drake wastes no time beating STIGMA down in the corner. Drake takes down STIGMA with a series of various arm drags then continues the beat down in the corner. STIGMA catches Drake with a boot and heads up top, but Drake pushes him off to the floor. Drake follows up with a cannonball off the apron! Drake delivers some brutal headbutts to STIGMA on the outside. STIGMA escapes the beat down by pushing Drake into the post, then hitting Drake with the Stun Gun on the guardrail! STIGMA drops a knee to the back off the head off the top rope onto Drake. STIGMA face washes Drake in the corner. Drake goes for an inside cradle and a school boy, but gets a two count each time. STIGMA fires back with a back elbow to the face. Drake gets to his feet only to be Dragon Screwed down by STIGMA, then given a vicious slap to the face. Drake and STIGMA get into a forearm competition. Drake drops STIGMA right on his head with an arm hook suplex! Meanwhile, Colin Delaney swoops in from the outside and hides on the side of the ring. Vin Gerard follows. Drake knocks STIGMA down with a series of clotheslines and a flying forearm. All this only gets Drake a two count on STIGMA. Drake continues his series of offense until STIGMA gets out of a fireman carry. STIGMA hits a powerbomb for the two. Drake reverses the momentum to blast STIGMA with the Death Valley Driver only for the two. Drake sets up STIGMA for the Drake’s Landing, cueing Delaney and Gerard to hit the apron. Drake knocks both men down. The referee is distracted by Delaney. Drake sets up for the Drake’s Landing but STIGMA pushes Drake into Vin, who is once again on the apron. STIGMA sets up Drake and hits the Tombstone Piledriver for the pin! This was hard hitting fun times. I am so happy STIGMA is around; he is so much better than Shane Storm and more interesting to watch. This was good stuff; I think STIGMA is much better off as a heel. ***

The UnStable celebrates their victory on the outside. Drake tries to attack them, but referee PJ Drummond won’t let him. Drake thanks the fans and heads to the back.

Vin Gerard sets the cup in the middle of the ring and asks for Fire Ant to come out. Vin makes sure Delaney and STIGMA remain ringside. Vin takes a couple drinks out of his bottle of water and holds the cup up for all the fans to see. Fire Ant comes out. Once he is in the ring, PJ Drummond tells Delaney and STIGMA to leave the ringside area. The fans sing them away as they reluctantly leave the ring. Vin grabs the Cup and sticks it under his side of the ring. The bell sounds and we’re on our way.

Young Lions Cup
Vin Gerard (Champion) vs. Fire Ant

Each man charges at one another. They beat the living tar out of one another on the mat, rolling out of the ring. Fire Ant is able to get the advantage on the outside. Vin rolls in and is followed by Fire Ant. Vin begs Fire Ant not to hit him. Vin slaps Fire Ant, and Fire Ant dropkicks Vin to the outside. Vin tries to get back in and gets a dropkick to the face. Fire Ant hits a nice top con heilo to the outside and follows up with a senton splash. Fire Ant gets popped on the apron. He goes for a moonsault, but lands on his feet after Vin steps out of the way. Vin takes down Fire Ant with a hard STO on the floor, and throws Fire Ant back in the ring. Vin Gerard takes it to Fire Ant in the ring. Vin hits the fireman’s carry and runs around mocking Fire Ant. Vin hits his awesome leaping clothesline off the ropes but only gets the two. He follows up with his signature running knee for the two count, as Fire Ant kicks out looking to fire up. Vin tries to kcik him down only for Fire Ant to catch Vin’s leg and throw him down. Fire Ant comes back at Vin. He hops over the apron into the wheelbarrow stunner! He hits two sentons then heads up the top rope. He hits a third senton off the top and only gets the two count! Fire Ant goes for a flying body press off the second rope but Vin drops down. Vin tries to lock on the STF, but hits Fire Ant with the curb stomp after Fire Ant successfully blocked it. Vin hits a couple of powerbombs and is able to lock on the STF. Knowing he needed to do more work, Vin picks up Fire Ant and hits a brainbuster for the two count. Fire Ant blocks a kick from Vin, and Fire Ant locks the STF on Vin himself! Vin is able to escape and rakes Fire Ant in the eyes. Fire Ant responds with the Beach Breaker! Vin kicks out at two. Fire Ant motions to the ropes and sets up Vin for the Beach Breaker off the ropes. The two men struggle with Vin falling and getting caught in the ropes. Fire Ant jumps off the top onto Vin’s tangled body sending both men crashing to the floor! Each men fight on the outside, trying to keep the opponent on the outside so they can be counted out. They each roll in the ring at the same time. After a big forearm battle on the mat, Fire Ant bounces up to his feet and nails Vin with three big Enzugiri’s! Fire Ant picks up Vin for the Beach Break, and Vin’s feet hit PJ Drummond in the head knocking him out! Colin Delaney and STIGMA hit the ring, but Drake Younger and Jimmy Olsen also hit the ring to fight them off! Vin hits Fire Ant with a low blow! Bryce Remsburg comes out to try and explain to PJ what happened. While this is happening, Vin low blows Fire Ant again and locks on the STF! Fire Ant taps out and PJ rewards the match to Vin. This was a really awesome contest. These two men are so awesome in the ring together; I hope we see them one on one again sometime in the future. These two are at their absolute best when working with each other. ****

