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Csonka’s Top 10 Matches of August 2016

September 4, 2016 | Posted by Larry Csonka
AJ Styles John Cena WWE SummerSlam Image Credit: WWE

WELCOME back, back to the column that makes lists and hopes that you enjoy them. This week’s top 10 will look back and the month of August and the top 10 matches I have watched for the month. I always hear a lot of people saying that they can’t decide what to watch because they do not have enough time to follow everything, so maybe this will help those of you short on time find some stuff to check out. Have fun, and always, thanks for reading. Also, if you saw matches from companies I do not regularly catch; feel free to share them with the others. The more wrestling we share, the more fun we can have. And August was absolutely awesome…

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10. From The WWE Cruiserweight Classic 8.10.16: Kota Ibushi vs. Cedric Alexander [****½]: There was a ton of hype when this match was set and then after the tapings, lets see if they can deliver on that. The crowd was hyped early as they worked some quick and really slick counter wrestling. Both guys looked to target the arm early, they traded arm drags and did some great counters as they started going for pinning combos. Alexander then slowed the pace, working the side headlock takedown. Ibushi escaped, and then ate elbows and uppercuts; this did not please him so he caved in Alexander’s chest with a kick. Ibushi then hit the springboard missile dropkick, sending Alexander to the floor. Ibushi then missed the moonsault t the floor, and Alexander hit a great dive. Alexander folded Ibushi in half with a lariat off the top for a near fall. Alexander took control, working chops and repeatedly going for the pin. Ibushi tried to battle back with kicks, but Alexander’s chops kept him in control, hitting Ibushi into the throat and face. Ibushi fought off the lumbar check and then hit a stiff looking dropkick for the double down. They traded strikes center ring, Ibushi then went high speed with strikes and hit a standing corkscrew moonsault for a good near fall. Ibushi hit an XPLODER, sending Alexander to the floor and then hit the top rope asai moonsault to the floor! The crowd is really into this as Ibushi rolled Alexander back in for a near fall. Alexander fought off the powerbomb and the hit a Michinoku driver, which got a near fall. Alexander looked devastated that he didn’t get the pin, they battled in the corner and Ibushi went for the top rope RANA, but Alexander landed on hid feet, but Ibushi landed the PELE. Alexander countered the powerbomb, enziguri in the corner and then a brainbuster for a GREAT near fall. Kick to the head by Alexander for another GREAT near fall as the crowd is going nuts. Alexander then went up top, missed the double stomp and Ibushi planted him with a German and then a kick to the head. Golden star powerbomb by Ibushi and that is all. Yeah, that was pretty amazing. They worked so well together; they got the crowd early and never lost them as they got more and more into the match with some amazing near falls. Gargano and Ciampa set the stage last week with the first great match of the classic, and these guys outdid them. Ibushi may have won, but the performance by Alexander is a star making one under the WWE umbrella. This was up there with some of the best G1 matches this year.

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9. From NJPW’s G1 Climax Night 13 – Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Naomichi Marufuji [****½]: They worked a slow and measured opening stretch, likely to allow the crowd to recover a bit from the previous match. Tanahashi worked to ground Marufuji and targeted his legs. Marufuji fired back and they worked to the apron, where Marufuji hit a sick kick and then a FUCKING APRON PILEDRIVER. After a count out tease, Marufuji took the heat and was viciously chopping Tanahashi down. Tanahashi battled back, hitting the senton off the ropes, but Marufuji cut him off with the dropkick and then another sent Tanahashi to the floor, where Marufuji would join him after a plancha. Tanahashi wanted to trade chops with Marufuji, which is always a bad idea as Marufuji was beating his chest Raw. Marufuji started to light him up with kicks, but Tanahashi managed to catch one and hit the dragon screw leg whip to try and slow Marufuji down. It didn’t because Marufuji decapitated him with more kicks and scored a near fall. Tanahashi then countered the sliced bread into a sling blade. He then followed with the regular sling blade, but ate a kick when he went for the high fly flow. But the earlier work on Marufuji’s leg took hold here, as he crumbled to the mat and was slow to follow up. He then hit a beautiful kick to the face and a knee strike for a near fall. It broke down into a great back and forth segment, and then Tanahashi hit the high fly flow to a standing Marufuji, and followed with another to pick up the win. They had a tough task ahead of them to follow that previous match, but they were the right men for the job.

