wrestling / Video Reviews

Tremendous Tirades: TNA – The Best of Bloodiest Brawls: Scars and Stitches

February 17, 2009 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Tremendous Tirades: TNA – The Best of Bloodiest Brawls: Scars and Stitches  

-Angle, Cage, Tomko, Abyss, Daniels, Joe and others all discuss the feeling of bleeding in the ring, some of that you can see here:

-Rhino, AJ, Jarrett and others join in and add to the thoughts of bleeding in the ring.

-Before all the matches, they have short video packages, all discussing blood, with the guys explaining the feeling of bleeding badly in the ring and such.

FROM TURNING POINT 2005: NWA Title Match: Rhino vs. Jeff Jarrett ©

They fake the lock up a few times, and then the test of strength. Boot by JJ and an arm bar by JJ. Boot by Rhino and a headlock. Off the ropes, Rhino tackles JJ down and then gets a cover for 1. Arm bar by Rhino, knee by JJ and some reversals and a great dropkick by JJ gets 2. Hip toss by JJ, into a leg scissors arm bar. Rhino works to escape, rolls JJ and stands up and pulls JJ up and tosses him into the top rope stunner like. Press slam by Rhino. Front suplex by Rhino and then a boot sends JJ to the floor. SLING SHOT RHINO PLANCHA~! They head into the crowd. I’ll give them credit, they actually started in the ring for 4-minutes, a nice change. JJ fights a suplex off and tosses Rhino off a bleacher, about 5 feet. Rhino battles back and rams JJ into the wall. They battle towards the back and JJ is tossed into some kind of AC duct or some shit. Boots by Rhino now, and guess what, JJ is bleeding! They are on the entrance ramp now and Rhino is in control. Vicious rights by Rhino and JJ is bleeding even better now! Chair shot by Rhino to JJ’s back. One to the gut of JJ now. JJ rammed into the side of the stands now, and Rhino got himself a table. He lays JJ on it and climbs into the bleachers. JJ is up, pulls him down and rams him into the bleachers. They climb into a scaffold for a cameraman and battle it out. JJ with a chair and nails Rhino who FALLS THROUGH THE TABLE! JJ is down with the chair and works Rhino over. They brawl on the ramp and Rhino is able to get a suplex. Rhino now goes backstage and has another table. Rhino sets the table up on the entrance like last month. JJ is up…GORE THROUGH THRE TABLE DOWN THE TUNNEL! It didn’t really break either, so that had to hurt. Rhino crawls out of the tunnel and Borash says the ref has declared that Rhino and JJ have to the count of 10 to get back into the ring. FINALLY! Eric Young and Petey grab Rhino and toss him back down the tunnel. They drag JJ down to the ring and roll him in. The ref is not happy and Rhino is back bitches! 2nd wind and Rhino is all over JJ! He takes out Team Canada and he has JJ. SPINE BUSTER to JJ gets 2. Rhino goes up top…Petey grabs his leg and the ref finally sends them to the back. JJ goes up with Rhino…superplex to Rhino 1…2…NO! Reversal and a DVD BY RHINO! He covers 1…2…NO! Rhino goes for the GORE and nails the ref! Belly to belly by Rhino and of course there is no ref. Rhino sets for the gore…crowd wants it…Roode is out and Rhino fights him off. A1 is out as well. GORE to A1! NORTHERN LARIAT by Roode! JJ covers, 1…2…NO! JJ has the guitar. He goes up top… Rhino nails him and goes up and JJ EL KABINGS HIM! JJ covers 1…2…NO! Jackie Gayda is here now. She slaps JJ. GORE GORE GORE! 1…2…NOOOOOOO! Shit! Security takes Gayda out and Rhino has a chair. 2 now and sets them up. He has JJ, they go up top…Rhino Driver try…D’Amore with the hockey stick nails Rhino. Stroke on the chairs 1…2…3.

