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Live Report From Last Night’s WWE Battleground Event

July 20, 2015 | Posted by Larry Csonka

Credit Jeff Wyatt and prowrestling.net:

My seat was next to the pre-show commentators on Renee Young’s side.

While waiting to enter, the crowd was very lively with an assortment of chants with the most popular being “New Day Rocks/Sucks.”

King Barrett and R-Truth was actually an entertaining match. I’m embarrassed to say R-Truth has his supporters.

This is just my opinion, but the pre show could’ve used another match or an in ring promo. There seemed to be a lot of dead time.

St. Louis gave a lot of love to hometown boy Randy Orton. Big pop. Sheamus got some boos but overall, not a big reception for him. Good match. It was much better live than what I’ve seen them do on TV.

New Day was very over. There were “New Day Sucks” chants but there A LOT of “New Day Rocks” chants as well. Fun match with same great moves. Titus O’Neil is more over than Darren Young. I would have shifted the belts back to New Day.

Bray Wyatt got great pop but good heat during the match. Roman Reigns got a lot of heat. I’m not sure why. Great match. Very physical. Glad to see Luke Harper back with Wyatt. It gave a win to Bray and provided an out for Reigns. Well done.

The Divas match was great. The crowd was into it with a lot of “NXT” chants. Collective groan when Brie Bella was in match instead of Nikki Bella. I think most fans were into it most when Charlotte and Sasha Banks were in the match. It was the best I’ve seen Brie look possibly ever. I am really enjoying the Diva makeover except that I’d drop Tamina and Alicia and replace them with Natalya and Emma.

John Cena and Owens was another classic. Fever pitch for this match. You could feel the buzz in the air. Great moves and great near falls. Call me old fashioned, but I am tired of finishers being kicked out of so often. I’m surprised Cena got the win. I really felt Owens winning the belt was the way to go. I hope they don’t screw up Owens because he’s one of the best I’ve ever seen.

I’m sure my thoughts on the main event won’t be popular. The place erupted for Brock Lesnar. Great heat for Seth Rollins. All of the suplexes were just amazing to see. Everyone ate up everything Lesnar did. I was hoping to see more of a competitive match similar to the Royal Rumble triple threat, but seeing Lesnar dominate was something to behold.

The ending of the main event wasn’t very good to me. Don’t get me wrong, I was excited to see Undertaker again. It was great and the crowd loved it. However, I didn’t like the no decision and it just confused me. It made Undertaker look like a heel. First of all, didn’t he lose to Brock clean at WrestleMania, fair and square? Second, he interfered when Brock had the title basically won and cost him the title. Why? Because Brock beat him clean? Third, he low-blowed Lesnar to get the advantage. It just made no sense to me, but listening to the crowd I guess I was alone or overthinking it.

Great event with great wrestling. I just didn’t care for the title match finishes.

article topics :

WWE, WWE Battleground, Larry Csonka