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8. From The WWE Cruiserweight Classic 8.31.16 – Kota Ibushi vs. Brian Kendrick [****½]: Kendrick went to the floor right away and challenged Ibushi to follow him out, Ibushi refused. Kendrick back in the ring, where Ibushi worked him over with strikes and a kick and sent Kendrick to the floor. He then hit the big springboard moonsault to the floor. Kendrick tried to trap Ibushi’s foot in the barricade, it failed and as Kendrick was trying to recover in the ring Ibushi scored with a missile dropkick. Ibushi then laid in a series of kicks to the chest of Kendrick, which led then to the apron, where Kendrick hit a neck breaker over the buckle to send Ibushi to the floor. As Ibushi made his way back in, Kendrick kicked the ropes into his groin and then covered for two. Kendrick smartly worked the neck here, playing off of Ibushi’s injury history and also setting up for the Saka Otoshi, which has brought him two wins so far. Kendrick actually looked for the Saka Otoshi, but Ibushi floated over and hit the dropkick. He followed with the snap slam and lionsualt for a near fall. Kendrick countered the standing moonsault with the knees into a rollup got a near fall. Both men struggled to their feet; trading strikes center ring and Kendrick then scoring with sliced bread for a strong near fall. Kendrick pulled Ibushi to the corner and climbed up and worked a sleeper, trying to hang Ibushi, but Ibushi slid out and hit the desperation PELE kick to stop that. With Kendrick on the apron, Ibushi scored with the dead lift German suplex into the ring. Ibushi was too slow on the cover, and only got 2. Ibushi looked for the powerbomb, Kendrick then scored with the Saka Otoshi, but Ibushi got to his feet and escaped with elbows. Kendrick pulled Ibushi to the topes and KILLED Ibushi with a burning hammer for a great near fall! Kendrick then just clubbed away with strikes to the neck of Ibushi, Ibushi ten fought back and hit the jig n’tonic for the near fall. Ibushi then went up top, MISSED the phoenix splash and Kendrick got the Saka Otoshi one more time. Ibushi managed to escape, followed with the high kick and the sitout powerbomb to score the win. I have praised him previously, but I think one of the most under-appreciated things in this tournament has been the story and work of Kendrick. The veteran that had fallen out of the spotlight, getting one last chance and doing everything he can to move on against the stronger, faster and younger competitors. His work here on the neck was fantastic, they delivered excellent near falls and when you add in the commentary of Daniel Bryan (willing his friend to continue on and win), who was in tears as he praised his friend’s effort at the end of the match, made it all the better. The only thing better than excellent wrestling is excellent wrestling with an equally as good a story, and that was this.

