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Second & More Detailed WWE House Show Report From Sao Paulo, Brazil 5.24.12
Credit: Luis Garavello and pwtorch.com
After a long time and some bumps in the process, WWE finally set foot in Brazil for its very first house show here. The Ibirapuera Gimnasium wasn’t full, but I would assume easily 5,000-6,000 people attended (the venue can have up to 12,000). Many reports here at Brazil are saying that the postponed date made a lot of people from other cities not able to attend the event.
There were lots of kids, which translated into a sea of John Cena’s green shirts everywhere. The
merch booth was so crowded with fans buying shirts before the show that at intermission most of the shirts were already sold out (and at the end of show there was no merchandise left).
Before the show started, a good number of chants were shouted, from the now famous “Yes!” chants to a lenghty chant of “Undertaker.” The show started at 20:30 with a Portuguese version of the “Don’t Try This at Home” warning. Then, the Raw theme started and Justin Roberts, who did all the announcing, came to salute us.
Before the first match, Justin introduced John Laurinaitis, who came to the ring in a wheelchair pushed by David Otunga. Mr. Laurinaitis introduced himself and said everyone in the arena should thank him for bringing WWE to Brazil. But, it was hard to hear him with the amount of booing. After Laurinaitis left the ring, “Funk Is On A Roll!” was heard.
(1) Brodus Clay beat JTG. Brodus came out first with his dancers, Naomi and Cameron, and the crowd was already wild for them. They did the usual dance routine, with the “Dinofingers” and all, minus the pyro. Then, JTG came and drew a little heat. The match itself was very quick, as JTG got little to no offense. Brodus finished him with the running splash and celebrated afterwards calling some kids to dance in the ring with him and the girls.
(2) David Otunga beat Alex Riley. Otunga came out first to a good heat and he posed in the ring. Then, Riley was introduced and the crowd erupted! The “Let’s Go Riley” chants were heard before the match, which started with Otunga dominating Riley and showboating a lot. Riley reversed the tide with a nice dropkick and gave Otunga the “ten punches in the corner” routine. Otunga retreated to outside at one time and was greeted with “You Suck” chants. After some nearfalls by Riley, Otunga reversed a charge in the corner for the Spinebuster and the 1-2-3. Otunga left first, then Riley received a good ovation from the crowd.
(3) Michael McGillicutty beat Curt Hawkins. I was surprised to see this match this late in the show. When I saw the card, I thought this was going to be the first match. Hawkins played the heel very well, while McGillicutty was agressive. The crowd was not into the match until near the end (despite a section of the arena chanting “Let’s Go Hawkins”) where McGillicutty got the momentum with a great German Suplex and finished Hawkins with a McGillicutter.
Next was Miz vs. Ryder. The Miz came to a great pop (mainly because he was here promoting the tour a few days ago). After coming to the ring, he got the mic and started saying that he would “speak s-low-ly” so we could understand him and the crowd quickly turned against him. Miz was great in his heel role, even using some insults in Portuguese like “trouxa” (something like “dumbass”) and “otário” (similar to “asshole”) and adapting his “I’m Awesome” catchphrase to a Portuguese version (“Eu sou foda”). Ryder was introduced next and he was received with a great reaction.
(4) Zack Ryder beat The Miz. Miz stalled early on, using some tricks to avoid fighting and attacking Ryder when the ref was between them. Miz stayed on offense and threw Ryder outside, but missed a baseball slide and Ryder did a Pescado to make the crowd roar. Miz got the momentum back (and at that point the crowd was chanting “Otário” at him), and got some nearfalls, but Ryder took control of the match and hit a Broski Boot. Ryder missed the Rough Ryder, but as Miz tried the Skull Crushing Finale, Ryder reversed it and hit the Rough Ryder this time for the 1-2-3.
Primo & Epico came out right after the Ryder-Miz match and attacked Ryder as he was at the ramp. Then, they cut a promo saying that Puerto Rico is way better than Brazil. Then, “What’s Up?” played and down came R-Truth (and Lil’ Jimmy), rapping all way to the ring. Then, Kofi
was introduced and was easily the most cheered of the four.
(5) WWE tag champions Kofi Kingston & R-Truth beat Primo & Epico to retain the WWE Tag Titles. Truth started the match talking to Lil’ Jimmy and doing a little dance with him. Primo then did the same, but after the dance he “kicked” Lil’ Jimmy, which made R-Truth drop him with a bunch of rights. The crowd was very into this match, but got better when Kofi was tagged. His jumping ability was amazing to see in-person and the kids were rooting heavily for him. Kofi did a fantastic huracanrana from outside before tagging in Truth, who played the “face in peril” role as Primo and Epico double-teamed him (and got a “Maricón” chant specially for them). A false ending came when all four got involed in a brawl, Primo threw R-Truth to outside, and then got thrown out by Kofi, who got Backstabbed by Epico. The ref counted 1-2-3, but didn’t notice that Kofi put a foot on the ropes. Primo & Epico were announced as your NEW Tag Team champions… until another referee came down and warned the first official of what happened, and the match was re-started. One Trouble in Paradise afterward, and Truth and Kofi retained. Truth left the ring and danced for the crowd.
