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Join 411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage

April 18, 2022 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE Raw 4-18-22 Image Credit: WWE

Keep Refreshing For The Latest WWE Raw Results

Hello all! Did ya miss me?!

It’s Monday…you know what that means.

Recap of Rollins and Rhodes doin their thing last week.

Rollins starts the show off live and King is back for the second week. Rollins is quick to invite Cody out to join him, and out comes The American Nightmare.

Cody chant, and Rollins encourages it, askin for some more, and even joining in on the fun. Seth asks him how it feels to be on top of the world.

He would like to stand on ceremony, because it all feels so familiar. He and Seth in the ring, in this city. He calls Buffalo “Rhodes Country.” He has been invited, so why?

Rollins says there has been a lot on his mind, and as memory serves him, Buffalo might be Rhodes country, but this is about respect. He came out to tell him how much he respects Cody.

Cody gets some love from the crowd, cutting Seth off, and this angers Seth, telling him not to ever do that again. Cody doesn’t listen and gets some love from the crowd again. Seth says this was going to go one direction, but now it’s going another. He respects the name, Cody’s brother, his father, and even him and his long journey. He went away, worked hard, came back as The American Nightmare. Seth made him a star in one night.

Cody would like to cut to the chase and asks Seth to get to the point.

The point is that at Mania, Cody had an unfair advantage being the surprise opponent. Seth didn’t have the proper time to repair, so he lost. That was tough, but what’s tougher is that people think that Cody is better than Seth. This is something he cannot live with. The truth is he is better than Cody in every way. Cody is just the flavor of the month, not the future of this industry. Seth talks the talk and walk the walk better than Cody. Seth has been to the mountain top, he has been champion, and that makes him better than Cody.

Cody wants to correct him. Seth has been to the top four times. Four times, and Cody none. But this entire tantrum doesn’t change what happened at Mania. In his absence, he’s learned some management techniques, such as mediation. They can go back and forth, but let’s ask a neutral party, a third party, the good folks of Buffalo. Cody asks if he is better than Seth, and the crowd seems to think so.

Seth says we think it’s so easy, just someone walking out without notice, and we can just beat them, so how bout we put the shoe on the other foot. The main event will be Cody not knowing who he will face, because it will be a surprise guy picked by Rollins.

Match 1: Naomi and Sasha Banks vs Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley

Sasha and Rhea to start. Rhea corners Sasha nd tags her in. Whip to Liv into Sasha. Rhea lifts Liv and drops her onto Sasha. Cover for 1..NO! Sasha kicks liv, tags in Naomi, they double team her with some boots to the chin. Kick t othe front and back of the head. Cover from Naomi for 1..2..NO!!Tag to Sasha, and she goes ot the top rope. Crossbody off the top. Naomi punches Rhea off the apron as Sasha covers for 1..2..NO!!! Tag to Naomi. Liv rolls outside. Naomi and Sasha roll out and send Liv into the post. They then assist Sasha into the arms of Rhea, but Rhea catches her and swings Sasha into Naomi. Liv shoots Naomi into the corner and Rhea with a pumphandle slam onto the barricade!!!

We are back, and Rhea has her legs wrapped around Naomi. Naomi pushes back into. Pin for 1…NO!! Clothesline from Rhea drops Naomi. Tag to Liv. Rhea gets Naomi to her shoulders, and Liv to the 2nd rope. She dives off, looking for a bulldog as Rhea slams her, but doesn’t quite get it. Cover for 1…2…NO!!! Another for 1..2.NO!!! Crucifix pin from Naomi for 1..2..NO!!! Liv tries for her finisher, Rhea gets a tag, Backslide from Naomi kick from Naomi, she hits the ropes, Rhea grabs her, Liv powerbombs Naomi off the ropes! Rhea enters, tries for a Rip Tide, Sasha runs in, tries to stop the pin, but Liv grabs her! Pin for 1…..2..NO!!! Sasha hits a backstabber then shoves Rhea off the pin!!! Sasha sends Liv outside,

They go for their finishers, with Sasha hitting the ropes, codebreaker, Naomi hitting. Face buster, and Sasha rolling into a bridge for 1..2…3!!!

Winners: Sasha Banks and Naomi
HELL. YEAH. Ok, I kid, there was a hell of a lot of sloppy here, mostly on Liv and Rhea, but even Sasha was not immune.
Total Rating: *****
Match Time: 7:18

Rhea is a sad panda as Liv checks on her. They stand in the middle of the ring, wondering what happened. Rhea’s sadness turns to frustration, she tries to walk out, but Liv grabs her hand and turns her. Rhea says she is done. She looks to walk out, then turns back to Liv to tell her that she failed, where was she, Rhea is always there. Liv tells her to relax, and she is going to leave.