7. From NJPW’s G1 Climax Night 11- Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Tomohiro Ishii [****½]: Ishii tried to use his power early, so Tanahashi smartly picked up the pacing to try and put a stop to that. They did some good back and forth based on that, and then Ishii attacked the knee to slow Tanahashi. Ishii was being such a dick here, playing with Tanahashi and making fun of his hair. After some stiff shots from Ishii, Tanahashi smartly targeted his leg to try and stop the powerhouse. Ishii then just beat the hell out of Tanahashi, who fired up and answered the challenge, beating down Ishii in the corner. This was pure back and forth, with both men fighting with all they had and refusing to give into the other. They did a great battle spot on the ropes, which led to Tanahashi attacking the knee of Ishii again. But it wasn’t enough to stop him, and he connected with that sweet delayed superplex to a great reaction; these people were into this battle. My God this totally broke down into a pissing contest as they stood middle ring, beating the shit out of each other to the delight of the crowd. Ishii then hit a head butt to the face of Tanahashi, and scored a near fall with the powerbomb. He then got an awesome near fall off of a great lariat spot, which the crowd bought. Tanahashi escaped a brainbuster attempt, and then Ishii actually countered the sling blade and dropped Tanahashi on his head with a dragon suplex, Tanahashi then did the same and Ishii said FUCK YOUR SUPLEX and popped right up, only to eat a German for the near fall. Tanahashi finally hit sling blade, but MISSED the high fly flow, leading to another great near fall by Ishii off of the sliding clothesline. THIS FUCKING MATCH. Ishii lit into Tanahashi again, breaking him down to the point where he could barely stand, but Tanahashi countered the brainbuster into another dragon suplex for the near fall. Tanahashi it sling blade, and followed it with two high fly flows and finally put Ishii away. That was just fantastic on every level; this was G1 Tanahashi working an Ishii who has been one of the most consistent guys over the last 3-4 years and delivering. It was everything I had hoped for, and is one of the best matches of the tournament so far.

6. From WWE Summerslam – John Cena vs. AJ Styles [****¾]: They had a great crowd right away. We got a basic back and forth, Styles hit the dropkick combo but celebrated way too soon, allowing Cena to attack and repeatedly slam Styles to the corner. I think we’re getting INDIE CENA tonight, as he took a suplex on the apron. Back in the ring, Cena fought back with a high backdrop and dropkick for a near fall. They are basically telling the story of the first match here, but this time it is Cena staying a step ahead of Styles now that he knows what he’s getting into. Cena kept rolling, shoulder blocks and the proto bomb, leading to the five-knuckle shuffle. Styles countered the AA and hit a PELE, STYLES CLASH connects, but Cena powers out at 2 (I hate that it has become a transition move). Cena then hit the AA for a near fall. This all happened at 8-minutes in. Cena went for the super AA, but Styles countered into the torture rack and then into a powerbomb for a near fall. Cena countered the clash and then hit a toss up cutter for a near fall. AJ then countered the AA, fought off the STF and hit the ushigoroshi for the near fall. Styles then just beat on Cena, went to the apron and MISSED the springboard 450. Code red by INDIE JOHN scored a near fall. AJ countered the AA into a German suplex and a facebuster for a near fall. Styles went for the springboard forearm, but Cena picked the leg as he flew in and licked in the STF. Styles managed to counter into a crossface; Cena then powered up and went for an AA but Styles rolled into the calf crusher. Cena powered up and rolled back into the STF; this whole sequence has been great. Styles rolled into a pinning combo, and then hit the enziguri but Cena hit a tornado DDT for a near fall. Cena headed up top, hit the fameasser off the top but Styles kicked out. They went to the corner, Cena set Styles up top and looked for the super AA, Styles escaped and hit a springboard RANA off the ropes! Springboard forearm connects for a great near fall. Cena tried to power Styles p for the AA, failed but leveled him with a desperation lariat. He again went for the super AA off the ropes, Styles again fought but Cena hit it but Styles said fuck off with that shit and kicked out! Cena looked amazed that it didn’t work as Styles fought to his feet. Cena went for the AA again, Styles then hit the clash and rolled to the apron. Springboard forearm connects and Cena is DONE. This was an incredible match with the right finish and man winning and the match hitting the climax at the right time. They played well off of the first match, they set the stage that Styles could not only hang on his own but that he could take everything that Cena has traditionally put people away with, overcome it and win. AJ is a made man, give him the belt now. They did everything right here, Styles and Cena have great chemistry together, and to me this was top tier MOTY level stuff.