Justin Roberts announced a 15-minute intermission break and plugged that John Cena’s pictures were available at the merch booth, which drove some kids (and their parents) to outside.
Back from intermission, Roberts announced a Divas match, starting with Kelly Kelly. We had no idea who Kelly’s opponent would be since Rosa Mendes was advertised, but she was in a car wreck last week. Then, The Glamazon arrived! The crowd chanted a lot to Beth before the match started.
(6) Beth Phoenix beat Kelly Kelly. Beth stalled a lot, avoiding a confrontation, until Kelly got her outside and started slamming her head in the apron. Kelly then did the Handspring Elbow and the Stinkface, but Beth overpowered her and put her in a torture rack maneuver before dropping her. As Kelly was recovering, Beth raised her skirt and told everyone to kiss her ass. That got some laughs from the crowd. Kelly was able to overcome the odds and hit a Lou Thesz Press from the top rope at a certain point. The end came as Beth tried to hit a Glam Slam, but Kelly reversed into a “Divas Roll-up of Doom,” only to get a two count. Beth then delivered a Glam Slam for the win. The crowd gave her a good ovation, as well as one for Kelly when she was escorted to the back with the ref’s help.
Next was the semi-main event of Cena vs. Ziggler. Ziggler was introduced first and got the mic to inform the crowd that he has a bodygard to protect him: Mason Ryan. (Ryan got an “OMG – this guy is huge” mention from the lady behind me and a sarcastic “Batista” chant from a section.) Then, Cena came out and the crowd erupted in cheers for the first minutes (altough some guys already were chanting “Cena Sucks”) during the presentation. His ovation grew louder when someone threw a Brazilian flag into the ring and Cena raised it to the crowd. During the whole match, the dueling “Let’s Go Cena / Cena Sucks” chants were heard.
(7) John Cena beat Dolph Ziggler (w/Mason Ryan). Ziggler started the match avoiding contact and hiding behind Ryan on the outside. When Cena tried to catch him, Ryan was able to attack Cena outside and put him down. The ref counted to nine before Cena returned. The match then turned to a “Slobberknocker Fist Party” (credit Jim Ross), until Ziggler tried to distract the ref and Ryan his Cena with a punch, but got ejected. Cena then took control of the match and hit the Five Moves of Doom, but Ziggler escaped the AA and got Cena in the Sleeper. Cena was able to fight out, but took a Zig-Zag for a two count. Cena then got Ziggler for another AA, but Ziggler landed on his feet, rebounded the ropes, and landed a Fameasser for another two count. Cena tried another AA, but bumped into the ref. Cena applied the STF and Ziggler tapped, but no ref. Then, Otunga and Laurinaitis came down. Otunga tried to hit Cena with one of Laurinaitis’s crutches, but took an AA. Ziggler was able to use the crutches (even bending it with a shot at the back), but Cena dodged a superkick (that hit Laurinaitis) and finally hit Ziggler with the AA for the win.
After the match, Cena celebrated with the fans, slapping hands all around. This led into the main event of Punk vs. Jericho for the WWE Title.
Jericho came first, minus the sparkling jacket. Then, C.M. Punk came out to the biggest ovation of the night (which continued through the entire match), and he played to the crowd a lot. Justin did the “championship style” introduction, but then Jericho got the mic and started insulting Brazil and saying he is the best in the world. Punk then raised a Brazilian flag a fan gave him before the match started and then Jericho got the same flag and kicked it away (uh-oh).
(8) WWE champion C.M. Punk beat Chris Jericho in a No DQ match to retain the WWE Title. Y2J started the match by going to the outside every time he could, even kicking a steel chair in frustation, before he was able to get some offense, which Punk quickly turned around with some atomic drops. The match then turned into a high gear as the two traded some moves, but with Punk down a ref came down and interrupted the match. Since disrespecting the flag is a serious felony here in Brazil, Jericho had to take the mic and make a public apology before the match could continue (which killed a LOT of momentum).
The match re-started and Punk was able to get Jericho in the GTS position, but Jericho avoided it. Punk then executed a scoop slam (a la Randy Orton). Punk went to the top rope, but Jericho attacked him and tried to superplex him. Punk blocked and then hit Jericho with the Elbow Drop. Punk tried for a second GTS, but Jericho grabbed Punk’s leg and reversed it into the Walls of Jericho. Amazing! Punk fought to the ropes and Jericho pulled him to the center, but then Punk escaped, only to be hit by a Codebreaker for a two count. Jericho then went outside to get the steel chair he kicked earlier and brought it to the ring, but Punk ducked the chair shot and hit the GTS to retain.
After the match, Punk celebrated with the fans, posing with the WWE belt and a Brazilian flag. Some police officers were backstage waiting to arrest Jericho, but it seems nothing really happened.
Biggest Pops:
(1) C.M. Punk (hands down)
(2) John Cena
(3) The Miz (until he spoke)
Biggest Heat:
(1) Jericho after kicking the flag
(2) The Miz after the promo
(3) John Laurinaitis’s initial promo
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