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Csonka’s NJPW Super J-Cup Finals Review 8.21.16

Csonka’s NJPW Super J-Cup Finals Review 8.21.16
– Gurukun Mask, Kaiji Tomato & BUSHI defeated Eita, Yuma Aoyagi & David Finlay @ 8:00 via pin [**]
– Super-J Cup Quarterfinal Match: Taichi defeated Jushin Thunder Liger @ 3:00 via countout [THE DIRT FUCKING WORST]
– Super-J Cup Quarterfinal Match: KUSHIDA defeated Kenoh @ 10:40 via submission [***½]
– Super-J Cup Quarterfinal Match: Yoshinobu Kanemaru defeated Ryusuke Taguchi @ 9:31 via pin [*]
– Super-J Cup Quarterfinal Match: Matt Sydal defeated Will Ospreay @ 12:55 via pin [****]
– Titan, Caristico & Volador Jr. defeated Gran Guerrero, Euforia & Ultimo Guerrero @ 15:35 via pin [**¾]
– Super J-Cup Semifinals: KUSHIDA defeated Taichi @ 10:00 via pin [**]
– Super J-Cup Semifinals: Yoshinobu Kanemaru defeated Matt Sydal @ 9:09 via pin [***]
– GHC Jr. Tag Team Title Match: Champions Atsushi Kotoge & Daisuke Harada defeated ACH & Taiji Ishimori @ 12:30 via pin [***½]
– IWGP Jr. Tag Team Title Match: Champions The Young Bucks defeated The Motor City Machine Guns @ 15:57 via pin [***¾]
– Super J-Cup Finals Match: KUSHIDA defeated Yoshinobu Kanemaru @ 19:51 via submission [****]
Eita, Yuma Aoyagi & David Finlay vs. Gurukun Mask, Kaiji Tomato & BUSHI: Who else is still bitter that Eita was a first round loser in this tournament? They worked a lot of quick tags with the faces (Team Finlay) controlling and then clearing the ring. BUSHI does not give a shit about his partners, slapping Tomato around when he tagged out. The heels did not get along, blind tagging in and even pulling one another off the apron so that they could tag in. This was really lethargic at times, Gurukun and Eita did a nice job of trying to pick up the pacing as did Finlay when he tagged in, he was a house of fire off the hot tag. BUSH actually stopped Tomato from a pin attempt, they argued and they then worked some dives as BUSHI made sure to stay out of the way. He then put away Finlay with MX (the code breaker coming off the ropes). Post match, BUSHI continued to be an asshole, misting Tomato and ripping off Gurukun’s mask. This was a perfectly acceptable but totally unremarkable tag match, BUSHI as an asshole fun, but that was about it.
Super-J Cup Quarterfinal Match: Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Taichi: Taichi did his entrance, which included his lady friend trying to rub her vagina on Liger’s face, his entrance took approximately 37-minutes. Before the bell rang Liger was attacked by Taichi’s second (Desperado) and then Taichi tried to take off Liger’s mask. The ref saved Liger, the bell rang and then immediately brawled to the floor. I tuned into a cluster fuck, Liger basically Hulked up and ran wild on everyone. They did a brawl deep into the crowd; Taichi worked over Liger and Desperado held him on the floor to allow Taichi to win via countout. Well that was just the dirt fucking worst; it was just the shits in a tournament like this and makes the ref look like an incompetent idiot when there is no DQ for such obvious cheating. The worst part is that Desperado may have actually hurt his knee. He dropped during the post match and was holding it and they never showed him getting back up.
Super-J Cup Quarterfinal Match: KUSHIDA vs. Kenoh: They worked a more MAM feel early on with both men taking striking poses and KUSHIDA constantly looking to pull guard. When that didn’t work, KUSHIDA just kicked Kenoh in the arm as hard as he could and then started to work the arm. Nice work from KUSHIDA as always, mixing up the attacks and using the hanging kimura. Kenoh countered that by powering into a suplex, and then picked up the pace and connected with knee strikes and got an ankle lock, but KUSHIDA got the ropes. They worked to the ropes and then KUSHIDA grabbed a kimura and hit a version of divorce court off the ropes. Kenoh tried to fight off the attacks of KUSHIDA with kicks, KUSHIDA tried for the rolling arm bar but Kenoh cantered into an ankle lock again. KUSHIDA escaped, but Kenoh destroyed him with a snap German suplex and then the double stomp for a near fall. The running kick followed, but only got 2. KUSHIDA countered the straightjacket power bomb, tried for the hover board lock but Kenoh countered only for KUSHIDA to counter and roll into the hover board lock and then the arm bar, and Kenoh had to tap after a great final struggle. That was a very good match; they worked the time frame well, they did their best to make everything they did mean something and the finish came off well. We needed that.