5. From NXT Takeover: Back to Brooklyn – NXT Tag Team Title Match: Champions The Revival (Dash and Dawson) vs. Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa [****¾]: These two teams have been tearing it up around the loop, constantly getting MOTN praise on all of the shows they work. I am expecting great things here. Ciampa and Dawson started things off; nice back and forth until Ciampa started to get an advantage and Dawson took a powder. Ciampa worked over Dawson and then tagged on Gargano; they worked double teams and kept control. Dash tried to help, got the tag but Gargano kept control. The Revival started to work quick tags and then sent Gargano to the floor. They chased, all four men in and they had a stand off and then brawled. Ciampa and Gargano cleared the ring and then they took flight to the floor to keep the champions on the defensive. Ciampa tagged in, chased Dash but Dawson tagged in and the numbers game got to Ciampa, allowing the champions to take control. The Revival has that great old school vibe to them that really shines through when they work the heat; quick tags, cutting off the ring, some underhanded tactics all mixed together and it works because they do it so well. Ciampa fought them off but Gargano was pulled to the floor to stop the tag. This was really good work by the Revival on the heat as well as great selling from Ciampa, both in selling the pain as well as trying for the tag and making it seem that he’s completely desperate. Ciampa got the hot tag, but the Revival distracted the ref so there was no official tag; they hit the Demolition finish for a near fall as Ciampa survived. Dawson laid into Ciampa with strikes and a clothesline before sending Gargano to the floor. The Revival’s shenanigans failed and Ciampa finally got the hot tag. Gargano ran wild, scoring with the roll up kick and then a neck breaker for a near fall. The crowd was completely behind him as he hit the slingshot spear for another near fall. These guys have the crowd right where they want them. Blind tag by the Revival and that allowed then to cut off Gargano with a DDT for the near fall. The Revival went for more double teams, Gargano survived and Ciampa tagged in and had the arm bar, but Dash made the save after fighting off Gargano. It broke down, Gargano saved Ciampa with a spear and Ciampa got a roll up for a strong near fall as the crowd is going nuts. My God this is tremendous. Ciampa and Dawson battled center ring, knees by Ciampa and then he slapped the shit out of him, hit the knee but Dawson fought back blind tag, Ciampa countered shatter machine after a superkick by Gargano. Superkick knee combo on Dash for near fall as Dawson put Dash’s foot on the ropes. Ciampa pulled to the floor and posted as Gargano fights off Dawson, but Dash destroyed his knee with a chop block. They hit a double stomp onto the knee like they did to Big Cass, Dawson worked the inverted figure four and Gargano had to tap. This was an absolutely incredible match, with everyone playing their role perfectly and the structure allowing it to organically build all the way through. The juxtaposition of the Revival’s old school approach against the current independent style of Gargano and Ciampa worked perfectly together; the Revival are not only the best big match tag team in wrestling right now, but they may be the best team in all of wrestling right now. I loved this match and the way it sets up the future of Gargano and Ciampa. This was the best tag match I’ve seen this year, everything was effortless, the crowd was into everything and I’d call it upper tier MOTY stuff. This was the best match of the Summerslam weekend.

