wrestling / TV Reports

411’s TNA Turning Point 2005 Report 12.11.05

December 11, 2005 | Posted by Larry Csonka

Borash and The Franchise welcome us to the PPV Pre-Show. They hype the lineup and then run down the card. TNA management says something will change the face of TNA in the year 2006.

Tenay and West now welcome us and run down things, time for the pre show match.

PPV Pre-Show!

John Bolen, Joe Doering and Buck Quartermain vs. Lance Hoyt and The Naturals

Odd, Hardy was supposed to be in this match. I wonder if he “missed his flight?”

Stevens and one of the scrubs is in. Stevens in control, Tenay and West hype the card and don’t tell me who the hell he is. DAMN YOU GUYS! Stevens tosses him to the floor and gets a suplex on the mat. Oh it’s Quartermain. Stevens gets a cover for 2. Douglas tagged in and he takes down Quartermain for 2. Arm drag by Douglas, Quartermain battles up and nails Douglas with lefts. Dropkick and boot to Bolen. Tag to Joe and Hoyt. They exchange forearms, off the ropes and a back elbow by Hoyt. He takes Joe to the floor, tag to Stevens…and he backdrops Douglas onto the trainees and Quartermain. Bolen in and a cover for 2. Tag to Douglas, double team face jam/bulldog by the Naturals gets 2. Quartermain grabs Douglas, and Bolen is able to toss him to the floor and Quartermain and Joe beat him down. Bolen chokes him out, then tags to Joe and he covers for 2. Slam to Douglas gets 2. Quartermain tagged in and he works over Douglas with rights, a slam and covers for 2. Off the ropes, reversals and Douglas with the high knee. Tag to Hoyt and a stiff clothesline to Quartermain. Hoyt works over the JOB squad, wait, nevermind. Natural Disaster on Quartermain. Blackout by Hoyt to Bolen and that’s it.

Winners: Hoyt and The Naturals @ 7:17 via pin

They start taking the ropes down to get ready for Barbed Wire Massacre.

Video package for Joe vs. AJ.

Borash talks to the crowd, and then discussed the “major” announcement.

JJ vs. Rhino video package is shown.

James Mitchell is with Abyss. He says whey Abyss was institutionalized as a youth, he attempted to scale the walls of the institution, and was caught for hours trapped in the barbed wire that was atop the fence. He saw sunset and sunrise…and finally pulled himself from the wire. He escaped, but to this day he has been haunted by that memory. Sabu brought this to life, and now to defeat his fear he must destroy Sabu. Sabu, tonight is the rebirth of Abyss and he will eliminate the painful memories…memories or terror and blood…the 6’8, 350lb weapon of mass destruction is released!

Sabu is in his locker room and gets ready, he has barbed wire and a small tribute to his Uncle the Sheik…and points to the sky.

Another Rhino video package is run.

The ring is almost all set for the barbed wire match. Johnny Damon is here! Damn. Borash takes an apple and rips it apart on the barbed wire.

An AMW vs. Team 3D video runs.

Shane Douglas says that a barbed wire match is crazy. All men in wrestling fear this match, and your body will not be the same when you are done.

Don West hits the hard sell!

PPV hype video runs as the pre-show ends.


We see a collection of Sabu’s and Abyss’ greatest hits, and misses really.

Tenay and West officially welcome us to Turning Point. We waste no time because here is Abyss!

