wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE NXT Arrival Report 2.27.14
Hey folks, it’s Steve Cook and I agreed to do this during the first few minutes of the show, so the pbp for the first match kinda sucks. My apologies.
Sami Zayn vs. Cesaro: Sami Zayn & Cesaro are wrestlers I consider better than everybody except Daniel Bryan, so my epxectations for this match are sky high. Zayn gets the early shine, but later on Cesaro gets the advantage and works over the previously injured knee of Zayn. Even if I was prepared for this I probably couldn’t do the action justice. Zayn tries his awesome through the 2nd & 3rd turnbuckle DDT on the outside but Cesaro meets him with an uppercut. This leads to the working over of the knee. Cesaro with the dragonscrew leg whip on multiple occasions. Zayn’s trying, but he misses the enziguri & Cesaro locks on the half crab. He might want to tap, but he doesn’t. Long first fall here. Zayn fights back, he sends Cesaro outside..tries a springboard moonsault but Cesaro catches him & slams him on the ramp! Zayn back in at 9! He exploders Cesaro into the corner for a 2. BLUE THUNDER by Zayn gets 2! Koji clutch by Zayn! And Cesaro turns it into a Stretch Muffler! This is not standard WWE fare, ladies & gentlemen. Zayn breaks the hold by getting to the ropes. Cesaro teases the swing, near fall for Zayn, and now it’s swinging time! NXT fans a little better at counting the revolutions than WWE fans. Series of near-falls here. I don’t think even indy wrestling announcers would argue that these guys aren’t professional wrestlers. They get up on the top rope, Zayn goes for a rana, he eventually gets it! Haluba kick in the corner…no! Now Cesaro is back on offense, & William Regal is uncomfortable on commentary because he knows how those uppercuts feel. Now they’re just trading shots. German by Zayn! He runs into a boot to the face, it’s Neutralizer time but Zayn backdrops out for a 2 count! Code Red gets a 2 count! SUPER UPPERCUT! ZAYN KICKS OUT AT 1? MOTHERFUCKER! Cesaro cleans his clock & Neutralizes him for the 3 count!
Winner: Cesaro (about 20 minutes or so)
Holy shit, what a fucking match. Cesaro with the HUG for Zayn afterwards. Talk about making a star for whoever’s watching the WWE Network stream right now. AND THIS GUY’S NOT READY FOR RAW? MY ASS!
CJ Parker vs. Mojo Rawley: I have not heard good things about CJ Parker, but it’s not like he’ll have a chance following that last match. Maybe they will, the fans are chanting for Mojo. Mojo’s all about staying hyped. CJ has some funky hair but Regal’s building him up. Why is Regal not on Raw or Smackdown announcing? I’ll never know. Parker goes on the offense & slows things down. He hates processed food! Regal’s pro-pollution rant here is pretty awesome. Mojo splashes him in the corner, hits the butt-butt and the Hyper Drive (Earthquake splash) for the 3 count!
Winner: Mojo Rawley (5 minutes or so)
We take a special look at Emma. They should air this special look on Raw so fans there will like her.
NXT Tag Team Titles Match: The Ascension vs. Too Cool: Conor O’Brian wearing chain mail like he’s Scott Steiner. Not bad. I like the usage of Too Cool here. Effective nostalgia act that can get a pop, and they won’t get overpushed like the New Age Outlaws. Grandmaster Sexay gets the abuse early on. Rick Viktor gets the advantage, then O’Brian just runs the man over. Good old fashioned tag team wrestling here. Grandmaster Sexay looks more like Jerry Lawler by the day…not like that’s a surprise to anybody. Scotty 2 Hotty gets the hot tag! He has no hair, which is more jarring than Sexay looking like Jerry Lawler. Viktor misses in the corner, and it’s W-O-R-M time! Conor tried to ruin it but he couldn’t. Viktor blocks the karate chop! Viktor clotheslines him down, and it’s about to get from bad to worse…THE FALL OF MAN (a more drawn out Total Elimination) finishes Scotty!
Winners: The Ascension
William Regal calls this a changing of the guard.