Winner: JJ @ 17:33 via pin

  • It was a fine match, not a great main event, and overshadowed by the debut of Sting’s gear.
    Rating: ***

    FROM LOCKDOWN 2006: Lethal Lockdown: Team Sting (Sting, AJ Styles, Ron Killings and Rhino) vs. Team Jarrett (JJ, Scott Steiner and America’s Most Wanted © (Storm and Harris) w/Gail and Jackie

    5-minutes for the first 2-men, 2-minutes for the other intervals. When all 8-men are in, the ceiling with weapons will drop and it will be Lethal Lockdown Time! Chris Harris, before he was fat Braden Walker and AJ Styles will begin, wise choices. Earl Hebner is special referee.

    Harris with lefts to beat down AJ. He talks shit as they chant pussycat at him. He tries to toss AJ to the cage, but AJ gets a wristlock. Headlock counter by Harris, off the ropes and AJ misses a dropkick. Harris celebrates, tosses AJ off the ropes and eats a dropkick by AJ. Harris is able to reverse a toss and ram AJ into the cage. Again he tosses AJ back first into the cage. AJ escapes a powerslam, takes Harris down and gets a knee drop to Harris. AJ rams Harris to the corner, sets Harris up top…AJ follows…they brawl up top…kicks by AJ and Harris falls to the apron. AJ charges with a Stinger type splash to Harris who is caught in between the cage and ropes. Another and then rams Harris into the cage. AJ slams him into the cage yet again and then delivers rights. AJ with another corner splash. Tries another… Harris snatches him…CATATONIC to AJ! Harris is bleeding, tries another Catatonic but AJ gets a reversal and a Styles Clash.

    5-minutes is over and James Storm is next out for Team JJ. AJ dropkicks the door and Storm ducks and it NAILS GAIL KIM! Storm in and takes control on AJ. Powerbomb try, no, whirly bird by Storm! AJ is bleeding now as Storm rakes his face off of the cage. AMW double teams AJ, he battles back but they get the HART ATTACK. They just beat him down as the time runs down and it is…

    RHINO! They try to double team Rhino right away, but he cleans house and rams Storm into the cage! Spine buster to Harris! MISSES a GORE on Storm and Rhino rams himself into the cage. Lariat to AJ by Harris. Basement dropkick onto Rhino. Storm chokes out Rhino as Harris chokes out AJ. Time runs down and…

    JJ is out. Rhino leaves the cage and attacks JJ on the ramp! AJ is out as well and we have wild brawling on the floor! They toss him in and all of them are in the cage again. AMW and JJ take control and toss AJ into the cage. Then Rhino and Team JJ is in control. Gail Kim is back up and totally no selling that cage door shot. Bitch. Rhino and AJ are bleeding as are both AMW. Time runs down and we have…

    Ron Killings into the battle! He tries to fight them all off. Spinning forearm to JJ. Leg lariat on Storm! Harris nails him, tries a suplex but Killings gets a stunner! AJ climbs all the way up top…Storm is over to stop him. JJ up as well…Killings and Rhino over…Harris now…SUPER TOWER OF DOOM! Time is up and…

    Scott Steiner is out. He cleans house with belly to bellies. Lawn darts AJ into the cage. Sets Killings up top…Top Rope Samoan drop! Team JJ is in control and time runs down until Sting hits the ring. Pump handle slam by Steiner onto AJ.

    HERE IS STING! Sting is here and makes his way in! They all attack but he tries to fight them off. Tosses them into the cage and the roof lowers. Rights to Steiner. Atomic drop on Steiner and rams him and AMW in one corner. Then JJ! STINGER SPLASH ONTO ALL 4! AGAIN! We have pyro on the weapons roof. It is locked down! Sting has a bat and Rhino with a kendo stick. Steiner and Rhino pair off while AJ nails random people with the trashcan lid. Storm goes all the way up and makes his way onto the VERY TOP of the cage! AJ is up there as well! They brawl and there is a ladder up there and some other shit. Gail climbs up top now. AJ steps on her hand and Jackie rips her skirt off. Storm superkicks AJ and he sets up a table that is up there! Everyone else is brawling in the ring as AJ gets a PELE on Storm. JJ has a guitar and so does Sting. AJ and Storm battle up top as Sting breaks the guitar with a bat. He has a guitar now and Steiner LOW BLOWS Sting! AJ sets up the ladder on top of the cage! WTF IS HE DOING? HE climbs! Onto the light rigging! SPLASH ONTO STORM THROUGH THE TABLE ON TOP OF THE CAGE FOR GODS SAKE! BAH GAWD! AJ and Storm are dead.