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4. From NJPW’s G1 Climax Night 19: Kenny Omega vs. Hirooki Goto [****¾]: Here we are, the finals that no one predicted. The last two nights have provided awesome main events, so they have a lot to live up to. The crowd is very pro- Omega. They started off with a deliberate pacing, going back and forth and seemingly setting the stage to go long. Goto attacked the knee of Omega, which Naito worked on big time yesterday, and the crowd was not pleased with that. They aren’t booing because of his work, but because he’s a massive choke artist. It’s making for a great atmosphere, and I love that he knee stuff from yesterday was not ignored. They worked to the floor, where Omega battled back and hit a moonsault off the barricade but immediately started to favor the knee. He then slammed Goto on the apron and then hit the apron bomb to turn the tide. Back in the ring, Omega did a little Rick Rude neck breaker with the hip swivel towards Chono for added emphasis. Omega grounded Goto, working a modified camel clutch to follow up on the apron bomb. Nice focused work by Omega here, and was rolling until he missed the corner elbow. Goto got a good hope spot, but was cut off with a bulldog for a near fall. Goto fired up as they traded chops center ring and then decapitated Omega with a lariat. Goto finally put together his first sustained series of offense, hitting the top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Omega battled back, hitting the Finlay roll into a second rope moonsault for the near fall. Omega sent Goto to the floor with the dragon snap suplex, and followed with a great plancha. Omega kept favoring the leg, having issues getting to the top and selling it after a missile dropkick. It slowed Omega enough that Goto scored with the ushigoroshi, and then ht a lariat to Omega on the apron that folded him inside out. They battled up top. Goto with the USHIGOROSHI off the second rope, which got a great near fall. He then worked the sleeper, Omega kept fighting and countered the German ad hit the running knee strike and then the suplex onto the knee. Omega trying to fight through the pain, hits the running knee strike but Goto escapes the one winged angel and works the sleeper again. Omega then climbed the ropes with Goto on his back and did the Nestea plunge off the top with Goto on his back, taking a SICK bump on the fall. My God. They struggled to their feet, exchanging strikes center ring. Omega then kicked Goto o the face and hit the sit out last ride for a great near fall again! Omega struggled to his feet and MISSED the Phoenix splash! Goto fired up here, Omega countered a suplex but his knee buckled and Goto hit a spinning faceplant for a near fall. Goto went for the GTR, but Omega hit a knee strike, they traded strikes and Omega then ht the snap dragon suplex for another near fall. Goto caught a knee strike, turns Omega inside out with the lariat and hits the shouten kai but Omega somehow kicks out as the crowd is going crazy for this. GTR countered, bloody Sunday by Omega! Styles Clash by Omega but the ode to Bullet Club only gets 2. One winged angle then connects, and Omega wins! Omega was the third westerner (Rick Rude and Karl Anderson) to make the finals and the first to win the G1. In all honesty that was a brilliant match, especially from Omega. Omega digging deep into the past to use moves by Ibushi, Devitt and Styles to try and win were beautiful homages, but in the end he won on his own with his own move. And take nothing away from Goto, he was half of a finals that no one predicted or really wanted, but he brought his A Game, and they delivered an absolutely awesome main event. The pacing was excellent, the build felt organic, the crowd was amazing and they went home at the right time and didn’t try to go way too long to make it “feel” like an epic, it didn’t need that because it was one. Some want to point to the way overbooked Tanahashi match as Omega’s coming out party, but that true moment was tonight, all of the reactions he received were star reactions and after a lot of work and some misfires, they have finally made Kenny Omega. Kenny Omega, from junior comedy guy wrestling kids and dolls to a Bullet Club stooge to G1 winner. Wrestling in 2016 is a hell of a thing. This is a top 5 G1 finals match, all time.

