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Jim Ross Blogs on Monday’s Raw – Says Sheamus and Reigns Were Overexposed

December 9, 2015 | Posted by Larry Csonka

– Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry, discussing Monday’s Raw. Here is what he had to say…

Like the fact that WWE is trying to create a faction with Sheamus and company. Whether it works or not is TBD but hopefully the four talents involved are contributing to the presentation. If they aren’t and it fails then they need to look in the mirror.

Roman Reigns will advance faster up the ladder and with a stronger foundation if more of the Roman TV persona is presented naturally and not so scripted or produced. For Roman to be put in a position to carry a long in ring promo isn’t fair to him or his fans. Always play to the talents’ strengths and long oratory isn’t one of Reigns strengths just yet.

Might just be me but do most fans think the ‘Tater Tot’ line is funny? It was cute the first time that I heard it on RAW and then it got old in a hurry.

Enjoyed the Owens vs. Ziggler match. Ziggler is in such a unique and uncomfortable spot that I still encourage wWE to unbook Dolph, allow him to go away for a couple of months or so and then reintroduce one of the most talented performers in the company.

I’d love to see WWE get Owens ‘hot’ as in being an evil, physical WINNER to better prepare KO for future main event opportunities.

Never understood the ADR-Zeb relationship but I’m one that advocates that Alberto should be a fan favorite and not an antagonist.

Loved it when the Wyatts came out to confront Sheamus’ crew. Did you feel the buzz when fans thought Bray Wyatt was going to turn into a long awaited, character baby face? He’s money in that role MO but has minimal, villain steam as he hasn’t won any big bouts in recent memory.

Talents that are NOT over do not get over by losing consistently. It’s simple human nature, folks.

WWE returning to timely usage of ‘enhancement matches’ will not hurt them. There are so many excellent, workers out there looking to get noticed that these enhancement matches 2.0 might be a pleasant surprise and would help get incumbents over via winning. Plus, a new star might just get discovered.

Who are the villains and who are the fan favorites on the weekly, WWE TV shows? I’m watching and I’d like to think that I have a decent ‘feel’ for the business but there are many times that I’m confused and subsequently disconnected.

I still say that WWE wll do over 100,000+ fans on April 3 at Wrestlemania Texas because of several non wrestling match factors. The brand name of Wrestlemania is still marketing magic, Dallas is accessible from virtually any where in the world on non stop flights including it being an American Airlines and a Southwest Airlines hub and the stadium is a tourist attraction in itself. It’s a palace and will produce an atmosphere that will be challenging to replicate for years to come.

Are we at the point where the top match at Wrestlemania Texas has to include Brock Lesnar or at least in one of the top three main events? I think so. How Lesnar is strategically booked from January through April 3 is crucial to the success of the big event.

Force feeding talents in today’s marketplace has proven over and over again that it won’t work in today’s more educated, better informed, “I want something new” mentality that many fans have.

Both Sheamus and Roman Reigns were overexposed Monday night for my money and I like both guys.

Multiple wrestling Territories back in the day were faced, to a smaller degree obviously, with the same creative challenges as WWE is being faced with now. Those problems were solvable as are these.

article topics :

Jim Ross, RAW, WWE, Larry Csonka