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Topic: Marty Jannetty

Marty Jannetty has been added to the list of guests to be honored at T-Mart's The Gathering V this summer...

Why did Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty trade the WWE Intercontinental Title in 1993? Ryan Byers answers this and...

Marty Jannetty recently revealed that his leg issues have gotten worse and added that one of his sisters has passed...

Jannetty speaks...

Rob Van Dam considers Marty Jannetty a friend, and he recently discussed his reaction to Jannetty's Dark Side of the...

On the latest episode of the Hall of Fame podcast, Booker T talked about the Dark Side of the Ring...

While it was a wild episode to close out season four, the Marty Jannetty-focused season finale of Dark Side of...

Robert Leighty checks in with his review of the Dark Side of the Ring season finale, "The World According to...

Shawn Michaels recently shared his thoughts on the potential of Marty Jannetty to have a coaching gig in NXT...