Barbed Wire Massacre: Sabu vs. Abyss w/Jim Mitchell

Abyss attacks but Sabu gets a barber wire baseball bat! He misses and it gets stuck in the ropes. Abyss tries to shove Sabu to the wire…but it doesn’t work. Smash mouth chair shot by Sabu. Triple jump, and Sabu ends with a Thez press for 2 and gets tossed into the wire! The ref has long sleeves and gloves, I do not blame him. Abyss chokes out Sabu now. Abyss tries to ram Sabu’s face off the wire, and he escapes. Rights by Sabu, but Abyss clubs him down. Rights by Sabu again, Abyss picks him up and tosses Sabu neck first onto the WIRE! Sabu grabs the spike and goes to work on Abyss! He stabs his arm repeatedly and Abyss is bleeding. Damn. Rights by Sabu…grabs the chair, sets it up…triple jump misses and Sabu crotches himself on the wire! Abyss has the chair now, then tosses it away. Sabu hits the wire again. Abyss charges and Sabu gets the drop toehold and goes into the wire! Chair shot by Sabu gets 2. Abyss battles back and GOOZLE! Chokeslam on the chair! 1…2…NO! Mitchell slides in the wire covered chair. He lays it on Sabu…tries the Avalanche but gets the chair in the nuts! Sabu has the chair…KILLS ABYSS WITH IT! Again! Abyss to the floor…Sabu points…PLANCHA ON ABYSS! Sabu has the board covered with wire and tosses it in the ring. Abyss suplexes Sabu onto the wire gut first! Back in the ring… Abyss sets the board up. Sabu fights back, Abyss has him…powerbomb try, countered and GOOZLE! Sabu bites his hand. FLAPJACK BY ABYSS TO SABU ONTO THE WIRE! Abyss grabs another board of wire. He sets it up in the corner and goes after Sabu. Rights by Sabu, and almost gets the wire. Abyss charges and EATS THE WIRE! He is stuck. Sabu kicks him and he falls onto the other one. He is sandwiched and Sabu splashes onto the boards and pins Abyss!

Winner: Sabu @ 11:00 via pin

We get replays of all of the crazy spots as they cut Abyss from the wire. The crowd chants “thank you.”

Tenay and West put over the brutality of the match. They then run down the card.

Earlier today, we see JJ arriving with AMW. No Gail Kim, which they point out. Storm has a beer and tossed it into some flowers…nice. We then see Rhino arrive.

Shane Douglas is with the 4LK. BG says 2006 is the year of the 4LK. They put over the PPV and Konnan and Kip’s win on Impact. Kips says they will violate Team Canada.

In the back we see Abyss getting medical attention.

More highlights of the barbed wire match are shown.

Tenay and West continue to hype the card.

Tenay thanks us for our patience in waiting for the ring to be reconstructed.

Alex Shelley and Roderick Strong vs. Matt Bentley w/Traci and Austin Aries

Alex and Aries to begin. Lock up and some reversals. Off the ropes and Aries with a shoulder block. Headlock takedown, and Aries in early control. Springing back elbow by Aries, and into the headlock again. Counters by both men, and Aries with a basement dropkick. Alex bites his hand and gets a takedown. Tag to RS and sweet arm drags by Aries. He works the arm of RS, pendulum elbow and covers for 2. Tag to Bentley, double team suplex on RS. Double fist drop gets 2 for Bentley. Jawbreaker by RS, tag to Alex and boots to Bentley. Boots by Alex and a tag to RS. They kick the crap out of Bentley, and RS with chops to Bentley. Forearms by RS, but Bentley with a RANA gets 2. Slam by Bentley, tag to Aries and a corkscrew splash gets 2. Off the rope…Aries to the apron…Alex nails him and they toss him back in. Backbreaker by RS. Tag to Alex and he walks on Aries. Asai Moonsault by Alex gets 2. Tag to RS and a reverse 3D neck breaker to Aries gets 2. That was cool. Front face lock by RS, Aries battles back and Alex takes out Bentley. Aries set up top…RS up, knocked off and Alex nails Aries. DOOMSDAY MISSILE DROPKCIK by RS and Alex gets 2! Aries battles back and gets the desperation tag! Bentley in control with a backdrop and dropkicks. Bentley up top…elbow drop! Covers and gets 2 on Alex. Elbow to RS but Alex levels Bentley with a kick. Alex set up top… Bentley up…RS has him…GUT BUSTER! SENTON BY SHELLEY! 1…2…ARIES SAVES HIM! Alex hits RS by accident and he falls to the floor. Superkick by Bentley and that’s all.

