wrestling / Live Coverage
411’s Live WWE Backlash Coverage .::. Edge Vs. Kane
Michaels arrives earlier today.
Edge vs. Kane
Edge looks jacked. Edge back to his older music. You screwed bret chant at Hebner. Edge pounds on Kane with his right hand to start. Edge with a ten punch count along in the corner getting to five before Kane knocks him off and hits a double choke. Edge with a baseball side dropkick on Kane from the ring to the floor. Edge clears off the Spanish Announce Table. Kane smacks the cast arm into the STEEEEEEEL steps. Back into the ring, and Kane stomps away on that injured arm. Kane flips Edge using the cast arm. More action. Jumping DDT by Edge on Kane. Edge goes for a spear, Kane dodges, Edge holds up, Kane goes for a chokeslam. Ref is on the floor. Edge hits Kane with the cast. Then Edge hits a spear on Kane with the cast arm, the ref comes back in and Edge gets the pin.
Winner: Edge
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