    Back to the ring, JJ gets the stroke to Killing onto a chair. GORE by Rhino onto JJ, Steiner lays him out. Steiner recliner on Rhino, Sting gets the death drop on Steiner! Harris nails Sting with brass knux and locks in the scorpion death lock on Sting! Sting fights…and COUNTERS IT! HARRIS TAPS!

    Winners: Team Sting @ 23:51 via Submission

  • While elementary, the booking of the Lethal Lockdown match was perfect in my opinion. First of all for a match like this to work the heels have to win the coin toss. This ensures that you have the constant face in peril, which the crowds eat up and did eat up on this night. Also, you had to have Steiner be the last for his team and Sting the very final entrant to build up to the big ending and crowd pop, this once again worked extremely well. Some are complaining that Sting beating Harris was stupid but I disagree. You can’t have Sting defeat him already. They are building the feud still, and as much as people may not like JJ, the feud is centered on them and has to play out. It’s old school booking, the star goes through the minions before finally getting JJ one on one. Over all I thought this booking was perfect and the match was a good one, and the faces winning to close the show was the way to go.
    Rating: ***½

    FROM BOUND FOR GLORY 2006: NWA TAG TEAM TITLE/SIX-SIDES OF STEELCAGE MATCH: LAX (Homicide y Hernandez) vs. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels ©

    AJ and CD charge LAX and here we go! Hernandez and AJ pair off, Cide with a boot to CD, but eats aside back breaker. CD and AJ beat down Hernandez, drop toehold and a knee drop by AJ. Elbows by CD, leg lariat to Hernandez. CD tries to slam Hernandez to the cage, he fights and AJ tags in. Cide in and off the ropes, leap frog and a go beneath and dropkick by AJ! Forearms by AJ, CD in and a side slam/clothesline combo on Cide for 2. Boots by AJ, off the ropes and Cide slams him to the mat. RANA by AJ, side back breaker by AJ gets 2. Rights by AJ, off the ropes and AJ misses Cide and SLAMS into the cage! Hernandez tagged in and a boot by AJ, but Hernandez tosses AJ into the cage face first. LAX beats down CD, Hernandez with a sick clothesline to CD. T-Bone by Cide onto CD. AJ tries to get to his feet, as LAX gets an Electric chair drop/top rope elbow combo for 2. Elbows by CD, off the ropes and an overhead belly to belly by Cide. AJ is bleeding already and Hernandez tags in and covers CD for 2. Cide in with kicks to CD. Snap suplex, and then a knee to the head by Hernandez. Konnan hands Cide the GHETTO FORK~! And he nails CD! HE rams it into his head and CD is busted open! GHETTO FORK~! Snap mare and a tag to Hernandez. Nerve pinch by Hernandez now. CD fights to his feet, Hernandez catches him and powerbombs him into the cage and then into a sit down powerbomb for 2 as AJ makes the save! Cide drinks some Tequila and spits it into the face of CD. CD up top, Cide as well…CD fights and head butts Cide! TOP ROPE HIP TOSS ON CIDE! AJ tags in and starts to unload on LAX. Asai DDT to Cide! Hernandez has him, and AJ walks the ropes, trips but still gets a forearm to Hernandez. AJ and CD level LAX with clotheslines. Backdrop on Cide. Clothesline and a flap jack to Hernandez into the cage! Irish whip to Cide, boot and the HI-LOW to Cide! Running knee to Hernandez and a dropkick by AJ sending Hernandez into the cage! They grate Hernandez’s face off the cage. PELE to Cide! GHETTO FORK BY CD TO CIDE! AJ uses it now! Cide is busted open as well! Forearm to Hernandez but Cide with an elbow to AJ. Hernandez tosses CD into the cage. PELE on Hernandez! Everyone is down now. AJ to his feet, and he climbs the cage. Cide follows, and gets kicked off. Hernandez up as well…AJ all the way up top! Cide is up as well and they brawl as we get a PLEASE DON’T DIE CHANT! CD over as well… Hernandez is over and TOWER OF DOOM! AJ still up top thought! HUGE CROSS BODY TO HERNANDEZ! AJ covers 1…2…Cide makes he save! Diamond Cutter to AJ! CD takes him out but Hernandez levels CD. Hernandez up top, all the way up top! HUGE SPLASH MISSED DANIELS! CD has Hernandez, Angles Wings try and Konnan gives Cide a coat hanger and he chokes out CD! Konnan now grabs it and chokes CD. AJ and Cide battle, and grabs Hernandez…Enziguri to Hernandez. CD is freed but out on the mat. Styles clash try stopped as Hernandez KILLS him with a clothesline. GRINGO KILLA ON AJ! He is dead, 1…2…3!

