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The 411 Wrestling Top 5: Top 5 Desired WWE Network Shows

December 6, 2015 | Posted by Larry Csonka

The 411 Wrestling Top 5: Hello everyone and welcome to 411 Wrestling’s Top 5 List. We take a topic each week and all the writers here on 411 wrestling will have the ability to participate and give us their Top 5 on said topic. So, onto this week’s topic…

Week 329 – Top 5 Desired WWE Network Shows

Name the top 5 shows you want to see on the WWE Network. They can be original ideas, or variations on shows that already exist.

Chad Perry
5. House Shows – One of the nice things about NJPW World is that if you want to watch every match that a certain wrestler competes in over the year, you are able to. The Network has offered us a few live specials of house shows this year, one that was great and one that felt exactly like a house show. Obviously one of the issues with this would be the possible oversaturation this could create, micro-managing of house shows were guys get to let loose a little and of course the hit that live show attendance could hit. In retrospect perhaps this would not be the best idea, but I would still enjoy the option; it could even be included at a premium price of $5 more a month.

4. EVOLVE/NXT/FCW – Lumping these three together and you could include OVW or DSW in the bunch if you wanted. The Network has been around for almost two years now and there has yet to be a single catalog episode of NXT added (though all can be watched with a Hulu Plus account). Watching wrestlers compete before they made it to the big stage is always a fun time and these shows are a blast to go back and view on YouTube or Hulu currently. With the relationship WWe has forged with EVOLVE it would be refreshing to see some of their older content available; even if it was only of superstars currently under the WWE banner.

3. Coliseum Video Tape Library – This is one that I was very hopeful for when the Network was first announced but we have not seen a single trace of yet. From the mid-80s through 1997 there were 200+ special compliations released on video tape that often times featured exclusive matches from house shows. Along with that there were usually silly segments in between (Lord Alfred Hayes doing home repair with The Bushwhackers comes to mind right away). To any kid that grew up in this era they were a holy grail and loads of fun to view. A friend of mine recently purchased the Undertaker’s Gravest Matches tape on eBay for 8 dollars and has had a blast reliving it. Having the opportunity to view things like that, Hulkamania, Smack Em Whack Em, and countless others would be a lot of fun.

2. Documentaries on things NOT relating to the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars – When the first Monday Night Wars DVD came out in the early 2000s it was a fun set that still lacked a lot of information. In the decade since that time we have had every relevant piece of information from this time period beaten into us with repeated specials (including a 20 hour series on it). The same can be said for other items relating to the Attitude Era (see McMahon vs. Austin). There are so many other stories that could be told; like inside looks at WrestleMania 7, WrestleMania 9 or SummerSlam 1992 for example. All three had events that surrounded them or were set in special venues that could offer some new information.

1. Alternative Commentaries – Mick Foley, Chris Benoit and Triple H (along with others that I am surely forgetting) have had this feature as extras on their DVDs and it is always a welcome experience. Austin has also “watched along” with us as he viewed his matches from WrestleMania 13 & 16 via his podcast. All of these commentaries offer an interesting perspective on matches that we have seen countless times and have therefore made things fresh again. Wrestling doing commentary over their previous matches helps us have a unique insight on what the wrestlers were thinking and why they did certain things. To go back to idea #4 there could also be one hour specials dedicated to superstars such as Rollins, Ambrose, Wyatt, etc. in-which they would talk about their NXT/FCW careers and do commentary over certain matches.

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Ryan Byers
Note – In late July, Total Divas ran an episode that consisted mainly of different groups of wrestlers driving to shows together. In my review, I complimented it as being one of the better episodes of the series. Fast forward a few months, and the company announces WWE Ride Along, a new Network series based around wrestlers driving to shows together. Apparently when I talk about Network programming, WWE listens, so you’ll probably see the entries on this list made into real shows sooner rather than later.

5. International Showcase – Long-time readers of the site will know that I enjoy wrestling from Japan, from Mexico, and from pretty much anywhere that I can find it. Though I like watching foreign wrestlers in their native environments, I’ve been particularly interested when they’ve come overseas and competed in the United States. What I would like to see is a compilation series that assembles matches that international greats have had on American soil. There would be plenty of footage to mine for this one. You could feature guys like Ultimo Dragon tearing it up in WCW, the original Tiger Mask defending the WWF Jr. Heavyweight Title on Madison Square Garden cards, and Mil Mascaras showing up just about anywhere.

4. Behind the Scenes Profiles – WWE employs quite a bit of on air talent . . . wrestlers, managers, referees, announcers, and so on. However, for everybody who pops up on screen, there are plenty of employees who work behind the scenes and are just as important to bringing us our daily of rasslin. I’m sure several of them have interesting stories or personalities, and I’m sure that there are several of them who have jobs that we’ve never even thought of. What if we could get a show that profiled these unsung heroes of the sports entertainment? Take fifteen minutes to tell us about the seamstresses, the guys who shoot off the pyro, the trainers at NXT, whoever you can think of. It might not be the most popular show on the Network, but it would be something different and likely cost effective to produce.