Super-J Cup Quarterfinal Match: Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru: Taguchi did his Dollar Tree Nakamura stuff, which Kanemaru didn’t appreciate so he kicked his ass and we got a Gedo special which included Kanemaru kicking Taguchi in the ass and the a DDT on the floor after he pulled the padding back. Kanemaru got the heat by working the ass; seriously he attacked the ass of Taguchi with kicks and slams and atomic drops. The worst part of this is that when Taguchi made his comeback, it was all ass based attacks; fucks sake if you’re going to make me watch this at least sell this. Taguchi ass attacks everywhere, he got some near falls and then they traded strikes center ring. Ass attack into the dondon for a near fall by Taguchi. Kanemaru pulled a Yano, distracted the ref and hit a low blow; he then hit a reverse DDT. Brainbuster by Kanemaru and that was finally that. That did absolutely nothing for me as I did not find it interesting or entertaining in any way; I was hoping for the BOTSJ Taguchi, and all I got was ass.
Super-J Cup Quarterfinal Match: Will Ospreay vs. Matt Sydal: Ok boys, we need to turn this show around. Sydal actually looked to take things to the ground early, which led to some unexpected mat work to begin. Sydal actually does very well on the mat, but doesn’t get a lot of chances to show it off. They then worked a long series of fast paced counters, ending in a dropkick from Ospreay. Ospreay landed some stiff uppercuts, but as the pace quickened, Sydal caught him with a spin wheel kick. Sydal then worked for a submission, similar to a koji clutch, but Ospreay made the ropes. Sydal took control, hitting a corner dropkick for a near fall. The Muta lock followed, Ospreay escaped but ate a kick to the head. He countered the standing moonsault with the knees and then connected wit a brainbuster for the double down. Back to the feet and Ospreay hit the back handspring kick. An enziguri followed and then the springboard forearm smash sent Sydal to the floor. Ospreay hit the Sasuke special, rolled Sydal back in and went up top but Sydal ran up, Ospreay countered with the trapped superkick in the corner for a near fall. Sydal countered the rainmaker attempt, ate a kick but countered a powerbomb into a RANA for a near fall. They traded strikes center ring, great high kick from Sydal and then the knee strike followed. Ospreay flipped out of a clothesline and hit the corkscrew kick and both men were down. Ospreay went to go up top and Sydal hit the reverse RANA and then the shooting star press to pick up the win! That was an excellent match with a tremendous finish and a surprise winner. Sydal continues to be an extremely consistent performer and delivers when he needs to. The show needed that.
Sydal catches Osprey with a Reverse Frankensteiner and follows with a Shooting Star #sjcup pic.twitter.com/N41ojt4q89
— John「ふりーWiFi」 (@DK1105) August 21, 2016
Titan, Caristico & Volador Jr. vs. Gran Guerrero, Euforia & Ultimo Guerrero: They did a bunch of grab ass early, with Caristico wanting Ultimo Guerrero to remove his mask because he shouldn’t be wearing it. He did and we got to action, sort of, Ultimo took a powder after about 30-seconds and then others tagged in. The rudos rushed the technicos and worked over Volador and then Titan and finally triple teamed Caristico. The rudos beat all three of their opponents down and posed. The technicos fought back, picking up the pace and hitting dives. Volador did some great stuff, very fast paced, but this has felt very disjointed the whole way through. The rudos worked the heat on Titan, who made his own comeback with a top rope RANA and splash for a near fall. Caristico in, he ran wild and scored a near fall on Euforia. Ultimo back in, he hit a gut buster suplex off the second rope and got a near fall. Caristico took him back up top and hit a RANA off the ropes for a near fall. He set him back up top again, but Ultimo countered into a powerbomb for 2. Caristico crotched up top and Ultimo hit a reverse suplex for a near fall. Tag to Volador, he ran wild and scored with a great dive. It broke down, RANA by Caristico and then Titan with a big moonsault to the floor and Caristico with a dive off the top to the floor. Volador hit the Spanish fly off the top on Gran Guerrero for the win. There were some great high spots in between some disjointed stuff through out. I appreciate them getting time, but I would have cut 4-5 minutes and made this more of a balls to the wall sprint to maximize what really worked. Volador came off as the star of the match to me.
– Good news, Desperado is walking.
– Taichi attacked KUSHIDA during his entrance and choked him out with his mic stand. He pulled him to the ring and we finally started.