    Winners: AND NEW NWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS LAX @ 14:50 via pin

  • As much as I am not a fan of tossing two guys together to make a tag team, this was done well and AJ and Daniels have become a great team. Their run has been excellent, between the feud with AMW and now the battles with LAX. LAX was just too much and Homicide about KILLED AJ with the GRINGO KILLA for the win. LAX celebrated and then beat down AJ and Daniels even more. This has been such a great feud and this match was a great culmination.
    Rating: ****¼

    **Escape Rules**
    Rhino vs. Christian Cage

    They circle each other, crowd digging things and stand off. They exchange rights and Rhino then gets a shoulder block. Backdrop on Cage. Rhino tries to slam Cage into the steel, countered and chops by Cage. Rhino with chops now and rights on Cage. Cage fights back, rights to Rhino and Rhino then tries a press slam, countered and a reverse DDT by Cage. Cage asks for the chairs now and Rhino stops it. Rights by Rhino, Irish whip and a corner gore by Rhino. Rights by Rhino , Irish whip and another corner gore by Rhino. Rights by Rhino now as the crowd is way into this. Irish whip again, Cage climbs and Rhino pulls him down. Cage slammed into the steel, again! Press slam by Rhino and tosses Cage into the steel! Rhino asks for the key, gets it and teases Cage with it. He then tosses it out and we head to commercial @ 4:45.

    Back from commercial @ 8:30 as Cage tries to escape. He is busted open and knocks Rhino off of the ropes. Huge frog splash by Cage. During the break Cage got the bolt cutters and nailed Rhino and cut some of the wire. Cage climbs, Rhino follows…they brawl. Rhino rakes his face off of the wire and Cage is bleeding a ton. Back superplex by Rhino sends Cage flying and lands on his face as he flipped over! Rhino gets the straightjacket and tries to place it on Cage. Cage stops it and takes down Rhino. He climbs, Rhino follows and they battle. Cage tries to use the wire, eye poke on Rhino and then gets a TOP ROPE UNPRETTIER~! Cage grabs the jacket and places it on Rhino and ties him to the ropes. Cage climbs, no, he grabs the chairs now. LOW kick by Rhino! He escapes the ropes and gets a spinebuster on Cage! He takes the jacket off as the crowd continues to go wild. He sets up a chair and grabs the other…conchairto try…Cage moves and nails Rhino with the chair! He opens one up and then the other. Grabs Rhino, counters and a TKO onto the chair! Jesus Cage broke some ribs there. Rhino sets for the gore…charges and Cage throws a chair, catches it and nails Cage with it! SICK GORE and Cage FLIES out the door and wins!

