wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE NXT Report 8.23.11
We continue on with AJ Month because this WWE NXT Report is brought to you by….AJ!!!!!!!…oh, and some other chick.
Tag Team, back again…..
We start with Striker in the middle of the ring. He starts talking but of course, Young comes out to interrupt asking Striker how many times do we have to hear this and I have to question how many times Young is going to interrupt. This seriously feels like Deja Vu. Young says that for the past two weeks he’s been beating on Striker and suggests Striker to get on out the ring so he can show the audience how he is going to win Redemption. Striker admits defeat but Young says that’s not good enough. He wants Striker to say that Young is the best and he’s just a washed up talent that couldn’t cut it in the WWE. Striker tells Young that he is the better man. Young wants to hear that he’s the best. Striker says that yes he is the past, and Young is the future. Striker has learned that he’d rather work with Young than against him and Young needs to concentrate on winning. Striker puts his hand out and Young shakes it then kicks Striker in the gut and hits a clothesline. Regal has had enough! haha. Regal goes into the ring to help out Striker. Take that, sunshine!
In the back, we’ve got Tyson tossing crap around the locker room. It appears his stuff has been messed with. He lifts a dry cleaning back and there is Japanese writing on it. I would also like to inform everyone that thanks to reader, AsoTamaki for informing me that the Japanese symbol from last week said “hokori” which means Pride. I’m hoping he shows up this week to let me know what the bag says.
Match 1: Trent Barreta vs. Tyson Kidd
Given the time, this should be good. We start with a lockup! Trent fights Tyson ot the corner and the ref breaks it up. Another lockup and Tyson hits a go behind then a drop. Trent with a go behind and a side headlock into a cravat, switched into a leg scissors by Tyson. Trent back up and kips up out of a headlock. The crowd is Pro-Tyson, of course, as we are in canada. Anoher lockup and Trent wih a side headlock. Tyson sends Trent to the ropes, leap frog, kip up, STALEMATE! and Tyson applauds Trent. Trent hits Tyson with a kick and works the left hand. We are reminded of the four matches in a row that Kidd and Barreta had a while back. Nice. Tyson uses the ropes to flip off of for a spiffy arm drag then a key lock onto Trent. Trent tries to hit the ropes but Tyson hits a shoulder block. Some more running of the ropes and Trent is able to take advantage with a clothesline as the crowd boos Barreta.A break in the feed and we’re back with Trent holding in a headlock. Tyson fights out but it’s short lived as Trent hits a blow to the back of the neck, then tosses some elbows. Baretta with a snap suplex and a pin for 2! Trent hits the ropes but we’ve got a back kick from Tyson to knock him down! Tyson hits the ropes and gets a kick then goes for a flying…something but Trent hits a dropkick and a pin for 1…2…NO! We get an unnanounced commercial to break the spirit of the match.
Back and Trent’s got a headlock on Kidd on the mat. Trent rolls the hold into a pin for 1, then brings it back. Tyson is up and sends Trent to the corner then we get an arm drag. Trent with a flying back elbow, though! Tyson rolls to the outside and Trent is lookin for a baseball slide! Tyson grabs him by the legs though, spins him so his head is hanging off the apron and kicks him in the head then hits a neckbreaker from the apron to the mat on the outside!! Nice little sequence there! Tyson rolls Trent in the ring and pins for the 1…2…NO! Tyson with a swinging kick then a dropkick to the face of Trent and another pin for 2!! Trent rolls towards the ropes so Tyson hits himself a guilloitine. He goes for a leg drop but Trent moves and Tyson hits the corner of the apron with his ass. Tough. Trent then hits the ropes and we ge a flying corkscrew…almost Moonsault. It looks like he really hit his head hard but he keeps going! He rolls Tyson in the ring and pins but only gets a 2!!!! Trent sets Tyson up top on the turnbuckle and looks to be going for a SUPERPLEX. It’s a shame, though as Tyson hops off the apron and trips up Trent. Trent hits a Frankensteiner but Tyson rolls out of it and goes for the Sharpshooter. Trent quickly goes for a roll up though and ALMOST GETS THE WIN!! But no! They hit the ropes and we’ve got a double clothesline.
