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Csonka’s Lucha Underground Review 8.09.17

August 9, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Penta 0M Lucha Underground Pentagon Ultima Lucha Tres Lucha Underground Ultima Lucha Tres Penta El Zero M Lucha Underground Pro Wrestling Revolver's Pancakes and Piledrivers Lucha Underground MLW Impact Wrestling
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Csonka’s Lucha Underground Review 8.09.17  

Csonka’s Lucha Underground Review 8.09.17 (Bloodlines)

Three Aztec Medallions on The Line: Paul London, Saltador, and Mala Suerte defeated Taya, PJ Black, and Ricky Mandel w/Jack Evans @ 4:37 via pin [**]
Cueto Cup Tournament Match: Mil Muertes defeated Jeremiah Crane @ 10:15 via pin [***½]
Cueto Cup Tournament Match: Pentagon defeated Texano @ 6:20 via pin [**½]

Three Aztec Medallions Are On The Line – Taya, PJ Black, and Ricky Mandel w/Jack Evans vs. Paul London, Saltador, and Mala Suerte: Saltador and Taya to begin and he grabs her ass. Black tags in, looks to pick up the pace but Saltador hits a high cross and a superkick. Mala Suerte in, they hit some double teams and he covers for 2. Taya back in, she slaps Mala Suerte around and he then cuts her off, takes out Back, but Saltador tags in and he has the sexies for Taya. London in and the Rabbit tribe piles in the corner and Taya hits charging knees. Mandel in, but the Rabbit tribe dances around him. Black cuts off London but Evans then crotches London. Saltador hits a dive, and Mandel gets worked over, London hits the shooting star press for the win. Paul London, Saltador, and Mala Suerte defeated Taya, PJ Black, and Ricky Mandel w/Jack Evans @ 4:37 via pin [**] Not much of a match, it was mostly the Rabbit Tribe playing around until they predictably pinned Mandel. It was ok.

– World Wide Underground’s manager is upset with Taya, PJ Black, and Ricky Mandel, but Mundo is allowing then to stay with the group as long as they step up.

Mil Muertes vs. Jeremiah Crane: Catrina is out with Muertes, and Muertes attacks Crane as he makes his entrance. They shove the ref away and continue to brawl on top of the steps. After a commercial, Muertes tosses Crane through a door and the tries to toss him over the balcony. The brawl continues, they brawl on top of the storage room, and Crane rolls into the crowd. Crane fires back with big chops and they fight to ring side. Crane hits a superkick but Muertes cuts him off with an apron bomb. Back in the ring and we’ve officially started the match. Muertes posts himself, but Muertes cuts off the dive and slams Crane into the chairs at ringside. Crane tries to fire back with kicks, lays in chops but Muertes is pissed. Crane laps the ring and gets cut off with a spear. Crane gets tossed into the chairs again as Muertes tosses steel chairs into the ring. Muertes lays in chair shots and then hits a back breaker across the open chairs, covering for 2. More chair shots by Muertes follow, but Crane fights back again and lays in chair shots. Muertes is down to a knee, and now al the way down on a mat. Crane chokes him out with a chair and then uses another chair to drive the first into his throat. Crane sets up a table on he floor, but Muertes spears him through the ropes and through the tables. Muertes then powerbombs him on the rubble of the table, rolls him back in and Crane counters a spear with a guillotine. Muertes powers up and fights to break the hold and does; the chokeslam follows for a good near fall. Muertes now sets up a table in the ring, but Crane battles back, putting Muertes through the table in the corner and covering for another good near fall. Crane goes back to the kicks, but jumps into the flatliner and Muertes wins and advances. Mil Muertes defeated Jeremiah Crane @ 10:15 via pin [***½] This was a very good and fun brawl, with great intensity, the feeling that both men really wanted to win and a decisive and clean finish.

– Catrina gives Crane the kiss of death and Muertes hits him with another flatliner.

– An FBI agent, who the order has sent as Councilman Delgado’s replacement, and says they aren’t upset because anyone with a God placed into their body has some issues. The FBI agent mentions “their friend in the limo” and also says everyone’s flesh will fry when the great war comes. DELIGHTFUL!

Pentagon vs. Texano: They brawl right away, throwing bombs and just looking to do some bad things to each other. Pentagon takes Texano to the floor and follows with a tope. Back in the ring and Texano hits a lung blower, and as Pentagon rolls to the floor, Texano hits a dive. Texano takes control as Famous B and Brenda arrive at ringside, but Texano hasn’t signed with then yet. With Texano distracted, Pentagon hits a pair of sling blades but Texano cuts him off with a dropkick. Texano lays the boots to Pentagon, but Pentagon hits the backstabber. Texan hits another dropkick and rolls into an Indian death lock. He releases, sets Pentagon up top and puts him in the tree of WHOA. The corner dropkick follows, and Texano covers for 2. Texano follows with the rough rider leg lariat, Famous B grabs a horseshoe and slides it to Texano, but Pentagon gets it and KOs Texano and wins. Pentagon defeated Texano @ 6:20 via pin [**½] This unfortunately ended up an average match, thanks to the focus being completely on the Famous B angle and not this being a tournament match. Once Famous B arrived, the energy died and the good work done meant less and less. The post match arm breaking was fun, but after last week’s recovery they just went back to the same old bullshit.

– Pentagon looks to break Texano’s arm, but Famous B makes the save. Unfortunately for him, he eats a superkick and gets his arm broken. Pentagon then grabs Brenda and breaks her arm, because Pentagon gives absolutely NO FUCKS.

– Next week it’s Pentagon vs. Muertes and Ricochet vs. Fenix.

– We now see Catrina meeting with police captain Vasquez. Vasquez says she needs her help, and they discuss Cage’s gauntlet. Vasquez says she gave Cantina life with half of the medallion they share. Vasquez says the only man who can get the gauntlet is Muertes, and if she does, Vasquez will give her the other half of the medallion. Catrina agrees to this deal, revealing that Vasquez is her mother.

Who Holds Aztec Medallions?
* Paul London, Saltador, and Mala Suerte

Who is Left?
* Group A: Fenix (WINNER of Group)
* Group B: Pentagon, and Texano (WINNER of Group)
* Group C: Mil Muertes (WINNER of Group)
* Group D: Prince Puma (WINNER of Group)

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Average
The 411
This was an overall average leaning towards good show. I liked the cinematics and return to some of the stories we needed to get back to (including the reveal that Vasquez is Catrina's mother, I had been thinking sister), while Crane vs. Muertes was easily the best match on the show. Hopefully next week we get no bullshit because both matches have a chance to be great as we head to the Cueto Cup finals.