Rhea attacks Liv from behind! Rip Tide to Liv Morgan. She leaves the ring and heads up the ramp.

Out next is Sonya Deville.

Rhea, backstage, says that no one is entitled to an explanation.

Back to the ring, and Sonya is here for her own explanation. She has heard chatter throughout WWE. Big boos from the crowd. She has heard that she is misusing her power by making herself Bianca’s first challenger, but let her remind us all of something. She is a competitor. She never lost that. She didn’t decide to be an official, she was forced into it until she could be a superstar again. Did she make the most of it? Of course. Naturally, she is gifted as a leader, and when she saw a window of opportunity, she took it. Bianca won the title at Mania and she knew that’s who she wanted to be in the ring with. She is the best in WWE, and that’s who she wants to beat; The Best.

Bianca comes out, and she is quick to grab Sonya and get her ready for a KOD, but Sonya screams in the mic that she will be fined and suspended if she doesn’t put her down now. Bianca tosses Sonya hard into the corner.


Veer Mahaan is here for another match we won’t care about! Yay!

Match 2: Veer Mahaan vs Jeff Brooks

Veer squashes a jobber, thus making this, officially, the start of his Ryback push.

Winner: Veer Mahaan
Longtime readers will know just how much I despise this specific type of push. For anyone new, I despise this type of push. Any interest that MAY have been garnered for this man’s rise has been lost from me.
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: Like a minute

Veer locks his half clutch on again until agents come down to stop him.

Sonya asks Pearce backstage what he is goin to do about Bianca. Pearce tells her to worry bout herself, as an official investigation has begun. Bianca will be fined, says Pearce, and Sonya wonders how much. She deserves the biggest, but it wont happen.

Here is Bianca, and Sonya tells her this is official business. Bianca says she is here to pay her fine. She has a single dollar, hands it over to Pearce, who hopes she learned her lesson.

Sonya is pissed.

The KO Show is next.

Lol. The jobber gets a stretcher job.

We are back to the ring, and Kevin Owens is here, but he isn’t alone. Chad Gable, in glasses, is here with him, and I suppose he is submitting the lie detector test.

Owens claims that this man is Elias, and he will prove it tonight.

Gable thanks Owens for having him back on the show. Tonight, he will be objective, and uncover the truth. Trust him, if Ezekiel lies, he’ll beat the truth out of him in a match afterwards.

Owens loves his gusto and hair and brain, then introduces Elias.

EZ E continues his claim that he is the younger brother of Elias. Owens doesn’t believe it, he brings up the former gimmick, Ezekiel really wants to take this test, but he has one question for everyone here…

Who wants to hear Zeke Speak?!

Owens says not to answer that, this is the same shit. Look, let’s get this thing going.

Gable gets Ezekiel all ready, and Chad will take it from here. We want a base line, and asks the crowd to shoosh.

First question: Is the sky blue?

We get the graph on the tron to show no break in his answer. We see that when he answers incorrectly, the graph goes wild.

Chad asks about Stevenson, and Owens tells him to get it together.

Chad asks the important question: Is your real name Ezekiel.

Ezekiel hesitates, stares off into space, then says yes.

No change in the graph. Chad says he is telling the truth. Owens says to ask him why he is lying, but Chad says it doesn’t work that way. He’s got it.

Yes or no, is Elias your older brother?

Ezekiel hesitates a bit the nsays yes, and we see no change.

Kevin Owens: “Ask it better.”

Owens asks if his real name Elias, and Ezekiel says no. Gable says he is a man of academic integrity. What does he wants Gable to do?

Owens kicks him out, says he isn’t paying, and he turns to Ezekiel.

Zeke has had enough. He’s tired of being called a liar by Owens; the biggest liar in the company. This is a big night for him, this is his first ever match in the WWE. Owens doesn’t care how he won over this lie detector test, and doesn’t care about his “first” match in Canada’s landfill, Buffalo. He cares about the truth, and he wants Ezekiel to admit that he is Elias, or else.

Ezekiel: “Or else what?”

Owens rolls out of the ring, and Gable attacks from behind. H’s in action, next.

Match 3: Ezekiel vs Chad Gable

Zeke sends Gable outside and tosses him into some steps then back in the ring. He hits the ropes and punches Gable in the face. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Chop to Gable, antoher, another whip and Gable reverses, Gable swings the boot, and hits a Dragon Screw to the leg. Gable attacks the left leg, lifts up Zeke and drops a knee down on the inner leg. Gable lifts Zeke, hits a Northern lights with a bridge, 1..2.NO!!! Gable gets a knee lock, Zeke kicks Gable, Galbe spins, continuing to lock the leg until Zeke kicks him over the top rope, Galbe skins the cat, back in the ring, chop from Zeke. Cltohesline. Another. Whip is stopped, reversed, and Gable gets mule kicked by Zeke. Zeke swins with a right, Gable side steps, locks him, and pops the hip sending Zeke over his head. Gable to the top rope! Moonsault, but Zeke has the boot up, and follows up with a spinebuster.

