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WWE House Show Results 8.02.09: Hyannis, MA

August 3, 2009 | Posted by Larry Csonka

Credit: Joe in MA and Pwinsider.com

Smackdown/ECW in Hyannis, MA at The Cape Cod Melody Tent:

1. Yoshi Tatsu defeated Shelton Benjamin after a kick to the head. Pretty fun match. Shelton was more over with the crowd than Yoshi. They were even chanting his name most of the match. Shelton told the fans not to jump on his bandwagon now.

2. Ricky Steamboat defeated Drew McIntyre after a top rope cross-body. Steamboat looked awesome. Thet fans were really into him.

3. Tyler Rex defeated Paul Burchill. This match wasn’t over at all. Crowd wasn’t into either guy.

4. Tyson Kidd w/ DH Smith defeated Jimmy Wang Yang after a kick to the back of the leg(really). Fun match. Smith was on the mic talking about he was better than his father & Kidd is better than Bret Hart.

5. John Morrison defeated Mike Knox after the Split-legged Corkscrew moonsault. Pretty fun match. Knox & Morrison did Hulk Hogan poses at the start of the match, which was pretty funny. Morrison is really over.

6. Melina beat Katie-Lea Burchill after the code red. Kind of a botch & spot fest.

7. Christian retained the ECW Title over Regal after a sun-set flip. Christian was by far the most over guy on the show. Christian & Regal made fun of each other at the start. When the fans were chanting “Regal Sucks” he got on the mic saying “it’s impossible for me to suck, I’m not American”. A big “USA” chant started. Regal got back on the mic calling the fans stupid because Christian is from Canada. Well, then a huge “Canada” chant started, which was awesome. Christian then asked if his peeps in Hyannis still thought Regal sucked. Another “Regal Sucks” chanted started. Then the match went on. Anyway’s, I hope Vince is listening to how over Christian is & needs to make him a main eventer on Smackdown or RAW.

Teddy Long came out. Announced Punk vs Kane vs Khail for number 1 contendership for the World Title. He actually botched at first saying it was a World Title match, the ref & The fink corrected him.

8. CM Punk beat The Great Khali & Kane after Kane choke slammed Khali. This was pretty much a comedy match with Punk playing the coward heel role perfectly. Work rate wasn’t very good, but it was pretty entertaining.

Fun show. First WWE show I’ve been to since 2006. Work rate wasn’t much to talk about, but it was entertaining.


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Larry Csonka

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