    Winner: Christian Cage @ 15:47

  • This was a great effort on TV, although we could argue that giving away the cage match on free TV when you try to sell a PPV full of them was silly. While it didn’t set the world on fire, the Cage vs. Rhino feud provided solid to very good matches.
    Rating: ***¼

    FROM GENESIS 2006: Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle

    They circle to begin, lock up and to the corner they go. They battle around the ropes and 22 seconds in we have a this is awesome chant. They break, lock up and a take down by Angle. Ankle lock try and Joe gets the ropes. Lock up and knees by Joe. Jabs to Angle, and then boots by Joe as Angle is down. Joe grabs Angle, more jabs. Off the ropes and a boot and overhead belly to belly by Angle! Clothesline by Angle and Joe falls to the floor. Joe snags Angle from the ring by his legs and SLAMS him into the railing headfirst. Back into the ring and Joe covers for 2. Forearms by Angle, Irish whip and Angle misses a charge and SLAMS into the post. Running charge by Joe and the ELBOW SUICIDA connects! Joe runs Angle around the ring and slams him into the steps. Joe back in the ring and he and Earl have a shoving contest as Angle tries to recover on the floor. Angle is up and BUSTED open where he had the bandage on from Thursday. Joe lays the stiff boots to the head of Angle as he crawls back in. Joe rips at the cut now as Angle pours blood. Joe wipes the blood on his chest, Angle fights back, off the ropes and Joe gets the snap powerslam and cover for 2. Cross faces by Joe, crowd way into it. Joe grabs Angle, he fight back and off the ropes…tilt a whirl back breaker by Joe gets 2. Joe stalks Angle and just pummels him in the corner. Joe sets Angle up top…chops to Angle. Angle slaps back and then gets a front face lock on Joe. Joe picks him up and Angle gets a sweet tornado DDT on Joe. 1…2…NO! To their feet and they exchange rights. Joe in control with jabs, misses a charge and a German by Angle! Another! Joe fights but Angle gets a release on that one and drops Joe on his head, Angle covers for 2. Angle slam countered and the running knee of doom by Joe! Sets Angle up top, leaping Enziguri by Joe! Muscle buster try….CONNECTS! 1…2…NO! Crowd loving the match, Joe grabs Angle, clutch try but Angle rolls and gets an Angle slam! 1…2…NO! Angle up, STRAPS DOWN! Grabs the leg, ANKLE LOCK! Joe fights…Joe rolls and kicks at Angle but Angle holds on. Joe continues to fight, rolls and slips Angle into the clutch! Angle is trapped, he tries to break the hold and gets the ankle lock again out of the clutch! Angle rips at the ankle, Joe fights, he rolls and Angle hits the corner. Joe misses a charge, eats the post. Angle slam! Straps up….STRAPS DOWN AGAIN! Ankle lock by Angle and he drops down into the grapevine! Joe struggles for the ropes and JOE TAPS! JOE TAPS! JOE TAPS!

    Winner: Kurt Angle @ 13:42 via Submission

  • Great match, great atmosphere and a ton of fun as they showed that they already had chemistry that would provide many other great matches, even if the booking was shit.
    Rating: ****½

    FROM SACRIFICE 2007: TEXAS DEATH MATCH: Chris Harris w/Gail Kim vs. James Storm w/Miss Jackie

    They are doing pins and then answering the 10 count.

