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411’s WWE Raw Report 08.04.03
WWE Raw Report 08.04.03
Live from Vancouver BC
Announcers are Jonathan Coachman and Jerry Lawler
Report by Widro
Recap of last week’s McMahons/Kane/Austin angle.
Move to the music.
Your hosts are Coach and King and they talk about Goldberg/Flair.
Here comes the money. Here we go. Shane McMahon is coming to the ring with a mic in hand. He cuts a fiery promo, saying he wants to finish what he started last week. Eric Bischoff comes out, says that Vince McMahon told him to book Kane vs. RVD for Summerslam, and Shane is barred from the building. Shane steps up to Bischoff and says to make him. Bischoff stands up to him and says “black belt”. Shane steps back and the crowd wants to see them go at it. Bischoff is intense, and the glass crashes, it’s co-GM Stone Cold!! He is moving at close to Nash speed. Austin has a mic and paces in the ring. He has a mic, and tells Shane to get out of the ring. Austin siding with Bischoff? Austin says Bischoff is a black belt, he’s trying to be a nice guy! He’d kick your ass, you aint got a chance, Shane. Austin now riles up Shane by saying how Bischoff loves mature women, like Linda McMahon. This leads to a No Holds Barred match between Shane and Bischoff for tonight. Bischoff says no, he can’t lay a hand on the wrestlers. Austin says Shane isn’t a contracted wrestler. Bischoff bugs out, then stops and thinks. He thinks of some plan, then says “no holds barred? You’re ON!”. That’s the bottom line, cuz stone cold said so. Austin drinks some beers.
Lawler goes into hyper sell for the match, calling it a dream match. Also tonight, Chris Jericho vs. RVD!
Commercial Break
Bubba Ray Dudley w/D-von vs. Rene Dupree w/Sylvain Grenier
Nice pop for Bubba Ray. Nice little 5 minutes match. End has Dupree go to attack Bubba with the flag, Bubba moves and Rene hits Grenier. Dvon comes in, hits Rene with the flag, Bubba hits the Bubba bomb and makes the cover.
Winner: Bubba Ray
Rene is busted open in the ring.
Backstage Evolution is chillin’. They talk about Triple H banging chicks. Bischoff storms in, he needs to talk to Hunter. He has a proposition.
Commercial Break
Scott Steiner w/Stacy vs. Randy Orton
Orton/Evolution’s Motorhead song is great. Orton cuts a promo before the match, saying he thinks more people came to see his nipples than Stacy’s. Steiner gets a near fall and Coach says how big of a win it would be for Steiner. Steiner does some biceps kiss elbow, then fakes a cover to do pushups. Steiner gets booed by Canadian fans. Steiner sets up for a top rope belly to belly. Steiner goes for the cover, but Test comes down. Steiner brings Test into the ring, clotheslines him to the floor. Orton is up behind Steiner and hits the RKO.
Winner: Orton
Bischoff comes and asks HHH if he has a deal as HHH and Flair are proud of Orton. HHH says he has a deal, and Bischoff is very thankful.
Commercial Break
Hurricane and Rosey are talking backstage about being super heroes. Christian comes over and mocks Rosey for being fat. Christian claims to have left Booker T in a heap in Australia. I think they made a match. Rosey has a box marked “S.H.I.T.” – his super hero in training kit. Which he made himself. Hurricane flies away disgusted.
Bischoff talks to Rodney Mack, then Co-GM Stone Cold comes over, and they discuss some stuff with HHH, Goldberg, Evolution, Etc.
Commercial Break
The Hurricane vs. Christian
Nice high energy match. Lawler is goading Coachman by asking him if he knows why the fans don’t like him. Hurricane goes for the Flying Wizard, Christian dodges it and rolls up Hurricane with the tights for the pin.
Winner: Christian
Rosey comes down to the Hurricane’s music, wearing a sheet he wrote on to make his own costume. Rosey went into the ring and bodyslammed Christian. Hurricane is up, he salutes Rosey, then poses, but Rosey poses in front of the Hurricane. Then they pose together properly.
Goldberg vs. Ric Flair is next, meaning Bischoff vs. Shane is the main event.