Single leg ankle lock with a knee on the back of Gable’s head. Otis runs in to stop the pain and get a DQ.

Winner: Ezekiel via DQ
While I don’t really LOVE the story here, I do appreciate that Elias switched his offense enough to give credibility to the fact that he is no longer “Elias.”
Total Rating: *
Match Time: 3:27

We are back after a break for a big tag team match.

Match 4: Randy Orton and Matt Riddle vs The Street Profits

Orton and Dawkins to strt. Orton drops Dawkins early and gets the suppot of the crowd. Dawkins does his own takedown and taunt. Orton with an uppercut. Another uppercut. Tag to Riddle. Snapmare, and Orton stomps, Riddle stomps, Riddle stomps, then gets an assisted Floating Bro. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Tag to Ford. Dropkick and a cover for 1..2.NO!!! Ford to the top rope. He takes too long and Riddle runs up with a modified Spanish Fly. Nice.

We are back and Orton comes in a house of fiyah!!! Body slam to Dawkins, who rolls to the apron. Orton grabs the head, Riddle runs in to give a knee to Ford. Riddle grabs the head of Ford, and we get a double DDT from Orton and Riddle. Orton hears the voices.

The Usos music hits, and Ford dropkicks Orton off the apron. Ford tags himself in, Riddle on the shoulders of Dawkins. BLOCKBUSTER FROM FORD TO RIDDLE! Cover for 1..2…3!!!

Winners: The Street Profits
Short and a bulk of it happened during a commercial break, but it was more of a “highlights reel” than an actual match.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 7:43

Ford and Dawkins on the mic, and Ford wonders who would ever just play The Usos music as a distraction. Ford warns Riddle and Orton that The Usos are not the only tag team they have to worry about.

We go back to last week when Priest got all googly-eyed as the lights went blue.

We are pushing this forward with Edge backstage in his big chair. Priest stands beside him, and is sure we are wondering what that was last week. We need to be reminded as to who the hell they are.

Edge says they are right; last week was mindgames. These seeds were planted over twenty years ago, but how soon we all forget. This version of that man is much more dangerous, and those seeds will be watered by their opponents’ tears. It’s simple; they have not lived up to their true capabilities. Example? Last year, Priest played supporting act to Bad Bunny. Without Priest, Bunny would have been smeared across the canvas, yet Priest didn’t have a match at Mania, and we all ask why?

And what does Edge have to complain about? He had to beg to get someone to face him at Mania. Despite all of his accolades, after 9 years of being asked if he could come back, he fought for it, and all it took was 2 years for us to become jaded and start complaining about him being back. He finally decided not to care what we think and take back what he never lost. They will pass judgement, and the only person with the guts to stand in front of them is AJ Styles. This is an official challenge to AJ for Backlash. He is speaking directly to AJ.

Before the following match, AJ is backstage to tell Sarah he accepts the rematch. The lights start to flicker, and AJ tells Sarah to leave. They go out, come back on, and there’s Priest and Edge on either side of Aj. They attack AJ till he’s laying on the floor favoring his arm.

Match 5: United States Championship Match
Austin Theory vs Finn Balor

Finn corners Theory with some punches then a chop. Snapmare int o kick to the back. Finn ain’t playin. Another chop in the corner. Theory with a surprise backbreaker to stop the barrage of offense. Theory mounts, punches, covers. Cravat from behind. He brings Finn down for a pin, then back up for the submission.

We are back, and Theory still has that damned cravat locked in. Theory shoves Finn down then stomps him. Finn off the ropes with a forearm, then hits a stomp of his own. Finn hits a clothesline in the corner. Whip, reversed, Theory with a slam and a cover for 1..2..NO!!! Theory is slow to stand, leaving an opening for Finn to DDT him down hard. Finn grabs Theory on the apron, tries to bring him in the hard way, Theory fights back, hangs Finn up. Theroy to the apron, rolls in, and gets powerbombed hard by Finn outta nowhere! Nice! Theory tries for a rollup, Finn escapes, hits another stomp. IN the corner. Slingblade to Theory. Shotgun dropkick to Theroy. Finn to the top rope. Co—NO!!! Theory up quick and clips the legs. He hops to the top rope, bounces off the top with a Spanish Fly type move! Cover for 1..2…NO!!!!