    They brawl on the ramp to begin. Hip toss by Harris on the ramp. They fight into the crowd and brawl. Into the bleachers and Harris with wild lefts. Storm fights back and Harris slams Storm to the wall and then tries to toss him over the edge. Storm fights back and they continue to brawl, TNA MAIN EVET STYLE. By the way, Impactwrestling.com is stealing this recap and they suck balls. Storm tosses a drink into Harris’ face and then he gets tossed into the wall. Some dude almost got hit. Harris has a beer bottle and is in the ring drinking. Harris then hits a HUGE TOP ROPE CROSS BODY over the railing onto Storm! Harris covers for 3 @ 4:15. The ref counts for Storm and he makes his feet at 8. Back ringside and Harris brings him in the ring. Harris up top, and Storm tosses a chair into his face and Harris is stuck in the tree of woe, hanging outside the ring. Storm KILLS Harris with a chair shot and he is busted open. Storm gets a table now. He sets it up, sets him up top and climbs. Harris counters a RANA and Storm hits hard. Counters and Harris tries a sharpshooter, but nails him in the gut. Harris CATAPULTS Storm into he table bottom! Storm is busted open big time as well! Harris sets up the table, lefts by Harris and grabs Storm, suplex countered by Storm, and Storm gets the WHILRY BIRD through the table! Storm covers for 3 @ 9:30. The ref counts and Harris battles to his feet and is up at 9! Storm moves the table, and gets a new one. He is pouring blood now. Storm sets up the table on the floor and they duke it out. Storm grabs a powerbomb, Harris escapes and to the apron. Boot by Storm, and a hanging DDT by Storm. Storm now gets toys from under the ring and tosses them in. Trashcan stuff. Storm is bleeding a ton. Kendo stick as well. HARRIS SPEARS HIM OFF THE APRON AND THEY GO THROUGH THE TABLE ON THE FLOOR! Harris landed badly as well. Jackie tries to toss Harris off of a pin and Storm is in a pool of blood. Harris has a chair and they get back into the ring. Misses and a SUPERKICK by Storm into the chair! 1…2…NO! Storm nails him with lid shots and Harris is down. Harris back with shots. Storm with a shot. Catatonic through a trashcan! 1…2…NO! Storm IS the definition of a crimson mask. Jackie in and has handcuffs and beats down Harris. GAIL is here and she handcuffs Jackie and drags her away. Storm has the beer bottle and Harris has one as well. Harris NAILS Storm and he is dead. 1…2…3. The ref works the count and Storm cannot answer.

    WINNER: Chris Harris @ 17:18 via Not Answering the Count

  • Harris got the big win after the abortion the previous month that was the blindfold match. Storm was a total crimson mask, a very impressive sight, and this was nothing short of awesome. The only complaint is that the have this awesome match, and as soon as Harris gets the win and they cut backstage for some bullshit interview that meant jack and shit instead of making this performance a career defining one.
    Rating: ****½

    FROM SLAMMIVERSARY 2007: No DQ Match: Abyss vs. Tomko
    They stand off mid-ring, and then they brawl. Lots of rights, Tomko in control now and a big boot to Abyss. Abyss clotheslines him to the floor. Tomko pulls him out and they brawl on the floor. Tomko slammed to the railing and Abyss then slams him to the steps. Abyss slammed into the railing now and Tomko then boot shim in the head. Abyss slammed to the ring steps now and then rights by Tomko. Back in the ring, goozle by Abyss and Tomko escapes but eats a big boot. Corner splash by Abyss, and then the Samoan Clam Bake! Back elbows by Tomko and a GOOZLE by Abyss and the chokeslam connects for 2. Abyss to the floor and gets…THE BAG OF FUN~! He’s back to thumbtacks. Abyss sets and goozles Tomko…but Tomko escapes and TREE SLAMS ABYSS INTO THE TACKS~! Tomko covers for 2. Tomko sets, charges and eats the black hole slam for 2? Abyss to the floor and gets THE BAG OF FUN #2~! We have glass! That’s pretty fucked up right there. Tomko clotheslines Abyss and Tomko grabs a piece of glass and DRIVES IT INTO ABYSS’ HEAD~! Abyss is bleeding badly now and Tomko STOMPS HIS HEAD INTO THE GLASS~! Abyss rolls to the floor and Tomko paints himself with Abyss’ blood. Tomko gets the barbed wire bat now as they brawl up the ramp. Tomko nails Abyss in the gut and then the back. Tomko nails him again! Abyss climbs some scaffolding to the set as Tomko climbs up a ladder. Tomko still has the bat and waits on the top. ABYSS PULLS HIM OFF…AND HOLY SHIT TOMKO IS DEAD~! Abyss up top…SUPER SPLASH ONTO TOMKO. Although you see all the boxes and padding now, that sucks. And they show a far shot and you SEE THE HUGE STACK OF BOXES~! THEY SHOW IT AGAIN! TNA production fails at life. God you all suck, fuck you, really. And now both men are back up and are going to fight more. Way to ruin a great deal. Anyway they crawl down the ramp back to the ring. Back to the ring now and Tomko beats on Abyss. Black hole slam by Abyss onto the glass and that is all.