Super J-Cup Semifinals: Taichi vs. KUSHIDA: Taichi used KUSHIDA’s shirt to choke him out, but KUSHIDA fired up and hit a series of dropkicks because like everyone else, he’s sick of Taichi’s shit. Taichi was sent to the floor and hid behind his lady friend, the distraction allowed Desperado to get involved again. They brawled around ringside, Taichi used a chair and the New Japan refs continue to suck. Taichi stole the Gedo bell hammer spot, more interference by Desperado allowing Taichi to use the hammer. KUSHIDA fought back with a springboard missile dropkick, and Desperado got involved again KUSHIDA finally just dove onto he and Taichi, but this shit is beyond annoying. KUSHIDA tried to attack the arm, but Taichi fought back with kicks and actually removed his tear away pants, he must mean business. KUSHIDA countered the last ride, and scored with the hover board lock. Fucking Desperado got involved, we got a phantom tap. Taichi grabbed a chair and head shotted KUSHIDA with it and got a near fall. Taichi then hit the last ride powerbomb, and got another near fall. They traded strikes center ring, and KUSHIDA then got a roll up for the win. I now what they were going for, with KUSHIDA having to overcome the odds heading to the finals, but there was just as much interference as wrestling. KUSHIDA was great here, but while the near falls got really good at times, the constant bullshit got real tired, real fast.
Super J-Cup Semifinals: Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. Matt Sydal: They worked a really fun back and forth to start, good pacing and sense of urgency from both guys. They worked to the floor for a bit, and when thy got back in Kanemaru took control, working a Boston crab. Sydal escaped and worked chops followed by a spin kick. They traded strikes center ring, Sydal kept firing up as Kanemaru laid in the strikes. He made the comeback, scoring with meteroa for a near fall. Sydal then ate knees n the shooting star press, they then battled up top and Kanemaru countered a RANA, sending Sydal to the mat. Kanemaru hit the DDT off the ropes and got a near fall. he decapitated Sydal with the lariat, and picked up the win with the brainbuster. This was an overall good match to set up the champion vs. champion finals. I was hoping for a bit more, but it worked as Kanemaru heads into the finals as the fresher man. It also plays into the NJPW vs. NOAH feud that kicked off at the G1 Finals event.
GHC Jr. Tag Team Title Match: Champions Atsushi Kotoge & Daisuke Harada vs. ACH & Taiji Ishimori: ACH and Ishimori ran wild right away, going fast paced and hitting dives as they took the fight to the champions. ACH and Ishimori controlled for the first four minutes, with ACH getting a ton of offense. He eventually ran into a corner suplex and that allowed the champions to finally turn the tide and take control. Kotoge worked over ACH, hitting a top rope splash for a near fall. ACH fired back with strikes, avoiding kicks and then hitting a big dropkick for the double down. Ishimori and Harada got tags, with running wild, hitting a code breaker off the ropes for a near fall. They fought over a tombstone, dong the reversal spot, Ishimori escaped and hit a back hand stroking kick. ACH and Ishimori worked over Harada , but Kotoge would make the save. It broke down, ACH and Ishimori continued to find succeed with double teams. They both went for 450s, both ate knees and were rolled up for a near fall. ACH got sent to the floor, but Ishimori countered a double team powerbomb, but the numbers got to him and the champions continued their control. Harada laid out Ishimori with a big knee strike, ACH would return to make the save and he ate a knee to the face and was sent back to the floor. Kotoge with an unprettier on Ishimori, and then the bridging German by Harada scored and the champions retained. That was a very good, but not great match. It had a solid flow, and I felt that ACH looked great in there, but it just missed something to take it to the next level. Part of it is the lack of crowd reaction, and part is that it never felt as if they actually hit a climax, I hate when that happens. They must dig ACH because he didn’t take the pin.
– Post match, Kotoge and Harada called out Jado and Gedo, who came to the ring to set up a future title match. That explains Jado and Gedo teaming and getting a win on the G1 finals.