3. From NJPW’s G1 Climax Night 17 – Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kazuchika Okada [*****]: The winner here takes the block, but if there is some form of draw, Goto wins. They went slow early, both teasing one another and then Tanahashi slapped the shit out of Okada. This fired up the champion, hit the neck breaker and top rope elbow. Went for the rainmaker, but Tanahashi got a near fall off of a roll up. Great sequence there. Okada kept control, hitting the slingshot senton and then working a pendulum submission. Tanahashi escaped, and then attacked the knee of Okada. Corino is talking about the draw A LOT here, I hope he’s not giving away the finish. Tanahashi continued his attack on the leg, looking to slow Okada. Okada made the ropes as Romero did a great job of discussing how Tanahashi always attacks the knees of Okada, and wondering how long Okada can take the abuse. Okada fired back with a series of elbows, and then planted Tanahashi with a DDT. Okada took control, grounding Tanahashi after a good, but slowed comeback due to the knee. Tanahashi rebounded out of the corner to hit a flying forearm; they then traded forearm strikes center ring, which led to Okada hitting the corner dropkick and sending Tanahashi to the floor. Okada looked to work over Tanahashi on the floor, but Tanahashi fought back and worked Okada’s knee on the steel barricade. Tanahashi opted not to try for the countout and hit a high fly flow to the floor! It looked as if we were getting the countout tease, but Tanahashi foolishly went to the floor and Okada scooped him up and hit a desperation tombstone on the floor. They did the double countout tease, and with Goto’s situation that worked well. Okada struggled to go up top, but missed the missile dropkick and Tanahashi went right back to attacking the knee and working for the cloverleaf, but Okada got the ropes. Okada tried to battle back, but Tanahashi hit the arms trapped bridging German for a near fall. Tanahashi up top, but Okada cut him off with an uppercut. They battled up top, both fighting for position and Tanahashi sent Okada to the mat and then MISSED the high fly flow. Okada hit a pair of dropkicks and is not really selling the knee. Come on brother. Tanahashi hit the sling blade to counter the rainmaker and we got a double down. They fought to their feet, Tanahashi to the apron and trading forearms with Okada. The crowd is into every strike, Tanahashi caught a kick and stunned it off the ropes and then slammed it off of the apron. Tanahashi then got the cloverleaf locked in, Okada fighting as Tanahashi pulls him center ring but he manages to power to the ropes. Tanahashi looks totally frustrated here, looks to follow up and avoids the dropkick and hits a reverse sling blade. HIGH FLY FLOW CONNECTS! ANOTHER try but he eats knees. They worked to their feet, Okada fought off a suplex and then they did the tombstone reversal spot and Tanahashi planted Okada! Neck breaker by Tanahashi, up top. HIGH FLY FLOW countered by a dropkick! Rainmaker countered, GERMAN by Okada, rolls and Tanahashi slaps him to counter the rainmaker. Okada holds on and hits a rainmaker, but then Tanahashi hit s a dragon suplex for an INSANE near fall. Gotch style tombstone by Okada gets another near fall. Shit is getting real here kids, this is insane. Tanahashi counters the rainmaker, hits sling blade and then up top for the HIGH FLY FLOW. Back up top and Tanahashi hits another AND THE BELL RINGS AT 2 for the time limit draw! This was an absolutely amazing match; they played the time limit draw perfectly. The match beautifully built all the way to the finish, with great drama and the finish is awesome (a great play off of one of my favorite finishes between Windham and Flair). The emotion was off the charts and the crowd was insane for this, really adding to he great work from both. Okada had some lackluster performances in the tournament, also delivered two of the tournament’s best matches. I love the wrestling.

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2. From NJPW’s G1 Climax Night 13 – Kazuchika Okada vs. Tomohiro Ishii [*****]: Okada made the mistake of messing around a bit, which led to devastating lariats from Ishii for some near falls in the first minute that the crowd actually bought into. Ishii took control from there, working over Okada and doing those little tap kicks to mock him while he was down. He then lit him up with chops, telling him “come on motherfucker!” Okada’s forearms looked like little old lady strikes compared to Ishii’s. Outside of the forearms, Okada made a strong comeback, and planted Ishii with a sick looking DDT. Dropping Ishii on his head only pissed him off as he lit into Okada with chops. Okada did the corner dropkick spot t send Ishii to the floor, but Ishii’s foot got caught up, delaying his trip to the floor. He looked in pain on the floor and favored his leg. Okada hit the hangman’s DDT on the floor, which led to him hitting the elbow drop in the ring. Okada went to do his rainmaker pose, but Ishii fired up and attacked with a chop to the throat, and then hitting a backdrop suplex and powerbomb for a near fall. They did some great things down the stretch, constantly fighting back and not only countering each other’s trademark stuff, but Ishii did the big dropkick. They then got an awesome reaction to a near fall off of a superplex as well as Ishii’s sliding clothesline. This was straight up fire here. Okada was able to keep escaping the brainbuster, and the crowd was INTO this shit, as was Liger on commentary; he was going insane. Okada hit repeated dropkicks for a near fall, went for the tombstone but Ishii fired up and fought out, only to run into a dropkick. Ishii countered the rainmaker, ran into a German but then countered again and laid into Okada with head butts! They both fought for the tombstone, Ishii PLANTED Okada with the sitout version and then destroyed him with the lariat, AWESOME near fall. BRAIN BUSTER by Ishii and HE WINS! THIS FUCKING MATCH! The crowd is losing their shit, Liger is losing his shit, and I am losing my shit! This was simply amazing, everything done at the right time with a purpose all culminating with the perfect climax point. I LOVE THE WRESTLING! Seriously, everything meant something, the reactions were perfect, it never felt long and just all came together; it just all happened and never felt like they were trying for the epic match, it was the perfect storm. I want it again and I want it now.