3. More Swerved, Legends House, & Slam City – These are shows that we’ve already seen on the Network, and, though I realize they weren’t the highest brow entertainment in the world, they have all served as guilty pleasures of mine at different points since the over the top service launched. Swerved was campy, but it was interesting to see some of our WWE favorites in non-wrestling environments. Legends House was so clearly a worked reality series, but compelling because you got to see these old “workers” trying to work the crowd in a new genre. Slam City was quick, inoffensive humor with a couple of hidden gem gags that were reminiscent of old Looney Tunes shorts. I wouldn’t object to any of these programs making a comeback, though I somehow doubt that they will.

2. Where Are They Now? – For quite some time now, WWE.com has done an interesting series of articles catching up with former WWE performers and profiling their lives after retirement from the squared circle. Based on the work that I do from time-to-time filling in on Ask 411 Wrestling, that’s a popular topic with fans. So, why not turn the concept in to its own television series? There are enough former wrestlers out there that you would virtually never run out of material, and zany old school wrestlers are always good for a few laughs. John Nord, Barry Darsow, Stan Lane, Luscious Johnny V . . . dig some of these guys up and throw a camera on them for twenty minutes. I have a feeling that there will be far more hits than misses.

1. WWET3K – I don’t watch a lot of television outside of wrestling. However, one of the shows that I’ve always enjoyed and still watch entirely too much of to this day is Mystery Science Theater 3000, the show that elevated making fun of bad movies into an art form. I’ve long thought that a marriage of MST3K-style “riffing” and professional wrestling would make for some high quality entertainment. It wouldn’t be that difficult, either. Find a few godawful wrestling shows from years gone by, grab a couple of wrestlers or other personalities who are quick-witted, and have them knock the cards while they play out for the Network viewing audience. I know that guys like Colt Cabana have done this on a lower level with products like $5 Wrestling, but so much more could be done with the concept if it incorporated WWE’s video library and some of their talent. Imagine Kevin Nash and Scott Hall being given free reign to come in and bury a low rent ECW show from the early 1990s. Picture the New Day being allowed to run roughshod over a Russoriffic WCW pay per view from the year 2000. There’s so much that could be done with this series, and it would be relatively cheap to produce.

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5. Musical Performance – Hey, Triple H is buddies with Motorhead. Didn’t WWE promote a Rollins Stones concert a few years ago? Not that it did too well, but that is pay-per-view. This is about the WWE Network baby! I think the key to growing subscriptions is not just to focus on the wrestling fans but to branch out. At this point, WWE can only do so much for their diehards. Like seriously, if you have STILL not signed up, odds are you won’t and never will. For all the value…it is time to look elsewhere, and that may be musical performances. Not Jerry Springer shows or Seth Green (not) funny comedies.

4. Table For Three With Vince, Shane, & Stephanie McMahon – Yeah, Triple H could be in there too, but we want Shane O’Mac to appear, right? Can only be a table for three. Not four. Just to see what they would discuss and not discuss would be a huge ‘get’ for the WWE Network. I mean the McMahons own it, so they can do whatever they want at the end of the day. The entire family dynamic has always fascinated me. On screen or off screen, one could argue there is no other famous family still alive in the world with as much dysfunction or drama than these folks. Oh, and we get to see if all the weird stories about Vince and his eating habits are true. As long as Shane doesn’t sneeze…

3. IronMan – This was something I wrote about (on another website?) during the summer. After the success of Elimination Chamber and King of the Ring, it is the next logical stop. Make a one hour (and 10 minutes for extra junk) show built entirely around a hug championship match. Place it on a random Sunday or heck – make it a Tuesday or something. Basically, the title says it all. Open with a video package, entrances, and then obviously the one hour bout. I think it would be pretty cool and can be hyped up on television like the recent Madison Square Garden special where it was not the sole focus but kind of a side attraction mentioned on and off. The only problem would be where to film it…and if it would be live, the show can’t be just an hour for the live attendance fans. WWE can figure that stuff out though.

2. TNA Impact Wrestling – No, I am not predicting nor do I think it will ever happen. This is listed just because the internet would explode. The reaction would be beyond priceless. While I am joking with this entry, there is a legitimate counter argument in that that 1.2 million subscribers are more viewers than TNA got all year (and likely 2016 as well). Plus, the talent would actually be paid on time and get recognized in airports. Hey, now that I think about it, is there really a downside to this? It’s not like TNA is doing anything NOT under the WWE banner. Can’t beat ’em…join ’em.

1. The Undertaker Interview (with JBL because they may be better friends than any other host) – No explanation needed.

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Kevin Pantoja
5. Ruthless Aggression Era Shows – I enjoyed the Attitude Era as much as the next guy, but man I’m so sick of seeing specials on this. I swear I’ve seen DX invade WCW on the Network more times than I can count. Even though the AE was cool, I’ve always preferred the “Ruthless Aggression Era”. There were so many great matches and stories during that time and I’d love to see some focus on it. Obviously the Chris Benoit stuff would have to take a backseat but there is so much content here. The rise of guys like John Cena and Batista, Eddie Guerrero at his height, Brock just starting out, Evolution, Hollywood Rock, the short run of Goldberg and so very much more. I don’t care if it’s a clip show, a talk show or whatever, just give me more RA stuff.