IWGP Jr. Tag Team Title Match: Champions The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin): The Bucks are wearing tights that have hundreds of different Meltzer faces on them. It broke down early, with the Guns managing to out quick the Bucks, and leading to a Sabin suicide dive onto both. The Bucks quickly fought back with Nick hitting a dive. They celebrated, worked over Shelley and kept Sabin on the floor. Shelley tried to fight back and was almost begging the crowd to interact in some way. Shelley looked to fire up, daring Matt to hit him, but he just got beat down. Listen Alex Shelley, you can yell OH SHIT all you want, this crowd doesn’t care. Shelley tried for a tag to Sabin, but he ate a superkick and the Bucks maintained control. Shelley escaped a possible Meltzer driver and after taking out both Bucks, got the silent tag to Sabin. Sabin ran wild, they went to the floor and the Guns hit knees and doves off of the apron. Back in the ring Matt caused Sabin to accidentally hit Shelley, Nick tagged in and ran wild on the Guns with all kinds of fun offense, but this crowd just does not care. Powerbomb kick combo in the corner, and then Shelley saves Sabin, but gets tossed to the floor and Nick hit the 450 for a near fall. More bang for your buck gets interrupted, Sabin bits a super German suplex and then made in Detroit follows for a near fall. The Guns then hit the super sliced bread/powerbomb combo for a near fall. The Guns kept control, went for a doomsday missile dropkick but YUO CANNOT DOMSDAY DEVICE MATT JACKSON! More bang for your buck followed, but the Guns survived. Nick accidentally superkicked Matt, Shelley ran wild with superkicks but then got cut off and the Bucks hit the IndyTaker on the floor on Shelley. Sabin, left alone, fought for all he was worth, went for a cradle shock but ate a superkick and then the Meltzer driver to end his day. That was really good, but suffered due to the lack of heat. They tried and tried and tried, but this crowd was just so cold for everything tonight, it’s been a struggle for everyone to get reactions. The Guns were great here, it was great to see them healthy and motivated and I hope they are brought back. Also, it was so refreshing to get a regular tag instead of the lazy multi-team matches. Put this match in Brooklyn last night and they blow the roof off the place.
– Post match the Bucks said that they want to challenge for the IWGP Tag team Titles, and called out the Briscoes. Hopefully this leads to the rumored merging of the tag divisions, they both suffer from lack of depth and attention and need a direction. Also, the Bucks and Briscoes always deliver.
Super J-Cup Finals: KUSHIDA vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru: Desperado and TAKA are ringside with Kanemaru, Liger and Taguchi are out with KUSHIDA. It all makes sense, I just hope it doesn’t break down into a ton of bullshit. The back of KUSHIDA’s neck is taped up to sell the beatings from his last match. Nice opening stretch here with both guys going for a ton of pins. KUSHIDA looked to run wild, but Kanemaru caught him off a back hand spring and hit a backdrop suplex, sending him to the floor. TAKA and Desperado attacked, but Liger and Taguchi made the save. Kanemaru hit a hangman’s DDT on the floor and then posted KUSHIDA. Back in the ring, Kanemaru hit a series of rolling DDTs for a near fall. Kanemaru kept the focus on the back and neck of KUSHIDA, which was set up by the post match attack by Taichi earlier in the show. Kanemaru is focused and smart with the attacks, utilizing a mix of hold and strikes to weaken KUSHIDA. KUSHIDA was finally able to put some offense together, sending Kanemaru the floor after kicks and then hitting an insane senton to the floor onto Kanemaru and friends. Kanemaru barely beat the cont back in, KUSHIDA then caught Kanemaru in an arm bar, and after a great struggle, Kanemaru just made the ropes. KUSHIDA then started to target the arm, and rolled into the hover board lock. They worked counters, Kanemaru got the Yano special (ref distraction and low blow) and took out KUSHIDA with a vicious lariat for a near fall. But Kanemaru would miss the moonsault, KUSHIDA hit a dragon suplex but couldn’t hold the bridge de to his neck. KUSHIDA took out Desperado, went up top and hit a twisting moonsault, but TAKA pulled out the ref. UGH. The seconds all brawled, Taichi returned and hit an air raid crash on KUSHIDA. Kanemaru hit the DDT off the ropes but KUSHIDA kicked out. They fought to the apron, and Kanemaru hit an apron brainbuster. KUSHIDA barely beat the count and walked into Kanemaru’s DDT off the ropes and he kicked out again! KUSHIDA fought off the brainbuster, but Kanemaru laid in the kicks but KUSHIDA countered the brainbuster again and they did a double down. KUSHIDA then hit a PK to the arm, and took out Taichi and scored with the hover board lock, Kanemaru fought, Taguchi then took out Taichi as he tried to get involved again and Kanemaru had to tap. They succeeded despite the extra curricular activities. The story was built in for KUSHIDA to overcome the odds, due to the beat down in the semifinal match. They should have gotten the seconds out of the way early and then just worked, it didn’t need all of the extra shit, but thankfully the crowd got into it and the right guy won..
– KUSHIDA got his golden robe and little trophy to celebrate his victory. Alex Shelley arrived to celebrate with his former partner. We then had class photo time.
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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