Winners: Bentley and Aries @ 8:15 via pin ***ј

Monty Brown is cutting a promo on a BOB THE BUILDER DOLL! He makes a dress code joke, nice. Shane asks him about the match, and Monty says no one leap frogs him. He says Christian is NOT the Alpha Male, and can never be the Alpha Male. Monty hits some big words and tells Christian to get a dictionary to see what he said. He says tonight, Christian will feel the POOOOOOOOOUUNCE…PERIOD!

JJ is here. He says Monty is a snuffalufagus! He says Christian is the Golden Child and is doesn’t matter what Monty does. JJ asks him, “Do you know anything about the new announcement?” Monty says in 2006 the face of TNA is MONTY’S face.

Larry is in the ring and says Raven needs to sign the release. Raven calls him a half-wit and a has been. At least David Hasslehoff has Germany! This is a drive by that never ends. Raven grabs the release form, and laughs at Larry.

Raven vs. Chris K.

Kanyon bitches!

He attacks Raven right away. Neck breaker to Raven. He talks shit on Raven and beats him down. Raven to the floor and he rams Raven’s arm off of the steel post. He now lays him over the bottom rope and gets a leg drop. He then rams Raven off of the steel railing. Charges off the steps but misses Raven and nails the steel. Raven back in the ring and then kicks Chris to the railing. Raven pulls him up on the apron but Chris stuns him off the top rope. Back in the ring now and Chris gets the 2nd rope face smash deal he does for 2. Chris up top…MISSES the moonsault! Ankle Lock by Raven. Chris fights…to his feet and grabs Raven’s hair and pulls him down. Lefts by Raven, clothesline. Boots by Raven now. Another clothesline. High knee lift sends Chris to the floor! Raven chases and they battle up the ramp. Hip toss by Raven on the ramp and Raven is busted open and bleeding from the mouth. Raven grabs some toys from under the ring. Back into the ring. Oh yes, the chair. Drop toehold of doom countered and Chris blocks a right hand with the chair. Chris up top, Raven grabs him…POWERBOMB ON THE CHAIR! Raven grabs him, DDT 1…2…3.

Winner: Raven @ 6:11 via pin **

Larry says he is sick of this. He tells him to sign and to leave. Be a man Raven! Raven says NO and slaps Larry! Larry fights back and Cassidy Riley and security break it up.

Shane is with Team Canada. Shane says Roode isn’t here, and they say they haven’t seen him all day. Young is afraid and Petey goes to slap him and Young stands up to him. Coach slaps him instead! Coach says they are better than a family and they are all business.

JJ is here and he has Roode. They discuss the “announcement” and Coach says he has calls out and he will find out what is up. JJ says TNA management is against them all. Roode says he has JJ’s back.

Oh great, Killings is singing for us.

The 4LK (Kip, Ron, Konnan and BG) vs. Team Canada (Petey, A1, Roode and Eric) w/Coach D’Amore

Kip and Eric to start. Haha, Eric acts all brave, then tags out and Roode and Kip will start. Lock up and an arm bar by Kip. Headlock now, Roode escapes and a shoulder block by Kip. Some reversals and a boot by Kip and suplex for 2. Petey is in and gets a shoe by Konnan. Ron in and the top rope nut leg drop to Petey. Eric in and rights to him by Ron. Reversals, and the cool ax kick sequence by Ron. Tag to BG and double team boot and punches to Eric gets 2. Rights by Eric, off the ropes and juke and jive by BG. Big boot by BG, shaky knee drop to Eric gets 2. BG fights off Team Canada, until A1 levels him and they then gang attack him on the floor. Tag to A1 now and he clubs away at BG. Suplex to BG and a cover for 2. Tag back to Roode and he rams BG to the corner. Tag to Petey now and off the ropes…double clothesline by BG! BG crawls…and tags Kip. Rights for the Canadians! Jackhammer to Eric gets 2 as TC save him. Everyone is in now! Konnan takes out someone, Famasser on Roode and Konnan gets the chair…and then KILLS KIP JAMES! Roode covers Kip and that’s all.

Winners: Team Canada @ 7:27 via pin **Ѕ

BG and Konnan argue and Ron is in now. Konnan takes out BG as well! Ron just looks on. He says hit me too asshole! Konnan hugs him but Ron is pissed.