Paige is zipping up her jacket!
Stephanie McMahon comes out to get some pops for NXT & put over the Divas.
NXT Women’s Title Match: Paige (c) vs. Emma: Big match for Emma here. She is tremendously over with the NXT fans but the WWE fans are so far un-sold…delivering here could help her out. They’re going at it hard early on, Paige eventually gets the advantage and hits the rear chinlock. These announcers keep doing a better job of building people up than the ones on the main show. Eventually Emma blocks a kick & knocks Paige down, the Emma Sandwich attempt doesn’t work, but the catapult does, but the Emma Lock is blocked! Paige back on the offense. Well, until Emma trips her up on the apron, the hardest part of the ring. Hey, here’s the Dilemma! A Tarantula in case you were wondering! Emma Sandwich in the corner! 2 count! Regal has been married 17 times! He’s addicted to wedding cake! Emma with a sit-out surfboard on Paige…Paige turns it into a regular surfboard, which I’m not sure is better. Emma eventually pushes her out & goes with the more traditional offense of a hair beal. Back & forth now. Emma wins the contest for ramming opponents into the turnbuckle, but Paige tries for a superplex…Emma says no. Sunset flip…no…sitout powerbomb by Emma gets 2! I’m not sure what the fans are chanting now. “Better than Batista”, I’m told by Twitter. Can’t argue. Paige Turner! It won Paige the match in August, but it doesn’t win it now! Paige with a Scorpion Crosslock on, as William Regal tells me, & Emma has to tap out!
Winner: Paige
Yeah, 10 times better than any Diva match on Raw or Smackdown this year. Handshake and a hug. Mutual respect! Divas! Rock on.
A special look at Adrian Neville. He refused to do an interview before the show. Whether that was a work or a shoot remains to be seen.
Damn, I wish I could sit next to Pat Patterson & Dusty Rhodes for a show. I would learn so much.
Xavier Woods vs. Tyler Breeze: The WWE Network stream broke, but it didn’t really matter because Aleksander Rusev came down & broke them. Hopefully they get it going for the ladder match!
Our stream is back on, & Shawn Michaels is out here to cut a promo before the ladder match! I can dig it.
Ladder Match for the NXT Title: Bo Dallas (c) vs. Adrian Neville: Shawn Michaels shakes both men’s hand before the match. Very classy. The staredown before they raise the belt is pretty tight. Dallas goes for the ladder immediately, but Neville wants to fight first. And he is truly the man that gravity forgot! Eventually Bo goes on offense & the Bolievers are on fire! Big clothesline turns Neville inside out. He puts Adrian in the Tree of Woe & goes outside to get a ladder…he takes too much time since Neville frees himself, kicks the ladder into Bo’s face & dives onto him outside! Once again, Regal puts Bo over in a way that I wonder why he’s not commentating on a major show. He works over Neville for awhile, but his attempt to climb the ladder is foiled! Neville’s attempt results in the same fate. Then he gets gutted by the ladder! Tornado DDT by Neville! The ladder here is pretty tough, which makes for a better match from where I sit. Bo rams Adrian into the ladder a couple of times, they go down, but Adrian gets the advantage & goes up top…never mind, Bo knocks him off the top rope! Holy Shit, Bo teases climbing, & Adrian vaults over him because he’s the man gravity forgot. But Bo catches him…and Buckle Bombs him! Nevile slams Bo on the ladder…goes up top…Red Arrow! This man is incredible. Bo rolls outside…Neville’s got an opening…Bo’s in the ring, but not in time! Neville gets the belt!
Winner: Adrian Neville
JOHN CENA is in the crowd to cheer Neville on! Of course he’s here, he wants to see the next generation of WWE Superstars!
Steve Cook joins the Man Cave to talk about the debut of WWE NXT Arrival on the WWE Network. We’ll discuss the show and praise the work of Cesaro, Sami Zayn, Bo Dallas, Adrian Neville, Emma, and Paige. Really, we’ll just praise everything about the show because it was awesome from start to finish. You can check out the show at this link, or via the player below…