4. Coliseum Home Video – As a kid, I used to love going to my local video store and finding the latest WWF Coliseum Home Video release. I’d rent it and watch it instantly, even if a lot of the stuff on it doesn’t hold up. One I specifically remember was like, “Wackiest Matches” or something like that. While it had some less than desirable matches featuring Doink and I believe Bastion Booger, but it did have the first ladder match between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. That’s something that should be on the Network. It would be a great trip down memory lane for a lot of viewers and give us things that aren’t already on the Network. I’d love to see one of those old WrestleFest shows.

3. Tape Trading – I don’t know if this is the best name but the idea follows tape trading. Obviously, tape trading isn’t something we need to do anymore, but why not throw back to it? Have someone knowledgeable host a show focusing on a past event or a specific topic (Hell in a Cell matches, Mania main events, cruiserweights, etc). Their co-host for the show would be someone who has competed in that kind of match often. They can rewatch matches and discuss it. This would be similar to Legends of Wrestling Roundtable, which I love, with the added bonus of seeing the matches with it. Maybe not the most original idea, but still.

2. Superstars, Wrestling Challenge, WWECW, etc. – I’m so happy that things like Smoky Mountain, NWA and AWA are being added to the WWE Network. There are still a good chunk of things I want. Give me Superstars, Wrestling Challenge, All-American Wrestling, Action Zone, Velocity, Heat, ECW on TNN, WWECW, FCW, OVW, DSW, etc. The possibilities are honestly almost endless. Granted, not everyone is clamoring to watch Shotgun or Metal, but some people do. Give me old season of NXT and whatever else is in the library.

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1. Alternate Commentaries – How has this not happened yet? One of my favorite things about the old Chris Jericho DVD is the alternate commentary he provides for some matches. It added to the Shawn Michaels/Jericho WrestleMania match that I already loved. You could do this with so many people. Steve Austin was great at it on his podcast, bring in Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rock or even have current guys do it. Just hearing the people involved talk about old matches and offer new insights is great. We find out things that we never knew and get a different look at some classics, even if the people talking are out of character.

Mike Chin
5. Live! With Chris Jericho, with guest Bill Goldberg – For understandable reasons, we rarely get to see the truly awkward shoot interview. I’d love to see Chris Jericho interview Bill Goldberg specifically to dig into their history in WCW–the political machinations from each of their perspectives, and of course some talk about their backstage skirmish. Both men are professional enough, and enough time has passed that I’m sure this wouldn’t get tooheated, but I do love the idea of either man reliving that story, face to face with the other.

4. Legends with JBL, with Ron Simmons – On the complete flip side of Jericho-Goldberg, I’d love to see real-life best friends JBL and Simmons in conversation with one another, reliving road stories and their views, from an APA perspective, on the transition out of the Attitude Era. As an additional layer, JBL has proven himself (particularly in his Eric Bischoff interview) to be particularly good at incisive questions, and I’d love to see him dig into early 1990s WCW and Simmons’s world title run in this format.

3. The Stone Cold Podcast with The Rock – For sheer star power and history between the performers, the idea of Steve Austin talking with The Rock has immediate appeal, and I’d love to hear them dissect their overlapping time and rivalry in the business. The Rock in particular is polished enough as a celebrity that, even if WWE did get him to do this interview, I don’t suspect he would say anything truly groundbreaking. Just the same, I can envision this being a very easy to consume hour of programming.

2. Table for 3 with Edge, Matt Hardy, and Lita – Edge, Matt Hardy, and Lita became involved in one of the most intriguing work-shoot-work series of angles in wrestling history, when Lita purportedly cheated on Hardy with real-life Adam Copeland. The details are scattered, and I’ve heard reports refuting that there was an actual affair. Regardless, the situation led to Hardy’s release from and subsequent rehiring by WWE; it led to Lita’s heel turn, and perhaps most historically important of all set up kayfabe Edge picking up Lita as a femme fatale sidekick, which arguably really pushed him past the tipping point from solid upper mid-card hand to legit main event heel. The shoot and the work would obviously be a central point for conversation in this episode, but even if we put all of that aside, this would be a fascinating group to hear talk about the tag scene and mid-card from The Attitude Era and immediate aftermath, including all of the wacky ladder match and TLC situations this group pioneered.

1. Table for 3 with Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, and John Cena – WWE has its big stars, and then it has its legit candidates for a hypothetical Mount Rushmore of company history. Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, and John Cena have to make anyone’s short list for biggest faces of the company of all time, and I’d be super interested in hearing the three talk about what has stayed the same and what has changed in wrestling history, in addition to the pressures of being *the guy* for extended periods of time. You could easily argue for Steve Austin to get the nod over Cena at this table, but I gave Cena the nod both as the more clear-cut company man to help keep things on track in this show, and to keep all three parties more neutral about each other in this case (as opposed to Austin who has had on-again off-again beef with Hogan about never having a proper program and which of the two was a bigger star).

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