Both men are up at 7 and Trent hits some chops. Tyson blocks the third one and hits a kick then some hard rights. Trent reverses with a uppercut. Tyson hits the ropes but is hit with a knee and Trent covers! 1…2…NOOO!!! Both men up and Trent calls for a Dudley Dog like move but Tyson rolls him up into a sungle leg Boston Crab!! Trent reaches for the ropes…oh, and he gets them! The crowd is all boos. As Tyson stands, we get music playing and Japanese letters displayed on the tron. Trent takes advantages, hits the DDT and pins for the 1…2…3!!!! After 5 matches, Trent finally gets a win over Kidd!!
Winner: Trent Barreta
This match was pretty much expected to be great in my eyes and it didn’t disappoint. Well, not really, at least. I do think that the beginning had one too many chinlocks and headlocks but I guess I could understand why. They played off of the history between the two (and if you’ve been watching the C shows, you’d know that these guys have had many matches with Trent not once winning). All in all a good match that I will be watching again to see if I’m overrating it.
We get a recap of last week where sometimes hot, sometimes not Maxine attacks the ALWAYS beautiful AJ then move to the back where Bateman is giving Maxine a back rub. He calls themselves the hottest couple in the WWE and says they will be more powerful than Steph and The H’s and namedrops Dusty and Sapphire. Maxine says she is worried about Hornswoggle. Maxine looks very pornstar ish and says that if Bateman takes care of Hornswoggle, there’s a surprise in it for him.
Match 2: AJ vs. Maxine
WOOOO HOOO!!!! Ok, in all honesty it looks like AJ may have tanned a bit too much this week but she’s still quite luscious. Maxine comes out with Derrick Bateman and she’s a hair puller. Maxine goes for a clothesline but AJ ducks and goes for the mount! She’s all crazy lady with some hair pullin. Both girls up and AJ sends Maxine’s face to the turnbuckle a few times then hits the ropes and goes for a clothesline. AJ hits it and Maxine rolls to the outside. AJ follows and hits a clothesline then tosses Maxine in the ring. AJ rolls in and Maxine hits a hard kick and a pin for two. Maxine wirth a cravat as AJ tries to fight out of it….she is up and hits some elbows to the gut of Maxine but Maxine drops an elbow then hits a kick and a knee to AJ then pins for 2. Maxine yells at Hornswoggle and for those that don’t know, they’ve got a long stemming hatred for each other from Season 3. Maxine goes for a chin lock from behind then tosses AJ to the turnbuckle hard enough for AJ to bounce off of it. Maxine with a suplex then a pin for 2. Maxine screams ala Melina then puts AJ on the ropes and chokes her up a bit. Maxine tosses AJ to the corner then hits some rights and we get a hair toss. Maxine goes for the pin but we get a 2. Maxine with a suplex but AJ rolls it up for a 2 count! Maxine pins again but only gets a 2. We get another chinlock with AJ in quite the position……
Ah yes, the match. AJ turns around out of the hold with some blows to the gut but Maxine hits a right then tosses AJ to the ropes. AJ comes back with a kick but Maxine hits a big ass boot and screams to the Canadians! Maxine grabs AJ but AJ fights out with some rights! AJ with a spinning heel kick then a hard clothesline and a whip to the corner. It’s reversed, but AJ hits a cross body from the second turnbucle and pins for 2! AJ with a kick to the thigh of Maxine. Outside the ring, Bateman tosses Hornswoggle down and AJ goes to check on him allowing Maxine to hit a roll up for the 1..2…3!!! Titus comes out shortly after as he goes after Bateman but Bateman runs out. This is now the second match that an interruption causes a win for Maxine.
Winner: Maxine
While I will readily admit that this match was better than most women’s matches in the WWE, I think there was still something missing. It felt really generic and kinda paint by numbers. I love AJ, but I won’t lead it cloud the fact that this match was pretty boring. Don’t you think?
And once again, we get the RAW Main Event in its entirety…rather than complain, I’ll just link the RAW Report for your viewing pleasure in case you didn’t see it, because apparently, we need to cut into a one hour show to make sure you saw the end of RAW.
Don’t forget to check out The Greg DeMarco Show which is most likely on as you read this!!!
And this week’s Low End Theory has News on Will Smith’s possible return to music and The Game being a fuckin douche.
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