wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE Superstars Report 10.22.09
-Hosted by Michael Cole, Jerry “The King” Lawler, Josh Mathews, & Matt Striker
-Show opens with a video tribute to Captain Lou Albano. Same one that aired Monday.
Kelly Kelly vs. Gail Kim
What an odd matchup this is. Kelly gets a nice hometown pop in Jacksonville, and she goes down and hugs someone in the front row who I’m guessing is family of some kind. Gail grabs a headlock and takes Kelly over with it at the outset, but Kelly reverses into a head scissor. Both ladies sweep the legs for two counts, and then have a handshake. Gail goes back to the side headlock, and then delivers a shoulderblock for a one count. Gail grabs a wristlock, but Kelly flips out and armdrags out of it. Gail comes back with a rollup for two, but Kelly comes back with an armdrag. Kelly goes for a monkeyflip that is blocked by Gail who hits a jackknife cover for two. Gail grabs a reverse chinlock, and Kelly backs her into the corner to break. Gail goes to the top with Kelly going for a hurracanrana, but Kelly blocks it and Gail crashes to the mat. Kelly goes for the cover which gets two, and they both knock each other out with clotheslines. Back to their feet Kelly delivers a pair of clotheslines, and then a spinning hurracanrana. Rollup from Kelly gets a two count, but Gail then dodges a charge. Gail heads to the second rope for a crossbody, but that misses and Kelly hits her legdrop now called the Kelly Killer (how original) to pick up the win at 4:18. This was actually really good by WWE diva standards. Perfectly watchable, nothing blown, no complaints from me. Afterward the girls share a handshake and hug.
Winners: Kelly Kelly (Pinfall-Kelly Killer **)
-Here’s the same Randy Orton-John Cena video package we got on Raw and ECW. It’s a great package, and makes this feud seem better than it has been, but enough is enough guys.
Ezekiel Jackson & Vladimir Kozlov vs. Tommy Dreamer & Goldust
Kind of funny seeing Goldust as Tommy’s considering back in 96 and 97 things like Goldust was exactly what Tommy was fighting against. Normally that irony is lost on me since we’re so far removed, but with both guys in virtually the same gimmick as they were then it stands out to me. Zeke starts out with Goldust, and gets a boot to the face before Tommy tags in with a crossbody for two. Goldust tags again and comes off the second rope with an elbow before getting struck by Zeke and sent to the corner. Zeke charges but misses and shoulders the buckle. Tag to Dreamer who comes off the second rope with a clothesline for two. Zeke is back with a bodyslam to Dreamer before tagging in Kozlov who misses an elbow drop. Goldust tags back in and grabs an armwringer, and then hits a drop toehold. Tommy tags in and delivers an elbow drop, but Kozlov is back to push Dreamer into the heel corner. Tag to Zeke who whips Tommy to the corner, and then buries him with an avalanche. Kozlov tags back in and chokes out Tommy with his boot before delivering a belly to belly suplex. Kozlov grabs a waistlock which turns into a bearhug as Tommy stands up. Kozlov delivers a bodyslam, and makes the tag to Jackson who buries a shoulderblock in the corner. Irish whip sends Tommy into the corner which Zeke follows with a clothesline for two. Jackson goes for a slam, but Dreamer counters and rams Zeke head first into the top buckle. That allows Tommy to make the hot tag to Goldust who meets Kozlov coming in as well. Goldust hits a bulldog for two as Jackson is in to make the save. As the ref puts him out Kozlov goes for the Iron Curtain, but Dreamer puts a stop to that. Goldust then delivers the Golden Age which finishes at 5:17. No celebration though as Zeke and Kozlov destroy the babyfaces after the bell with a pair of Iron Curtains for both.
Winners: Tommy Dreamer & Goldust (Goldust pins Kozlov-Golden Age *1/2)
R-Truth & Matt Hardy vs. Eric Escobar & Drew McIntyre (w. Vickie Guerrero)
Escobar starts things off with Truth who grabs a side headlock at the outset. Escobar comes back with a shoulderblock, but Truth returns the favor with a hiptoss and headscissor. Truth hits a spinning heel kick for two, and then grabs hold of a wristlock. That allows the tag to Matt Hardy who gets caught with a right hand from Escobar allowing him to tag in McIntyre. McIntyre grabs an armbar, but Hardy is able to push him to the corner making the tag to R-Truth. Double clothesline from Truth and Hardy sends McIntyre over the top to the floor, and they keep on the offense with baseball slides to both heels as we head to break. Back from commercial with Truth hitting a drop toehold on Escobar. Truth knocks McIntyre off the apron, but turns into Escobar who drops down on the shoulder before making the tag to McIntyre. Drew flips Truth out of the corner as the heels begin working on the arm of Truth. McIntyre grabs an armbar, before tagging Escobar back in the match. Escobar grabs a chicken wing, but R-Truth is able to counter out of that with a modified stunner. Truth hits the ropes and goes for a sunset flip, but Escobar counters by dropping an elbow on the injured arm. Escobar grabs a Fujiwara armbar, and then tags in McIntyre. Drew grabs an armbar, but Truth counters an armdrag into a rollup for two. Both men clothesline each other, and that allows Truth to make the hot tag to Hardy. Matt is in with a clothesline and a bulldog to McIntyre for at two count. McIntyre charges into a boot from Hardy who then goes to the second rope delivering an elbow drop. Moonsault from Hardy connects, but Escobar breaks up the two count. Truth chases him to the floor, but at attempted dive to the floor is dodged by Escobar. Meanwhile in the ring Hardy hits a rollup on Drew for two. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Vickie has the ref distracted. McIntyre counters the Twist of Fate, and pushes Hardy off to a waiting Escobar who drops Matt down on the top rope. As he turns around McIntyre awaits with a double arm DDT which finishes at 13:17. Nice tag team main event to put the kids over. Not special, but it accomplished its goal.
Winners: Eric Escobar & Drew McIntyre (McIntyre pins Hardy-Double Arm DDT **1/4)
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