The Diamonds in the Rough are with Shane Douglas. The Diamonds mock the baseball players. Simon says this is a media event. He has a catcher’s chest protector and shin guards on. Simon says they will lose. He also says Heenan has no place in TNA.

Highlights of all of the media TNA got as well as a hype package for the Diamonds vs. Torborg, Sabin and Dutt.

They show some of the baseball player sin attendance.

Borash announces Heenan to the announce booth. Heenan shakes with the baseball guys, who look every happy to see him. Tenay says it is great to see the Brain back in the booth. Heenan asks for money! HAHA!

Sabin and Dutt sport the White Sox jerseys.

The Diamonds in the Rough (Simon, Young and Elix) vs. Dale Torborg, Chris Sabin and Sonjay Dutt w/AJ Persinski

Sabin and Elix to begin. Some cool reversals and a boot by Elix. More reversals and a waist lock by Sabin. Elix reverses it and takes him down and Heenan puts over TNA very genuinely on the mic as Sabin gets a cover for 2 on Elix. Elix back with a dropkick and Sabin back with a basement dropkick. Elix is pissed and tags in Young. Young springs in and Sabin with a dropkick catches him. Tag to Dutt with a top rope cross body gets 2. Springboard leg drop gets 2. Tag to Dale and rights for all of the Diamonds clears the ring. Dale then press slams Dutt onto the Diamonds on the floor! AJ chases Young with the bat and he goes back in. He catches Dutt with a cool reverse sidewalk slam for 2. Simon in and lefts to Dutt, a wind up and mocks AJ and takes Dutt down. Tag to Elix and a snap mare and kick to Dutt. Cover for 2. Off the ropes, crazy tilt a whirl by Dutt, but Elix tosses him off and Dutt lands on his face! Young in, SPINEBUSTER to Dutt for 2. Dutt avoids Young, RANA to Young. Tags to Simon and Dale and he gets a chokeslam to Simon for 2. Everyone is in, Sabin and Dutt double team Elix with a double team Dragon DDT. Tree of woe on Young…Dropkick by Sabin to Young. Heenan is impressed. Stereo dives by Dutt and Sabin to Elix and Young! Simon low blows Dale, but AJ grabs the shin guard but Simon nails Dale. AJ pulls out the ref and they argue. Heenan is over to help and AJ is in after Johnny Damon handed AJ a home plate? AJ nails Simon! CRADEL SHOCK BY Sabin. Hindu press by Dutt and that’s all!

Heenan mocks the Diamonds in the end.

Winners: Dale Torborg, Chris Sabin and Sonjay Dutt @ 8:22 via pin **

After the match, Borash ins in the ring and Dutt and Sabin have their gift for them. From TNA, they have special TNA rings for them. Heenan bites it to make sure it’s real! HAHA!

Shane is with Christian. Christian asks if he hears that? That’s the PEEPS SHANE! In the peep zone! He totally mocks the Rock here, and smirks. He says they are anticipating him becoming the #1 contender for the NWA Title. Monty, the time for talk is over. NO more fashion tips. Take your doll home and do what you want. Ask it how to become cool like the real Christian. I do things on my own terms Monty. I’ll walk onto your Serengeti and come back with your carcass. You will be served…because…that’s…how I roll!

A hype video for Christian and Monty runs.