Commercial Break
Ric Flair w/HHH vs. Goldberg
Flair comes down to the cool new Evolution music. Good news, Hunter is going to announce. Goldberg’s music plays, then an Asian guy with “HOST” on his back goes to knock on Goldberg’s door. He does a long entrance with the sparks. Goldberg yells at HHH from the stage that he’s next. Hunter gets up and says “damn right I’m next”. Nice pop for Goldberg. Staredown, and Goldberg tosses Flair down. Coach brings up the dark match last week without really calling it a match, and Hunter admits he has a groin injury, but on him that is a major injury. Goldberg tosses Flair around a bit. Flair chops Goldberg to some loud “WOOs” but Goldberg powers out of the corner. The crowd has turned on Goldberg. Hunter thinks Goldberg should no show the Summerlsam match to save his reputation. Flair starts working on the leg, and Goldberg sells it. For a bit, now he is no selling it again and is on the offensive, to more boos. Back drop by Goldberg and then a powerslam. Goldberg gets intense and the crowd boos. Flair rebounds, goes up top and Goldberg tosses him off. Goldberg sizes up Flair for a spear, Randy Orton runs in with a chair and hits Goldberg in front of the ref, causing the DQ.
Winner by DQ: Goldberg
Orton and Flair stomp Goldberg, HHH comes down as Flair low blows Goldberg. Hunter has the sledgehammer. Sledge shot to the gut which Goldberg sells hard. They go to hit Goldberg again, but Michaels comes down to make the save to thunderous boos. And Jericho comes down to a monsterous ovation, and then Nash comes out to huge boos. And the glass crashes to cheers and Austin is out. He grabs the mic from the announcers. He makes the Goldberg vs. HHH into a six way Elimantion Chamber match with Jericho, Nash, Flair and Orton! Wow!
Commercial Break
Still in the ring, HBK and Nash celebrate. Terri goes to interview Pat Croce, the head of Slamball. During the interview, Jericho attacks Nash from behind, but Nash takes control and powerbombs him. Nash’s music plays!
Bischoff comes backstage to talk to HHH as Flair is tended to by paramedics and Orton. Bischoff asks if their deal is still on, HHH said only if he can undo what was just done (changing the match). Bischoff says he cant, Hunter calls off the deal.
Commercial Break
WWE Woman’s Title
Molly Holly (c) vs. Trish Stratus
Decent back and forth action. Victoria comes down and attacks Trish. Ref calls off the match.
Winner by DQ: Trish
Then after the match, Molly pushes Victoria, they tangle, then Gail Kim comes down as well, and Gail Kim and Trish remain in the ring. After a really long time, Gail Kim snapped and turned on Trish, slapping her around and going crazy.
Next is Jericho vs. RVD.
Commercial Break
Kane is locked up in that secure vehicle, and Shane attacks the vehicle, he wants Kane.
Lance Storm admits backstage that he is boring. He is desperate, he is talking to someone off camera. Goldust then appears and sucks in. Lance wants Goldust to help him get some personality.
Bischoff then goes and tells the cops guarding Kane that Shane is beating up other cops and they all run to save the other cops. Bischoff then goes to unlock Kane.
Rob Van Dam comes out as we take a break.
Commercial Break
Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho
Notable spot where RVD flies to the floor but Jericho moves and takes control. Jericho brings Van Dam back into the ring. Jericho slows it down with a reverse chinlock. Jericho beats him down. Jericho goes for a suplex on the apron, but RVD suplexes Jericho to the floor. Both come back into the ring. RVD springboards off the middle rope and hits a reverse kick. Lawler is openly mocking Coachman. Coachman never responds, he just takes it. Some near falls by both. RVD goes up for the frog splash but Jericho moves. Both trade moves and pinfall attempts, RVD gets the clean pin with a split legged moonsault. Good, long match.
Winner: RVD
Jericho gets the mic and complains about being sued, and runs down Nash. He challenges Nash to a hair vs. hair match.
Bischoff looks satisfied as he gets ready for his match.
Commercial Break
No Holds Barred
Eric Bischoff vs. Shane McMahon
Bischoff calls a security guy into the ring and gives him a pad of some sort and does some practice kicks. Bischoff attacks with some rib kicks and bounces around. After about a minute, Kane’s music plays and he comes out, and Shane meets him in the aisleway for some brawling. Shane chokes him with a wire. Kane rebounds, then picks up Shane, taunts him, and Kane tosses Shane into the ringpost. Then a barrier. Shane gets some steel steps from the ringside area, and sets them up in the aisle. Then does a tombstone on Shane on the steel steps. Shane is glazed over. Kane puts Shane into the ring, but it was no holds barred. Bischoff covers Shane for an easy pin.
Winner: Bischoff
Bischoff gloats for a while, then covers Shane again and has the ref count a 3 as his music plays. Bischoff goes to the announce table and does high fives.