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Pantoja’s AEW Dark: Elevation Review 1.2.23

January 3, 2023 | Posted by Kevin Pantoja
AEW Dark: Elevation Image Credit: AEW
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Pantoja’s AEW Dark: Elevation Review 1.2.23  

AEW Dark: Elevation

January 2nd, 2023 | 1st Bank Center in Broomfield, Colorado

It feels weird to write 2023 next to a show.

Hikaru Shida (15-0 on Dark: Elevation) vs. Tyra Russamee (0-0)

Ah, I appreciate a good squash. Tyra did manage to get in a few bits of offense, including something that Daddy Magic on commentary dubbed the “flying butt.” I really like him and Paul Wight as a fun duo on this kind of show. Tyra got a rare jobber kickout from a Falcon Arrow but fell to the Sliding D in 2:43. A nice little showcase for Shida. [NR]

The Pillars of Destiny (0-1) vs. The Varsity Athletes (11-3)

The always awesome Smart Mark Sterling interrupted the introductions to put over his guys as great athletes who did a bunch of situps before the match and such. He also dissed the local fans and the opposition tonight. The Pillars got a solid hometown response and the crowd was into them, allowing this to be a bit more than a typical squash. It still wasn’t like they had a ton to do as the more prominent team dominated. Woods threw them around with ease and I actually kind of dig the Varsity Athletes with Sterling as a mouthpiece. Their arrogance allowed a tag and some Pillars offense. Woods weathered the storm and won with his modified Angle Slam in 4:26. Fine enough for what it was. [*¾]

Atiba and Manny Lemons (0-0) vs. Isaiah Kassidy and Matt Hardy (0-0)

Man, Marq Quen and/or Jeff Hardy looks different. “Atiba. One name. How ‘bout that? Like Madonna.” Daddy Magic should always do commentary. This was longer than a lot of traditional squashes but was indeed one-sided. I liked Hardy and Kassidy’s finisher combo of an elevated powerbomb (meant to mock Ethan Page’s Splash Mountain) into a Swanton Bomb. This went 4:23. [NR]

Lilith Grimm (0-0) vs. Marina Shafir (10-6 in 2022)

Interestingly, Marina and Nyla were thrown off at the start by the lack of Vickie Guerrero. At the sight of Shafir removing her shoes, Daddy Magic: “She’s gonna wrestle barefoot, psycho.” Grimm had a nice counter at one point that received praise from commentary but otherwise, Shafir was in control. She won with her submission that is a leg trap combined with a wrist hold. I don’t know the name. This lasted 1:50. Post-match, Shafir and Rose seemed to argue. [NR]

Hardy Party got interviewed in the back, which included Kassidy making orgasmic noises in Matt’s ear. As they put over their big plans for 2023, Ethan Page interrupted to get annoyed about the tunnel they came out of (such an odd part of the storyline). He said the contracts prove that he’s in control, not Matt or Isaiah. Matt seemed to agree and that pleased Page, who let them finish without him and when Kassidy questioned Matt, he winked at him.

Athena (21-2 in 2022) vs. Gypsy Mac (0-0)

Angelico joined commentary for this. Athena is the ROH Women’s Champion and for those who haven’t followed, Athena has a new attitude. She’s more vicious and violent in her matches yet she’s always having fun. Here, she kicked ass and stopped to joyfully celebrate. Mac found a way to slip in some shots but that was it. We got some “Athena” chants as this character stuff is working much better than whatever she was doing when she got to AEW. The fan who shouted “STOP SHE’S ALREADY DEAD” as things got quiet deserves a shoutout. Athena won with a modified Crippler Crossface in 3:13. Post-match, Athena added more ass kicking. [NR]

Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno and John Silver (3-0 in 2022) vs. Luther, Ryan Nemeth and Serpentico (0-0)

My brother and I have had this running joke for YEARS that we are any tag team with a big guy and a little guy. I believe it started with The Hurricane and Rosey. Even though I’m no longer a small dude myself, we still keep it going and we are indeed Luther and Serpentico, especially given that Serpentico is Puerto Rican. Luther gyrating like Nemeth was funny. Dark Order busted out some sweet trios offense and danced for the crowd as well. Daddy Magic: “Really? You think Evil Uno is a mastermind? This BUFFOON?” Uno got beat up a bit but got an opening by returning an eye poke and hitting a cutter. Silver got the hot tag and ran wild before the Dark Order won with Ragnarok on Serpentico in 6:05. Ah, we’ll get ‘em next time. That was fun. [**½]

Julia Hart (19-3 in 2022) vs. Leva Bates (0-0 in 2023)

Showing Bates’ record for 2023 in her first match this year is an odd choice. I love that Julia Hart is introduced as “honoring the House of Black” instead of something like “representing.” She got a great reaction. Hart stared down bates, who offered her a Demon Slayer book. Hart looked disgusted, attacked, and won with the Heartless Lock in 0:53. [NR]

Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett (0-0 in 2023) vs. Justin Andrews and Ryzin (0-0 in 2023)

Max Caster’s rap line calling Lethal ROH’s top guy during their bad years was 10/10 and 100% true. What does Lethal have on TK that he’s on TV all the time? Jarrett gave us an early strut and did some basic tandem stuff with Lethal. Their finisher is a weird Lethal Injection/Stroke combo that wrapped this up in 2:32. Ryzin got laid out by Singh afterward. [NR]

Dean Alexander, Hagane Shinno and Rosario Grillo (0-0) vs. The House of Black (7-2)

Seeing Shinno stand next to Brody King is quite a sight. The crowd was way hot for the House of Black. I popped every tie Daddy Magic said Grillo was his Lyft driver to the arena. Grillo seemed to be there to get his ass kicked while Alexander did a few bits of offense and Shinno was booked like the top guy in his trio. He hit a big dive outside and at one point, Wight even said he was doing it all by himself. Shinno got laid out with a King lariat but was saved from further damage. I love how the finish was just King punching Grillo out of the air and Buddy covering him at the 5:20 mark. Mostly one-sided and enjoyable. [**]

The final score: review Average
The 411
I always say that I rate things on different scales. As a show designed to give us squashes, a few competitive matches, and fun commentary, this worked so I give it a positive score even if it doesn’t have anything that someone would consider “must see.”