Vin tells the camera that Worker Ant and Jimmy Olsen are nothing. He then hops over the guardrail and leaves with the Cup through the crowd. This gives the UnStable a clean sweep in their singles matches here tonight.

10 Man Relevos Increibles Match
Mike Quackenbush, Gran Akuma, Amasis, Soldier Ant, & Player Dos vs. Hallowicked, Icarus, Ophidian, Worker Ant, & Player Uno

This match is roughly a half hour long. I will try to keep the play by play to a bare minimum, but I apologize if this ends up being lengthy.

Each tag team came out together, then split off after entering the ring. Uno brought a question mark from Super Mario Bros. with him, which had the crazy star inside. Worker Ant came out in full Stan Hansen garb, and Soldier Ant in an army jacket.

Uno and Soldier start out with some back and forth, and of course some comedy. Icarus and Amasis get tagged in. Amasis gets Icarus in a headlock, and Icarus backs into his corner. Amasis escapes and tags in Player Dos while Worker Ant is tagged in by Icarus. They exchange a bit of lucha, with Dos hurting his leg. Dos tags in Quackenbush and Hallowicked comes in. These two put on an awesome display for the fans ending with Hallowicked sending Quack to the outside with a step up hurricanarana. Ophidian and Akuma come in for their respective teams. Each man tries to get the advantage. Ophidian goes for the pin, but every member of the teams come in to break it up or prevent the pin from being broken up. Team Quack stretches out all the men on Team Hallowicked, while Quack stretches Ophidian in the middle of everyone else. Hallowicked and Amasis end up in the ring. Amasis uses his funky foot work to match up with the much more experienced Hallowicked. Wicked puts an end to the nonsense by dumping Amasis to the outside of the ring. Icarus and Akuma come in and put on an awesome back and forth display with neither man fully able to take down their opponent. The fans applaude as Dos and Uno are tagged in. Uno goes for the Hadouken after a failed La Magistral, but Dos evades it and sends Uno to the floor with a spinning heel kick. Quack and Ophidian come in, and Ophidian immediately takes down Quackenbush. Quack is able to make a come back and sends Ophidian to the floor with some strong offense. Worker Ant and Soldier Ant come in. Worker Ant hits the Baba chop on Soldier Ant, and Worker Ant goes to the floor to tag out as well. Icarus and Hallowicked double team Dos, then quintuple team him with everyone hitting a move. After this we have a series of each team tagging in and out, with a highlight being Amasis nailing an awesome looking arm drag with a stomp to the back.