Monty Brown vs. Christian Cage

Lock up and Monty tosses Christian away. They talk shit now and Christian slaps him. They exchange right sand Monty tosses him to the corner and clubs away on him. Chops and rights by Christian now, and off the ropes…reversal and Monty goes for the Pounce, but Christian takes a powder. Christian then mocks Monty’s sniff the ropes deal and they go to the floor. Christian rams him on the steel and then tosses him back in. Christian up top, leaps and Monty catches him…Press slam, Christian escapes and Monty to the floor. Christian goes up top…CROSS BODY TO MONTY ON THE FLOOR! Back in the ring and Christian covers for 2. Knee by Monty, reversals…Unprettier try…Monty has Christian up and stuns him off the top rope. Press slam by Monty and he THROWS CHRISTIAN TO THE FLOOR! Damn! Monty to the floor and he works over Christian. He teases the guardrail slam, and mocks the fans. Back in the ring and Monty with rights and boots, then covers for 2. Christian off the ropes…flapjack by Monty gets 2. Clubbing forearms to the face of Christian and a cover for 2. Christian sent off the ropes and Monty with a back elbow. T Bone try, Christian battles out and off the ropes…overhead belly to belly toss by Monty gets 2. Christian battles back with shoulder blocks, Monty sends him to the corner, and gets a running knee shot. Monty has his leg…the turnbuckle pad gets pulled off and then Monty tosses Christian into the corner hard. Boots by Monty, and then to the floor and bends Christian around the ring post! Monty has him up…charges and Christian slips off and sends Monty into the steel railing. Christian tries to get back in the ring…and makes it as Monty crawls in. Rights by Christian, then lefts. Off the ropes…reversal and a clothesline by Christian. Another and he mounts Monty and fires away. Christian has him in the corner, Monty reverses it and sets Christian up top. Boot by Christian…tornado DDT by Christian gets 2. Knee by Monty, and then a roll up by Christian gets 2. Christian on the apron, goes up top…Monty nails him and goes up as well. They fight and Christian bites him! Monty falls…FROG SPLASH BY CHRISTIAN! Cover 1…2…NO! Monty nails Christian…ALPHA BOMB TO CHRISTIAN! 1…2…NO! Full nelson by Monty, Christian low bridges him and Monty gets the exposed turnbuckle. Unprettier 1…2…3!

Winner: Christian Cage @ 12:45 via pin ***

Shane is with Team 3D. They explain that they were in Japan running wild. They want the NWA titles next, and Bubba goes apeshit yelling at AMW.

Non-Title Tables Match: AMW © vs. Team 3D

Devon and Ray attack as AMW come out. Both members of the team must go through the table. Ray and Storm pair off on top of the stage and Ray goes for the table early. Storm nails him and Devon and Harris battle at ringside. Devon and Harris make it into the ring and Ray and Storm battle by the announce table. Storm rakes his eyes and tosses Ray into the steel railing. Harris with a sweet stalling suplex on Devon in the ring. He covers, and the ref reminds them that there are no pins! Devon fights back and takes both AMW members down. Ray is back, takes out Harris and they double team Storm. WAZZZUP HEADBUTT! TESTIFY! Devon…Ray counts 3 and the crowd yells GET THE TABLES! Table chant now and They have one in the ring. Harris takes out Ray, moves the table and Devon flapjacks Storm and he misses the table. AMW set up a table in the corner, and have Devon…they toss Devon and Ray SPEARS Devon to save him! Ray and Storm to the floor and they STIFF the shit out of each other! Harris has Devon on a table…he goes up top…Ray is in…nails Harris. He goes up top…SUPERPLEX by Storm just gets in to move the table. Ray is channeling Kobashi man as he is chopping stiff as hell. Devon and Harris battle on the floor. Ray tosses Storm and he clears the table and takes out Harris and Devon! Ray sets another table up and goes after Harris on the floor. Harris and Storm’s chest are already beat up. Ray has Storm on the table…Storm up and nails Ray. Goes up top…Devon moves the table…RANA by Storm and Ray misses the table. SUPERKICK to Devon! AMW have a table now. They try a 3D but Harris totally misses, I think on purpose because it looked comical. 3D has Storm…Death Sentence try by 3D…DEVON GETS THE SENTENCE ON STORM THROUGH A TABLE! Harris is with chair shots to 3D. Harris and Devon battle on the floor and slams him on a table on the entrance way. Ray is up there now and 3D TO HARRIS THROUGH THE TABLE! Game, set and match.

Winner: Team 3D @ 10:51 via Tables ***ј

Video hype for Joe vs. AJ.

James Storm is injured in the ring. It was from the Death Sentence through the table.

The replay looked bad, and he is being helped from the ring.

X Title Match: AJ Styles © vs. Samoa Joe

AJ attacks as the bell rings! He has Joe rocked, and then gets a suplex! AJ talks shit and kicks away on Joe. Forearm shots by AJ, snap mare and kicks by AJ. Knee now and Joe is down. He yells at Joe about respect and whips him off the ropes and Joe fires back with a stiff knee. Off the ropes and AJ with the dropkick rocks the shit out of Joe! Forearms again by AJ, but Joe back with Chops. Joe misses the knee charge, and they stand off. They exchange forearms, but Joe kicks the living shit out of AJ! Running boot and AJ flies to the floor. Joe follows him out to the floor and rams AJ into the steel railing. Back to the ring, AJ tries to suplex Joe in…then stuns him off the ropes. Joe pulls him out with a powerbomb looking hold and spins and rams AJ into the steel railing! Dear god! Joe rams him to the railing again…Joe is set…RUNNING YAKUZA KICK! Joe tosses AJ back in the ring and stalks him. Kicks by Joe again. Snap mare, chops and kicks and then the high knee drop! Joe picks him up again and then chops AJ down. More kicks and drops AJ like a bad habit. AJ gets an Irish whip, tries the leap frog but Joe with a flapjack! Standing Senton by Joe gets 2. Rear chinlock by Joe. AJ battles up…forearms to Joe now. Irish whip, reversal and running knee of doom by Joe! Face wash by Joe…AJ fights out of it but Joe slaps the piss out of him and gets the running boot in the corner and AJ Styles looks out. Dayum! Joe with more kicks to AJ and AJ is down. Chops by Joe now. Off the ropes…reversal and AJ to the apron. AJ tries to get back in and Joe kicks his head off. Forearms by Joe. AJ is down on the apron…but is up and gets an Enziguri! AJ springs in…POWERBOMB BY JOE! 1…2…NO! Into the Boston Crab now! Joe sits back, AJ fights and finally escapes. Forearm shots by Joe in the corner. Irish whip…Joe charges and AJ backdrops him to the floor! Joe gets to his feet and AJ is up now…SASUKE SPECIAL TO JOE! Back into the ring now. AJ on the apron…springboard forearm smash to the back of Joe’s head. AJ covers for 2. Full nelson by Joe, escapes by AJ and Asai DDT to Joe 1…2…NO! Forearm shots by AJ, off the ropes…SNAP powerslam by Joe gets 2! Joes’ mouth is busted open as we get the “This is awesome chant” now. Kicks by Joe as he lights up AJ and AJ calls him on! AJ tries to rope a dope now. Joe lights him up with rights and lefts. AJ back with a spin kick. Joe is rocked now and AJ is bleeding from the mouth as well. AJ sets Joe up top…Joe fights down, AJ tries the clash…wait, no…POWERBOMB to Joe 1…2…NO! Forearms and rights by AJ. AJ off the ropes…JOE FLIPS HIM INSIDE OUT WITH A LARIAT! Joe covers and pulls AJ up? TIGER DRIVER by Joe gets 2! AJ is pissed and both men are wanting more! Joe off the ropes…sleeper to AJ. Head butts now to AJ and chops as well. PELE and Joe is down. DOWN GOES JOE! AJ sets Joe up top…AJ up top as well…Joe nails him, Joes grabs him but AJ escapes. AJ tries for a clash…gets it! 1…2…NO! JOE IS NOT HUMAN! AJ goes up top…Joe shoves the ref, AJ down with a roll up…NO! Joe with the Kokina Clutch! AJ fights…he rolls…that’s all! AJ passes out!

Winner: and NEW X CHAMPION Samoa Joe @ 19:05 via submission ****ѕ

Joe stands over AJ and helps him up. He then KILLS him with the X TITLE! Joe takes out security and gets a chair. He tosses it in the ring and Tenay is going crazy saying this is uncalled for. There is a “Joe’s gonna kill you.”

DANIELS IS HERE! He tales down Joe and they brawl! Daniels is all over Joe and unloads with forearms. Joe fights back with the head butt and kicks. He grabs the chair and finally like 20 security guys are out to stop it.

Tenay puts over the brutality of the PPV and all of the great performances.

A hype video for JJ vs. Rhino is shown.

Shane is with Rhino. He says his life is on track, and he clawed his way to the NWA Title. JJ and AMW stole the title from him. To the fans, he is still the champion. To his daughter his is still the champion. He is going to cut JJ is half with the GORE, GORE, GOREEEE!

Borash with the super special ring announcing.

They are chanting “Fire Jarrett.”

NWA Title Match: Rhino vs. Jeff Jarrett ©

They fake the lock up a few times, and then the test of strength. Boot by JJ and an arm bar by JJ. Boot by Rhino and a headlock. Off the ropes, Rhino tackles JJ down and then gets a cover for 1. Arm bar by Rhino, knee by JJ and some reversals and a great dropkick by JJ gets 2. Hip toss by JJ, into a leg scissors arm bar. Rhino works to escape, rolls JJ and stands up and pulls JJ up and tosses him into the top rope stunner like. Press slam by Rhino. Front suplex by Rhino and then a boot sends JJ to the floor. SLING SHOT RHINO PLANCHA~! They head into the crowd. I’ll give them credit, they actually started in the ring for 4-minutes, a nice change. JJ fights a suplex off and tosses Rhino off a bleacher, about 5 feet. Rhino battles back and rams JJ into the wall. They battle towards the back and JJ is tossed into some kind of AC duct or some shit. Boots by Rhino now, and guess what, JJ is bleeding! They are on the entrance ramp now and Rhino is in control. Vicious rights by Rhino and JJ is bleeding even better now! Chair shot by Rhino to JJ’s back. One to the gut of JJ now. JJ rammed into the side of the stands now, and Rhino got himself a table. He lays JJ on it and climbs into the bleachers. JJ is up, pulls him down and rams him into the bleachers. They climb into a scaffold for a cameraman and battle it out. JJ with a chair and nails Rhino who FALLS THROUGH THE TABLE! JJ is down with the chair and works Rhino over. They brawl on the ramp and Rhino is able to get a suplex. Rhino now goes backstage and has another table. Rhino sets the table up on the entrance like last month. JJ is up…GORE THROUGH THRE TABLE DOWN THE TUNNEL! It didn’t really break either, so that had to hurt. Rhino crawls out of the tunnel and Borash says the ref has declared that Rhino and JJ have to the count of 10 to get back into the ring. FINALLY! Eric Young and Petey grab Rhino and toss him back down the tunnel. They drag JJ down to the ring and roll him in. The ref is not happy and Rhino is back bitches! 2nd wind and Rhino is all over JJ! He takes out Team Canada and he has JJ. SPINE BUSTER to JJ gets 2. Rhino goes up top…Petey grabs his leg and the ref finally sends them to the back. JJ goes up with Rhino…superplex to Rhino 1…2…NO! Reversal and a DVD BY RHINO! He covers 1…2…NO! Rhino goes for the GORE and nails the ref! Belly to belly by Rhino and of course there is no ref. Rhino sets for the gore…crowd wants it…Roode is out and Rhino fights him off. A1 is out as well. GORE to A1! NORTHERN LARIAT by Roode! JJ covers, 1…2…NO! JJ has the guitar. He goes up top… Rhino nails him and goes up and JJ EL KABINGS HIM! JJ covers 1…2…NO! Jackie Gayda is here now. She slaps JJ. GORE GORE GORE! 1…2…NOOOOOOO! Shit! Security takes Gayda out and Rhino has a chair. 2 now and sets them up. He has JJ, they go up top…Rhino Driver try…D’Amore with the hockey stick nails Rhino. Stroke on the chairs 1…2…3.

Winner: JJ @ 17:33 via pin ***

JJ celebrates as it took 5 Canadians, 2 chairs and a guitar to beat Rhino.


We get a Sting symbol on all of the monitors. A baseball bat, boots and trench coat are on a chair in the middle of the ring. JJ looks scared as we fade out…


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Larry Csonka

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