Theory calls for the end, but Finn counters with the 1916! Finn with a clothesline! He hits the ropes! DIVE OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO THEORY!!!

Finn to the top rope, flies off, but apparently, this shocks the neck of Finn, and he crumbles. Theory hits the ATL! Cover for 1..2….3!!!!

Winner: Austin Theory
A nice win for Theory, and I’m sure he’ll do much more with it than Finn was. Vince coming out to applaud Theory after the match was kind of a nice touch.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 11:43

Randomly, Cedric Alexander, Chad Gable, T Bar, Azeez, Shelton Benjamin, and Apollo come out to congratulate Theory and hold him up high in the air. Weird.

Vince McMahon comes out after all of this, happy and proud of his prized pupil. Theory leaves the shoulders of the guys in the ring and walks up the ramp. He meets Vince at the top, turns, and wants a selfie with Vince.

Theory shakes the hand of Vince McMahon, and Vince holds his hand and title up in the air.

I get it…it’s just weird.

The only thing worth covering of the 24/7 shit is Sasha Banks being a part of the bridal party.

Backstage, Sarah is with Lashley to ask about Omos and MVP. Apparently, there’s a message to be shown.

WE head to MVP earlier today, saying Lashley is about to realize how big of a mistake he made running Mania without him. That’s the past, though. He has moved on. Omos is superior to Lashley in every way, and he is being taught all the things Lashley was taught. OMos challenges him to a “display of strength.” Ugh…..

Lashley is not surprised. He knows he must get through Omos to get to MVP, and that’s what he is going to do.

Cody is out, then we get a break.

Back from the break, and Seth is here to introduce the opponent as Kevin Owens.

Match 6: Cody Rhodes vs Kevin Owens

Side headlock from Owens to start. Cody turns into the hold and Owens locks up from behind. Cody elbows out, breaks the hold, lifts the arm up and turns so Owens kicks him. Back suplex, Cody lands on his feet, kicks, drops to his back for an uppercut, but Owens catches his right hand and clocks Cody one. Stomps and kicks drops Cody down. Whip is reversed and Cody sends Owens to the outside. Owens to the apron, Cody with a right, hits the ropes, tries to dive but Owens punches him square in the head. Fallaway slam to Cody into the barricade.

We are back and Owens hits a running senton onto Cody’s back. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Stomp to the back of Cody. Elbow drop to the back of Cody, then a chop to the chest. Owens grabs Cody’s face and hits a backbreaker, then holds onto it and stretches Cody across the knee. Elbow to the side of the face. Cody and Owens both up. Cody tries for a suplex, Owens blocks, Cody is able to hit a front suplex. He tries for a Cross Rhodes, but owens escapes, kicks, DDT to Rhodes! Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Owens to the top rope. Swanton Bomb but Cody had the knees up! Owens rolls to the outside. Cody rolls to the opposite side. He rushes around the corner and dives into Owens, sending both of them flying across the table!

Seth Rollins</b music hits, and he comes out to watch as we go to break.

We are back, and Cody has Owens seated on the top rope. He hits some rights, but one headbutt sends Cody down to the mat. Frogsplash from Owens and a cover gets 1..2…NO!!! Owens back to the top rope. Swanton bomb and a cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Owens hooks the head, leg, but Cody with an inside cradle for 1..2.NO!!! Knee to Cody, ropes, rana from Cody! Superkick from Cody! Superkick from Owens! Clothesline from Cody! POP UP OWERBOMB FROM OWENS! Cover for 1…2…NO!!! Owens to the top rope, Cody follows, hits some rights, clubs the back, locks the head, stands on the top rope. Owens with a fist to the face. Cody dorps to the mat, but runs up with a right hand. He climbs the corner again, but Owens does the super cool hook of the leg into a Fisherman’s! Cover for 1….2….NO!!! Boot on the ropes by Cody! Both men on the apron, Owens tries for the powerbomb, but Cody hits a back body drop, and Owens tumbles to the outside! Seth eyells at te ref to stop the count and tries to get Owen up.

The ref gets to 6 as Seth says, “Kevin get your fat ass up and get in there!”

Owens shows anger at this, tells Seth it’s his stupid problem, and takes the countout loss.

Winner: Cody Rhodes via Countout
Well that was unfortunate. We really had some momentum going, but it was completely deflated by that ending. Another small note; I get that Cody is skilled, and a 15+ match shows that he is more determined than ever to prove himself, but I could easily argue that giving 15+ to at least five to ten other dudes would garner similar or better results.
Total Rating: 17:26
Match Time: ***1/2

Cody stands on the top rope to celebrate, but Seth is there to shove him off as we end the show.

End Show

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero