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Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 3.29.18

March 29, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Austin Aries Impact Wrestling Image Credit: Impact Wrestling
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Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 3.29.18  

Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 3.29.18

– Petey Williams defeated Rohit Raju, Suicide, and Taiji Ishimori @ 8:15 via pin [***½]
– Su Yung defeated Amber Nova @ 0:42 via pin [NR]
– Cage defeated Lashley @ 11:02 via pin [***]
Title vs. Title Match: Impact World Champion Austin Aries defeated Impact Grand Champion Matt Sydal @ 20:25 via pin [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

Petey Williams vs. Rohit Raju vs. Suicide vs. Taiji Ishimori: Back to normal this week, kicking off with a match. Suicide quickly takes Raju to the floor, and follows with an apron cannonball. Ishimori hits a RANA on Petey, but Petey quickly fights back and Ishimori is pulled to the floor. Raju back in and puts some offense together on Petey and picks u a near fall. Suicide cuts him off and works them both over. Ishimori wipes him out with a missile dropkick. Petey cuts him off, working the sharpshooter until Raju cuts him off, covering for 2. Suicide fights back, but Petey cuts him off and Raju wipes them out with a suicide dive. Ishimori hits the golden triangle moonsault to the floor. Back in and it breaks down with everyone going for near falls and then rapid-fire offense. Petey hits a code breaker on Raju and then the Russian leg sweep for 2.The flatliner follows, and Petey calls for the destroyer, Suicide cuts that off and Ishimori lays in rights. He picks up the pace and hits a seated senton. He slams Petey, and hits the double stomp for 2. Suicide cuts him off, but Raju trips him up and follows with running kicks. Petey powerbombs him onto Suicide, but Raju hits a neck breaker and suplex for 2. Ishimori hits him with a dodon and 450 but Suicide makes the save. Suicide misses a moonsault, and Petey then hits the destroyer and that’s that. Petey Williams defeated Rohit Raju, Suicide, and Taiji Ishimori @ 8:15 via pin [***½] This was a very good sprint style match, exactly the way they should kick off the show. Petey winning also set up the X-Division title match at the PPV, good work all around.

– Petey announces that he’s cashing in his shot at the X-division title at Redemption.

– Eli Drake comments on winning the tag title shot in feast or fired. He says he should be the man, the world champion. Gold is the currency, but he doesn’t have a tag partner and doesn’t want one because he’s a one-man show. But he has an idea.

Eddie Edwards went to Ohio to hunt down oVe. We’ll see more later tonight.

– Braxton Sutter arrives to announce Su Yung.

Su Yung vs. Amber Nova: Sutter is out with Yung. Yung attacks right away and lays in strikes. The running knee follows, Yung hits the panic switch and that’s all. Su Yung defeated Amber Nova @ 0:42 via pin [NR] This was exactly what it needed to be.

– Johnny Impact says he still wants to be world champion. Jimmy Jacobs interrupts, Impact makes fun of him, and Jacobs says his monster will take care of him.

– Set for next week…

– During the commercial break, Taya & Rosemary brawled backstage. They didn’t shoot this like a regular brawl that just happened, it was filmed more like a cinematic, and came off well. Dick Justice made the mistake of getting involved and Taya kicked his ass. Poor Amber Nova got her ass kicked as well. Rosemary hit a wild dive off of the backstage office and stood tall. This feud will continue.

We go to WrestlePro for KM vs. Fallah Bahh: They brawled and Bahh hit the steamroller. KM cuts him off and this is clipped. Bahh made the big comeback, but missed the Banzai splash and KM pinned him with the ropes. It lasted about 4-minutes and post match, KM called Bahh a fat ass.

– We get a Cage vs. Lashley video package.

Cage vs. Lashley: They lock up, working around the ropes, and break. They pick up the pace, Lashley takes Cage down but Cage hits a suplex. Cage follows with a RANA, but Lashley answers back with one of his own. Cage then clotheslines him to the floor. Cage waits in Lashley, Lashley back in and teases suplexing him to the floor, and then stuns Cage off the ropes. Back in and Lashley takes control, hitting a suplex. Lashley grounds the action, but Cage fights back and dumps Lashley to the floor. Cage follows with a dive; big lads doing little lad things. Back in and they now go power for power, hitting shoulder blocks. Cage hits a superkick and heads up top, but Lashley cuts that off and press slams him back in. Lashley again grounds things, laying in stomps to the knees. Lashley hits corner shoulder blocks and tosses Cage to the floor. Back in and Lashley follows with corner mounted strikes, and another corner spear. Lashley grounds things again, but Cage escapes with a jawbreaker, and follows with a springboard into a tornado DDT. Cage follows with kicks and a leg lariat, and the spinebuster gets 2. Lashley counters the F5, and he hits a spinebuster, covering for 2. Lashley now hits the powerslam, but Cage kicks out. Lashley is not pleased. Cage fires back, and he hits a powerslam but misses the moonsault. Lashley hits the spear, and cage rolls to the floor. Back in and Lashley covers for 2. Cage manages to fire up and hit a rolling lariat for the win. Cage defeated Lashley @ 11:02 via pin [***] This was a good back and forth match, with Cage not only picking up a huge (and clean) win, but also getting to show off more of his game for the first time in Impact Wrestling.