We slow things down with Hallowicked and Quackenbush. Again, these two put on a very awesome display with Wicked and Quack ending in a face off. After a few more tags in, Team Quackenbush finally isolates Worker Ant after Akuma and Amasis catch him off the top rope and slam him down. Worker Ant is able to escape the ring and tag in Hallowicked. Quack takes down Hallowicked with a leg lock. Quack’s team takes turn coming in the ring and working over Wicked’s leg. Shockingly, Quackenbush took advantage of Bryce Remsburg being distracted, which is very out of character for him. After begin attacked by all five members of team Quack in the corner, Hallowicked rolls to the floor which tags in Player Uno. Quack immediately superkicks Uno and brings him to his corner. Like usual, Quack’s team comes in and out to beat down on Uno, including Dos who had no problem taking the boots to his partner in crime. Amasis grabs the star and places it on Uno’s chest. Ultramantis on commentary ask “who is this Italian you speak of” when Chikarason mentions Mario. Amasis splashes the star onto Uno’s chest. Akuma hit a really cool gymnastics like elbow drop using the ropes; very nice addition to his repertoire. Uno however nails Akuma with an Enzugiri and a suplex, and tags in Ophidian. Ophidian makes a strike then tags in Icarus. F.I.S.T. and The Osirian Portal come to blows in the ring with Ophidian and Icarus hitting a hurricanarana on their partners. The Colony, Quackenbush, and Hallowicked come in and hit sunset flips on everyone while The Super Smash Bros. stand confused. Everyone kicks out, and a huge ten person submission is applied. Ophidian pins Soldier Ant, but he kicks out causing the mess to break up.

After a series of dives to the outside, Quack and Wicked fight in the ring. Quack sends Hallowicked to the outside and hits a top con heilo. Everyone makes their way back in the ring with everyone getting blasted with all sorts of maneuvers. This leads to the fans breaking out in a “CHIKARA!” chant. Soldier Ant and Icarus end up in the ring. Soldier Ant hits a flying headbutt. He goes up top but Icarus catches him with a Blu Ray Death Valley Driver (get it?) Soldier Ant kicks out and gets the advantage on Icarus. Uno breaks up a pin and Quack hits a palm strike on Uno. Uno hits the arm capture stunner on Quack for the two. Quack drops Uno back first on the edge of the ring and Dos and Ophidian come in. Dos counters the Ophidian Death Grip. Akuma and Hallowicked come in, and Akuma lights up Wicked with a series of kicks. Wicked comes right back with chops of his own. Akuma goes for the snapmare driver, but Hallowicked counters with the Rydeen Bomb. Akuma kicks out and hits the snapmare driver which Hallowicked kicks out of. They both leave tagging in Amasis and Worker Ant. Worker Ant nails Amasis with a brainbuster for the two. Worker goes for the lariat, but Amasis counters in a big foreward slam for the two count. Every member of team Quackenbush hits Hallowicked with a move, ending with Amasis hitting a 450 splash! Wicked’s team breaks up the pin. We follow up with a long series of men coming in and out and beating down their respective partners. This ended with Hallowicked hitting Quack with the Michinoku Driver. Wicked heads up top, but is stopped with an Enzugiri by Dos. Dos hits an awesome neckbreaker driver off the top rope named B13 for the victory! This was a big time fun cluster. I love how it ended with Dos pinning Hallowicked, since The Super Smash Bros. have their tag title match against Hallowicked and Delirious tomorrow night. This was a ton of fun, and a good way for the students of CHIKARA to show what they are all about to the Midwest. ***3/4

The 411: I was really not feeling this show at the beginning. Olsen vs. Delaney delivered, but was immediately brought down once again because of the lucha tag team contest. The final three matches really brought this show up in a big way, especially the Young Lions Cup match and the 10 man tag. I’d say the show is worth purchasing for the 10 Man Tag and all three of the singles matches involving members of the UnStable. Everything else is give or take.
Final Score:  8.0   [ Very Good ]  legend

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Kevin Ford

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