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1. From NJPW’s G1 Climax Night 18 – Tetsuya Naito vs. Kenny Omega [*****]: If Naito wins or draws with Omega, he wins the block. Omega has to win here to win the block. Omega was fired up early but Naito was like, “nah, traquilo brah” and posed. Naito then attacked the knee of Omega, looking to set for the heel hook. Omega pulled Naito tot the floor and went for a plancha, but Naito sidestepped him and while Omega landed on his feet, it bothered the leg and Naito again went on the attack. Omega slammed Naito to the barricade and then slammed him off of the apron. This allowed Omega to take control, he worked to ground Naito ands lowed the pace as he kept trying to shake out the knee, even stretching at times to get it to work better. Omega hit the Finlay roll, but when he popped up to go for the moonsault the leg slowed him down so much that Naito was able to cut him off. Naito then out together a run of offense for the first time in a while, hitting the corner dropkick combo and scoring a near fall. Naito then went back to the leg and worked a modified figure four. Omega made the ropes, but Naito made sure to work the full count. Omega managed a bulldog and he wanted to charge, was slowed, but hit a dropkick to send Naito to the barricade. Omega then powered Naito up and powerbombed him over the railing and through a table! Sweet Christ Omega then followed with a springboard over the barricade and onto Naito! They did the countout tease; Omega hit a dragon suplex on the apron and another in the ring for a near fall. This has escalated quickly. Naito then countered a powerbomb into a DDT and both men were down. They traded strikes center ring, Omega hit a jumping knee strike but Naito came back with the tornado DDT. Naito then set Omega up top, worked elbows to the knee and went for the RANA but Omega rolled into a sunset flip for an insane near fall. Omega kept battling back, countered a lariat and then countered a suplex but his leg buckled on him. Naito was slow to take advantage, and Omega leveled him with a lariat. Another nee strike by Omega, One winged angel countered into the heel hook by Naito! Omega fought, clawing for the ropes but Naito pulled him back center ring and Omega teased tapping but he made one last desperation lunge for the ropes and made it. Naito hit the Flair knee breaker; Omega countered the second try and hit a German and then a gut wrench powerbomb for a near fall. Omega hits a knee strike, one winged angel countered into Destino but both men are down. We’re in the final five minutes here as Naito sets Omega up top; he follows and hits the SUPER REVERSE RANA for a super close near fall. THIS FUCKING MATCH! Destino countered into a reverse dude buster for the near fall as the crowd is going ape shit. Short knees by Omega, one winged angle try but the knee buckles on Omega. They slap the shit out of each other, enziguri by Naito and then Omega hit a knee as Naito goes for the lariat. Omega then gets the German and a running knee for the near fall. One winged angel FINALLY connects and Omega wins! This was an absolutely amazing main event match; awesome action, tremendous drams and they played not only the knee work perfectly but also the tease of the draw. On back-to-back nights, closing out the blocks, we get two five star matches. This was a simply amazing effort from both men, I thought it would be good, maybe even great, but this was next level and may surpassed Ishii vs. Okada as my top match for the tournament, and ended up as the match of the month through a ton of great contenders.

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

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“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”