    Winner: Abyss @ 13:52 via pin

  • They worked an excellent hardcore brawl here, but the production team did them no favors.
    Rating: ***

    FROM AGAINST ALL ODDS 2008: Barb Wire Massacre 2: Abyss vs. Judas Mesias w/James Mitchell

    They lock up to begin, and then shove off. They pose, Abyss grabs him and tries to push him towards the wire but Mesias escapes and then tries to push Abyss into the wire. No go there, Abyss picks up Mesias and he escapes and dropkicks Abyss into the wire. Rights by Mesias, he charges and Abyss tosses him onto the wire press slam style. Rights by Abyss, he charges at Mesias and gets tripped into the wire. Mesias lays the boots to him, rights now and then has Abyss in the corner. He charges and eats a big boot. Abyss rolls to the floor and finds a chair wrapped in barbed wire. Abyss lays the chair on Mesias, goes to leap and takes the chair in the balls. Damn. Mesias has the chair, and nails Abyss on the head. Again. He then tosses the chair to the floor and Abyss is bleeding. Rights by Mesias, then boots and he pummels Abyss and then bites him. Ewwwww. Mesias to the floor and gets a barbed wire board. He tosses it into the ring, and Abyss goes to the floor and Mesias follows. Mesias bites at the wound again, rights to Abyss and they continue to brawl at ringside. Abyss manages to toss Mesias into the steps and then he gets another barbed wire board. He sets it between the ring and railing. He grabs Mesias and Mitchell stops Abyss. This does not bode well for him. Mesias stops Abyss and back into the ring they go. Mitchell gives Mesias a piece of barbed wire and he rips it off of Abyss’s arm. He then uses it and punches Abyss with it. He then slices the other arm of Abyss with it. Mounted rights by Mesias and the blood is flowing from Abyss’ arms and head. Abyss fights back, they brawl and Abyss flapjacks Mesias onto the bared wire board! Abyss to the floor and tosses another wire board in the ring. Mesias now to the floor, he goes to the apron and Abyss goozles him…and chokeslams him through the board that he had set up before. Mitchell slides into the ring as he runs from Abyss, but that is a bad idea. Black hole slam on Mitchell! Black hole slam for Mesias gets 2! Mitchell manages to slide out to the floor, and Mesias gets a low blow on Abyss. Rights by Mesias, and he then spears Abyss into the board that was set up in the corner. That had to suck. They exchange rights from their knees, to their feet and Mesias rocks Abyss, but then eats a black hole slam into the wire board and that is all.

    If you dig this kind of match, they this was for you. Basically you’ll either love it or hate it.

    Winner: Abyss @ 15:00 via pin

  • Here is the bottom line on this match, you will either love or hate this match. There is no middle ground. If you like stuff bordering on the death match style, then this is for you. The angle going into the match sucked for sure, but they did tone down the weapon crap leading into this, so it meant more and came off well. Mitchell gave another excellent promo leading into this, as did Cornette who sold the match like he was a used car salesmen. They sold the brutality factor and explained that the match couldn’t take place in South Carolina due to the Athletic Commission, but that since they advertised it they would deliver. They played it off as live, and if you didn’t know you wouldn’t have. The match delivered in the brutality department, we got barbed wire, bared wire boards, chairs wrapped in barbed wire and just about everything you could imagine.
    Rating: ***
  • The 411: We have an 8-match DVD that lasts for 3.5 hours. While there are NO extras on the DVD, it is a damn fine collection. It lives up to the title as there is a lot of blood, the matches are brawls, there is nothing bad at all on the DVD and it is quite entertaining. There are three matches that you NEED to have on this DVD: Angle vs. Joe, LAX vs. AJ and Daniels, and Harris vs. Storm are all must have matches and more than make the purchase worth it ($14.95 at Best Buy). A big thumbs up for TNA - The Best of Bloodiest Brawls: Scars and Stitches!
    411 Elite Award
    Final Score:  8.5   [ Very Good ]  legend

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    Larry Csonka

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