– Allie meets with Gail Kim to get some advice about the Sutter/Su Yung situation. Gail gives her a pep talk and tells her to stand up for herself.

– We get clips from 2005, with the classic Petey vs. Styles vs. Sabin Ultimate X match.

– Eli Drake meets with Moose, and tries to trade feast or fired cases. Eli does his best to convince him, but Moose proposes a match for next week, and the winner gets both cases.

Eddie Edwards went to Ohio to hunt down oVe. Edwards is on the hunt and arrives at a show oVe is working and attacks Jake, Dave and some random goofs. He calls out Sami and they brawl, with Sami attacking the injured eye. oVe beats him down and Sami has the bat again, but Edwards fights them off, gets the bat but Sami again attacks the eye and beats him down. Sami hits him with a bat shot, laying Edwards out. oVe then hits him with a double stomp/tombstone combo to stand tall over his beaten body. This was a good segment to continue the feud.

– Sami cuts a pre-taped promo about kicking Eddie’s ass. He says to tell his family and everyone he loves that oVe is coming.

– We get an Aries vs. Sydal video package.

Title vs. Title Match: Impact World Champion Austin Aries vs. Impact Grand Champion Matt Sydal: Mathews is out with Sydal. They lock up and work into some basic back and forth, and we see Alberto eating a steak and watching the match. Aries hits a shoulder tackle; they pick up the pace, and work into a stand off. Aries grounds the action, and scores with a near fall, but Sydal powders to avoid the last chancery. Back in and Sydal attacks with leg kicks. They work into a series of counters, and Sydal avoids the dropkick. Aries attacks with a kick and after some counters hits the basement dropkick for 2. Post break, and Aries has the action grounded. Aries now lays in kicks, and then slams Sydal to the buckles. The knee drop follows for 2. Aries then hits an elbow off the ropes, covering for 2. Sydal now fires back with leg kick and chops, but Aries dumps him to the floor but Sydal cuts off the suicide dive with a spin kick. Sydal now grounds things, working the knee of Aries. Sydal follows with a lariat and knee strike. Sydal now lays the boots to Aries, and then follows with kicks. The standing moonsault eats knees as Aries was able to counter. Aries follows with forearms, but cuts off Aries with a kick, but Aries cuts off the springboard attempt. Aries up top and hits the double sledge to the floor. Aries follows with strikes on the floor, and rolls him back in. Sydal fights back, knocking Aries back to the floor, but Aries rolls back in and turns him inside out with a lariat for 2. Aries teases the brainbuster, Sydal counters out, and hits the final cut for 2. Sydal lays in kicks, lighting up Aries, and follows with forearms. Aries now fires back with chops, but Sydal hits the German for 2. Sydal back to he kicks, but Aries cuts that off with a shin breaker & Saito suplex. Sydal to the floor, and Mathews trips up Aries as he looked for the dive. This distracts Aries and Sydal hits a knee strike, but Aries hit the rolling forearm for 2. To the apron they go, Mathews distracts Aries again, but Aries boxes Sydal’s ears and hits the neck breaker in the ropes. Aries heads up top, Mathews takes the ref, and Petey arrives and takes out Mathews. Sydal crotches Aries, and hits a RANA. Sydal up top and the shooting star press misses, and Aries hits the forearm, and John Wooooooooooo! The brainbuster connects and Aries wins. Impact World Champion Austin Aries defeated Impact Grand Champion Matt Sydal @ 20:25 via pin [***½] This was a very good match, with both guys working well together as expected, and Aries adding another belt to his collection as he heads towards his clash with Patron on April 22nd. This was very good work from both guys and a strong way to close out a good show.

– Set for next week…
* Johnny Impact vs. Taiji Ishimori
* Case vs. Case: Moose vs. Eli Drake
* Allie calls out Su Yung

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Good
The 411
Tonight’s episode of Impact Wrestling was a good show and a strong rebound from last week’s effort. They set up matches for next week, a new PPV match, advanced undercard angles, and on top of that, provided good wrestling. No complaints this week.